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  • My friends and family don't like my boyfriend?

    I've been going out with him for a about a month and my friends and family don't like him because they blame him for me losing my best friend a while ago but I completely realized it was her fault cause she got crazy. I've told them that and they somewhat agree but they still don't like them. He tries to talk to my friends and is super nice to my parents but they tell me they don't like him and don't want us together. He is amazing and I really don't want to break up with him. What do I do?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • What should I do?

    I have to see this guy everyday and it's really awkward cause he hates me only because he thinks I'm still friends with someone but I'm not. How do I get him to stop hating me and for things to be less awkward.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • I hate my twin sister?

    We're both girls but she literally acts like the world revolves around her and everyone wants to know everything about her. When I tell my parents they just say that's the same thing I do (which is not true, I don't spend an entire day making everything about me) and they tell me to stop saying that. At school she's taking my friends because she doesn't like hers now. I don't know what to do because she is really bothering me and I can't stand her at all.

    3 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • Sweet 16 party ideas?

    My birthday isn't till September but I have no idea what I want to do. Girls in the grade above me would have kinda like a dance thing just for their friends. I don't have a ton of friends so that wouldn't be possible plus my parents don't like spending a ton of money just on parties. And homecoming would just be like two weeks later so they defiantly don't want to spend more money. What are some ideas?

    2 AnswersFriends6 years ago
  • What should I do?

    A couple guys at school always bother me and it's getting really old. I've had anxiety attacks about ti because they always make me feel terrible. One of them would stare and then laugh at me, another would try to make up stupid jokes even though he knows I hate him because of that, and the last is the worst, he never lets me through in the hallways so I literally get almost "pushed" into the wall or he won't let me through to wherever I need to go (btw I'm not even 5' and he's over 6'). My mom says it's because they like me but I know they don't cause I've always hated each of them. My mom let me stay home a couple times because I felt terrible about going to school (I'm a freshman). What should I do?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Should I forgive her?

    I'm in 9th grade and my best friend since 1st grade and I got in a fight earlier in the year because she believed a guy over her two best friends and she acted like a complete ***** to me and really only cared about the guy. She leaves her friends when I guy comes and then when she becomes too clingy and he ends up hating her she comes running back and wants us all to forget it even happened. She's been like this since 6th grade when middle school started and I'm done with it. She gives me so much stress. She's still friends with my best friend. I don't want this to happen again but we've had a long history. Do I forgive her and just become friends again or keep ignoring her (I have been for almost 3-4 months btw)? HELP!

    4 AnswersFriends6 years ago
  • Should I forgive her?

    My best friend and I got in a fight after she believed a guy who said he hated her (but told her it was just a joke) over her friends who were telling the truth and I kinda realized that for about 3 years she's been a ***** to me and only cares about guys. She leaves her friends when a guy comes around and then comes crying back to us when it didn't work out. Two of my friends are still friends with her and everyone said I should forgive her since we had been friends for almost 8 1/2 years (we're hs freshmen now) but I don't want the same event to happen again. Do i forgive her and become friends again or keep ignoring her? HELP!

    5 AnswersFriends6 years ago
  • HELP! Not sure if this guy hates me or not?

    My now ex-best friend liked this guy and they became "friends" but it didn't last long cause we all got in a huge fight over both of them (I personally didn't do anything, but I think she told him the opposite) I see this guy in the hallways and at lunch everyday and it's always really awkward. I want the awkwardness to stop so what should I do? And I'm really shy too. (btw he's two grades above me) HELP PLEASE!

    1 AnswerFriends6 years ago
  • Would it be wrong to date a teacher's son?

    He's a junior and I'm a freshman and I'm completely sure he likes me and two of my friends who i have told everything to agree. My other friends say it's weird to date a teacher's kid tho. I'm pretty good in the class, average of a B+, compared to the other people taking the course and she's really nice too. I could have her my junior year tho, I probably won't cause that's an honors class lol, so I don't want to make anything awkward at any point. What should I do?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • HELP! What does this mean?

    I like this guy (he's a junior, I'm a freshman) and he always stares at me and we make eye contact usually but then we both look away except when we're in class across from each other then we keep looking till I look away. And a couple days ago he asked me if I was in the class across from his and I said yes and then he just asked me what was with some of the people in my class (Idk they yell a lot and are really loud all the time) but that was the first time he has ever talked to me. In the hallways he always stares at me, and my friend says he stares at everyone but I always walk with my friends and he's never looks at them he always looks at me (and when I say always I mean ALWAYS) Anyways, the day after I got on the bus (he's on my bus lol) and he stared at me getting on and then every once in a while I looked over at him and we made eye contact but then we both looked away. I just don't know what this means. Does he like me or not?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • What does this mean?

    So this junior I like (I'm a freshman) asked me on the bus what was happening with the guys in one of my classes cause he's in the class right across from mine and can see everything. (We've never talked before and he usually only talks to his neighbor) Now he fully knows I'm in that class, he looks at me every time are classes are at the same time and in the halls. My friend says he stares at everyone, but I always walk with my friends and he only looks at me. What does this mean?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Heels in school?

    I'm a freshman and I'm only 4'11" so I really want more height but I don't know about heels. I like these: My friend wheres 3" wedges about once a week and she's fine but I found these wedges and I really like them (the kind my friend got are not in my size anymore) and these wedges say they have a 1" platform with a 3.5" heel. And is the platform included in the heel height?

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • My best friend and her older friend stopped talking but I think she's hurt? Should I text him?

    whenever we start talking about him (it comes natural after we have talked about him for a few weeks non-stop) when she talks she gets really quiet. we know they don't talk any more but i think something bad happened. Should I text the guy asking what happened cause i really do care for my friend or will it just make it worse? i see him everyday at school so i can't ignore him.

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • is it weird that I like my teacher's son?

    He's a junior and I'm a freshman but his mom is my teacher. I'm pretty sure he likes me too but would is weird to like my teacher's son?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • how do i get a guy to be more comfortable around me?

    there is this guy i like but we are both shy but i'm pretty sure he likes me, how do i get if to be more comfortable so he can talk to me?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Does this junior like me or no? Advice?

    This guy is in a class thats at the same times as mine and even though we have different teachers we always see each other anyways. Well he'll be looking at me and when I finally see he'll look away and then we'll back at each other and away (this happens a couple times) and this also happens when I get on the bus since he gets there before me every day. Sometimes I'll see him in the hallways and even though he is talking to his friends he'll be staring at me and when I look at him he doesn't flinch and continues staring so I look away and then back to see if he's still staring and he is. Does he like me or not? And any advice on getting his attention getting him to talk to me (I'm really shy and I think of smiling but I get caught up in the moment that it doesn't happen and talking will not work at all, so please no "just talk to him" things. thanks)

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I don't know if he likes me or not?

    This guy is a junior and I'm a freshman. Anyways, we are on the same bus so we see each other every afternoon. He's really cute so I kinda look for him, and he finds me too (he always gets on before me) and he finds me before I find him. We look at each other for a second before looking away. We look back and away and this happens 2 or 3 times before I get my seat in the back behind him. But when he gets off he never looks back...? We have gym at the same time once a cycle and we can always see what the other class is doing so we see each other there. And when he's walking to gym on a day I have health we see each other. Every time he stares at me, and I guess I stare at him too but I look away a couple times. He'll even be staring when he's talking to his friends in the hall. I'm extremely shy that I can't even smile and I can't talk to him because of my shyness. I think he's a little shy too but I don't know. Does he like me or no? And any advice on getting his attention/getting him to talk to me?

    Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Help with a guy? Does he like me or not?

    There is a guy on my bus (he is a junior, I'm a freshman) and everyday when I get on he always looks at me and I look at him too (he's cute) but then we look away from each other, and then look back and this happens 2-3 times before I get my seat which is farther back then his. But when he gets off he doesn't look back to see me. ? We have one class 'together' once a cycle meaning we just have different teachers but we can still see each other and he will look at me. Even when he's talking to his friends in the hallway he stares at me. His mom is my teacher but I doubt that really matters to him, but I'm closer to the age of his sister (she's in 8th) which might be weird. Does he like or no? Any advice? And btw I'm extremely shy so talking to him won't work and I've thought of smiling but in the moment I can't. HELP PLEASE!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • HELP! GUYS & GIRLS! Does he like me or not? What do I do?

    I'm a freshman and there is this junior who is on my bus and everyday I get on I try to find him (he's cute) but he always seems to find me first. We both look away, look back, look away, and this usually happens 2-3 times before I find a seat which is usually behind him. When he gets off though he doesn't look back. We have gym at the same time and we see each other there once a cycle (6 school days) and then when he has gym and I have health (1 day) I see him too and he always stares at me in the hall even when he's talking to one of his friends. I get caught up in the moment that I don't even smile ugh. I'm too shy to talk to him btw. Any advice?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Do guys like really short girls?

    Like 5' or shorter

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago