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I'm a mechanical engineering student at the University of Akron. I know a little bit about a lot and I regularly play NTN Trivia when I'm out at Wing Night. I consistently score higher than people that play every night as compared to my once a week. I still like bragging to them about that. :)

  • Excel 2003 - Enter current_worksheet file location?

    Using Excel 2003, I wanted to have an old macro that automatically creates a line in a History Worksheet that saves time/user to also include file save location to help record file coordination.

    Is there a command that calls up the current directory of the workbook location?


    Sheet1.Range("B1").Value = Date 'saves current date


    Sheet1.Range("C1").Value = ______________ 'current workbook directory

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • When is it proper to use the word "flied" instead of "flew"? - Past tense and past participle of fly. - Past tense of fly.

    So I suppose the more correct question is: what is a past participle?

    The explanation at the website still leaves me feeling ambiguous as to whether it's "he flied high" or "he flew high"...

    Words & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Excel 2003 - VB - Accessing abilities between modules for public functions?

    I have one module with:

    "Public Function Code128B(inpara As String) As String"

    and then the function (i'm pretty sure it's copyrighted etc; it said Shareware on a few sites i was at and it's for barcodes)

    I have another module with:



    Dim foot As String

    foot = ActiveWorkbook.Name + " " + ActiveSheet.Name

    ActiveSheet.PageSetup.CenterFooter = "&""MRV Code128bMA,Regular""&14 " & Code128B(foot)



    And the error is returning is that it is an "Ambiguous Code Name"

    Is there something fishy going between modules with public functions? I'd think that a public function means it's always available to every module but I'm not sure.

    If this is not enough data to solve the problem say so and I'll just let the whole thing drop (it's not my code or job to fix it :P )

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Excel 2003 - VB - Data from sheet1 to sheet2 not pasting correctly?


    Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)

    Dim r As Integer 'Next empty row in column X

    r = Range("X65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1

    Sheet1.Range("B1").Value = Date

    Sheet1.Range("C1").Value = Time

    Sheet1.Range("D1").Value = UserNameWindows()

    If ThisWorkbook.Saved = False Then

    Sheet1.Range("B1").Value = Date

    'Record date to next empty cell in column X

    Sheet2.Cells(r, 24).Value = Date

    Sheet1.Range("C1").Value = Time

    'Record time to next empty cell in column Y

    Sheet2.Cells(r, 25).Value = Time

    Sheet1.Range("D1").Value = UserNameWindows()

    'Record User to next empty cell in column Z

    Sheet2.Cells(r, 26).Value = UserNameWindows()

    End If

    End Sub


    This bit of code correctly takes the date/time/username from sheet1 and inserts them into sheet2 in a list that increments each time. I wanted to write the data in columns A,B,C and was attempting to do so by changing those 24,25,26 to 1,2,3 columns instead. However, when I do this it no longer pastes in a list and just copies over the first row of data entered (and doesn't increment I suppose?).

    I think I'm missing a descriptor of some sort there, if only I could get a little help (the corrected code for it)

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Excel 2003 - Insert date and revision line on separate worksheet each time it is saved.?

    I have a document that currently updates a "last saved" box with date and time (onworksheetsave scripts).

    Is there a stamp/call function to place the current user/who's saving it?

    I would also like to save the information in a worksheet named "Save History" in the same workbook (on a new line for each time it is saved).

    My current vba macro looks like (in "ThisWorkbook"):

    Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)

    If ThisWorkbook.Saved = False Then

    Sheet1.Range("B1").Value = Date

    Sheet1.Range("C1").Value = Time

    End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)

    If ThisWorkbook.Saved = False Then

    Sheet1.Range("B1").Value = Date

    Sheet1.Range("C1").Value = Time

    End If

    End Sub

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • When trimming a candle wick, where do you measure the 1/4" from?

    When trimming a dry, cool candle (a similar size to the large Yankee Candle jar), where do you measure that 1/4" from? When the wax cools off it kind of grows up the wick (due to the way it cools faster towards the wick, it slopes up towards the wick). Should that 1/4" be from where that wax leaves off, or from the surface of the candle after a little wax pool would form (the level of the candle farther away from the wick).

    The question arises because if I cut it off at the shorter length I have to melt wax off the wick before it can light.

    4 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Is this a tongue twister of a brain twister!?

    I was counting measures on some guitar tab I have when I came about this:

    For trying to count music, i was trying

    "ONE and-two-and

    Two and-two-and

    Three and-two-and

    Four and-two-and "

    per bar, just trying to get the rhythm and found it very difficult to do. I commonly, even acknowledging the problem and trying to correct it, find myself saying

    "ONE and-two-and

    THREE and-two-and"

    or "ONE and-two-and

    TWO and-three-and"

    ... moving digits upwards in my mind one place at a time rather than referring to the original pattern of counts (1&2-2&2-3&2-4&2)

    Is this type of mistake because it is a tongue-twister or because of a pattern your brain picks up on?

    Example: A common tongue twister "she sells sea shells down by the sea shore" leads you to mess up the beginning of words because they change the "sh" for the "see" sound which can confuse your logical mind. A conditioned response from retainment of vocalization muscles to a specific speech arrangement.

    Is this considered the same as mistaking the next number in a sequence as to one which is consecutive, due to conditioned formatting of the number order, instead?

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Hiring a lawyer to talk opposing clients out of a specific action:?

    Say a group of people were witness to a crime and you overheard them talking about it after it happened. You tell the state and a coordination goes on to interview these people about what they were witness to. Say each of these people did not mean to have witnessed said crime and agreed not to tell.

    Odds are they are going to ask for a lawyer at some point and, assuming they get a public lawyer who they do not ask specifically for, he is supposed to give them advice on whether to tell or keep quiet.

    You already hired a lawyer and asked him to "consult" or negotiate with these people and convince them that releasing the information is the correct thing to do, and in turn solve the crime.

    Is this type of scenario against the law? If so, what parts?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Electromagnetic coils have a piece of metal wove past, do they generate current?

    If you pass a coil of wires through a magnetic field you get a current through the wire.

    But if you have an electromagnet, and wave regular metal past that, does it create any current or generate some off the inductance?

    1 AnswerPhysics1 decade ago
  • How to celebrate the coming of your Chinese Year?

    I was born in the Year of the Ox. The upcoming year will be the Year of the Ox. Is that auspicious/call for special celebration on my behalf? Does the celebrating of the new Chinese year change from year to year (based off animal/12yr cycle)? and how?

    1 AnswerOther - Holidays1 decade ago