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  • Accidentally burned plastic - headache, feeling lightheaded?

    I was building a circuit for my lab class, and long story short, I wasn't paying attention and accidentally connected a battery to itself and didn't realize for several minutes. It's two AA batteries in a plastic battery clip/holder. I started to smell something like burning plastic and started feeling lightheaded. I immediately unplugged everything, pulled away the battery and it was burning hot... I still feel a little bit lightheaded and I have a slight headache about 15 minutes later... I looked up "what happens if you inhale burning plastic" and it said you could die lol. Is this true? Am I okay? What should I do or what symptoms should I be watching for? Sorry if this is a silly question lol

    Other - Health7 months ago
  • Weird bumps that leave indents behind?

    I am a 20 yr old female, and I have been getting odd bumps around my bikini line for a long time now (since I was a preteen). They are red/pink, about the size of a pea, raised, firm to the touch, and painful when pressed on or rubbed by clothing.

    They always appear along the line where the inner leg meets the pelvis, kind of like along the line where you can feel the adductor muscle there. 

    They seem to appear randomly and go away on their own after about a week.  When they start to heal, they first become level with my skin again and turn a reddish/purplish color. Then, the red/purple color tends to fade away and what's left behind is a sort of "crater" in the flesh of my leg/pelvis? So the skin looks sort of loose over that little area, and if you press on it you can feel that there is a sort of indentation beneath it?? These indentations don't really go away, or maybe they go away extremely slowly.

    I am not sexually active so I'm sure it's not an STD/STI. I have had ingrown hairs on my legs, and they look very very different, so I don't think it's that either. I am really not sure what this is, but I was too embarrassed to bring it up when I was younger and it never caused any further issues/always resolved itself so I still haven't bothered to figure it out. I'd just like to know what could be going on and make sure it isn't harmful! Lmk anything you might think it could be!!

    Skin Conditions9 months ago
  • Simple Calculus Question?

    Given that ∫e^(-ax*sin(kx)dx = k∕(a²+k²) from 0 to infinity,

    evaluate ∫xe^(-ax)sin(kx)dx and ∫xe^(-ax)cos(kx)dx from 0 to infinity.

    I've started by separating this out by letting f(x) = e^(-ax)sin(kx), beacause we know what ∫f(x)dx is. So then what we are trying to find ∫xf(x)dx... Am I on the right track and where would I go from there? And how would I change that for cos? This problem seems simple but I'm rusty on calculus :/ Any help or guidance is appreciated!

    1 AnswerMathematics3 years ago
  • Caption for my sister’s 21st birthday post?

    I’m making an instagram post for my sister’s 21st birthday (just pics of us together). I’m trying to think of a funny caption. I’m thinking “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! here’s to getting IDed for the next 20 years 🥂🎉” because we both have baby faces lol, thoughts or suggestions?

    2 AnswersOther - Internet3 years ago
  • Decode these emojis?


    What does this mean? It’s like a sentence

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay3 years ago
  • Come up with a funny thing for me to dress up as for a party !?

    The theme is holidays, like come dressed as any holiday/day of the year but get creative ! Like going as a box for Boxing Day :D

    Funniest answer gets best answer !!

    6 AnswersWords & Wordplay3 years ago
  • Turn sentence from passive to active voice?

    The sentence is "Bran was thrown from the tower." This is passive (I think) voice. How do you switch it to active voice since there s not really a person or object performing the verb?

    Or am I wrong and this is an active voice sentence already... In which case how would you make it passive?

    2 AnswersHomework Help3 years ago
  • What does Odysseus take from his battle with the Kikonians (Cicones) that re-appears later in his narrative?

    The options are

    a) a magical root (moly)

    b) wine

    c) a lyre

    d) a bag of winds

    I'm between a) and d) right now... I know he was given each of these things, but I'm confused on the timeline, or which one is given to him after the battle with the Cicones.

    1 AnswerMythology & Folklore3 years ago
  • Is it illegal to use a fake name for an online job?

    My friend is trying to make some extra money by tutoring online. It s through a legitimate website (I think it s called Wyzant or something similar) and students would pay her for tutoring them via video chat. But she doesn t want to use her real name for privacy reasons I guess. Is it illegal for her to use a fake name? I tried doing some research on this and most of what I got was that it s legal to use a fake name online to protect your privacy but it becomes illegal if it s harmful to someone else or if you profit from it. For this reason I m trying to convince her that it IS illegal because she s making money under a fake name. It might be important to mention that the name she wants to use is just made up, probably not the name of any real person.

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics3 years ago
  • Current and voltage readings on ammeters and voltmeters in these circuits? (Easy)?

    The battery is 3 volts and the resistor is 100 ohms.

    The ammeter has a fuse that blows when you try to put too much current through it, like more than 10 amps.

    What is the current through the ammeter?

    (Ammeter wired in series with resistor, closer to negative terminal)

    What is the current through the voltmeter?

    (Voltmeter wired in series with resistor, closer to negative terminal)

    What is the current through the ammeter?

    (Ammeter wired in parallel with resistor)

    What is the voltage across the voltmeter?

    (Voltmeter wired in parallel with resistor)

    I know the second one is 0... what about the others? Thanks!

    4 AnswersPhysics3 years ago
  • Would an oral antibiotic medication help an infected ear piercing?

    Would antibiotic pills (like amoxicillin) help get rid of an infection in an ear piercing?

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body3 years ago
  • Find max potential and max charge on a Van de Graaff generator (given diameter and E field)?

    Lightning can be studied with a Van de Graaff generator, which consists of a spherical dome on which charge is continuously deposited by a moving belt. Charge can be added until the electric field at the surface of the dome becomes equal to the dielectric strength of air. Any more charge leaks off in sparks as shown in the figure below. Assume the dome has a diameter of 22.0 cm and is surrounded by dry air with a "breakdown" electric field of 3.00 106 V/m.

    1 AnswerPhysics3 years ago
  • Find maximum interest rate given a maximum monthly payment (differential equations)?

    Here's the question:

    A home buyer wishes to finance the purchase with a $95,000 mortgage with a 20-year term. What is the maximum interest rate the buyer can afford if the monthly payment is not to exceed $900?

    I'm sure there is a simpler, more intuitive way to solve this, but this is for a differential equations course so I think I'm supposed to use the equation y_(n+1)=(rho)*y_(n)+b somehow but I'm not sure exactly how...

    Any help is appreciated !!

    ** "y_{n+1}" : y with subscript (n+1), "y_{n}" : y with subscript (n)

    3 AnswersMathematics3 years ago
  • Physics electric force simple question?

    Three objects are brought close to each other, two at a time. When objects A and B are brought together, they repel. When objects B and C are brought together, they also repel. Which of the following are true? (Select all that apply.)

    A) One object is neutral.

    B) Objects A and C possess charges of the same sign.

    C) Objects A and C possess charges of opposite sign.

    D) Additional experiments must be performed to determine the signs of the charges.

    E) All three objects possess charges of the same sign.

    1 AnswerPhysics3 years ago
  • Differential equation help? Verifying a solution?

    Verify that the given function is a solution of the differential equation.

    y′′′′+ 4y′′′+ 3y=t where y1(t) =t/3 and y2(t) =e^(−t)+t/3.

    I think you have to do a system of differential equations but I'm lost...

    Please include/explain all steps

    2 AnswersMathematics3 years ago
  • Verify the solution to a differential equation (simple)?

    Here's the question:

    "Verify that the given function is a solution of the differential equation.

    y′′′′+ 4y′′′+ 3y=t; y1(t) =t/3, y2(t) =e−t+t/3"

    What are y1(t) and y2(t) (those are subscripts, by the way)? Why are there two solutions/functions?

    So far I've just put the diff eq into standard form... how do you go about solving this?

    3 AnswersMathematics3 years ago
  • Latin: simple 1st conjugation + translation question?

    Here s the question: "Conjugate the present active indicative of laudō and give two translations for each form."

    I know how to conjugate laudō and I know it means "to praise" (e.g. "laudāmus" : "We praise"). But what would the 2nd translation be?

    -- There was a similar question about "moneō" and I used "I warn" as one translation and "I advise" as another translation because monēre can mean both things. But laudō only has one translation, according to our textbook (Wheelock s Latin). I feel like I m missing something. What s would a second translation be for laudō?

    5 AnswersLanguages3 years ago
  • What do you think of how my girlfriend talks to me?

    We had a bit of an argument last night but this morning things are okay. I texted her “I love you so much” and “I love my everything” (we call each other our everything) she said “yeah i should hope so.” She has said this before too and it pisses me off. One time she got mad because I couldn’t see her for a week and I said I was sorry and she said “you should be sorry”. It just makes me so mad; is this unreasonable? Like, I JUST said that. You don’t need to tell me that I “should be” sorry. Is this something you would get upset about? Would you talk to your S.O. that way?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Relativity Question?

    You "measure" or "observe" two events to occur at the same time, one nearby and one further away. Which one did you actually see first

    2 AnswersPhysics3 years ago
  • Is my girlfriend crossing the line/psycho?

    My girlfriend calls me out whenever i don’t reply to her but am on my phone... she said “it really bothers me when you’re on your phone but you don’t reply to me.” I really want to say “it really bothers me that you constantly check my activity to see if I’m on my phone.”

    She looks at if I’ve liked any instagram posts or followed anyone back on instagram, she also checks my snapchat score to see if it goes up. That one seems especially crazy to me. She also checks my tagged photos on instagram and gets jealous when she sees that i hang out with other people... I have never once in my life felt the need to do that with my girlfriend or anyone. What they do with their time outside of me and when they reply to me is not my business and they have the right to not be talking to me 24/7... Is my girlfriend invading my privacy? She has a serious jealousy/mistrust issue. She even told me that during college she doesn’t want me to meet new people (even friends). I know social media is all public, but do you think it’s a bad sign or do you think she’s crazy for checking all the time?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago