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  • I'm going to fail this in class essay..?

    I start school in two days, I have to read this huge book and on the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL I have to write an in class essay on it. I have not been given the question(s) about which the essay will be written, or anything of the sort. Even if I do somehow finish this book in time, how on earth will I be able to do well with the essay? Essays have always been a very weak point for me, I'm a very slow reader and writer, I was taught to write essays incorrectly and very time consumingly. We have about 40 minutes to write what I'm guessing is a two page, five paragraph essay on this extremely hard book. It's an AP class and I've heard that the teacher is very hard and does not ket you ask questions. I'm a sophomore and I will be with mostly juniors and seniors, and I don't want to look like a little unprepared idiot who was lucky enough to sneak into an AP class. Which is exactly what I feel like. I'm so nervous, essays usually take me 2-4 hours. I do not cope well with stress, the last time I had an in class essay like this for finals, I cried during the essay and had to go to the teacher >.< I know. Please, if you have any tips or encouragement or anything like that, it would be so so helpful. Thank you.

  • I don't think I can go through another school year?

    Last year I moved schools, I had no friends, the school was a private school so it was a LOT harder and I had a horrible time adjusting. I don't think I was adjusted at all actually, I never really got used to it. I hated every day, I hated myself, I hated everyone around me. I slipped into a terrible depression, had thoughts of suicide all the time. I would be riding home from school on the interstate considering just opening the door of the car and jumping out. I know I'm ungrateful, I should be happy to have the education that some kids could never dream to have, but I am absolutely miserable. It's taken a terrible tole on me. I became bitter, mean, too skinny, sick, and so so sad. Everything got so much better when summer started but I go back to school in 4 days and just thinking about it right now, I'm crying. I don't know what to do, I feel so stupid and worthless at this school. I'm not as smart as the other kids because they've been in private schools since before they could walk and I was in the public school system until last year. I can't keep up, I can't find a comfortable balance. I don't know who I am, I don't know who or what I want to be, and I don't have any time to find out since I'm ALWAYS working and stressing over school. I don't know what to do, I'm going to be s sophomore. How am I going to take three more years of this. I signed up for three honors classes and one AP class, I am running cross country, and I have 3 elective classes. I don't have any friends, I used to sit in the library each day at lunch and work instead of eating, I never ate breakfast because I went to bed between 12 and 3am every night and was always too late to eat breakfast. Please please someone help me, I don't want to live if I have to go back to school.

    4 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education8 years ago
  • Should I fail on purpose?

    I have had the worst year ever. I have been constantly buried in work, I never go to football baseball or basketball games, never hang out with friends or socialize, I don't even eat lunch on weekdays because I use lunch as a study hall and study in the library. My grades mean everything to me, and I'm making all A's and stuff, but I'm just getting sad, because I never get to walk my dog or pet him or ride my bike or play with my sister or watch a movie or anything. I play the violin and my skills have like reversed because I have had no time to practice this year. But I am so so so afraid of making bad grades, I can't stand getting a B, I cry every time I get a B on something and I can't imagine getting one on a report card. Every time I start to let my grades slip and have a little fun, I get so freaked out and go on a studying rampage to bring my grades up. I am terrified that I won't get into a good college and I will completely fail in life. My gpa is already lower than it should be even when I've been making A's all year. I'm only in one honors class this year and I literally have maybe one hour of free time a week, and I stay up until 12 most nights. Next year I am signed up for three honors classes, one AP class, a computer class, and a sport, and strings class. I'm freaking screwed. And terrified. I am very very OCD and I'm not smart at all unless I study like crazy. I'm starting to show signs of malnourishment and I'm losing weight. I feel like I am falling apart and I'm gonna work myself to death, please help.

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • I like a guy but my friend liked him first...?

    I have this friend (Anna) and I just met her this year, but we have become such good friends and I tell her everything, she tells me everything. She is so sweet, shares my opinions, is just a really really great person. And she's liked this guy for four years. Well, she says it's four years, but I think it's been longer. They've known each other since they were like five I think, and she claims that she's only liked him since 10th grade, but I think she's had this infatuation for him since she knew what liking boys was. She has always been afraid to tell him, very shy around him. Their families are close, so I think that she expects that they will end up together even if she doesn't make a move. He is very shy as well.

