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Lv 2314 points

iain's mom

Favorite Answers24%
  • How do I restore my Wordpress posts after transferring web hosts?

    I just transferred web hosts and am in the process of getting everything settled into the new host. I am now trying to transfer my Wordpress blog to its new location at the new host. I saved all of my wordpress files on my desktop prior to transferring anything so that I wouldn't lose any of my posts and I still have access to my previous host so if anything goes wrong...I still have my blog intact somewhere.

    This is what I have done so far...I created a new database on the new web host and changed a copy of wp-config.php (so as not to lose the original) to reflect the new database. I FTPed all the wordpress files to the new location and when I went to the site online, it said that wordpress wasn't installed. This didn't seem odd since I moved the location so I re-installed it...figuring I couldn't lose anything since I have all the files. Now, I do not know how to restore my posts. Are they not there because I changed the database? or is there something else? I couldn't keep the same database name because my new host requires username.databasename instead of just databasename. Does this mean I can't restore my posts? If you need more information, just ask. Thanks in advance!

    4 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Can I change web hosts and keep the same email address?

    I do not know much about how domains, web hosting or email work. That being said...I currently own a domain...let's call it have an email address connected with The site is currently hosted by Yahoo Small Business but I would like to change the host. Is it possible to transfer my domain, cancel my current email address or something so that the incoming server is no longer, and recreate the same email address ( through the new host? Would I need to cancel it? or can I just re-create it through the new host? I do not care about keeping or having access to any of the emails I received in the past. I just need to keep the email address I currently have. I tried asking the provider I'm thinking of using now but they were less than helpful (not a good selling point). If you need more information, just ask. I really don't know much about this stuff. Thanks in advance.

    4 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • I don't think my baby's teething so...what is it?

    My son is almost 4 months old (will be in one week) and he suddenly stopped sleeping through the night on Monday (almost a week ago). He's fussy and cry-y all day. He'd been sleeping through the night for about a month and now it takes forever to get him to go to sleep and stay asleep because he's very fussy and cry-y and just generally seems uncomfortable. He has some of the signs of teething (excessive drooling, irritability/fussiness, biting behavior (he constantly chews on anything he can), sleep problems) but his gums aren't swollen, which I would think is a pretty important sign and is why I'm almost positive he isn't teething. He is my only child so I'm new to all this. Oh...we also checked and he doesn't have a fever or anything. He will be going to the ped. next Saturday but was wondering if anyone new any possible causes in the meantime? Thank you so much!

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Homeschooling? (for parents)?

    What do you think of homeschooling? If you are against it, why? If you are currently homeschooling...does it work for you? What do you do? Why did you choose to homeschool? Do your children enjoy it? Anything else? My husband and I are looking through the options for the future. Thanks.

    11 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • How to teach a cat not to bang on a door?

    My husband's cat constantly bangs on the door to our bedroom whenever we are in the bedroom with the door closed and we can't seem to stop him. Keeping the door open is not an option because our baby sleeps in our bedroom and the cat tries to jump in the crib...even with a net across it. Any suggestions? Thanks for your help.

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • How to deal when plans change?

    My first pregnancy ended in an emergency c-section a month early due to complications which nearly ended both mine and my son's life...sent him to the NICU for a few weeks and kept me in the hospital. As a result of said complication, I am unable to have any more children. We had been planning to have more children for years. I know I should be ecstatic considering everything that happened...that I am still alive...and that I have one perfect child. My husband and I really wanted a son...and we were blessed with one. Some people aren't even able to have one and I feel very selfish for feeling the way that I do. I love my son more than anything and most of the time I am really happy that he will be our one and only but there are other times I find myself wanting more in the future. I feel horrible for these feelings and don't know how to get rid of them. Anyone else have to deal with a similar situation? If do you deal?

    (Hope this question makes sense.)

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How to find a good pediatrician?

    My son is 3.5 months old and we will be moving in a little over a month. I don't know anyone in the area with kids and therefore have no recommendations to go by. His current pediatrician was the one that was assigned to us when he was born because he was premature and we hadn't had time to find one yet. I do not like his current ped....I do not feel comfortable asking him questions because he acts like I should already know all the answers when I am a first time mom. He acts like I am a bad mother for not already knowing the answers when usually I'm just asking because I'd rather hear it from a doctor than go by what I've heard from other people. I do not even feel comfortable calling him if something is/seems wrong (I still do but I hate to and that's a horrible feeling). I would like to be comfortable with his next pediatrician and was wondering if anyone has any suggestions as to how I can be sure we are a good fit before settling with any one pediatrician? Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What do I do if formula doesn't satisfy?

    My son is 3.5 months old (2.5 months according to his due date...he was taken out a month early) and he is and always has been formula fed due to a medical condition on my part. For the past week, however, he is hungry all the time and takes in anything I give him. If I offer him 5 oz...he'll eat it and still be hungry...if I offer him 10 oz...he'll eat it and still be hungry. The only time he isn't hungry is when he's asleep and he'll only sleep for 2 hours at a time and wake up screaming for more "food". Sometimes he'll only sleep for half an hour and wake up hungry even though he ate right before going to sleep. Regardless of how much I feed him...he is never satisfied. I will be calling my ped. on Monday but I am at my wits end as to what to do. I thought he'd grow out of it but it's just gotten worse. Before a week ago formula was fine. Just wanted to see if anyone had any recommendations until I call the ped.. Thanks in advance!

    (Hope my question makes sense.)

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago