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  • How do I learn common sense?

    I'm an "absent minded professor." That is, I am very intelligent but I have a total lack of common sense. It has always been the biggest hurdle in my life. Growing up, I was a good-natured kid and excelled in school. I can remember facts and figures that I heard once in some class years ago. I speak three languages. I graduated from college with a double major and a minor. I have taught myself scores of computer programs, and even how to build the computer by myself. I have a knack for art and animation. I've designed and coded websites and video games. I am a savvy video and sound editor and I've even learned to become a professional writer, something that I showed no particular interest in throughout school. Logically, I know that I'm a bright guy.

    But, man, there's no common sense. My parents, friends and teachers always scolded me for not thinking things through. I'm very clumsy. I forget everything. I lose everything. I get confused easily. I've nearly burned down the house more times than I can remember. I'm a horrible driver. Just the other day, I got confused while driving and knocked someone's side mirror off. It seems like I never make a good judgment in practical life. I frustrate everyone around me with my constant incompetence. Unfortunately, a lack of common sense is far, far more hated than a lack of "book smarts" in my experience.

    Today, I really pissed off my sister-in-law with my driving, and general lack of sense. While I displayed a numbed reaction to her frustration after a lifetime of the same kind of responses from everyone, it still bothers me a great deal when I make mistakes. I feel terrible that she had to go through that annoyance because of me, and every time I have lapses in judgment, I feel like I've let everyone down. I really try my best to do the smart thing, but it just never seems to work out. I've been trying to work on my focus and clarity of thought through meditation, and problem solving through computer games and puzzles, but I don't know if its enough. I'm a little afraid to have children, in fear that I will pass my faults on to them. I would want my kids to be better than I am, and I just don't know if I'm capable to raise them to be functional members of society. What I wouldn't give to cure my complete boneheadedness.

    Please, help me...

    5 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Christians...would you be able to admit that God may NOT be benevolent/perfect?

    Hear me out. If you have ever gotten into a debate with a nonbeliever over God's existence, the argument has probably boiled down to logically disproving God, i.e. If God is benevolent and allows the existence of evil, then He either didn't know that evil would develop (not omniscient) or He was powerless to stop it (not omnipotent.) If He knew evil would arise and had the power to stop it, the fact that evil exists means that either God must not be benevolent, must not be perfect, or cannot exist.

    If we get rid of the idea that God is perfect/benevolent then the above logic fails, however. Would Christians be willing to accept the possibility that God maybe does not have humanity's best interest at heart?

    That God created us to worship Him and that He actively punishes nonbelievers by sending them to Hell, a place that He created solely for the purpose of an eternity of inconceivable torture?

    That God is a petty, vengeful creature who, for example, murdered hundreds of Egyptian children in cold revenge for the persecution of His chosen people?

    That God, for example, caused unimaginable suffering to one of his most trusted followers, Job, just to prove a point to Satan?

    That God often does things that defy decency and morality, and are outright evil?

    That Christians might not always be the "good guys?"

    I, for one, would have a lot more respect for Christians, if they just admitted that they worship a irrational, possibly evil being that does not line up with morality, and often defies His own rules. I would be a lot less irritated by Christians if they were to just flat-out say "You know what, God hates gays. He hates other religions and atheists, too. So he's going to make sure you spend an eternity burning in Hell if you don't fall into line and start groveling immediately." Instead they try to pull the PR explanation about how God loves everyone and works in mysterious ways.

    I would honestly feel much better about a religion that told me straight up about its murderous, wrathful God, than one that blatantly lies to me about Him.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How do you know that your god is the real deal?

    If I asked "Who would win in a fight, God X or God Y?" Some people would undoubtedly say "Well, God X would obviously win because God Y doesn't exist." How can you be so sure that YOUR god isn't the imaginary friend?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Ladies, what is it about gay men?

    I saw a part of Tyra Banks's tv show the other day, and this large black man in heels and makeup was showing women how to pose. It didn't make much sense to me since Tyra was right there and looks a lot more like the predomiantly female audience, but whatever. Anyway, seeing this guy, "Ms. Jay" if I recall correctly, prance around on stage, made me wonder what was so appealing about flamboyantly gay men to a female audience. What if this "Ms. Jay" walked out on stage just an averarge Joe, with no lisp, wearing men's clothes, no ultra feminine mannerisms, and just happens to be gay? Why is it that to be appealing to the audience, Ms. Jay has to make his orientation blindingly obvious. I have gay friends who aren't really feminine at all. Why don't they work for popular media? Isn't this stereotyping? Wouldn't it be offensive to insinuate that gays are only legit if they are extra feminine? That's like saying an American Indian has to love nature simply by virtue of being Indian.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What is so attractive about confidence?

    This is a nice guy vs jerk question. The general explanation of the "Nice guy" syndrome is that usually, the "nice guys" are lacking in confidence while the "jerks" command oodles of it, and girls are attracted to it like moths to a flame. While that answers the "how" of the problem, it doesn't make any sense to me why confidence is attractive enough to override decency. Why is it that people would rather be with someone who is likely to hurt them but confident, rather than someone who is lacking in confidence but an overall good person? Why is confidence the end-all decision of who to hook up with?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is there a double standard about shallowness?

    Why is it ok for a girl to consider guys for a boyfriend soley based on appearance while guys are tagged as shallow for focusing on a girl's appearance? Or am I imagining it?

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago