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  • my period blood is brown?

    I'm 17 years old and have been on birth control for about 2 years because my period use to be very irregular. since starting birth control my period has been completely normal, comes every month for once a week. however, 2 months ago after my period was suppose to go away I saw that I still had my period but it was pretty light and did end up going away about 2 weeks later. last month I had it regularly, but for some reason I'm still having my period and it's heavier than last time. and I'm noticing that my blood if brown in color and there are a few small clots. I'm suppose to get my regular period in about a week. I'm starting to worry because my period has been very normal and now it's not. is there something wrong with me? is my birth control not working anymore? please help

    1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years ago
  • How do I get rid of small red bumps on arms and legs? (picture)?

    a few weeks ago my left leg started itching in one spot and I assumed it was a bug bite since I got 3 other bug bites the same day. but it stopped itching and now I just have red bumps there. I also developed a bump on my thigh which went away. but now it's started on my arms. not a lot, not like a rash. they don't itch or burn or hurt in any way. there are only a few bumps but they seem to be getting worse. I haven't tried anything new that I believe could cause these bumps, even detergent. my body wash remains the same. everything is the same. I've been using cocoa butter and I've been using a exfoliate and I even recently turned to dabbing witch hazel on it. I don't know what to do. do you have any suggestions, please help!!!

    here is a picture!!!!

    and I know this is the worst place to post this picture but I don't have a computer or laptop to use and no one follows this account.

    all help is appreciated!!'

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions8 years ago
  • Dry spots on outer corner of eyes?

    a few weeks ago the outer corner or my eyes have developed a dry spot. It doesn't burn or itch. it's just red and flaky. I tried exfoliating and it doesn't help. I've been moisturizing every day. I've tried Vaseline and almond oil as well. I've been washing my face with a gentle cleanser and I used a clay face mask today. I don't know why they developed, it's never happened before, and I haven't tried anything new recently. can you please tell me how to get rid of it!!

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • How to get rid of dry spots on face?

    I've always had a few areas on my face that is dry. I tried lots of moisturizers and it'd always come back. then I found a moisturizer that worked. but not the dry spots are back. it's mostly on the inner corners of my nose. but now it's on the corner or my eyes and also on the bridge of my nose. how can I get rid of these dry spots? I've been using Vaseline but it always comes back :(

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • Can you translate this to Italian please?

    what is "now I'm a warrior" in Italian? I searched it on google translate but I don't use that so much as a reliable source.


    7 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • What shoes can I wear with these tights?

    I bought these tights and I'd like to wear them with of course skirts and dresses, but I don't know what shoes to wear with them just because they're very black at the bottom and then more shear at the top and it looks strange with my brown boots. what kind of shoes do you recommend I wear these with?

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • You have a 35L container with 3 moles of N2 and 4 moles of O2 at a temperature of 250C....?

    You have a 35L container with 3 moles of N2 and 4 moles of O2 at a temperature of 250C,

    a. What is the pressure in the container caused by Nitrogen?

    b. What is the pressure in the container caused by Oxygen?

    c. What is the total pressure in the container?

    R= 8.314 kPa. L K-1 mol-1

    Any help would be appreciated!

    2 AnswersChemistry8 years ago
  • I'm having dreams about a past crush I never met?

    I know it's probably odd, but I had a crush (maybe still do a little?) back in September-March. I met him on twitter and I don't know, I thought he was perfect, but he never liked me back. He lives in the UK as well, so we never met each other.

    The first three dreams I had about him was when we were friends, and they were sexual. When we stopped talking I had another sexual dream. The two dreams following the fourth dream was about him tweeting me because I missed him and we weren't talking. I don't know about the seventh dream, I forget it. But last night I had a dream where I was meeting him somewhere and we hugged and I didn't want him to let go and I didn't want to leave him.

    It's just strange because we barely talk and I don't think about him as much and my feelings for him have decreased a lot...I feel like I still like him though sometimes. To be honest, I have another crush. He's on my mind often, and I haven't had a dream about him once. I'm just confused on why I'm having dreams about a semi-past crush?

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • I really need help understand these questions, please help me.?

    1. If I had a mole of brownies, how many brownies would I have?


    6.02 x 1030

    6.02 x 1023

    It can't be determined. I need the molar mass of the brownies.

    2. Which identifies the type of reaction represented:

    2 K + MgBr2 →2 KBr + Mg

    (Points : 5)



    single displacement

    double displacement

    3. Which three quantities A, B and C are required to balance the equation: AP + BCl2 ==> CPCl5 ?

    (Points : 5)

    1 5 2

    2 5 4

    1 5 1

    2 5 2

    4. A solution has a hydrogen ion (or hydronium ion) concentration of 1.00 × 109 M. What is the pH of the solution?

    (Points : 5)





    5. You dissolve 0.74 g of potassium chloride (KCl) in 500 mL of water. What is the molarity of the solution? Use a periodic table.

    (Points : 5)

    0.5 M

    0.1 M

    0.02 M

    0.01 M

    6. The theoretical yield of a reaction is 790 g of potassium permanganate (KMnO4). If the reaction actually produces 652.5 g KMnO4, what is the percent yield of the reaction?

    (Points : 5)





    7. What is the formula mass (molar mass) of cholesterol (C27H46O), a fat found in your blood and cell membranes?

    (Points : 5)

    29 g/mol




    8. How many moles is 0.25g of Ibuprofen (Advil)? The molecular formula of ibuprofen is C13H18O2?

    (Points : 5)

    1.2 mol

    0.0012 mol

    0.82 mol

    4 mol

    9. A student increases the temperature of a 417 cm3 balloon from 278 K to 308 K. Assuming constant pressure, what should the new volume of the balloon be? (Points : 5)

    417 cm3

    462 cm3

    924 cm3

    376 cm3

    2 AnswersChemistry8 years ago
  • What are these little bumps on my chest/arms, and how do I get rid of them? (Picture included)?

    For about 5 years I've had these little bumps on my chest and arms. Only now is it really standing out on my chest. It's not as bad on my arms, but it's still there. I exfoliate and use lotion, and it's not going away. I do shave my chest, shoulders, and forearm (i'm hairy I know) if that makes a difference. But even on the parts of my arm I don't shave I still have those bumps but there not very noticeable.

    They're really embarrassing and I would like them to go away.

    Here is a picture of part of my chest, for the past week this is the worse it has ever been.

    I'm 15 by the way, and the red blotch is me scratching it (it's been itchy for the past week too).

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions9 years ago
  • How uncomfortable are pap smear tests?

    I have to get my first pap smear test tomorrow, and i'm really afraid. I'm 15, i'm not sexually active, but my menstruation cycle is really messed up. I asked my mom, and she said it's not painful, and that that part of it only lasts about 3 minutes. But how uncomfortable is it, like on a scale of 1-10? Or could you compare it to something. It would help a lot, thanks.

    3 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Can you check my answers please!?

    In which foreign crisis did President Clinton commit U.S. troops to lead a multinational force to restore a democratically elected president and eventually send former President Carter to negotiate?

    Bosnia - This one




    What nationality were the terrorists that blew up the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City?



    Saudi Arabian

    American - This one???

    The U.S. Supreme Court's decision not to allow a vote recount in Florida led to _____________________ winning the 2000 presidential election.

    Bill Clinton

    Al Gore

    George W. Bush - This one

    Barack Obama

    Which was a domestic policy initiative of the George W. Bush administration?

    federal funding for stem-cell research - This one

    No Child Left Behind Act

    signing a bill making faith-based initiatives illegal

    major tax increases

    The main constitutional issue regarding Bush’s claims to executive privilege was that his interpretations of executive privilege

    posed a threat to the impeachment process.

    endangered the principle of the separation of powers. - This one

    reduced the power ofthe judicial branch.

    endangered the principle of separation of church and state.

    Which structure was a target of Islamic extremists on September 11, 2001?

    Hoover Dam

    Empire State Building

    Golden Gate Bridge

    World Trade Center - This one

    Which of the following was a goal of the terrorist group that carried out the attacks of September 11, 2001?

    start a conflict between Russia and the United States

    topple the democratic U.S. government

    topple pro-Western governments in the Middle East - This one

    install a fundamentalist Islamic government in Israel

    What brutal and repressive fundamentalist Islamic regime came to power in Afghanistan and demanded strict adherence to Islamic law?


    Taliban - This one



    How did the United States respond to terrorist attacks both at home and abroad?

    Congress passed a selective service bill to draft men into the military.

    The Patriot Act was signed into law and became controversial.

    The constitutional rights of Middle Eastern Americans were suspended. - This one

    U.S.-led forces invaded Pakistan and captured Osama Bin Laden.

    Which of the following was an argument for the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003?

    U.S. allies supported the United States acting unilaterally to fight terrorism.

    Intelligence reports indicated Iraq was seeking to acquire or make weapons of mass destruction. - This one

    Bush believed that Saddam Hussein should turn over power to the Shi'ites.

    With an impending OPEC oil embargo, the United States needed to secure access to oil.

    Which of the following best describes the initial progress of the war in Iraq?

    Coalition soldiers met little resistance, and the war's mission had been achieved in six weeks. - This one

    Coalition soldiers met heavy resistance at first, and the war dragged on for six months.

    Iraq surrendered within two weeks, and Saddam Hussein turned power over to coalition forces.

    Iraqi forces turned back invading coalition troops and kept on the offensive for six weeks.

    Which describes a reason for opposition to the war in Iraq?

    Weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq.

    U.S. forces were successful in capturing al-Qaeda members. - This one

    It appeared that U.S. forces would withdraw from Iraq soon.

    Bush was accused of acting unilaterally.

    Which of the following describes a Bush administration accomplishment in foreign policy in Africa?

    U.S. diplomatic envoys to Somalia helped warlords in that nation reach a peace agreement.

    U.S. forces restored peace and stability to Rwanda after racial violence erupted.

    The United States threatened a trade embargo against South Africa in response to apartheid.

    The United States threatened diplomatic sanctions against the Sudanese government. - This one

    Why was the federal government criticized in the wake of Hurricane Katrina?

    National Guard troops did not do enough to evacuate poor residents of New Orleans.

    President Bush went on vacation to Hawaii two days after the storm hit.

    FEMA did not respond quickly enough after the storm had passed through the region. - This one

    Congress did not enact any legislation to help survivors of the hurricane.

    7 AnswersHistory9 years ago
  • Is this how you say 'I love her' in Italian?

    I used Google Translator to find out how you say 'I love her' in Italian.

    It said, 'Le voglio bene'. Is that correct? If not, what is it? I know Te amo is I love you, but I want her instead of you.


    6 AnswersLanguages10 years ago
  • Turning point for Salem witch trials?

    I am doing a project for U.S history. I need an event that was a turning point for the U.S from 1600's-1899. I already did The Revolutionary War last quarter, and I tried researching a bunch of other things that was a turning point. I'm not good with history, and understanding it, but I read that the Salem witch trials was a turning point. After looking into it, it seems interesting, but I don't understand how it is a turning point. Can anybody explain please?

    1 AnswerHistory10 years ago
  • Is peroxide bad for your hair?

    I was wondering if peroxide is bad for your hair. I got this small bump on my head, which I scratched, which caused it to bleed, which when the blood dried within 5 minutes, I scratched again. I got a q-tip and put peroxide on it and cleaned the area a few times. I'm kind of scared it's going to do something to my hair.

    I know it's bad to use peroxide to make your hair light and bleach it, but what about just cleaning a wound?

    2 AnswersHair10 years ago
  • Where can I watch the Human Centipede 2?

    I live in the U.S, and it said it comes out on October 7th. I looked on the website at Cinema and it wasn't there, I tried (com) and it wasn't there either. Does anyone know where else I can watch the movie for free?

    2 AnswersMovies10 years ago
  • i'm getting a tattoo friday...?

    Ok so i'm getting my first tattoo friday. It'll be on my wrist, and it's only two words and black, so i don't expect it to take long. I know that the place i'm going to is clean, and I trust him. My question is, is there anything I should do the day before and of I get my tattoo? And what not to do? :)

    4 AnswersTattoos10 years ago
  • If DNA has the nitrogenous base sequence ACGTGA, what is the...?

    corresponding complimentary sequence on mRNA?

    2 AnswersBiology10 years ago
  • Please help me understand these question in algebra?

    Iv'e recently gotten home schooled. My new algebra class tends to move quite fast, and me not being smart tend to fall behind. I have finals tomorrow and came across these questions while studying, and I have no idea what to do. I was really hoping someone could break down the steps for me so I can understand better. There is only six questions, and I will give 10 points. I really need help. I'm not, and repeat am not, looking for the answers directly. I just it to get broken down step by step.

    1. It says to state the converse of the statement.

    If x is odd, then 2x is even.

    If x is not odd, then 2x is not even.

    If 2x is even, then x is odd.

    If 2x is not even, then x is not odd.

    If x is odd, then 2x is even.

    2. It says I need to solve for x.

    2x^2 - 30 = 0

    {4, 4}

    {16, 16}



    3. It says to simplify completely.

    *It has the radical sign*81y^5

    9y^2 *radical sign* y


    3y^2 *radical sign* 2y

    9y *radical sign* y

    4. I need to simplify.

    *Radical sign* 63/25

    3 *radical sign*7 over 5

    *Radical sign* 3

    4 *radical sign* 7 over 25

    2 *radical sign* 7 over 5

    5. I need to simplify.

    -27a^2b^2 over 9ab




    -a^2 over 9b

    6. This is a table, and it's asking which relationship is a function.

    x: 2, 2, 3, 3

    y: 1, 2, 3, 4

    x: 1, 2, 3, 4

    y: 2, 2, 3, 3

    x:4, 4, 4, 4

    y: 1, 2, 3, 5

    x: 5, 7, 9, 5

    y: 4, 3, 2, 1

    1 AnswerMathematics10 years ago