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  • Ladies with expiriaance please help me to know if he is into me or want to hang around...?

    There this friend of mine that I have know since my daughter stared speech therapy two years ago he used to pick us up and wait for us.

    Now he works for another transportation company and every holiday I sent him I message to know how's he doing...

    For my birthday I sent him a message cause by that past weekend it was friendship day or something so he ask me how I was doing and my kids I said we were all fine.

    I ask him how his wife and son are doing he replied that his wife ain't speaking to him and his son it's doing good.

    I Told I'm sorry to hear that then we stared chatting by text in a moment I told him if u see me u won't recognize me cause I change my hair look and he replied to send him a picture.

    I had shorts and a tank top on didn't notice my tank top were showing my boob on top when I sent him that he said I look good to be eaten don't know what he means by that but sounded romantic I said thank I like that.

    He replied u liked that I said yes I like romantic man that's when he send me a picture of himself and told me to tell him what I like and since last is even him he seemed that he work out I said I like ur chest u look hot then he said what about a kiss I told in the lip a pop lip kiss as friend and I have notice that he always had a crush on me.

    The next he text it me saying if I was at the speech therapy place cause he was near and he want to see me I said no

    Later that day we chat by phone.

    And he told me to send him another picture of me so in the past two weeks he has done.

    2 video call one of them ask me if my husband was here I said yes and he Hangup he seems respectful cause I told if he wants to see me has to be somewhere else cause everybody knows me at the speech therapy place and my husband takes my son when I don't feel good.

    So I don't know if he is into me or want to just hang around

    He has done

    Two text with his picture

    Two video call

    Two phone call

    And he said he crazy to see me and eat me up whatever that is but he also sounds respectful and he is Cuban

    1 AnswerFriends5 years ago
  • Does this guy has a crush on me or what?

    I have been using my daughter Medicaid provider for transportation since I don't drive also cause she has speech therapy..

    And most of the time they send this guy to pick us up the most he doing thing I have notice that is like hey I like u but he doesn't want to say it..

    He is married I am too he says I smell good cause I always wear perfume or cologne even one day he said omg u smell so good I just want to eat U up.

    I go like ok thanks

    He also leaves my daughter car seat in his van which he ain't suppose too .

    Another thing he can't do its get down with and he stays with us for ten min instead off keep on with his route after ten min he leave than in a hour and a half later when my daughter it's finishing therapy he comes back and spends the 20 min left with me downstairs..

    One day I was waiting then he show up and said what r u doing here I said oh nothing it's cold up there at the therapy room he says lets go to the van and me nervous I go I open the back passanger side and he says no sit in the front..

    I go like omg nervous reck he also carry my daughter and all he has done a lot of things to show me that he has a crush on me also when he call me to let me know he on the way to pick us up he ends the call with bye mani...

    So I just want to make sure does he has a crush on me??

    And no I'm not into him or falling for him even if he a Cuban hottie

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Hi ladies I'm a little worried?

    I have to kids a two year old daughter and a 6 month old baby I breast fed for three months then stopped for private reasons but since last month I have been feeling like a ticklish small pain on my left breast it happens sometimes and one day in the bathroom I felt a little ball like on top of the aerola area but now I feel this ticklish on my right breast I don't want to be scared but are these sings of breast cancer no one in my family has them...

    3 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Breast feeding moms?

    I just had my boy two months ago via c section he started breastfeeding with no problem my breast where always full now I'm low I don't know how to large supply back cause my baby ain't satisfied..

    Please any tip will help thanks?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby6 years ago
  • how many ounces is 25 ounces in baby formula?

    I have a almost 2 month old and he drinks formula and breast he drinks 4oz of both

    So his bottles has up to 300 ml so how much oz it's 25 oz

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby6 years ago
  • My toddler has a severe rash?

    My two year old daughter has a diaper rash that it seesms that won't go away it's been going on for two weeks now her whole little thing including her butt area it's cover with this rash she doesn't seems in pain and now I notice that she doesn't want to drink water what do u think it is I already called the doctor they gonna see her tomorrow..

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler6 years ago
  • Family tax confusion?

    I have two kids 1 month old and a 2 year old and my in laws wants both kids to be included in the tax they will get up to 7000 dollars per kid and they do not give me nothing not even half they taking advantage of my kids in the other hand my mother it's savings up to buy a home for me and my brother..

    And she wants to put the baby to complete the money but I'm very confused should I tell my mother In law that I'm not letting put both of my kids only one.

    Please help me what should I do?

    3 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • Hi mommies with toddlers?

    I have a year and a half daughter and since she turned one she started doing this scared like twitches for no reason a door slam a loud car passing by anything she twitches for even for nothing also she been doing this while sleep her doctor says that's normal but I don't think so I change her to another doctor and I hope he or she figures out what she has my daughter even twitches one after another like 3 to 4 twitches at the time sometimes more I'm six month pregnant scared to one night get up and run to the er my husband has epilepsy so I have a feeling that my daughter does too.. One month ago when she woke up from her nap I had to call 911 cause she started having a seizure caused by a fever but next time I don't think it will be caused by a seizure..

    If you know what this is let me know I'm very worried can't wait until her new doctor sees her I am desperate and scared at the same time..

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler7 years ago
  • Hi mommies with toddler who went thru this?

    why does my toddler makes like scared twitches every five minutes jerking even when sleeping two weeks ago I ended up in the emergency room with my 18 month old daughter cause she had a febrile seizure her doctor says that's normal a lot of kids does it I do not find it normal my daughter does this every five minutes or less two or three times in that period of time.

    My husband has epilepsy seizures also I'm changing my daughter to another doctor cause this one I don't find it good I don't find it that they listen to you so what do u think I can't make an appointment with the new doctor cause they gonna be on vacation starting July 4 throu July 17 so I'm trying to find out by myself until she sees the doctor..

    I can't sleep well at night being scared that I have to run to the er again I'm also pregnant with my second child so this is stress full..

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler7 years ago
  • Hi ladies I'm 20 weeks pregnant and I'm sick?

    I have a bad headache stuffy nose running nose throat itches when I swallow

    No fever my pressure 127/63.

    Feel nauseous also I can't eat when I try to eat I get nauseous what can I do to feel better.

    2 AnswersPregnancy7 years ago
  • My cat suddenly acting strange?

    I have notice when he goes to the litter he takes a long long long time trying to pee I guess he drinks a lot of water so he is not dehydrated and also minutes ago I found the plastic bag I had on top of my dresser full of pee I am worried he is two years old..

    1 AnswerCats7 years ago
  • toddler drools while trying to eat a bite?

    This happen every time she tries to take a bite of something it's not a little drool like teething it's a little more than that should I be worried she has doctor appointment Tuesday she is 18 month and she does not want to eat anything I try everything..

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler7 years ago
  • My toddler is 18 month old she only say single words like?

    Cat mama papa no and others but not in sentences she should be saying sentences by now she gets mad if we don't understand what she wants she now she screams for no reason also and she also get spooked for nothing like she she scared happens all the time I don't why she gets spooked out of the sudden we are playing she gets spooked I'm ticking her she gets spooked well now you know what I'm trying to say what's wrong with does she needs medical help?

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler7 years ago
  • Mother with toddler I need your help?

    I have 18 month old daughter 1 time mom pregnant with my second child.

    My husband granny says that my daughter should be in bed by 8 pm yes I try it before she just won't sleep through the night like that also granny says it affects their appetite I'm having a lot of trouble right now my daughter refuses to eat anything even self feed spoon feed you name it I have try it it's been two months and she doesn't want to eat anything..what is your opinion and what is the toddler bedtime routine you have..


    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler7 years ago
  • what does it mean when your toddler refuses to eat and its been two monts?

    How will I know if my toddler has eating disorder and she also losing weight and very worried?

    She 18 month old

    I will take her to the doctor

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler7 years ago
  • I am sick worried for my toddler she refuses to eat her food I blend her food like soup?

    I'm able to feed her at least 6 to 7 spoons then suddenly I see she drooling on side of her mouth and didn't open her mouth until she finished is she getting her molars or what she doesn't give me trouble to eat even if she teething..

    I'm sick worried what do you suggest me to do if I take her to the doctor they will say oh its fine she pass but its been a month and still refuses to eat and they also will say if she doesn't want to eat leave her its fine i cant feed her milk all her life..

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler7 years ago
  • Ladies with children and cats?

    I have a 18 month old daughter and I'm 4 months pregnant I have 2 cats a female she is fixed 8 years old and a male 2 years old not fixed yet.

    My husband scoop the poop each morning and fresh clean littler each week

    I love my cats I will not give them up for any reason.

    MY worried when I bring home my new baby no one in my family has not allergies of any kind including my daughter thank goodness how can I calm myself down with this worried of bringing the new baby home soon..

    Where you worried how many kids and cats you have and how they get along any allergies or worries??

    5 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • why my toddler get up to much in the middle of the night and cries a lot?

    I don't know what to do when she teething she doesn't act like this and she cries for almost the whole day she does not wants to eat food when I try feeding she screams and trows a fit I don't know what to do. She wakes up. Up to 6 times in the night crying and all.

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler7 years ago
  • I'm 16 week pregnant with my 2?

    I'm peeing bright yellow weird cause I am drinking a lot of water the baby heart beat is 148 beats per minute and his heart sounds strong any chance that I'll be having a boy?

    1 AnswerPregnancy7 years ago