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  • Interesting/Cool way to make a periodic table?

    For a project, I need to create a period table. It can not be bigger than my desk and I want to do something different and fun so it's easier for me. Let me have some good answers! I don't want to make something boring like a poster, so DON'T say that please! Thank you for your time :)

    1 AnswerChemistry9 years ago
  • Fell on my knee awhile back and I still have recurring pain?

    So maybe a month ago I fell on my knees while ice skating. It hurt super bad and I had major bruises from it. Well, maybe a week later, I get hit with a lacrosse ball in the knee that was hurt the worst from my fall. After the pain went away, I would have it come back a few days a week when I walk. I do have practice every day after school, so I haven't really let my knee rest the right way. Should I stay off of it from awhile or what? I don't want it to get worse because lacrosse is about to start which means playing maybe 3 games a week. Any suggestions would be nice! And it hurts the most when I put pressure on the knee like I put all my weight on that leg and when it bends.

    1 AnswerInjuries1 decade ago
  • my beta fish died, what could be the reason why?

    So I was going to clean his fish bowl like I always do. And for some reason, when I put him in my net and transferd him to a cup of water like I usually did he died... I didn't do anything out of the ordinary. So I'm not sure why he died. He was fed, and I used water conditioner. One thing weird about his bowl though is that he would have little bubbles at the top of the water on just one side and it was probably like 3 inches long 1 and a half wide... I don't know why he had them but the water was always clear.. and I always washed the rocks well. So why do you think he all of the sudden died?

    7 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • If you've ever been on your yearbook staff help me!?

    So my teacher wants me to make a dance/drama all that stuff page and we have NO good pictures! So how am I suppose to make a good page with crappy pictures? And we can't get anymore pictures for the page because no one is doing anything.

    3 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • High school musical 3 dancing?

    What kind of dancing are they doing in their song "Can I have this dance?" Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersDancing1 decade ago
  • what's a three word catchy phrase for lacrosse?

    So for yearbook are theme is in 3 words. So every page has to have a title with only 3 words and I'm doing lacrosse but I can't think of any phrases. So y'all lacrosse players out there help me please! :)

    1 AnswerOther - Sports1 decade ago
  • How to get over my ex boyfriend?

    We've been going out for 10 months and we broke up because of something he did to me. Well, I have a class with him everyday for 90 mins. so its torture having to see him everyday and hear him talk and stuff. Its really hard. And neither of us want to drop the class so I have until May with him. Help please!

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Can you go to any school for college after you join the military?

    I know when you join the military, they pay for you to go to school. Well are there certain schools you can only go to or can you go to any school? Because I want to go to Harvard for college so it would be nice to know what are my options before I jump into anything.

    5 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • What bracelets do you wear?

    I have a few friendship bracelets and silly bandz on each wrist. And I'm getting an I <3 boobies bracelet soon. What kind of bracelets do you wear? Or what are the "in" bracelets at your school?

    6 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • What bracelets do you wear?

    I have a few friendship bracelets and silly bandz on each wrist. And I'm getting an I <3 boobies bracelet soon. What kind of bracelets do you wear? Or what are the "in" bracelets at your school?

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • DBQ document help!?!?!?

    Source: President Grover Cleveland, Second Inaugural Message

    "The existence of immense aggregations of kindred enterprises and combinations of Business interests formed for the purpose of limiting production and fixing prices is inconsistent with the fair field which ought to be open to every independent activity. Legitimate strife in business should not be superseded by an enforced concession to the demands of combinations that have the power to destroy. . . . To the extent that they [combinations] can be reached and restrained by Federal Power the General Government should relieve our citizens from their interference and exactions. . . ."

    Can anyone like explain this to me? Or put it in dumber terms please :)

    1 AnswerGovernment1 decade ago
  • What is a laissez-faire government?

    When the government is involved or not involved?

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Frostwire tunes to Itunes?

    So it worked when I got on my moms account and when I got Itunes up and it all just magically went to my ipod. But it wont happen anymore.. I tried adding song to library and all that but the songs I downloaded don't show up unless they were the ones that got added to my ipod that one time. So how can I add the rest of the songs I downloaded to Itunes? You would make my day if you could help!!!

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • When were monopolies first created?

    I need to know a year where they first started or everyone started noticing them. Thank youu :)

    1 AnswerHistory1 decade ago
  • Can you get kicked off a team because someone filed a sexual assault report against them?

    So my friend filed a report on him for raping her. There is a investigation going on about it, but do you think if this guys coach found out he would get kicked off? And its swim team btw :)

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Can my mom charge my ex for statutory rape?

    He is 18 and I was 16 when this happened. I told my mom he raped me and stuff but I don't want to file a complaint. So she's going to the police because I wont. Is there anything she can do? And she doesn't know any details. Just what he did but doesn't know where and all that stuff. And I live in GA. I know age of consent is 16 here. But I'm just wondering if they can still do something to my ex?

    9 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Ex boyfriend raped me, how can I tell if he's sorry?

    He says he's sorry, but I don't think he means it... Is there a way I can tell if he's really sorry for what he did or if he's just making up bull **** so I won't tell the police what he did? We don't really talk much anymore. He's trying to ignore me cause I told his parents. I told him I would file a report, but I don't know if I really can. I haven't done it yet. But can anyone help me? Give me advice on what to do?

    12 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What's a moral argument that opposed for the compromise of 1850?

    I need some for a essay and I have no idea what a moral argument even is. Also I need a political action that opposed slavery

    1 AnswerHistory1 decade ago
  • Why do you stay with your girlfriend or boyfriend?

    I know the main reason is you might love them but I want more deeper answers to really why you stay with them. Happy answers too! And please be serious, I don't want to hear because they are good in bed.

    18 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • how to unblock unknown numbers on my blackberry?

    Whenever someone calls it sometimes says "unknown number" and goes straight to my voice mail. I have these numbers saved into my contacts though. So whenever my boyfriend calls it says unknown number and goes to my voice mail without me being able to pick up. So is there a way to unblock that? Or fix it so it wont go to my voice mail and it happens with everyone that calls. Just at random times.

    1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds1 decade ago