    I've pretty much liked him since I met him, and it's getting worse. I feel so bad every time I see him because I think of Anna and how devastated she would be. But he meets me in the library sometimes, and even stops by my extracurricular classes that I have in the late afternoon occasionally. I don't know what to do, and I was just talking to my other friend Elizabeth today whose really close friend Ali was holding hands with Elizabeth's ex boyfriend, and she was basically crying about it. I know it's not the same thing, but it made me think of what would happen if Anna found out. I just can't stop thinking about him and Anna. What should I do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How to STOP procrastination?

    I moved to a more difficult school this year, and have NEVER had a problem with procrastination before this. The homework at this school (they inform you of this before you apply to the school, this is not my estimation) usually takes 3-4 hours to complete every day. Weekends are less, and when you have projects or tests in the same week it's obviously more.

    At the beginning of the school year, I was doing great. I got my school work done first, like always, got good grades, and had free time for exercise and everything. Once it got to about November, the work started piling up, and I would work for 30 minutes and then accidentally take a two hour break, work for another 30 ish minutes and then take another break until it was suddenly 11pm. I lost sleep, starting getting insomnia, my anxiety worsened, and I stopped exercising, leading to weight gain.

    Over the Christmas holiday I got back into my routine, but ever since February I have started it back again, this terrible procrastination. In addition, I stopped participating in social activities, lost my friends, stopped talking to my family, and became very depressed. I watched Youtube videos all the time because they were the only thing that made me happy (crazy right). So I would stay up from 11 to 3 ish, getting maybe half of my homework done, then in study hall first period I'd work as hard as I could to finish the rest of it before the next class. Then I started skipping lunch to finish homework for my afternoon classes, and I didn't even realize but I was starving myself. Can someone please help me? A relatable story could at least provide comfort if you have no advice to offer :) Thank you so much!

    3 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • Am I going to get any taller?

    I'm 15, I started my period right after I turned twelve, and I'm 5'4. My dad is 6'3 and my mom is 5'5. I've heard that you stop growing after two years of starting your period, so am I going to get any taller? Thanks :)

    3 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • Fluent in French? How to say "My favorite class is.."?

    I need to know how to say "My favorite class is biology or French" in French. I think it's either

    "Mon cours prefere biologie ou francais."


    "Ma classe prefere biologie ou francais."

    with the two accent aigu in prefere and the cedille under the c in francais. Thank you! :)

    4 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • Math geeks: Will my grade go down to a B or a C?!?!?!?

    I am an all A student and I have exams coming up (big surprize right?) and I am all good except for religion class. I recently moved to a religiously involved school and as it turns out, I'm not religious. I've managed to get a 96 in that class so far BUT, I think I might do badly on the up coming exam. The exam counts as 20% of my over all grade for the quarter. Could you please calculate what my average grade would be if I made these grades on the exam? Thank you!!







    I think I can make a B if I try really hard but I don't want to be surprized if I make lower than that.. Thank you so much! I'll answer yours if you answer btw

  • I don't know what to do about exams? Please help me. I'll answer yours?

    I have so much to do, my exams start in two days and I am doing really badly in some classes so I really really need to make at least an A if not a 99 or a 100 on as many of my exams as possible. I have been working hard for the past few weeks, and I recently lost weight and reached my healthy weight goal. Now I am gaining, so I am torn between studying and exercising. Also, my dog is overweight he needs to exercise too x( I don't know how to manage my time, my French exam is Friday, thank god I only have one, and I need at least 3 hours to study for it and I'd need an hour to exercise. I also need an hour to get ready for bed (shower and clean up and put away laundry) and it is 4:30 right now. I'm trying to go to bed around 9:00 every night in preparation for exams but I've been going to bed at midnight or later most nights. PLEASE HELP, I've never taken exams before :( For some reason my old school dudn't have them. Thank you!!

    4 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education8 years ago
  • How tall do you have to be to be a model?

    Just wondering... it's like 5'9 isn't it?

    3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style8 years ago
  • School makes me depressed. What should I do?

    I find myself counting down the days until Thanksgiving and Christmas break, and when the weekend comes it's like I'm on top of the world, but during school I hate my life. I don't like a lot of the people I go to school with, so many of them are mean. I also don't do very well in social situations and I find myself constantly wondering what othe people think of me. It's making me crazy and unsatisfied and just depressed. I don't know what to do. I was like this at my old school and I had just recently gotten over it (after being like this for 3 years at that school). I just moved to a new school in August and I cried every day for two months. All of these people are so immature and it's no fun being at school with no friends. Now, it's like I go through school numb. I don't cry anymore because I'm like a machine. My sched is work, work, work. I never go to lunch, I stay in the library. I use studying to get out of social situations. For example, there's a girls ask boys dance coming up soon and I haven't gotten my excuse for that ready yet. I can't help it. Please help. Any advice or just comfort would help. Thank you

    1 AnswerPsychology9 years ago
  • Guys, why is he treating me like this?

    There's a guy in my grade this year and the first day of school (I'm new, I didn't know a single person) he was so rude to me. It really upset me because he was the first person I had talked to in my new school. Everyone calls him mean names and swear words behind his back, but he's really nice looking (lol) so whenever he speaks, everyone laughs, and like, girls are say stuff like: he can be a (insert rude word here) to me every day as long as I can be his gf. Which is ridiculous, I know. But I'm not one to hold a grudge, so I'm nice to him or whatever, I didn't really care. But now, he asks me stupid questions that I am positive he already knows the answer to (he's a straight A student) and he also follows me sometimes. He sits by me whenever there's a chance and sometimes stares at me...? But he was mean to me on the first day and didn't talk to me for months, so he can't like me, right? He can be really moody and solemn sometimes, but he smiles at me (which is rare for him). Am I just thinking to much, or could he like me? Why would he be so mean?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • (Guys and girls?) WHY is this guy like this? Please :(?

    There's a guy in my grade this year and the first day of school (I'm new, I didn't know a single person) he was so rude to me. It really upset me because he was the first person I had talked to in my new school. Everyone calls him mean names and an ****** behind his back, but he's really nice looking (lol) so whenever he speaks, everyone laughs, and like, girls are say stuff like: he can be a (insert rude cuss word here) to me every day as long as I can be his gf. Which is ridiculous, I know. But I'm not one to hold a grudge, so I'm nice to him or whatever, I didn't really care. But now, he asks me stupid questions that I am positive he already knows the answer to (he's a straight A student) and he also follows me sometimes. He sits by me whenever there's a chance and sometimes stares at me...? But he was mean to me on the first day and didn't talk to me for months, so he can't like me, right? He can be really moody and solemn sometimes, but he smiles at me (which is rare for him). Am I just thinking to much, or could he like me? Why would he be so mean?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Chocolate or Pumpkin pie?

    I want some pie but I can't decide

    5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • I'm confused about this guy :( I'll answer yours?

    So, there's this guy named Tom and he goes to my school (I just moved there and I'm new). On the first day of school, he was really mean to me, but now he's nicer and everyone tells me he can be really moody. He's usually alone, unless he's with guy friends. But he's really popular because he's attractive. He's started doing things that make me think that maybe he likes me? Like, he'll ask me about an assignment when we both know he knows what to do, because he's a straight A student. And he'll laugh at my jokes sometimes when I'm not even talking to him. And the other day, I went to the library and he came in after me like 5 minutes later. You have to ask the teacher to write you a pass to go to the library, and so I did and then she left the classroom and I went to the library. Then he came in, with no pass (he snuck out of class when the teacher was gone) and the librarian got him in trouble for having no pass. But then he came and sat at the computer right next to me even though there were like 5 more to sit at. And I have been sorta mean to him because he was mean to me on the first day... if you want more back ground info I guess, I wrote a lot more on another question:;_ylt=AjWnn...

    Do you think he likes me? And if so, do you think I should go for him? He's kinda moody and can be really mean but I think he's just misunderstood. I dont mean to be rude, but I'll only answer back if your answers are serious. Thank you!!

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Can you tell me about the sign taurus?

    I'm pretty sure I'm a taurus (May 11th) and I'm really interested in horoscopes and what they can tell me! So can you tell me about the sign taurus?? Thanks!

    5 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • What should I do about this guy? (guys and girls)?

    Okay I feel like you wouldn't be able to answer this question without a background story so long story short: I used to be so so ugly and a little fat and people would make fun of me all the time. Then in 8th grade I had grown taller and I wasn't fat anymore and basically I looked completely different. Now people say I'm pretty. I still don't see it though lol. And I'm kinda shy because for a long time I was afraid someone would remember that I was ugly and bully me for it (which they did). But this year I moved to a new school. I'm still kinda shy, but I answer questions in class and I know quite a few people for having just moved and I'm relatively happy there. And then there's this guy. n_n

    Let's say his name is Tom. So Tom is really.. nice looking. I know you should never go for the cute guys because they're usually the worst and I have no chance but he's different I think. When I moved to this school, it was my first day, I didn't know a single person. I went to my first class and Tom was the only person in there. I walked up to him and I was like Hi I'm new, my name's Selia. Can I sit by you? And no joke, he walked away and sat down somewhere else. Didn't say a word. It didn't actually bother me that much, it made me laugh at first. But then I was really mad. Further on into the year, after I had made some friends, I told them about when this had happened and they were all like yep that's Tom for you. He's been like that forever. So I was just like oh okay I won't take it personally. I asked him what the homework was one day and I asked him for help on something too but that's pretty much the most I've talked to him. Then Tom started doing things that suggested that maybe he had some interest in me? Like, he'd ask me what pages we had to read in some book, when the english test was etc. when I know he is a straight A student and he is completely organized and always knows what to do. Maybe I'm overthinking it. One day we both had to go to the library for something so the teacher let us share a pass. We walked down to the library together and he asked me why I was going down there and I answered kind of rudely I was just like "I need a place to concentrate." I guess I did that as pay back for him being rude to me. I could have asked him why he was going to the libray but I didnt because I was a little scared and also mad. Then another day, he asked me what we would have to do on the history test, like what format. Would we have to write an essay, was it multiple choice, was it matching? We are in the same history class and I was positive he knew what it would be like because it's always the same! So I lied and said we had to write an essay and he was like awh that sucks. But he knew I was wrong... Also, he seems to be moody and sometimes mean, sometimes nice. He seems really misunderstood. He has an older brother that everyone loves and he seems to be in his shadow. I'm not mad at him anymore. Also, basically the only thing he likes is football. That's all he talks about and I know nothing about football. -_- I go to football games to hang out with my friends but other than that I don't know what's going on lol. My friend told me to talk to him about what he likes but how do you talk about football? He also lived in a place that I want to live when I'm older, should I talk to him about that? I don't know what to do. If you're a guy, would you do those things just to a normal person or because you like them? And girls, how should I talk to him? I've never had a serious relationship. And also, do you think he's a bad guy? Wow if you've read this far you must never want to read again. XD Thanks, serious answers are appreciated.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Please help! I need to finish a project, can't stay focused ?

    Right now I'm supposed to be doing a French project, my french teacher is really strict, the project needs to be perfect. I have to make a poster about a french speaking country and there's all this unecessary crap I have to put on there that I have to research. Every time I go online to reseach I end up getting on facebook or oging on youtube or looking at memes.... I also have a test to study for, regular homework, an essay to write for a group poject (also due tomorrow) and I have to walk my dog. It's 6:33pm and I have literally been sitting here for 3 hours doing nothing but laugh at cat pictures on the internet. Please help.

    I know you're like "well getting off of yahoo would help" but please I have been like this all year I just need some advice. Thanks :(

    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago