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  • I need help finding a poem about tranquility?

    Hello! I have been thinking about this poem I read about a year ago and after searching the internet I still can't find it. Please help! Ughh... It's like getting a song stuck in your head and the only remedy is to listen to the song. I need to re-read the poem!

    What I remember:

    1. (My interpretation) Basically, the poem was saying that true tranquility can only be found whilst watching a sleeping baby and death.

    2. I think it was a woman author

    3. I think it was written during the Romantic era (definitely sometime during the 1800's)

    Thank you =D

    1 AnswerPoetry7 years ago
  • Cal State Long Beach vs. Northridge for English major?

    I have looked at Forbes 650 college review for both schools and I am getting nowhere. Northridge scored 451 while Long Beach 363. I have looked at both websites and their English Departments look well rounded but I am having trouble comparing the two schools.

    I have an overall gpa of 3.53 and I want to go to a school that has an excellent English department.

    Does anybody know a website that compares the two?

    Your opinions are greatly appreciated, thank you.

    1 AnswerOther - Education7 years ago
  • Chick Flicks with men who have English or Irish accents?

    One of my best friends has been down in the dumps. I am preparing for a rescue mission armed with junk food and chick flicks. She loves European accents. Please help with my remedy for her low spirits!

    6 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • where can I find sugar free dessert recipes?

    My grandma is diabetic and I love to bake. I would like to make something nice for her. Please suggest yummy recipes :-)

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes7 years ago
  • do you have walking strategies?

    When walking and a person is coming towards us in the opposite direction I've notice my sister and I

    strategize the best move to make so we pass the person smoothly.

    I take the lead saying something like ' You fall-back and I will move forward in about 10 feet' lol

    Just wondering if other people do similar things to avoid collisions or awkward dances with strangers.

    1 AnswerOther - Outdoor Recreation7 years ago
  • Any ideas for my friends 20th B-day?

    Hannah, one of my best friends is turning 20! My friends and I want to do something special for her. We told her we are going to plan a surprise adventure but we can't agree on anything.

    The ideas we had so far...

    1. Pirates Dinner Adventure

    2. Camelot Golfland (it has mini golf, arcade games, and lazer tag)

    3. Golf N' Stuff (it has mini golf, go karts, and an arcade)

    4. Just hop on a train and hope we end up somewhere interesting

    I know the list is probably unlike what any normal 20 year old's would do but we are not normal lol

    Any Suggestions? We are not big on partying and clubbing. So, try to suggest some things that are fun yet wholesome, I guess. Thank you =)

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • Do you know where I can buy a Cary Grant Shirt?

    I'm working on Christmas presents and one of my best friends loves Cary Grant. I like doing theme presents and her present theme is movies. I already have my eye on a surprisingly cheap Audrey Hepburn sweater but I'm having a little difficulty finding cute or fashionable t-shirt featuring her main man lol.

    Any websites that have other Cary Grant items will be appreciated as well.

    Please help =)

    1 AnswerCelebrities7 years ago
  • How to control my blushing?

    I don't even know if this is possible. I don't blush as much as I used to but I had an incident the other day. I was studying with my friends and sister. They were talking about Graham from 'Once Upon A Time' who is apparently going to be the guy in 50 Shades of Grey. Well, when my friends were talking about that my sister exclaims, "Sabrina, you read 50 Shades of Grey didn't you?" The room was silent for a moment followed by surprised remarks. I look at my sister and say, "I think you mean 'A Picture of Dorian Gray'. I never read 50 shades!' I was in full blush mode. It wasn't a light blush that comes and goes quickly. I was really red (I call it tomato syndrome). Then the comments started about how red I was which made it worse. Ahhh it doesn't happen as often as it used to but I obviously need help controlling my redness.

    Any ideas?

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions7 years ago
  • What to do when you feel uneasy about a stranger?

    I took the bus to Long Beach county because I had a study abroad meeting there. Well, I got lost. I knew I was close to my destination but I couldn't tell if I was going the right way. I asked a young man for directions, he was heading the same way I was going. He seemed nice and introduced himself but I think he may have had some alcohol in his system. Anyway, I am trying my best to follow Google maps when he says that he will take me there and that he knows a shortcut. He said to follow him through this parking lot.(I can be a little trusting and naive but I knew enough to know that a dark parking lot with a strange man is DANGEROUS). I seen lights and a sign up ahead that looked like the place I was supposed to be. Yes, I was totally and completely freaked out. Thankfully, while he was heading toward the lot there was a barrier which I got on the other side of. I was being super polite (I have no idea why because he was trying to lead me the opposite direction)

    Basically how do you handle a situation like that? I don't think being polite was the best move lol

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • Want to play movie trivia?

    Well I'm bored again so here we go. See if you can name them =)

    1. "I feel the need...the need for speed"

    2. "Perhaps its fate that today is the fourth of July and you will once again be fighting for our freedom. Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution but...from annihilation. We are fighting for our right to live. To exist."

    3. "You cannot leave everything up to fate, boy...She's got a lot to do. Sometimes you must give her a hand"

    4. "YOU SHALL NOT PASS (stick thingy impacts ground)"

    5. "Dear ___, You make me vomit. You are scum between my toes! Love, ___"

    6. “No, I don’t think I will kiss you, although you need kissing, badly. That’s what’s wrong with you. You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how.”

    7. " My heart is and always will be...yours"

    8. "Forgiveness is between them and God. It's my job to arrange the meeting"

    9. "You boy are arrogant, hot tempered, and entirely too bold. I like that. Reminds me of me."

    10. "You don't just have the most incredible night of your life with a perfect stranger and leave it up to chance, do you???"

    Okay, no cheating! Last time someone broke the rule and completely destroyed my fun. =(

    Answer as many as you can. Also leave your favorite quote =D

    3 AnswersTrivia7 years ago
  • Do you want to play a game? Trivia?

    It's simple really...I'm bored. So lets play a little movie quote trivia shall we?

    1. "I gave her my heart, she gave me a pen"

    2. "Well, I own the hotel and I live there....My life is very much like monopoly."

    3. "As You Wish"

    4. "Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine"

    5. " fight harder for the lost causes than for any others. Yes, you even die for them"

    6. "I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her"

    7. "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya you killed my father. Prepare to DIE!" (I have a shirt with this line (; )

    8. "God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs. Dinosaurs eat man. Woman inherits the earth"

    9. "you have bewitched me body and soul. And I love..I love...I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on"

    10. "Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around, he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?"

    I think its a pretty simple list. See if you can name them! Hey, no cheating =P

    Also, what is your favorite movie quote? =D

    4 AnswersTrivia7 years ago
  • Do you have a favorite tree?

    And why is it your favorite?

    I love weeping willows. I think they or so lovely and they seem to tell a story. They seem to be simultaneously filled with a morose and romantic air that takes my breathe away.

    6 AnswersGarden & Landscape7 years ago
  • Do you know any funny poems?

    something like....

    Sonnet 130 "My mistress eyes are nothing like the sun" (It starts out funny but then Shakespeare makes it so sweet at the ending)

    3 AnswersPoetry7 years ago
  • Do you have different types of laughs?

    I smile and laugh a lot! (I can't help it! Even strangers comment on how smiley I am) Anyway, while I was talking to my sister and best buddy I giggled at something my sister said. Right after my sister explains to my friend that I have a "fake laugh". I told her I was sincerely amused by what she said but it wasn't so amusing that it would produce a boisterous laugh. I'm a little sad she thinks that I'm giving pity laughs which I don't do. If I find something not funny I usually just half smile to be polite.

    So, do you have different types of laughs and do people misinterpret your laughs?

    3 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • What are your top 7 favorite songs?

    My favorites are in no particular order....

    1. Faithfully- Journey (the 80's had some fantastic music)

    2. May I- Trading Yesterday (I think this song is incredibly beautiful! Every time I listen to it my heart flutters)

    3. Baby it's cold outside (my favorite version is from the movie Neptune's Daughter)

    4. Angel- Shaggy

    5. Hazy- Rosie Goslan feat. WIlliam Fitzsimons

    6. Last Kiss- J. Frank Wilson and The Cavaliers ( This is an incredibly sad song and I like this version better than Pearl Jams)

    7. Say Something- A Great Big World (This is a new song that has forced me to love it because of the sadness infused in the singers voice and his lyrics. It's beautiful)

    It's kind of a weird list but these are the songs that I can't seem to live without. What are yours?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • My mother says I'm an old soul born in the wrong decade. Any other old souls?

    Any other old souls out there?

    Haha I think I was born at the perfect time because I get to appreciate all the great works of the past and still enjoy the present. I asked my mom once what decade would she think I would fit best in. She couldn't answer.

    My likes

    1. 18th century literature

    2. Classic movies (Fred Astaire, Jane Powell, Sandra Dee, Rock Hudson, James Dean, Humphrey Bogart and Audrey Hepburn)

    3. Period Movies such as Jane Austen, Elizabeth Glaskell, and Charles Dickens adaptations.

    4. I was mostly raised by my grandparents so I adopted a lot of their values such as modesty, respect for all people, hard work, and religious beliefs.

    Tell me about yourself! Why are you considered an old soul born in the wrong decade?

    5 AnswersOther - Entertainment7 years ago
  • Can you recommend classic movies?

    I'm having a girls night with one of my best friends! I haven't seen her in a while (we go to different colleges) so I'm super excited!

    We love the classics! Here are some of our favorites. So, you can recommend some according to our taste

    My favorites

    Seven brides for seven brothers

    Singing in the rain


    Royal wedding

    The giant


    Gone with the wind

    Singing in the rain

    All Carey Grant movies! (the girl is in love)

    West side story

    10 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Baelfire/Niel or Killian Jones/Captain Hook?

    No spoilers!

    Who do you think Emma will end up choosing in the end? Who are you rooting for?

    Captain Swan and Swanfire attack!!!

    4 AnswersSoap Operas8 years ago
  • what to pack for Seville Spain?

    I'm going to study abroad next semester in Espana! I'm really excited! I never traveled outside the country before and the last time i have been in an airport it was pre 9/11. So, i know things have changed.

    Any advice is welcome! Thanks guys :-)

    1 AnswerPacking & Preparation8 years ago