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  • My husband and I have been together 10 years, married for 5. We both talked about having kids and agreed that is what we wanted.?

    Last night seemingly out of nowhere, he told me he no longer wants to have kids. I have no idea what to do. I'm totally heartbroken. He won't talk about it either. Any suggestions?

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce5 years ago
  • condition to join together; _____________osis?

    I can't figure this one out for my med term class.

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions5 years ago
  • If you mix massage oil and lotion will it become a regular lotion?

    I was given a gallon size of massage lotion and I regularly make my own lotion for dry skin, but I was wondering if I could mix the 2. If I did, would the lotion become runny? Would it even mix or would the lotion just sit on the bottom? How much would you recommend putting into a gallon size batch of lotion? Thanks for your help!

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • If I walk around a property that is 10 acres, how many inches or miles did I walk?

    The plot is almost a perfect rectangle. I'm trying to figure out the distance that I walked today along around out local dog park. Any idea how to figure this out, or what the answer is? It's 10 acres and the trail is right along the fence line. Thanks!

    4 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • Best yoga to help treat Asthma?

    I have Asthma that has been basically kicking my butt for the past few years. I have heard that Yoga can help with Asthma symptoms. I'm curious if anyone has tried this, and if so, what types and/or what yoga tapes have you used??


    BTW, please don't recommend a doctor. I have an allergist already and we are adjusting medications to help symptoms. I am simply trying to find an exercise that I can do that will help my Asthma. Any suggestions exercise-wise would be greatly appreciated!!!

    2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases8 years ago
  • How do I get my husband to help out more?

    My husband lost his job over a year ago and when he wasn't finding work he decided that he would go back to school for a BA. I am also in school part time for a BA and working full time. We don't have kids but we do have 2 dogs.

    I have tried to show support for him in every way that I can think of, but he is squishing me in the process. He is becoming lazy and ungrateful! He has slowly stopped doing all of his household work. We are on break right now from school, and a time where you would think he could help out because we aren't in school, he just does nothing but stay up all night and sleep during the day. He keeps me up at night because he has to be near me. He lays in bed and watches TV on his lap top. I have tried to talk to him about it and he always gets defensive about it. I'm at a braking point with this, I'm starting to think divorce, its like my part time school, full time job and our 2 dogs, on top of all the house work I do mean nothing to the school that he does. Not to belittle his schooling, however, we are suppose to be in a PARTNERSHIP! and he has broken this. I can't get him to help out, I can' get him to admit that he may have a problem. I can't get him to go to the doctor to discuss his sleeping problems. Just a few days ago, he had the balls to come to me and was angry that we haven't been having sex. I was shocked, and all I could say was I'm sorry, I've been really busy lately and have just been really tired. Well that wasn't good enough for him. Apparently I need to be superwife and do everything I said before on top of satisfying my husband all in a 24 hour is one suppose to do that alone? I've tried to suggest counseling because I don't want our marriage to end, but just don't know what to do anymore...Hes been angry with me for being distant with him, but he has a shot fuse these days, I really think he is depressed and needs help. I realize you can't help someone unless they want it, but I'm not ready to give up on him yet. Does anyone have any suggestions on something that I can say to him or help that I can get him? Thanks!

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • A single women keeps flirting with my husband?

    there is this woman that my husband has known for probably 10 years. They met before he met me, and recently, now that we are married, she has been flirting with him. She does it ALL the time, at first I thought it was just in my head, and me just being insecure but then other people have said things to me as well. So I said something to my husband about it and asked if he could get her to stop. Now my husband is mad at me. I seriously don't know what to do here. What I said was "Husband, I'm feeling insecure because girl appears to be hitting on you a lot" He said, "oh you have to know her, you don't understand her seance of humor" I tried to remain calm but we went back and forth a bit and he came back at me with that line again, and I finally said "well apparently I don't understand her and no one else does either!" He then called me crazy and now we really haven't talked for a few hours and I"m just trying to hold back the tears. I realize that I can't stop women from hitting on him, but how can I get him to understand that this hurts me? Especially when this woman has known him longer then me and had her chance? She hasn't acted like this towards him before...Please help!

    15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • I can't get anywhere with my Doctor and I'm really frustrated, please help! (sorry its long)?

    For about 3 years now I have been having increased health issues and I'm not getting anywhere with any doctor really, I have switched PCP's 2 times already. So this is the story:

    I am a 27 year old female and I am always tired, cold, I have no appetite, and I am ALWAYS thirsty. I drink lots of water and have cut out soda and coffee (not easy when all you want to do is sleep) . My memory I'm pretty sure is shot, my husband is always telling me about how I've forgotten something or reminding me things. I even show up places at the wrong time because I forget what time I'm suppose to show up. I have to write everything down or I WILL forget it. I can't wear my contacts anymore because my eyes are too dry and its painful to wear them. When I was younger I always had heavy periods and they would last up to 2 months at a time, they finally made me get an IUD to try and prevent me from getting them.

    Over the past 3 years I have basically gained myself in weight, and I started out thin at about 160 pounds and now I am just under 300, when I try to workout it doesn't take long until I get to that anaerobic point where my muscles feel that they have been pushed to their limit. My doctor thinks I am depressed and has put me on antidepressants for 3 years now, I am currently on 4 different kinds (yes all at once) and I still feel like crap, I have lost my life. I can't go hiking with my dogs, back pack camping with my husband is out of the question. I can no longer play softball. I'm sick of this and I just want my life back before I hit 30. I want kids too, but with how I only want to sleep I don't see how I could take care of kids.

    My husband is always trying to get me to eat meals with him, but I am hardly ever hungry and my doctor just doesn't see this as a problem because I'm so heavy now. I'm also losing my eyebrows, my finger nails are constantly breaking and chipping, and my skin is so dry and painful. I have never had acne as bad as I do right now. I have it all over my body. I love my husband but I have no desire to be intimate with him anymore.

    We are expecting cold weather here soon and I'm dreading it because its 60 degrees F here today and I'm freezing, I have my winter clothes on already. I used to ski and do cold weather stuff all the time and now I can't even imagine being outside when it is below 50 because I just shake. I have been checked for diabetes and I have no signs of that, or any other issues based off labs. My Uric acid was high and my thyroid levels have changed and gone up since last year, but it is still normal. I have no idea what to say to my doctor anymore to get them to listen, if you know anything it could be, or any words of advice, please let me know! Thanks!

    10 AnswersOther - Diseases10 years ago
  • Good sites to find romantic vacations?

    My husband and I were recently married and he is in the military. He has been gone for training and he will supposidly be back about a month before Valetines day so we wanted to do something special for Valetines day. Does anyone know of any good websites that we can use to find romantic vacations in Wisconsin the week of Valentines day? Thanks for you help in advance!

    3 AnswersOther - United States10 years ago
  • when you got married did your friends change?

    I have been married now for about 3 months and I married a military man who is gone, and has been for about a month and he was a member of our group before we got married. Now that we are married our friends have decided not to include us in things and have even gone so far as to say "why would you want to hang out with us you are married now" I have tired to reassure them that nothing has changed, but they think things have and they can't tell me how they have other then we got married. I am at a point in my life where I'm not interested in dealing with people who are going to act like that, but I am curious seeing as I'm the first of our group to get married, does this happen often?

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • I'm traveling to Jamaica and I am looking for an international calling card?

    I am traveling to Jamaica and we are looking for international calling cards to use to call home while we are away. I have been able to find cards that are for calling from the USA to other countries but I want a card that is for calling from Jamaica to the USA, does anyone know where I can get one and what would be the best option? Thanks!!

    2 AnswersJamaica10 years ago
  • why am I so tired all the time?

    I am an asthmatic and was put on oral steroids for over a year about 3 years ago. I ended up doubling my body size because of this. Now I am no longer on the steroids, however I am still EXHAUSTED all the time. I do try to work out at least 30 minutes a day 5 days a week and this is a real struggle. I am doing things like walking, and zumba/ belly dance. I eat a fairly balanced diet, I drink mainly water and I rarely drink alcohol. I am usually in bed by 9pm and I'm waking up about 8-9 hours later. I supplement my diet with various vitamins that my doctor recommended such as iron due to a low ferritin level, I also take mulit-vit, calcium, D, E, and so on. I try not to nap, even though I often want to. I have discussed this with my PCP and she just thinks that I am depressed. I have gone her road and taken medication for this and its not helping. We have been doing this for 2 years now. Now I have been having muscle weakness, so much so that I have a hard time lifting my arms while I dance. It has been very difficult to lose weight, and I have no idea where to go from here or what to say to my doctor. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    Thank you for your help!!

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • who died in NCIS tonight?

    Who died in the TV show NCIS tonight?

    5 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • does this seem weird to you?

    I have been with my fiance for almost 5 years now and everything has always seemed fine, until these past few weeks. I had to go out of town for a funeral and while I was gone he was really difficult to get a hold of. When I got home I was on our shared computer and he left up a chat that was between him and a girl online that was very sexual. I just blew it off because I was so stressed from the sudden death of my uncle. Today he left his phone with me, and I was looking at the pictures of our dogs on there, and noticed that he had pictures of some girl, I don't even know on his phone. Also as I was looking through the pictures, I noticed that one of them was of himself, in a lets say strange pose, and the time stamp was at 2am when I was gone at the funeral. Don't get me wrong, I love him, and I still think he is a good guy, but I am wondering if he is engaged in an online affair. I did talk to him about his conversation with the girl that he left up and he said she was just an old friend that he hasn't seen in a long time. I still can't get rid of this feeling that something else is going on. I literally can tell you that I always know where he is. Due to job loss, we live with my parents, and he is in school online, so he is either at home, where my retired mother is, or he is will me, so with the exception of when I was at the funeral, he isn't having a physical relationship. I just don't know what to think of this. He thinks I am overreacting, and I would like to believe him, but its just weird, and my gut tells me something is wrong...what do you think.

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • does anyone know how to make music compilations?

    I want to make a music compilation, and I was wondering if there is software out there that will make this easy, or if anyone knows how to do it and could let me know. Thanks!

    3 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Bridesmaid doesn't have her dress yet and our wedding is 3 months away!?

    I have a friend who I thought was a really good friend, and I asked her to be in our wedding. For dresses, we said just pick any dress in this color from the bridal store, my friend agreed and said that she would get her dress. This was over a year ago. I have repeatedly asked her if she has gotten her dress yet and called the bridal store to see if she has and she hasn't. I can't get her to return my calls, texts, emails ETC. She lives 4 hours away so I can't just go down the street to see her. Also I was able to get a hold of her and so we set up a day/time to meet half way, needless to say, I showed up and she didn't. I'm at my end with her, can I take her out of the wedding and ask someone else? She isn't responding to me, and hasn't for about 6 months, so she is basically avoiding me...

    4 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Is this too risky to wear to a funeral?

    My grandmother passed away and I don't have a whole lot of dressy clothes right now, but I do have this dress, I can't decide though if it would be a bad idea to wear to a funeral. I would wear a sweater with it, but I just don't know if it would be a good idea, thanks!

    9 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • wedding invite wording?

    Would it be tacky to add something like "will you be attending our ceremony" to our invites? We are having ours on a weekday afternoon and many people have said they won't come to the ceremony. So to get a better estimate of chairs (and save money) I would really like to know who is, and who isn't coming to our ceremony. What do you think?

    4 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • fiances bachelor party?

    so, my fiance told me many times that he was not going to go to a strip club for his bachelor party. He said he wasn't into that and he just didn't want to do it. I said fine whatever, but he left an email up from his best man (we both have yahoo emails, so they look similar and we both often get emails from the best man) so I thought it was mine and started to read it, only I realized that this was from the my FI no the best man. In it my FI says that he wants to go to a "Nudi" bar because there is no way anything can be called a bachelor party without going to one. Now I wouldn't be mad if he had just been honest with me, but come on! lying to me and leaving your email open on that email...did he not expect me to find out?

    Again I'm not mad about the fact that he is going, I'm mad about the fact that he LIED to me about NOT WANTING TO GO, and then going behind my back to actually I overacting here? He said I shouldn't make such a big deal out of it because I said I didn't care, but that isn't the point, why then go behind my back and say that your going now? Why not just tell me?! I'm so irritated with him over this that I said fine, if you want to lie then you and the best man can get a hotel room that night because I don't want you sleeping next to me after whores have rubbed their bodies all over you-yes I know that was extreme, but again, why did he feel the need to lie to me? I told him right up front he can go ahead and he said he didn't want to. This goes so much deeper then a strip club, its a trust issue, he lied to me and he doesn't see the big deal with it. I don't know what to do now...he just doesn't seem to get where I am coming from...suggestions?

    6 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • ok to apply for a job?

    Ok, so the place that I work is hiring for a position that I currently do, its for a position where someone just left. I asked if I could have the hours that they posted for this job, because they would work better for me going to school (these hours by the way were made up, they are not the hours that the girl who left had). They told me no to the hours, so should I actually apply for the position?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago