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  • How to fix oxidized highlights?

    I have naturally very dark brown hair. I did some caramel highlights a little over a year ago. They’re halfway grown out now and super oxidized. Any suggestions on what to do now? Should I dye my hair back to dark brown and then rehighlight? Or can my highlights be toned and blended baylage style into the darker hair? Thank you!

    1 AnswerHair2 years ago
  • How to lose arm fat?

    Is it possible to target fat loss? I use light weights and do a lot of body weight exercises (planks, push-ups, etc). My arms have gotten a little slimmer once I started eating healthier but not enough to see a huge difference. Any tips or exercises would be great thanks!

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness4 years ago
  • Should I lose more weight?

    I'm 5'2, 24 year old female. Last year I started being more conscious of my health, starting eating better and exercising more, and last 12 lbs. I was 125 and now I'm 113 lbs. I expected to be thinner at this number. Should I continue trying To lose weight or just maintain?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness5 years ago
  • How to deal with a shopping addiction?

    I shop a lot, there's nothing like buying a new pair of shoes or dress. It just gives me little bubbles of joy. Unfortunately those bubbles don't last very long and im off filling another shopping cart online. I constantly think about what else I want to purchase next. It's never enough I feel like I'm never satisfied. I know that obtaining material things doesn't give me real happiness, I know is superficial but I just can't help myself.

    I'm trying to figure out the root of my issue-I'm obviously shopping to fill a void. I just don't know what that void is. I have a wonderful loving husband who has a good job, cute well behaved kids, I have interests outside shopping (exercise, needlepointong, baking) that keep me busy. I have a big warm family with little to no drama. I was brought up in a stable home with excellent parents.

    The only thing I can think of is my lack of confidence in high school. As a teen I was very self conscious and always felt like I needed boys approval to feel like I was worth something. I went to therapy for that and got over that lack of confidence. So I'm not sure what's causing me to have this issue. If anyone can give me advice please help me. My husbands a great guy but even he started to complain about the credit card bills lately.

    1 AnswerPsychology5 years ago
  • How to get rid of body dismorphia?

    I've been very insecure about my figure since I'm 12 years old (I'm 24 now). This year-2 years after my son was born-I finally lost the last 10 pregnancy pounds. My clothes got big on me, skirts practically falling down, however I just can't see it in the mirror. It's so frustrating because I know I lost weight I know my clothes are big but to me I still see the same fat cow in the mirror. Even though logically I know I'm not fat. I'm 5'2 and 115 lbs. I really need help loving myself and seeing myself in a positive light.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness5 years ago
  • Toddler keeps throwing up at night?

    For 8 days now every night my 26 month old either throws up or makes giant diahrreas or both. He has a cold and cough so my doctor said that occasionally little kids/babies throw up along with that. I've never heard that before and am starting to get worried and sick of cleaning up vomit. I've been keeping him on a very bland diet (Cheerios, toast, no dairy) and have been putting florastor in his bottles to try and bind and settle his stomach but nothing's working. Help me please!!

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler5 years ago
  • Fear of getting fat while pregnant?

    I have a 4 year old and 2 year old and have been starting to think about trying for another baby soon. However I'm terrified of weight gain, despite having only gained 20-25 lbs with both my pregnancies. I have recently started a new fitness routine and have been working really hard and I'm finally happy with my body. I've had really low body image/confidence since im 12 so the thought of gaining weight gives me anxiety.

    I worry that I'll be too nauesous to continue working out since I generally get nausea when I'm pregnant really bad. I worry that I'll blow up if I need to stop. I worry about how I'll get to a gym after I give birth (my gym only has babysitting once the baby is walking, no infants). I worry about not being able to workout for 6 whole weeks postpartum. I really want more kids but it's like I've become obsessed with exercise and looking fit. I feel miserably guilty for being such a shallow and selfish mother. Any advice?

    2 AnswersParenting5 years ago
  • Indulgence on your period?

    The past few months I've started eating much healthier. I'm more aware of what I'm eating and how much, eating mainly healthy but not totally restricting myself. So far I've lost a few pounds. However once in a while I need a break from all the calorie counting and salads-especially that time of month. Do u think it's ok if on my first day of my period I kind of have a "cheat day?" Not totally pigging out just indulging more than I normally would. I feel so guilty but a girl needs her chocolate once in a while....

    1 AnswerWomen's Health5 years ago
  • Good post workout snack?

    Is a skim iced latte good to eat after a workout? It has 19 carbs and 11 grams of protein. I read that after working out you should have a snack high in protein and would that work?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness5 years ago
  • Gym etiquette?

    Is it rude to quietly slip out of a gym class if you don't like it? We got a new instructor today and I purposely stood in the back so I can leave if I didn't find the class challenging enough. Sure enough the class was terrible and I left after 10 minutes-however I felt really bad doing so. Was that rude of me?

    10 AnswersEtiquette5 years ago
  • How much is too much exercise?

    I workout on average 5 days a week, sometimes 6 if I have time. I read and article about how too much can be bad for you so I'm wondering if I'm going overboard. I love exercising its my sanity and "me" time. My toddler stopped napping so going to the gym is my savior (they have a babysitting room which he loves). That's another huge factor why I like to go daily. Here's my schedule, please let me know if you think it's too much.


    -45 min body boxing/Tabata class

    -30 min Jillian Michaels shred class (sometimes)


    -30 min shred class

    Tuesday & Thursday

    -30 min interval jogging

    -30 min abs/arms toning


    -kickboxing/weight interval class 45 min

    -45 min Pilates class


    -45 min step class

    -45 min abs/butt toning class


    *i occasionally skip a day if I pull a muscle or if I'm feeling under the weather etc

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness5 years ago
  • Should I get a Fitbit?

    I'm looking into buying the charge HR. Does anyone have one that can share pros and cons? As a bit of lifestyle background-I'm in the gym 5-6 days a week ranging from 1-2 hours. I log in my workouts and calorie intake on the myfitnesspal to keep track of my calories. However with the exercise is often an estimate which can throw me off. Would the charge HR be able to tell me about how many calories I burn while working out? That's mainly what I need from a fitness tracker. Thank you!

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness5 years ago
  • How much weight should I be lifting?

    I'm a woman in my 20s just looking to achieve the slim toned look. I go to the gym 5x a week and have been working on reforming my diet to lose a few pounds. I've also started lifting free weights and focusing on arm exercises. Currently I use 8 lb Dumbbells and have been incorporating 10 lb dumb bells as well since the 8 lb are starting to get easier. My husband thinks I should stick with 8 lbs and just do more reps-he thinks I'll get too "bulky" if I lift higher.

    So should I stick with lighter weights and increase sets? Or should I push myself to lift more? I don't want to look super muscular. Any other arm exercises/tips appreciated!

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness5 years ago
  • Why do Catholics need to confess their sins to a priest to obtain forgiveness from God?

    Why do they need an intermediary? Why can't a person confess his sins to God by himself? In Judaism there are four steps to repentance and none of them need another person present-it's between the sinner and God. (Steps: recognizing your misdeeds, confessing them, regretting, and resolving not to repeat that sin.)

    38 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • I think there's an anorexic girl at me gym?

    For the past year I've been seeing the same young woman at my gym. She's there before I get there a bad stays after I leave. She doesn't stop moving the entire time at the gym-she'll be there for three classes and even during cool down and the time btwn classes she's exercising. It's like she's obsessed. Her appearence is rather frightening too. She looks ill, like a holocaust survivor. Her face is gaunt and her body scary thin. I am very worried about her well being even though I don't know her. Is there anything I can do to help? Or leave it to her family?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness5 years ago
  • Public nursing question?

    I am a nursing mommy, however I chose to nurse at home privately. If it's feeding time I go home or find a private spot or cover up if that's not possible. There are a lot of women who feel comfortable nursing in public, which I think is fine. However it does make me uncomfortable when they're flashing their boobs to the world-especially when I'm in the park with my kids. I just don't think it's appropriate to display yourself like that even if you're feeding your baby. Yes it's natural-but so is going to the bathroom and you don't see me pulling down my pants in middle of the park to pee.

    So my question is, is there a nice, respectful way to

    Ask someone to use a blanket or cover while nursing? I don't want to be rude or nasty, just asking them to be considerate. Please don't hate or get defensive or angry. This is nothing personal against anyone. I'm not anti nursing or anti women. I just want advice.

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby5 years ago
  • 20 month old won't sleep?

    He recently learned how to climb out of his crib (thank you big sister). Now he rarely naps since he's been jumping out to play. By 4 o'clock he's a cranky little monster. No naps is hard but I can deal with that. Starting this week he decided to start waking up at night to jump out as well! He stays up for at least an hour or two. I'm completely losing my mind from both my lack of sleep and his. He went from napping 2+ hours a day and sleeping 13 hours a night to no nap and inconsistent sleep. He's become impossibly cranky. I need help desperately what do I do?

    I found a crib tent from Australia (they don't make them anymore in the Us) that has very good reviews and is very safe. However it is $220 plus $40 shipping. Is it worth the splurge? Normally I wouldn't spend so much on anything but im desperate.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby5 years ago
  • how to stay super fit while pregnant?

    I'm scared to get flabby and huge while pregnant...I want to have another kid but I'm scared to start trying because of the weight gain. I've suffered since I'm 12 with negative body image after I was made fun of for being a little chubby. Every pound gained fills me with anxiety and fear.

    Can I stay toned and fit while pregnant? Any exercise and diet tips?

    1 AnswerPregnancy5 years ago