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  • Why are we arguing about why we should and why we should not believe?

    For me it is simple, I am an atheist and the sayings that a something created us makes me laugh.

    But on the other hand, people who do believe, stick to their points and they keep their beliefs, respect.

    What is the point of arguing about why we should and why we should not believe?

    Let people make their own decisions. Don't force them to make one.

    I like the idea of sharing opinions (that is why the most of us are here at this forum), but I don't like the idea to take others' beliefs or thoughs down.

    For myself, I respect religions. I just don't understand them, and I will never become a believer.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Is it fair to say we are created and dominated by dragons?


    And laugh about religions.. - hah. -

    Proof here:

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • If you christians believe in heaven, and if it is so peaceful, why don't you kill yourselfes?

    A few minutes ago, we were asked the same question.. so:

    If you are so convinced that there is a heaven and a hell. why won't you pray to your good god for forgiveness and than shoot yourself in the face. Because heaven has to be a great big party, and boring like hell if you will be immortal...

    Isn't that the fate?

    If i throw myself, on purpose, in front of a car and I die.. or if I get killed by a horse bashing my head into the size of a penny... you would say it was already dicided by your god.... not logical?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • If we were created.... >,> ignore the questionmark..?

    This question has to be asked a lot, sorry for that..

    Why are there different races? I mean.. why are there black/dark/brown and white people? some people are inbetween that, and some are albino..

    Black/dark/brown : Mostly in hot, african countries.

    White : Mostly in protected from sun, and with tree filled area's.

    Inbetween : Interracial marriages + births

    Albino : production errors?

    Isn't this evidence of adaption?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Christians, please answer!?

    Why won't you find REAL evidence of god?

    Why is the only so called 'evidence' the bible?

    Why is god so forgivable, isn't that too easy to say?

    Why if you convince people to christianity, and later on they want to let the religion go, you will condemn them to hell?

    Why are we given free will? another lame saying?

    if something created us, he had to create our minds too, how we respond, how we act, how we do everything.. if he didn't, we would all be vegetables, right? wouldn't we be empty minded creatures...?

    I don't need 'biblical evidence' since it was made up after the happenings (if it did happen ofcourse)


    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Opinion about my religion?

    When I was young, my dad convinced me the earth was created by a special unicorn named 'Doodoo'. He created the earth with his farts and left us as evidence of his existence. He also said the unicorn flew away, so he would never be noticed again.

    I truly believe the unicorn created us.

    Though I can not prove it, (well, we are the proof) there are no people who can disaprove this religion.

    Doodoo is my God, what is your opinion about it?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Christians, please explain..?

    Well, let's say, in the very beginning of humanity people could not explain how the earth was made, how thunder was formed, how the wind blows, how the sun shines etc.

    So they made up their own gods:

    for example

    god for the thunder, zeus

    goddess of love, aphrodite

    Years, years later scientists confirmed thunder is formed by friction in the clouds and love was a natural happening inside the human mind. believers accepted that and went on saying the next phenomena was supposed to be caused by a god.

    Every happening on earth had a specific god. and now, almost every happening is proven to be caused naturally.

    Let me explain it in a more simplified way:

    Worshipper: ''Phenomena A is caused by god! woow!'

    Thinker: ''No, it is caused by X, i have the proof right here!'

    Worshipper: "Then phenomena B is caused by god!''

    Thinker: ''No, A and B are not caused by a god, here have proof!'

    Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc.

    Do you religious people know how many biblical myths have been blown thanks to logical thinkers and science? we have only 1 thing left to prove, does god exist? and still you think that god created it all and you will go to heaven because the bible says so... Isn't that close-minded?

    like the dutch say, you won't look further than your own nose.

    you won't accept any other idea and other ways of thinking because you think you are superior with your god.

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why does the bible only speak about the earth if there are billions of other planets?

    And what if NASA discovers other livable planets.. will religions be busted?

    I mean, if the god who religious people worship created the entire universe.. why doesn't the bible say that there are many, many other planets?

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago