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Lv 611,663 points

Lucifers Puppets Rule

Favorite Answers11%

Hello & welcome to my profile of the not so rich or famous. It's really cool associating with all you people online. The topics on this forum are quite interesting and most informative indeed. I really dig science yea. Love too experiment on all kinds of stuff. Presently unemployed (overqualified) seeking to join a Washington D.C based green energy think tank. I'm the type of person who can't work on just one project at a time. Also consider myself a modern-day crusader in that never-ending quest for energy independence. I do have a few subjective theories wish to keep secret at this time. Dig that sports scene man, ride a 20-year-old bike & hike just to keep in shape. I enjoy writing short stories and sci-fi novels, drafting ideas drawing schematics and reading technical manuals online... Chow Baby

  • How could king David an adulterer and murder ever be considered a man after the gods own heart?

    The story of king David has nothing much to do with living righteously and everything to do with pure evil lawlessness. He was a sex pervert, adulterer and murderer, yet god called him a man after his own heart?

    This opens the door wide for some awesome possibilities that could expose whom and what God really is when you strip away the Vail a.k.a Words that he hides behind ....

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • How could a being who demonstrates perfection allow something so imperfect to represent him?

    Just that, since this god character is perfect, it is safe to assume that his word must also be perfect too, thus void of any errors or misrepresentations.....

    Yet time and time again we discover embarrassing flaws in both logic and in historic substance from a work that controls the lives of billions in this generation today, not to mention all the previous generations to boot...

    So how could something so imperfect, represent the highest level of perfection?

    5 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago
  • Whatever happened to all that big fancy talk about this gov taking a more active role in developing some cleaner, cheaper alternatives?

    All I've heard for the last five freaking years has become a big stupid joke! Especially, to the dirt poor folks whom sadly live from one paycheck to another...

    Obama has to date already giving these energy giants billions to research these cleaner less expensive methods a.k.a. alternatives? I would simply like to know, "where the hell are they?"

    I posted this question out of desperation today for some truth here, and by God Lucifer I'm out to get some answers....

    The other day I was standing in line waiting to pay my monthly electric bill at a local utility (consumers energy) before me was this sweet black elderly lady whom was talking to some lady next to her at the time...

    No, she was obviously upset about something relating to a recent bill?(I've seen that look before many times, and it sickens me)

    Both started to converse, the loud conversation echoed off the walls, making it virtually impossible for anyone standing there not to hear it...

    From what I gathered, she was understandably concerned that she couldn't get that precious power turned back on this time around?

    She told the other woman that she lived in a one-bedroom apartment with almost no appliances (not even freaking TV from which to watch the Furor on) and couldn't possibly keep up with this recent unfair power bill increase...

    A last glance before exiting that building revealed an elderly woman weeping while she stood there holding a red phone that would deliver the final message of her fate!

    3 AnswersElections7 years ago
  • What worldwide economic impact would a device which collects unlimited levels of energy > converting cosmic radiation into protons have?

    Today its all about free power from the sun & wind, sadly both are highly inefficient methods and shall always be so because they have variations which makes them only temporary at best...

    So what kind of worldwide economic impact would a device which collects unlimited levels usable power by converting cosmic radiation into protons have in general on an insatiable hungry world starving for free energy ...?

    Thus, theoretically speaking, such a device could be the ultimate expression in unleashing the highest potential for free power generation ever imagined...

    Would something like this help solve some of the world's problems?

    Or would it be exploited leaving the human race with few options like what millions are experiencing today?

    3 AnswersGreen Living7 years ago
  • Where are all those dang think tanks that really care about achieving our energy independence, I can't find one anywhere man help man?

    Yeah, I'm looking to join a real think tank man, who's # 1 priority is achieving our energy independence in this century & not in the next...

    I simply wish to add my many years of expertise to this bold endeavor by getting America moving once again in the right direction and away from these tiny gizmos & LED tent lights...

    An all electric SUV type vehicle which gets 400+ miles off a single 14 hr recharge, has a top speed of 120 mph with 680 HP is not outside the remote rim of impossibilities man, dig?..."

    Man you could drive to work for a freaking month on a single charge......

    My closest friends keep calling me a super genius fool whenever I talk about numerous alternatives to those fossil fuels and such...

    Many say, man you're wasting lots of time trying to get that federal grant you fool, i now sadly must agree two years in long enough!

    Thus, designing & constructing tomorrow's very cool energy system technologies today would be considered child's play for me.....

    Gotta be a rich think tank out there somewhere looking for someone like me to come along? Man I live to outclass this energy gobbling goose system... YA DIG!

    Any info no matter how small would be deeply appreciated man...........

    1 AnswerGreen Living7 years ago
  • Why is the Obama administration placing deadlines on religious holidays?

    For instance that ACA deadline has now been moved up to April 15? Which just happens to be the Jewish "Passover!"

    Why not the 14th or the 16th? Out of respect for the Jewish people...?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago


    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • What secret about Death Vs the Soul did Jesus revealed to the world in Lazarus & the Rich man?


    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • What secret about death did Jesus revealed to the world in the short story of Lazarus & the Rich man?

    Believer or atheist alike must agree at one point in time, for it is no secret that this Earth was indeed created by an awesome being of unmeasurable Power & Love...

    Jesus spoke about some secrets to the Kingdom of Heaven, this fact found in the most important of the Gospels...

    One nagging question that has plagued all mankind & womankind even to this modern timeline, has relayed around what is the purpose of the soul? & how does that relate to ones Death & Resurrection?

    Jesus freely gave us the answer in his greatest of all parable, "Lazarus & the Rich man..."

    He being God Almighty from the Old Testament revealed one of the greatest secrets of Heaven & I doubt there has been one human being 2000 years hence, that truly understood the message by discovering the secret in this most brilliant story ...

    This proving Jesus had a genius level IQ & who he really was not a man quoting a little scripture & verse like most in his time but, proving for all time that the Kingdom of Heaven comes to the simplest among us all first...

    Gods child level message to the world disguise in a story that has practically nothing to do with Hell & Damnation....

    I don't believe anybody has ever truly explored that short parable thus, discovering that earth shattering secret for themselves!

    Prove me wrong, I already know the secret of this life changing awesome message of great hope....

    His (greatest and most powerful parable) do you???

    10 points if you can explain the hidden spirit of the message to my satisfaction.....

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • What could this weird dream be telling me?

    Last nights dream has me kinda stumped here, I'm sorting through huge piles of stuff a.k.a the possessions of somebody whom had recently died...

    OK, there was all kinds of stuff that I had to sort through and it took me several hours just to go though a few boxes of this stuff...

    On the third box I noticed something just before me on a high shelf...?

    Two identical karaoke devices plug-in and powered up...

    Now here's the puzzler, both were decorative models with red, purple, blue, green and yellow flashing lights all over the place...

    However, each screen spelled out something different and quite weird...?

    The unit on my right spelled out the word "Antichrist" and the unit on the left spelled out the word "God."

    Soon after discovering these cool devices i wanted to keep them both but, couldn't make up my mind...

    So i placed both in a large brown paper bag, then went back to sorting out more of this stuff...

    However, this time around there was no thrill at all, it had become just meaningless garbage now that no longer meant anything?

    That's it 10 points for you, must have something to do with spirituality?

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation7 years ago
  • Where are all those alternatives to the status quo? A.k.a that's the production of 60 Hz energy?

    The last question I posted on this same subject didn't get one single solitary answer.... !!!!DUH!!!!

    Why, because this is a taboo subject here that's why...

    The creator of this world gave us everything we need ...

    Yes, it was all made so simple for us like the redemption of ones soul but, that evil lazy god of this world Lucifer complicated this as usual like the gov over-regulates everything complicating things even further with the suppression of all productive scientific thought including ones imagination!

    1 AnswerGreen Living7 years ago
  • What happened to that explosion of knowledge?

    This is supposed to be the age of super science, (where do I take my vehicle, to get a hover conversion so it can fly?) Hmm, yet we still live primitive unfulfilled lives, like in that Stone Age jazz we are indeed just as primitive as those animals trekking across that frozen wilderness...

    Nothing works the way it's supposed too in this super science age...

    Sure we got high tech gizmos galore, gas burning vehicles we most now depend on for transportation, to that outdated power grid that's many years in the making and so forth...

    Perhaps my personal concept of this knowledgeable explosion jazz from the book of revelations would be considered unpopular in both form and substance here as presented in this two dimensional train of thought!!!

    This especially in a world where the gods of fossil fuels dictate most if not all lifestyles around this primitive planet still.....

    In conclusion, if this is truly the age of enlightenment or the fulfillment of Bible prophecy retaining to that knowledge shall be increased jazz I just don't see it?

    So was that Bible talking about spiritual knowledge being increased in the last days? Or was God yakking about technical knowledge?

    11 AnswersAstronomy & Space7 years ago
  • Why is this serious nuclear disaster in Japan being downplayed by many experts as no big deal?

    It just stands to reason that if a killer asteroid (5 miles wide) was on an collision course with earth and there was no way to stop it, billions would be the last to hear about it, until the time of impact... Surprise?

    In that respect, three count them (3) reactor meltdowns (possibly a fourth soon?) Are now underway, fact: each one capable of poisoning our home planet to the point of an eventual extinction ten, that's (10) times over (red flag here) and yet this now out-of-control worst-case scenario of a massive unstoppable radiation leak and possible explosion that will lead to the slow agonizing death of billions gets very little attention from both sides...

    3 AnswersOther - News & Events8 years ago
  • What did God mean in reference to men having visions and young men having dreams?

    Nightmare October 27, 2013

    First off, unlike most of you I remember every dream I've ever had in my life, have 100% total recall...

    This is what I dreamed about last night...

    In-fact, I dream every night unlike most thus, remember every aspect down to the smallest detail....

    In this nightmare last night I was walking around this huge facility could see countless cameras all over the place... I remember it all, especially a quick visit to a room where I saw these small shiny steel guillotines which numbered six...

    Note: These inventions of mass death were hidden behind two large steel doors...

    Also note: there was a digital sign directly about these doors which read: "Restricted Area 21"

    Moments later I was engaged in some backbreaking work involving a shovel and dirt mixed with mud ... It was hot enough to curse that hellish sun shining down from high above me...

    An elderly man (70s?) next to me was struggling to finish his own large deep hole when he spoke something out loudly which shocked the rest of what were obviously prisoners in this prison?

    I recall him saying something about choices that we all must make in this short tragic life, and things that are pushed on us against our will or ones religious beliefs exempting the religion of Islam...

    Found it kinda strange for this old man kept repeating the same thing over and over again" Freedom once it's gone it's gone forever" I can't believe this is the American I grew up in" I have lived too long, everyone i ever knew is now long dead and gone" I have no wish to continue, look at us, we labor in vain with no reward, there's no longer a purpose to our lives but, to serve those evil rich authoritarian scumbags...

    At this point somebody turned to that red faced angry old man and told him to shut the F- up for speaking of such things...

    He shouted back NO! I can no longer continue I just don't have the strength." He turned to me, I could see tears in his eyes and a kinda sadness/intense grief, most if not all people usually display at funerals and such...

    He shouted out once again even louder! No, I don't want to live another moment in this living hell" "I'm going to my father's kingdom soon this I say to you with all certainty" he was sprouting off all kinds of religious stuff about God and Country just before collapsing to the ground obviously, a victim of heat stroke or something???

    I remember hearing these words coming from behind me "don't touch that piece of meat, carry on with your work before you join him" moments later several men dressed in black uniforms some looked a bit Chinese? Took hold of this lifeless corpse? He may have just fainted from that extreme heat and hard labor? No, it didn't matter to these wicked monsters for they picked him up from that ground whom was obviously dead for sure after a quick examination? (one of these guys kicked the old man's limp body repeatedly so hard that I could hear the old man's brittle bones cracking under the blunt force of every kick)

    Thus, these men handled him so abruptly that a small book was jostled loose from a now torn shirt pocket... Obviously no one but me noticed what had fallen to the ground... As they carried the body of this poor soul away, I maneuvered myself closer to that small book expecting it to be an illegal copy of a Bible...???

    However, I was shocked to see that it was nothing to do with religion and everything to do with a time-tested document proclaiming a nation's sovereignty...

    The front cover had these words largely printed on it, "Declaration of Independence" Obviously in a miniaturized format...

    First few pages display the "Bill of Rights" followed by a short version of the "Constitution..." I remember feeling great stress reading it that night by the moonlight coming from a very small window that had a crosshatch of wire embedded in it... Page after page tears came forth from my eyes a then silently repeating this now dead old man's own words? "How oh how dear Lord could this had happen to us, why did we not see this coming???

    This nightmare changes many times now, colors and imagery become distorted sometimes I'm driving somewhere or nowhere for that matter??? Moments later, i find myself inside a high-rise building during a frightening earthquake, then moments later in I'm visiting a grave of someone that I once knew and loved...

    What's your input, is this what awaits us or our children if things remain the same? Is this truly the future we shall all soon face if we allow these corrupt lawless tyrants in DC to take over every aspect of our lives thus far (forcing parents to inoculate their children with dangerous genetically modified vaccines?) Because it's the law???

    Input need lots of input

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why would a severe case of food poisoning end with a painful growth inside my body?

    I'm a victim of severe food poisoning here ( just a few raw oysters) after being nauseated for three straight days and nights developed this small bulge just above my belly button Note: this bulge is very sensitive to the slightest touch thus far, causes some excruciating pain down in the groin area when touched...

    Note: tried lots of aggressive exercise which only made this condition a great deal worse, already gained 50+ pounds since this food poisoning incident about two months ago...

    Note:I've always self diagnosed myself in the past and provided whatever cure I deemed necessary! However, I'm quite literally baffled with my deteriorating condition today? in general I'm afraid what an x-ray would reveal???? some new species of an alien monster???

    Also note: researched all the medical textbooks and can't find this condition that goes with these kind of symptoms...?

    Any input would be greatly appreciated....

    3 AnswersCancer8 years ago
  • Why would we embrace this form of fascism, the Gov takeover of our own healthcare system?

    Just curious here, believe I'm now living in an never-ending twilight zone episode called,"The Obsolete Man..."

    7 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Why would a Professor of Yale say, "Fukushima Will Threaten Humanity for Thousands of Years"?

    This professor dude is now cautioning the world to wake up from our nuclear slumber or it could be "GAME OVER!!!"

    He also said this ongoing Fukushima radiation crisis, will last thousands of years if that severely damaged pool # 4 is not kept cool or the structure fails.

    Now I don't know why my truthful government is downplaying this catastrophe especially since some radiation has been detected in certain parts of Michigan already... Lord knows what the West Coast is going to get hit by if the whole structure collapses entirely?

    Note: I'm in the process of building a quite sensitive Geiger counter...

    However, I have recently discovered that an AM radio placed near the ground tuned to about 1.500 kc is capable of detecting some low-level radiation especially Cesium, Strontium, Alpha or Beta particles or gamma rays at very low levels.

    So would this Yale professor put his reputation on the line (according to the mainstream media there is no danger at all) or could it be, he knows something that we don't???

    3 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago