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  • working as a teacher and pursuing acting. is it possible/realistic?

    hello all. i just recently started college last semester. growing up, iv'e always aspired to one day become a successful actor in the world of film, but it doesn't seem easily attainable as i have no family in cities with acting opportunities, so my plan is to get a career allowing me to move to Los Angeles on my own. coming into college, i knew that earning a degree in the arts of theatre/acting would be extremely foolish, so my major is currently undecided. i have been searching for careers in which i could financially support myself while possibly having free time to pursue small roles in film, but i haven't had much luck, as so many careers require you to devote the majority of your time to that career. but recently i have thought of teaching, as i really enjoy mathematics, i can picture myself in the field, and most importantly to this dream, teachers also receive summers off. so my question is, does anyone think it would be a realistic goal to work as a teacher and also pursue acting in the summer? i just want clarification on whether or not the summer vacation of a teacher gives you as much "free-time" as i'm currently thinking. any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

    2 AnswersTeaching7 years ago
  • why do religious people think that the potential of a universal creator proves their religion?

    in most arguments about our origins, religious people make good points about their being a possibility of the universe having a creator. but i fail to see how the universe having a creator proves their religion in any way. i mean sure, the universe could have a creator. but how does that simple possibility prove ANY religion. a universal creator does not equal the christian god, islamic god, or any god for that matter. i don't see how someone who created the ENTIRE UNIVERSE only cares about humans, which is one particular species, on one particular planet, in one particular galaxy. so instead of trying to prove that somebody created the universe, why isn't more being said that actually proves their religion?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • why do people support freedom of speech while simultaneously opposing bullying?

    I don't see how this works. whenever i hear people talking about banning hate speech, people always say they don't agree with it, saying that everyone should have the right to say what they want, even if nobody wants to hear it. that we shouldn't take that right away. but at the same time, people are against bullies. bullies basically use their "freedom of speech" to say hurtful things in the hopes of hurting the person. whenever you hear about a serious case of bullying on the news, everyone talks about how terrible it is, and how that person should be punished in a way. especially when the victims commit suicide. i just don't see the difference? how is a hate speech where telling a group of people that you hate them and think they should die any different than "bullying", where you would say the same thing to "one" person? both could end in the same result. how do you allow one but not the other?

  • would this be good advice for my best friend?

    ok, so my best female friend has been feeling down for such a long time. she keeps dating these terrible guys and getting extremely depressed when things don't work out with the guy. she just recently stopped cutting herself. but here's the thing. back when i came out to her about being gay, she told me that she is bisexual. i don't really think she is, but she strongly insists that she is. so, should i try to encourage her to date a girl for a change? she hasn't dated a girl in years and i don't think the idea even crossed her mind. i think it would be better than the jerk guys she goes for. i can really picture her happily with a girl. but her dad is really homophobic, so that would make it a problem. so yeah, would it be good advice?

  • why do people equate a "creator of the universe" with a god of a particular religion?

    i hear so many debates on if a god actually exists. there are people who believe in the big bang, and there are people who don't. the people who don't believe in the big bang say that the universe couldn't have come from nothing, that something had to create it. i can understand that argument, but why do people think that the possibility of the universe having a creator means that the god of their religion is true? that possibility does mean that the big bang theory could be false, but how does it prove the existence of the god of any religion? for all you know, the creator of the universe doesn't even care about it. how does the possibility of the universe having a creator prove any religion? and just why would this creator only care about humans instead of its millions of other creations?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • my bipolar disorder is ruining my life. i don't know what to do?

    ok, so i'm 17 and i was just recently officially diagnosed as bipolar. i was pretty sure that something was wrong with me all my life though, because i am always so happy for no reason, and eventually sad for no reason. but anyways, i am a senior in high school, and i'm pretty much just giving up. i'm failing about 4 classes, mainly because i come home everyday and lay in bed sleeping and crying, with no motivation to do any homework. i haven't applied to any colleges or anything. i just don't care anymore. i just don't feel normal and i can't stand it. i hate life and i think about suicide everyday. people keep telling me to talk about my problems, but i don't want to. talking to people does nothing but make it worse, because it just brings temporary comfort that will eventually go away making the depression even worse when it comes. people tell me that i'm only 17 and life will get better, but i have no desire for a better future, because i know that i will still have this same mindset. i can't talk to family because it stresses them out and they just get angry with me and their selves. i want to kill myself, but i don't have the courage, so i just feel trapped, and i honestly don't know what to do about life anymore.

    4 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Question to people that don't believe in evolution?

    how do you explain a type of virus developing a resistance to an antibiotic that would previously kill it, if the virus didn't EVOLVE. also, explain the difference in size of the brain of the early caveman and modern day human. thought so

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • How did all the animals get along on the arc?

    i find it hard to imagine that the Lions, Bears, Tigers, and every other vicious carnivorous animal all were buddies with the deer, moose, elk, and all the other prey. why didn't they kill one another?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Question for people that think life is meaningless if god doesn't exist.?

    here's my question. if you think the whole purpose of this life is to follow god and be rewarded with eternal life, what would be the purpose of your life in heaven. you already won the game on earth, so what purpose would your new life serve?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • should i tell this girl that her boyfriend is gay and tried to hook up with me?

    so here's the story. yesterday, this guy from my math class sent me a friend request on facebook. i have never spoken to him, but i know who he is, so i accepted it. about 5 minutes later, he randomly messages me. i didn't understand why he was trying to talk to me, but i message him back anyway. he was just talking to me about random stuff, but then out of nowhere he asks me if i'm gay or bi. most people know that i am bi, but he didn't apparently. i told him "yeah, i'm bi, but why do you wanna know" and he says because he likes guys too. to cut a long story short, he basically wanted to hook up with me. i don't like him at all, and the situation was really creepy because i barely know him and he was telling me about how horny he was and how much he wanted to have sex with me. like, i barely know who you are!!!! but here's the thing, he is dating a girl, and i am friends with her. i am debating on if i should tell her about it or not, because i don't want to ruin a relationship, but i also don't want to see her to waste her life dating a guy who secretly cheats on her with other guys. i told my mom the whole story, and she says that i shouldn't tell her. she says it's not my business and i should stay out of it. but, it technically is my business since she is my friend and he is trying to cheat on her with me. also, what kind of friend would i be if i didn't tell her that her boyfriend cheats on her with other guys?!?! my mom wasn't even listening to what i had to say, and she made me really mad. so, i'm asking you guys. should i just be a terrible friend and keep it a secret like my mom says. or should i do what i think is right and tell the girl about her boyfriend trying to get with other guys. and to clarify, i don't like the guy AT ALL and i didn't do anything with him. he just came onto me on facebook, and i denied him. so yeah, what should i do?

  • doesn't the homophobia in the bible support the claim of the bible being man-made?

    i mean, it is kinda hard to believe that the creator of the universe would create gay people, and then unjustly punishing them for behaving the way they he made them. but, the homophobia in the bible makes PERFECT SENSE if the bible were made by humans. i mean, look at how easy it is for them to be homophobic, especially when in groups. i just can't imagine any "god" being so cruel to his own creations. it makes no sense. surely he would at least list ways in the bible for gay people to overcome homosexuality if he really did exist and really had a problem with it. but instead, it simply states "be gay, and go to hell." i don't know, that just seems like some low-level human thinking if you ask me...

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Other than bashing Obama and his plans, what does Romney plan on doing?

    i mean, i always hear him trying to dismiss Obama and everything he says, but i haven't really heard Romney say a single thing about what he's going to do; other than wasting trillions of dollars on the military. maybe i haven't been listening to him hard enough, but what does he plan on doing since dissing Obama won't fix the economy?

    6 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Christians, why do you think an atheist would do a good deed?

    i want your personal opinion. why do you think any atheist would do any good-hearted deed for another person? like donating to charity, volunteer work, giving money to poor people, all those types of things. they clearly don't believe in god, so that means they aren't doing it to please god or go to heaven. So, in your opinion, why would an atheist perform good deeds if they don't have a reward in mind? and if you say because it is the right thing to do, you are agreeing with the fact that morals actually don't come from god :) so yeah, give it some thought

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why don't christians oppose fast food as much as they oppose gay marriage?

    it's funny. Fast Food restaurants leads to people being fat, and being fat leads to well, being fat and lazy. both of those are two of the so called "seven deadly sins", which are sloth and gluttony. Homosexuality isn't one of these so called "deadly sins", but they oppose it way more than those seven deadly ones. since fast food restaurants are responsible for 2 of those sins, shouldn't they be opposing those way more than homosexuality? or is this another one of those cases of "cherrypicking" what sins they don't like?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • do you prefer men with or without facial hair?

    i'm asking this since apparently my friend thinks my opinion is weird. i personally think that facial hair is unattractive. idk why, beards and mustaches are just a turnoff to me. i think guys look SOOO much better with a smooth, shaven face. so, what do you guys think of facial hair on guys?

  • Christians, does god care if an infertile person is gay?

    would he actually care if an infertile person was gay? I have heard many people saying god doesn't like homosexuality because he wants us to reproduce or whatever. but, infertile people are incapable of reproduction. So who they choose to be with doesn't even matter, because they won't make any kids either way. so why should god even care? if he does care, why? i don't see any logic of him being upset with an infertile person being gay, because they still can't have kids. if he would be upset with it, than that means that god doesn't oppose homosexuality for pro-creation reasons, but just for being a homophobic bigot correct?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Christians, who were the humans who wrote the bible, and why should they be trusted?

    since the bible is a book, and all books had to have been written/made by humans, who was the human or humans that wrote it? also, why should i take their word for it? i could just as easily write a book and say it is the word of god. would that make it true? and don't say god wrote the bible. that's not possible. humans made it, so who exactly made it?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Christians, can you logically explain how Atheism is "immoral"?

    just tell me the negative effect atheism has on the world. who exactly does our "non-belief" even affect? are we harming anyone? are we trying to limit anyone's freedom? i just don't understand.....

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Is it possible that Jesus was simply...?

    A man who was very intelligent and somehow learned how to make medicine and heal sickly people? the sick people considered him to be performing miracles, because he was saving people in ways they didn't understand (medical treatment). Word spread about him and his works, so he was considered a type of magical witch. he was then hunted down and killed on the cross. if this were true, i can understand why so many people who lived centuries ago would dedicate a religion to him.......

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • If god didn't let the world be so terrible, would anyone sin?

    now, i'm not saying i believe in god (which i don't), but i'm gonna hypothetically say he exists. so, the idea here is that god puts us on this world to test if we are truly worthy of heaven. if we commit sins, we are unworthy, and cast away to hell. my question is, would anyone even commit sins if god didn't place us in an environment where we have the potential to do so? if god created the world to be fair, fun, and perfect for everyone, who would sin? who would have a reason to sin? if we had everything we needed, who would steal? if we always had something to be happy about, who would kill or even be angry? if sex out of marriage is such a terrible sin, why give humans the potential to do it? why test us on our holiness when he gives us so many reasons and opportunities to be unholy? why isn't god capable of such simple logic? it's like punishing a kid for eating cookies that you gave him, yet told him not to eat. had you not given him the cookies, he wouldn't have eaten them. lol anyone understand what i'm trying to say?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago