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  • Fish smell.. help me?

    I noticed that today it smells like fish down there and i've just had a shower and washed it and it still does? Everything is normal i think, i think it might be because my periods due so it might just be that, can you help?

    7 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Alcohol? When do you start liking it?

    I was just wondering (I'm 14 now) at what age do you start liking alcohol? I've tried it before, Beer, wine, larger, whiskey, baileys. But i'm just not that keen on it. But my parents love wine, when do you start to like it?

    I've never really like fizzy drinks, like coke etc. i like water and fruit juice more. I would at some stage (Not saying i want to do it now) but i would like to get drunk with my friends and have a good time but i just hate the taste of alcohol? How can adults just sit there drinking beer it's disgusting. It kinda tastes like poo.. I have grown on it a little bit, i can have one sip but it's not very enjoyable. Is it just the type of alcohol i've been drinking?

    So yeah - When abouts do you start to like alcohol, and do you think i will? Thank you.

    11 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits9 years ago

    I really don't understand this, please could you help me?

    An athletics club has 100 members, 60 boys and 40 girls.

    The mean time the boys spent training one day was 86 minutes.

    The mean time the girls spent training one day was 72 minutes.

    What's the mean time spent training one day for all 100 members of the athletics club?

    Would you add the mean time spent by boys and girl together and then divide by 100? I don't know. Please help! Thank you.

    4 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • Which photoshop should i get?

    I want to get phototshop just for personal use at home and little art projects. Which one would you reccomend? If possible i would like the most inexpensive one. I know it is expensive. I have a professional camera aswell so i would liek to do osme little editing jobs with pictures i take from that but nothing serious, is there a reasonably priced, easy to use one that you would reccomend? Thankyou.

    3 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • Really weird experience..?

    Ok so i've been on the pill for about 2 weeks cause i was on holiday and i started my period 2 years ago (I'm 14) And i came off the pill 2 days ago and i was expecting my period but usually i have no pain maybe sometimes a little but nothing really but today it really hurt! for like 3 hours, and after about 1 hour (1 lesson, i was at school)i went to the toilet and there was a little bit of kinda sticky blood like stringy. Then i went to the loo 2 hours later (after lots of pain) but while i was walking to the loo i felt like my (vagaina lips) had kinda stuck together but then i felt like a fart rolling out you know when you're sitting down and the fart kind of rolls out from under you... And then when i went to the toilet, there wasn't much actaul blood but there was this MASSIVE lump. I don't even know what it was, it was a bit smaller than a small egg. Go and look at an egg now. i mean WTF?! I've had little blood clots before but nothing like this. It looked like a brain. Like it looked kinda of hard, but all slimy and wow. i don't know. I was just wondering if you think this is anything to do with me taking the pill? or what it is, or if you've had it. Please answer. Thankyou.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • I just found strech marks?

    I'm 14 (a girl) and i'd just come out of the shower and i was putting my spot cream on my back when i noticed these faint purply marks on my hip/bum area when i push down on them and drag, if you know what i mean, they disapear. Are these strech marks? I don't know how i have them, is there any way they will go? I'm only 14, smallish boobs for my age (AA) my bum is rather large but not too bad, my mum has quite a big bum though. is i because of my diet? I'm not fat, i'm average for my age, i;m quite small and my hips (in my opinion) are rather low down. I have NEVER noticed these marks before, they just look liek when you lay on a wrinkled sheet all night and you get those red marks on your skin from the pressure? Like when you have a bobble on your wrist all day, but they're purply. Kinda like this but not as bad and not on that tummy area aswell. they arn't as long as that they're quite short and they are all collected together, not spread out. Omg. Please help?! D: This is so embarrasing i'm only just 14 and i have strech marks?!?!?!?!? What can i do? i don't want to just go out and buy some cream because that is very embarrasing. I don't know what to do! I'm goingon holiday soon, people will see them when i'm in my bikini. Help me please?:'(

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • help i can't find my sims disc?

    I've lost the disc!:'( i'm so annoyed, i can't find it anywhere, is there any way i can play the game without the disc? It's downloaded on my laptop. Please help, i don't want to pay but i don't know what to do?! D:

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • GIF's on twitter won't work?

    I want to post a GIF (Moving picture) on twitter in a tweet (not as my icon) but it doesn't move/work? It just comes out as a picture(the starting position if you know what i mean. It's saved ad .gif not .jpg so why won't it work? please help.

    1 AnswerOther - Internet9 years ago
  • Am i an albino????????????????????????

    I am as pale as the albino people on google, i just don't have pale hair. My hair is a dark blond and i ahve blue/green/grey eyes. I don't tan i only burn and the sun hurts me and ideas?

    2 AnswersOther - Health9 years ago
  • What does this mean? ~?

    What does this sign mean? ~

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • I have an itchy vagina?

    I have normal discharge really, i think maybe last time i had a shower some shower gel may have got around that area but i don't think it's thrush. It's not red or inflamed really it just itches. I used to get this when i was a young child i remember my mum would put some Sudocrem or DobbleBase on it but there's none in the house, i've bathed it in cool water and dabbed it dry with a clean towel but i was just wondering do you know what i could do? I'm only 14 and i can't really go to the doctors also my dad works there so he will see me!!! and i know all the doctors even though i know everything is confidential etc. I can't really tell my mum, but i don't think it's anything serious? Please help. Has anyone else had anything like this before? It's been itching on and off for about 1-2 days now, it's not my pants as i have cotton ones.

    3 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • My twitter twitcam isn't working.?

    It just says connection problem? My webcam is build into my laptop and i don't have it open anywhere else. What can i do?

    1 AnswerOther - Computers9 years ago
  • how do i go swimming on period?

    I'm going on holiday aroun the time i'm on, and i don't know what i'm going to do? I've never used tampons before, i don't know what size/what thickness or anything?! Please help me? :'( I've just turned 14, how am i going to buy them, me and my mum aren't that close. In my local shop everyone knows eachother i can't get my friends to buy them because i haven't told them and i don't want to. I feel embarrased about the whole tampon side because your shoving it inside you! It's like having sex or something...I don't even know how you do it...

    4 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • We're going on holiday?

    My mums booking a holiday for august, but it's the last two weeks of the mounth and that's when i'm usually on, what am i going to do? we're going to the maldieves and it will all just be about swimming what will i do?! Please help me, im 14 and i've never used tampons or what ever. Do they eve work in the water? I will be mostly with my brother which will be even worse, will i leak please help?! What size do i need, what type ??!! I don't know what i'm going to do.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • period on holiday,..#?

    Ok so my family is going to book a very expensive holiday this year (it's a special year for us) but it's near the end of the mounth (about the same time i have had my periods in the past) My dad has taken 2 weeks of work and it's the last 2 weeks of August, what am i going to do?! It will mainly be swimming and how am i going to do that if i'm on my period? :( I'm 13 and i don't use tampons, and are they even safe in water? what about in the sea I don't know?! I think i might be ok, as we can only go for 1 week, and we're booking it for the first week of the two weeks he has off. Last mounth i started on the 31st so i should be ok? I don't know wether to tell my mum, cause if i do there's nothing she can do about it, my dad can't have any other weeks off. We haven't booked it yet which is ok but i don't know what i am going to do. Please help me?

    P.s. me and my mum aren't that close so it's going to be really hard to speak to her if i have to...

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Good films for teen girls?

    I'm having a sleepover and i would like some chick flicks/rom coms. I'd like them quite recent to about 2011-2010-2009? The 2012 ones may not be out on DVD yet. Any ideas? I've seen quite a few so please could you make a large list? 10 for the most! :)

    5 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • Which iPad is better?

    ok so i'm thinking of getting an iPad and i don't know weather to get the iPad 2 or the iPad 3. I will be using it for general use, apps, youtube, email, facebook nothing work realted so it's more for leasure. I would like a good camera so i was thinking of the iPad 3 as it is the newest but i'm not sure. I'm not too good techncally. I have an iPhone 4 and i can use that but the iPad seem rather complicated idk? Which one would you recommed? Forgetting about the price which one's 'the best'. I would like a lighter one but if it's not as good then a bit more weight is ok.

    3 AnswersPDAs & Handhelds9 years ago
  • shaving rash/dots on my legs?

    Ok so i shave my legs in the shower and i use a new razor and i use shower gel on my legs and i shave from ancle towards my body but i still ahev like a rash? It's lots of red dots, they don't stick out they are just collected together like a rash and i don't know what to do. It's a big like this but a lot less and the dots are a bit more seperated. Any tips? P.s. i can't go to the doctor im only 13. Thanks :)

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions9 years ago
  • Have my boobs stopped growing?

    I'm 13 and my boobs started growing quite a long time ago. At first they grew slowley then quickly then slowley and now they are very slow infact i don't know if they are growing at all... I'm a 32 AA at the moment my mums boobs are about an A-B But mine are much smaller so i don't think they're done. Has anyone else experienced this? They are very small! Some days they feel bigger than others which is nice because it make me feel they are growing but they have just about been this big for pretty much since christmas i don't know what to do! D: Please help me? Are they done. I know you don't know but has this happened to you and if so what happened also any tips on helping them grow? I'm quite small and am growing rather slowley do you think that might have something to do with it?

    (I've hit puberty and period e.t.c)

    4 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago