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  • how to I change my yahoo answers picture?

    I can't figure it out. I tried going to to my profile and clicked on the picture to change it and it did change on there, but the picture is always the same when I give an answer to a question.

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • What is that bump on Peyton Manning's stomach?

    I'm watching the football game now, and under his jersey theres a bump on his stomach area? It's not fat is it? Because everyother player even the fat ones don't have and bulges that stick out

    4 AnswersFootball (American)9 years ago
  • Binary - what value is represented by the bit pattern [ 0010 1001 ] using eight bit floating point format?

    What value is represented by the bit pattern [ 0010 1001 ] when interpreted using the eight bit floating-point format in which the most significant bit is the sign bit, the next three bits represent the exponent field in excess 4 notation, and the last four bits represent the mantissa?

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • Should I flirt with girls I don't like/ find attractive but wouldn't date?

    I'm an attractive guy but I've got high standards for myself. Instead of getting nervous around girls I like, I usually get nervous around the ones that I dont like or ones that might be cute but I wouldn't date them.

    I know when girls don't like a guy, they usually try to be the opposite of friendly and try to avoid possibly giving hints of interest. Should a guy like me do the same, or just flirt with everyone? I've got an issue where I worry that girls I don't like will think that I actually like them...

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How to stop caring what people think of me?

    I love myself and do not wish to be anyone else.It's not that kind of insecurity, its the kind that you are worried that people won't like you as much as you like yourself... I know that I am a great person with much to offer but at the same time, I still care about what people think of me. Plus, I already know all the reasons why I shouldn't care what people think about me, and letting that ruin life! See, It's just that ive been this way for so long, its like an instinct that I cant get to go away! Any advice please

    5 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • how to stop caring what people think of you?

    I love myself and do not wish to be anyone else.It's not that kind of insecurity, its the kind that you are worried that people won't like you as much as you like yourself... I know that I am a great person with much to offer but at the same time, I still care about what people think of me. Plus, I already know all the reasons why I shouldn't care what people think about me, and letting that ruin life! See, It's just that ive been this way for so long, its like an instinct that I cant get to go away! Any advice please

    2 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • how to get any girl to like you if you're hot?

    I've got the looks, now tell me the personality that would attract about any girl to an attractive guy..

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Why do I get nervous around girls I don't even like?

    I'm an attractive guy, but I seem to get more nervous around girls I DONT like then girls I do like..It's strange but yeah..

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Why do people seem insecure around me?

    I'm not the most confident guy around, but I surely don't act too insecure in public. I try to act like an alpha male does and I'm actually really good looking.. that is the truth (not arrogance). But when I talk to other people, mostly guys, but sometimes girls/women ( I can see why they may be insecure) the guys always seem uncomfortable talking face to face with me. The eye contact is awkward a lot of times and I do my best not to give a "mean" or negative look. I'm only 19 and not that big/muscular or anything but even guys who are a lot older and larger/stronger than I am will seem insecure when speaking/looking face to face at me. I honestly just wan't to get along with everyone I meet and let them know that Im not against them in anyway but it's just hard to communicate that without putting it into words. Even men that are older than me seem confident when they are speaking to someone else, but then when they talk to me they don't seem too confident at all...I don't know why this is but can someone give some advice. I don't know it might be a competitive thing..

    2 AnswersSociology9 years ago
  • Why do girls who wear makeup actually think they deserve hotter men?

    Before I begin, I wan't to make it clear that I do not have a problem with women wearing makeup what so ever, but What I do mean is this:

    In short: A girl thinks she is more attractive than she really is and will not date guys that appear to be less attractive. Less attractive as in, they look just as good as her when she is not wearing makeup. That is not fair at all for those types of guys..

    Longer explanation:

    a girl who wears makeup usually looks very different (less attractive) when she has no makeup on at AT ALL. Duh, that is why makeup was invented in the first place.. And yes, that includes eye liner and concealer.

    Now tell me this, a girl can go from looking like a 5 to looking like a 9 or 10 by just wearing makeup and wearing revealing clothes ALONE. SHE IS STILL THE SAME PERSON! But now she thinks she deserves to get more attractive men. How does this make sense?

    A guy who is for instance, a 5 or 6 (like she really is) has almost no chance of getting her now, because she puts on a "mask" to decieve guys of her imperfections. And That makes her look better then she actually does. Explain to me how this is right or fair?

    Most girls don't date guys who wear makeup to make themselves look better (and even if a guy wears makeup, he cant have the full affects that makeup does to a women, Id say the eyes are the most important- eyeliner)..

    As I was saying, when a girl does not wear any makeup, she looks basically just as attractive as the guys she finds unattractive or not attractive enough for her (in their own respective genders).. She he has a deluded perception of herself after wearing makeup and If she were to get ready for the day, just like a man does, she would not be able to get the men she NOW is able to get. Do you see what I mean?

    I have no problem getting hot women, but I know a lot of guys who would like to date "beautiful" women, but they can't because the girls they wan't are too busy looking FAKE. I have sympathy for them. (the guys).. My girlfriend is beautiful with/without makeup.. but sorry to say, most girls don't have that type of luck. And it's okay for them to wear makeup to make them look and feel better about themselves, BUT THEY SHOULD NOT THINK THEY ARE A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PERSON BECAUSE OF MAKEUP. Because it is still fake.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • No one needs to believe in god.?

    There isn't one thing believing in god will do for you that can't be accomplished by non-religious means. Name one thing god does for you, that someone with out god doesn't have? I can have hope without god, just by knowing that life continues on and if I'm in a bad situation NOW, I know that with time things will change.

    You can die just as easily as an atheist can. You can have a sucky life, always be starving, and have no home or shelter.. Most of the people who suffer with these problems are god believers! This is proof that god only provides "false" hope or atleast does not control anything that happends in life.

    If you don't believe in a god, that doesn't mean anything. Life happends because life is life and thats how it works. Everyone has their own body to make things happen for themselves. You make choices, not some imaginary god. You have consiousness. I know what is right and what is wrong and I don't need some god to show me morality.

    Life is not meaningless when you don't believe in a god. You give meaning to life YOURSELF. Religion and god are only limiting to the people who believe in it. Think about all the theists in africa, the country with the most problems and the highest numbers of theists. wheres god? Think about the hundreds of thousands of people dieing everyday throughout the world..wheres god for them?! No where, so stop being so brainwashed theists!

    Just because your life may not be that bad, doesnt mean a damn thing that some god was involved in the process. When you don't have to worry about going to heaven or hell and obeying this "fake gods" rules, life is so much better. Life is so much better when you live it for what it really is. And not some fairytale because that is what the bible is..

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Check out Killswitch Engage! Best Band, Most Talent LIVE?

    They are one of the best metalcore band's out there! I know some of you don't like screaming that much but it is a mixture of both and the screaming is done is a way in which you can understand what they are saying. It's cool as crap..I feel motivated, manly and active thanks to their self improving lyrics. Check em out!

    6 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • Check out Killswitch Engage! Best Band, Most Talent LIVE?

    They are one of the best metalcore band's out there! I know some of you don't like screaming that much but it is a mixture of both and the screaming is done is a way in which you can understand what they are saying. It's cool as crap..I feel motivated, manly and active thanks to their self improving lyrics. Check em out! Their singer is black

    2 AnswersR&B & Soul9 years ago
  • How picky are women when it comes to men?

    A Good looking male- I wouldn't say hes at the top when it comes to hotness but hes still pretty attractive and has a pretty good personality . If this type of guy were to approach you or ask you out to get to know you better and possibly have a relationship, what are the odds that you would say no/yes? Also, do girls find almost all guys who are average/fit and not ugly... attractive as in potential mates like guys do? Or do only Certain types of guys make girls think that way cuz they are picky??....When guys see girls who are at least good looking we think of them as a potential mate/relationship/sex most of the time.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Why are Obama supporters so Ignorant/gulible?

    I am so serious about this. Anyone who STILL will vote for obama is a mindless sheep! There is NO explination or convincing you can do, to make me see obama as even a half-way decent president. Anything good you have to say, can be burried with a hundred bad things to say about him. Only the stupid, poor-healthcare, and ignorant still vote for him. People that know nothing about politics and about Nothing NEGATIVE obama has done---DO NOT VOTE 2012. Unless its for SOMEONE ELSE! I didn't just say republican, because I don't care who. Just Not obama.


    Also read:

    look at america's debt its at 10 trillion dollars right now, with half of that being obama's doing, thats 50% of the debt collected since the start of america. and obama did it in not even 4 years, (by november the debt will be at 15 trillion dollars) that my friend is a global world record ans well as a civilization record (meaning no country has ever gotten themselves into that much debt NEVER!)

    not only that obama is a filthy liar! he said "if the troops aren't out of the middle east by the time i get in power that will be the first thing i do" but we all know he sent trifold the troops, and we are still there 4 years later, with still no end in sight. i remember when obama stepped out of the white house and said "man i love america and how people have the freedom to protest" guess what! people who where PEACEfully protesting where getting the crap beat out of them! not to mention things in the economy that where starting to improve BEFORE obama's run, but he stole the credit for that.

    obama has given tax credit and a whack of our tax money to companies that were going down under we lost our money there! let us not forget he promised he would NOT raise taxes, and then turns around and raises taxes, to those who provide excellent health care, they get taxed more, those who refuse to join the governments health care, they get taxed more. what a crook obama is! people DON"T NEED GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED HEALTH CARE, people should be able to shop around for a health care provider

    if obama wins again it WILL be the end of america, (as we know it) think about it america is going into debt by one million every ten seconds, thats 6 million per minute, and that rate is going faster! obama is making america bankrupt, and for absolutely no reason at all! if people just woke up, it could end, but people still think obama is great! when he is NOT

    under obama more people have lost there jobs, but obama always tries to point at the few he has created, but the few don't make up for the many that are lost.

    stop looking at what obama says he wants to do! it never happens! he also said how much he hates the idea of people getting arrested based on nothing, yet is trying to pass a law that will enable that very thing!

    btw the schooling system in america sucks! it is a failure! more government spending on education won't make it better it will only make it worse! the education feeds your kids government propaganda!

    5 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Why am I active and motivated at night?

    Basically what the question says.. At night I want to do things, go places, do homework, etc. In the day time though when it is sunny I'm hardly motivated at all. I want to stay home, not go anywhere, not do any homework, etc. Why is this? Yes I stay up til around 2-4 am about every day before i finally go to sleep.Most of the time I get at least 8 hours of sleep even with going to bed so late. If it has something to do with my internal clock, can you please tell me how to correct this so Im not so tired in the mornings and daytime when I have college.

    3 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • pea sized lump under my tongue in the back corner of my mouth?

    I was feeling around in my mouth because I had a metallic taste that wouldnt go away, i thought it was because I was bleeding somewhere. After using my finger to feel around I came across a bump about the size of a pea, I wouldnt say directly under my tongue but it is on the right side of my mouth in the very back corner. Basically If i put my finger on my very last tooth (on the right side) and then move my finger to the left and go straight down from there thats where the bump is. I would say the back corner of my mouth. Can anyone explain what this is?

    2 AnswersDental9 years ago
  • Girls, after you reject a guy?

    This is only to girls. I want to know after you reject a guy that asks you out, how do you feel about him after? If this is the like a guy you see on a regular basis... I want to know if you think hes a looser after or if you really dont think about him much after, If you really dont care, or how else do you feel about the guy? Does it make him look like a fool? Ive asked girls out before but only when i could tell they liked me also..I usually dont ask girls that I dont know if they like me or not because I feel like if they were to reject me, Id come off as looking stupid to them. Not that it really matters but Im just curious.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Is smoking herbal incense bad for you?

    (Only people that have smoked incense before please!) About a year ago i regularly smoked herbal incense (not k2) for a few months until i had a bad trip one day and felt like I was going to die. Now keep in mind i smoked a lot more than i usually did on that day and I learned that smoking too much can cause effects like that. There are no reports anywhere that flat out say: smoking herbal incense will cause such and such side effects or cause permanent such and such damage to you. With this being said, will smoking this stuff in small amounts cause any real harm to you?(Dont say smoking anything is harmful or etc.. save your breath or key strokes). Anyway after smoking a lot of that stuff i don't feel any different at all today so my own personal experience would tell me no... What do you all have to say about this stuff?

    1 AnswerAlternative Medicine9 years ago
  • Great metalcore drum set?

    I know nothing about drum sets and which ones are great and which ones are'nt. I'm begginng also but i dont want to get a begginer drum set because im very talented when it comes to music and beats and i know it wont take me long to get the hang of it. The bands i would like to play would typically include: killswitch engage, A day to remember (their core songs), As i lay dying, We came as romans... a lot more. I want a set that sounds great but is under 1000 dollars. No dDrums i heard they arent the best.

    3 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago