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  • Which cocktails are generally cheaper?

    I only recently started going out to bars, and I'm finding it very difficult to predict how much a drink will be. At one place, my rum and coke was 11 dollars while my friend's gin and tonic was 7, which seems like a pretty big difference, since they both have one kind of alcohol and one kind of soda. Any advice about what drinks are generally cheaper is appreciated. Is it the number of ingredients used, the time to make it, or is the kind/amount of alcohol involved? Anyone know of some cocktails that are reliably on the low end of the price scale? I'm not looking to get drunk, so I don't care how strong it is or if it's a "good value". I just want to have some idea what I'll pay when I order a drink. Thanks!

    2 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Question about Facebook and dating?

    So, I'm kind of new to facebook, and not really sure what the etiquette is when it comes to friending romantic partners. I've gone out with this guy a few times, it's going well though we aren't exclusive. If I had hung out with a friend or coworker this much I would definitely add them, but I'm not sure about adding a potential boyfriend- it's still pretty early, and it seems like it would be really awkward if the relationship didn't go anywhere. On the other hand, it would make communicating much easier- both of us have access to computers at work but not cell phones, and we've mostly been setting up dates and chatting via email.

    Oh, and if it matters, there's nothing on my fb page I wouldn't want him to see- I've already friended my boss and my grandma, so my profile is pretty inoffensive.

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Do I need to descale my kettle?

    I've noticed that water left in the kettle overnight will turn brown by morning, even though my tap water and water that's freshly boiled are clear. I've only had this kettle a few months, the old one never turned the water brown. Is this normal? I've heard people mention that kettles should be descaled- will that help? Any ideas/advice? Thanks!

    3 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks1 decade ago
  • Can I hang curtains without a drill?

    I'm trying to install a traditional curtain rod (the kind that sits in brackets that are screwed into the wall or molding). The curtains are heavy so I don't think suction cups or adhesive hooks will work. I don't mind making holes in the molding, but I don't have a drill and can't afford to buy one just for this project.

    I was thinking about using a hammer and nail to start the hole, then screwing the bracket into that. Do you think that will work? Any better ideas?

    7 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • What do you think about sharing food or utensils?

    I was raised in a family where everything was fair game- sharing food, water glasses, utensils, etc. I know some people find this weird, so I'm taking a little survey. What are your feelings? Who will you share what with? Does it bother you to see other people sharing food? If you think it's gross, is it because you're afraid of germs, or just the culture and etiquette you were raised with?

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What is a pager? Is it the same thing as a beeper?

    This is probably a dumb question, but what is a pager and what do you use it for? I know it's something people used to use before they had cell phones. I though it was a little box that you would carry around like a cell, but then I watch hospital t.v. shows and they have people talking on the loudspeaker saying "paging Dr. So-and-so". So my question is- how would I page someone, and what would happen when I paged them. Also, is "beeper" another name for a pager? Thanks for the help.

    2 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • Debbie, Deb or Deborah? Please help me choose a professional name?

    I'm graduating this spring, and I've got a decision to make. I've used all three of the variations for my name over the years, and I'm comfortable with all of them- different people in my life use different names for me, depending on where they know me from. I'm just not sure which name to use in my professional life. It's worth noting that I'm going into a male-dominated field and I want to be taken seriously.

    So my question is- what do you think of when you hear the names Debbie, Deb, and Deborah? Which sounds most/less like a scientist's name?

    13 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Can matches go bad? How do I use strike any-where matches?

    I found a number of waterproof match-containers while sorting through old camping equipment. They look like normal matches, but as there is no little friction strip in the container, I think they might be the strike-anywhere sort. I can't get any of them to light, and I'm wondering whether I'm too dumb to light a match or if matches can "go bad" after years of sitting in an attic. I've tried striking them on a bunch of different surfaces. This isn't especially important, but I'm curious. Thanks!

    5 AnswersCamping1 decade ago