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A leo with a Taurus???
I'm a female leo, and I've had a crush on this Taurus female for quite sometime, though I don't nessasarilly know if she's into me, at all, and the awkward part is I just got out of a comitted relationship with an Aries guy (because I moved away, not because it wasn't working.) & I love him, but he also happens to be her ex boyfriend as well, and me and the taurus girl dont have a good history together, we were sorta rivals, but then I started to develope feelings for her, and I think she likes me two after we sorta talked. But when I told my bestfriend (who's not her biggest fan.) That I might have a crush on her she almost gagged.
So my question is should I take a chance and tell her how I feel about her even though I have no idea if she likes me back, or should I just leave it and avoid total and utter humiliation because we dated the same guy?
3 AnswersHoroscopes8 years agoAm I bisexual or what?
I only ever had an actual crush on three girls, (Im into men) but my friend says that doesn't really make me bisexual, more bicurious, but I had an actual crush on them like, I wanted to date them, I found them completely attractive, so would that make me bi?
5 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender8 years agoam I considered bisexual if you only ever had a crush like 3 girls?
I'm female, and my friend said she wasn't sure..
5 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender8 years agoAre you optimistic or pessimistic?(&What's your zodiac sign)?
11 AnswersHoroscopes8 years agoHelp me please??????
Recently I moved to a knew state, I'm starting off my first year in high school, starting off my freshman year, & I have a hard time making knew friends, but I'm usually chill & great at making friends in a familiar environment but how do I cooperate in a place that's completely knew to me? (So in short I'm asking, how do you make knew friends?)
6 AnswersFriends8 years agoWhats the best type of clothing brand for teenage girls?
If I want a tomboy mixed with a little bit of girly look,
5 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years agoHow can I get rid of my black heads?
I mean I've tried everything from facial cream to clay mask cleaners, how can I get rid of them?
2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years agoCan you solve the riddle..?
You're stuck in a room with no way to get out, all you have with you is a mirror and a table and a light to see, so how do you get out of the room?
6 AnswersJokes & Riddles8 years agoAre you a believer???????????
In love?
Or in god?
Or Santa, the Easter Kangaroo, the Tooth fairy, Sand man, and Jack frost?
9 AnswersParanormal Phenomena8 years agoWhy did he ask me this?
My boyfriend sent me a text saying "what would you do if I was dating another girl with with you?(not though just asking.)" then I told him "well I'd dump your sorry ***." then he texted "what if I asked you if I could?" then I texted back, he said he wasn't doing anything behind my back and that he was just wondering, I felt hurt.. I cryd alot, but why did he ask that?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoShould I just stop wearing it make up?
Cause I don't want to look like a dried up fruit but I don't want to wear it anymore, I mean I don't wear alot in the first place but, I just want to stop wearing it but I know it'll look bad should I?
5 AnswersMakeup8 years agoWhat zodiac signs would compete for the title "Alpha"?
& what would be their mars & Venus?
4 AnswersHoroscopes8 years agoWhy am I so scared of losing someone that isn't going to leave me at all?
Like with my boyfriend, Im so scared that he'll leave me yet we've been together for 3 years and I know he loves me as much as I love him, maybe even more, but if I know he won't leave why am I so scared that he might?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoWhy are women so aggressive towards each other?
Like I'll be walking in the mall and this chick that looked my age (Im 14)that was a total stranger to me was standing right next me, once she noticed me, she stuck her chest out/pulled back her shoulders/lifted her chin and gave me a look them walked away.. Same with some girls at school, they give me looks then walk away.
11 AnswersFriends8 years agoWhat zodiac sign scares you?
Idk why but I find Aquarius pretty scary..
17 AnswersHoroscopes8 years agoWhat causes dissyness?
I heard it had something to do with fluids in your ear, or you ear drum spinning.. im not sure what what causes it?
2 AnswersBiology8 years agoWWhat placement would make someone more solitary?
Like Jupiter in Scorpio w/ Capricorn ascendant? Or what?
6 AnswersHoroscopes8 years agoI dont know if im straight or bisexual.?
I mean I guess it's so hard to find out what I am because Im bipolar, but could I just not label have a label for my sexual orientation? I mean one time I thought I was lesbian for 10 minutes, its just I guess my religion. Im Christian, so I have no choice but to be straight.. But I always noticing women, and I think I could be in a relationship with one, but then I can't cause I feel like I'll be mocked my my family or the family outsider because they're all Christian, except my mom who's atheist.. Even my best friend said that I was straight and my hormones are confusing me, but im not sure so could I just not label myself?
7 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender8 years ago