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I answer based on what I know from experience. Videogame, horror, reading and animal enthusiast. Pokémon veteran (since the first generation), Zelda enthusiast (since OoT), Silent Hill & Resident Evil fan. Partial techie and casual forum-goer.

  • Aggression for no apparent reason?

    ...and he does it only towards me.

    We have two dogs - the one behaving aggressively towards me is 13-14 years old. We've had him roughly 12-13 years now. The other dog is a young Siberian Husky I got back in May, who the older dog has taken a shine to since he arrived home - they're inseparable, almost like brothers aside from the size difference.

    This started up about three-four weeks ago when he went for my Dad just for shunning him into the kitchen while an electrician was working. My Dad did nothing to provoke him, the dog just lunged at him, growling and snarling. He managed to get him into the kitchen, spoke softly to the dog and he seemed okay afterwards.

    The next incident occurred a week before Christmas to me- I've done nothing to provoke him for as long as he's been living with us. He was sitting at my doorway while my parents were out. I needed to go out the room and when I came back, he was sitting there, glaring at me, teeth bared, growling and snarling. I kept quiet and went into my parents' room for a few minutes - heard him bark (aggressively) and chase our other dog (young Siberian Husky, gorgeous friendly temperament) into my room. When I came out, he seemed passive again and happy enough to retreat under my desk.

    Following the incident with my dad, we took the dog to the vet for a check-up and blood tests as at this point, we were very concerned. Fortunately, the results were good - he has a clean bill of health. As his owners, we have noticed he isn't eating properly, only eating every 3-5 days.

    The most recent incident occurred yesterday. Ever since the incident a week or so before, my parents have agreed to lock him in the "den" cage we have for the husky, which has been moved to another room while the Christmas decorations are on display. Here's what's shaken me up so much as of yesterday-

    The older dog shows no sign of aggression towards my parents. When my dad came home yesterday after dropping my mum off at her mother's, he witnessed the dog snarling and glaring at me, barking if I came close to the cage. When my dad opened the cage and promptly told him off, he seemed fine afterwards, growling at me only if I passed him.

    He's doing exactly the same thing again today. The room the cage is in has a refrigerator in it, I was only in there for a minute to get a drink. I generally ignore the dogs while my parents are out if ever I need to get something from the fridge or that room in general (such as a coat or any incoming mail).

    I've tried scolding him while he was doing it, walking out the room and waiting for him to fall silent and talking softly to him. I just don't know what's gotten into him lately.

    My dad suggested he could be jealous, but he's showing no signs of aggression towards my dog or the cat. Just me. Given his age and lack of food intake, I'm wondering if it's taking its toll on his mind at all, or even if he has dementia/alzheimers (if that's at all possible in dogs) and has "forgotten" who I am? Or is it just age-related?

    A bit of background information, if it helps: we adopted this dog from a cat and dog shelter. They estimated that he was about a year old and he was very friendly and happy to see people. We believe he is a Jack Russell x Border Collie. He's been with us since my sister and I were children and he knows us just as well as he does my parents. We've never abused him. He is strongly attached to my mother and will whine whenever she's not home, even if me or my dad are in the house- before my parents started locking him in the cage when they were out, he was allowed to roam the house. Problem is, he howls and barks if nobody else is home, even if I am.

    He has never seriously injured any of the other pets in the household and has a strong bond with my husky. This has shaken me up and we've discussed the possibility of getting him put to sleep as a last resort if things continue.

    Is there anything we can do at all to put an end to his strange aggression? We don't want to put him down unless he becomes too dangerous to live with. Any help is greatly appreciated. I'm at a loss at what to do; it's scary living with a dog that can suddenly snap for no reason at all.

    5 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Concerned about my hamster's health and behaviour?

    We've had our little Syrian hamster, "Thorn", for just under three years. He'll be three years of age this December if he pulls through and lives long enough.

    I'm aware hamsters will hibernate under certain conditions - ie, cold temperatures. But being our oldest hamster, he fairly commonly hibernates with an odd sequence. Every couple of nights he'll hibernate and his body temperature will be cold and we revive him by holding him or putting him in a carrying box designed for rodents with bedding material inside so he can warm up. Once he is revived, we'll give him food and water, then he'll return to his nesting material and sleep, occasionally rousing for water/food or a bathroom run. The next night, he'll either repeat this hibernation behaviour, or he'll be fine and asleep in his bedding and run his normal routines (drinking, eating, peeing and pooping) as usual, returning to his nest by the end of it.

    I am deeply concerned, as he is the first of our hamsters to show this behaviour. We have owned approximately six or seven hamsters now, but this is new behaviour that we've never encountered in the past. Right now, I've got him in the warming cupboard in the carrying case and checking up on him every few minutes.

    His physical health appears to be deteriorating, and he's very thin. His cage is kept clean, so I don't htink it's an issue of hygene/environment issues, though I don't think he's eating. I know he's drinking well having seen/heard him at the water dispenser.

    I fear it is a sign that he may have very little time left to live, but I appreciate any help/advice that can be given to help the poor fella recover, give us peace of mind and help him, or know what to expect in the near-future.

    Thank you. We deeply appreciate all help; Thorn has been in the family for over two years, and it'll be very sad to see him go, though we are confused as to why his behavious has changed dramatically in such a short period of time.

    3 AnswersRodents9 years ago
  • Exact cause of wet tail in hamsters? (experienced owners only please)?

    No offense meant, but what is the true / exact cause or exact causes of wet tail?

    I'm asking on behalf of a family member who lost their hamster to wet tail at only 10 months old.

    The hamster was a syrian hamster, the cage was kept clean, and the hamster suffered minor diarrea due to excessive drinking /.eating sweetcorn. Unfortunately, I can't give further information; I wasn't the hamster's owner and I only saw her occasionally.

    What I do know:

    -- She was a 'teddy-bear' (long-haired) Syrian Hamster

    -- She ate a healthy selection of foods, including veg and fruit (as far as I know)

    -- She was only 10months old at death

    -- She was DIAGNOSED by a vet to have had wet tail

    -- She wondered in a hunched position and slept for long periods of time.

    -- She was lively and healthy but very tame.

    If you can get back to me on this, I'd be grateful - as would my aunt and cousin (the hammy was my cousin's). Thank you.

    3 AnswersRodents10 years ago
  • When will the Nintendo 3DS be released in the UK?

    Estimated or known release date for the 3DS. Does anyone also know whether it will be able to play DS and GBA games?

    Thanks in advance. :)

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • My dog is limping (hind leg)?

    Okay, I'll try and fill in as much detail as I can, but please don't throw criticism. I'm worried about him and we can't do anything until Monday. :(

    My dog is a Jack Russell terrier cross Border Collie, and we think he got hit by a car - there's a small amount of fur missing above his eye (there's a red mark there, not bleeding) like a graze or scrape. He was running around when he got home earlier and energetic as he always is - but according to my dad, who noticed this I don't know what time, our dog is now limping and holding up one of his hind legs.

    There's not much damage other than the graze and his limping, but could it be that he was hit by a car?

    And to stop confusion, my dad was knocking down his shed in our back garden so he could take it to someone who wanted it. When my dad finished packing it into his car, he thought he closed the back gate to prevent our dog from getting out but apparently not; the time was approx. 11am. He came home after 2pm. We have no idea what happened to him in that time frame, but yeah I was very worried. And yes, my dad did go searching for him but he was unsuccessful a few times.

    We've had him for about 10 years, but I really hope that nothing bad happens to him because of this. :(

    If you need any more info, I'll try and provide it. I'm just really, really worried.

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What's wrong with my Hamster?

    Ok, here's all the detail that I think is necessary:

    My hamster Smudge has been in our family for at least three years, after our last one died on a New Year's Day. But my Dad and I are beginning to suspect he's got those "symptoms", and here they are:

    - Slow (not as active as he used to be)

    - Biting - no joke. My Dad said he'd tried to stroke the hammy when he tried to take a chunk outta his thumb. I dunno if he smelled food on his thumb or what.

    - Sleeping longer than usual - we've had Smudge since he was young, but I don't know how old he was exactly. Now we rarely see him, but here's the problem: I don't think he's rousing at the normal wake-up time that a hamster usually would, and I'm worried: he only ever gets up to drink or eat.

    - Loss of Appetite - Dad also told me he placed some fresh food in the bowl just yesterday, and it hasn't been touched. Apparently Smudge just sniffed it and went back to bed.

    Also today I just noticed he's not curled up as a hamster would be to sleep, and his breathing is unusually fast. I'm aware that he's two, maybe three years old now, but I don't wanna lose this one yet. I'm too attached :'(

    Does anyone know what exactly is wrong? My Dad cleaned his cage just last night and we usually let him run around in his ball though last night he wasn't running, he was walking...

    I don't know what to do! We think he's in pain, and that's just the worst part 'cos we don't have the heart to help him "rest in peace", if you know what I mean... :'(

    8 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • Homebrew Wii Question?

    If I update my homebrew (Beta 9 to 1.0.6) does it update my Nintendo Wii's firmware (currently still 3.1E) as well, or does it only update Homebrew without updating the Wii Console's firmware??

    Please help!


    3 AnswersNintendo Wii1 decade ago
  • Which Is Better: Conker Live & Reloaded (XBOX) or... Conker's Bad Fur Day (N64)?

    I already own Conker's Bad Fur Day for the Nintendo 64 and I still play it. Recently I have purchased Conker Live & Reloaded (eBay) and I am still awaiting it.


    Which is the best of the two? I really liked Bad Fur Day 'coz of the humour and its multiplayer, though I have read reviews that say there are Multiplayer Games which have since been removed :'(

    However I'm sure it's going to be a great game regardless!


    1 AnswerXbox1 decade ago
  • I absolutely hate children/kids!?

    I have never wanted to have children... But worst of all (I think), why is it whenever I see children that, in my mind, I think "I hate them!" and whenever I see little kids "Snot-nosed little brats..."?

    I know it's wrong thinking those things, but I'm confused as to why I think these things. I wonder if it's my school experience 0_0"

    Thanks everyone who answers!!

    17 AnswersParenting1 decade ago