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Lv 31,504 points

Cherlique Lilienthal

Favorite Answers15%
  • was my facebook hacked?

    i was uploading some pictures and when i clicked on "post" it said that i had to be signed in to be able to post. i was then logged out and forced to change my password they even suggested i change my email passwords. as far as i can see there is no activity im not aware of so why was i suddenly logged out and forced to change my password?

    3 AnswersFacebook7 years ago
  • what if it was danielbryan/nexus vs triple h/ evolution?

    before you start attacking me, hear me out.

    what if daniel bryan defeats triple h at mania and the main event is still randy vs batista. batista wins confetti and all. wade barret's music hits and he's like: "i've got some bad news" the crowd boos. and then he looks at batista and says "for you batista". he goes on: "me and stephany had a little bet about who would win the triple h bryan match, and the stakes where that if bryan won he would get a title shot anywhere any time of my choosing. and if triple h won bryan would be fired. so since he won i give to you daniel bryan" bryan comes out fights batista gets him with the knee. orton still at ringside recovering pulls the ref out and rkos bryan. barret runs in and takes down orton covers him with bryan calls for a ref and ric flair runs out in a ref uniform counts to two and stops wade gets angrie and pushes him flair gives him a thumb to the eye a low blow and a figure 4 leg lock. bryan comes too and knees flair now its 3 on 2 but bryan and barret get control but now triple h comes out and they beat both of them up. the evolution stands tall but the match is not over just as batista is about o cover bryan, orton is not happy about this situation and they argui. now the nexus music hits"we walk alone in the unknown..." the rest of the guys walk out and surround the ring. only the original members they destroy evolution and daniel bryan wins. or maybe an alternate version where cm punk is also part of this nexus and the co leader with wade.

    your toughts about this please.

    4 AnswersWrestling7 years ago
  • which matches would you like to see kurt angle return to the wwe for?

    i want to see these matches before he retires.

    kurt angle vs daniel bryan

    kurt angle vs cm punk

    kurt angle vs cesaro

    kurt angle vs big e

    kurt angle vs roman reings

    kurt angle vs dolph zigler

    some matches that have already happened but where so good i would want to see another match with them

    kurt angle vs undertaker

    kurt angle vs brock lesnar

    kurt angle vs rey mysterio

    it would also be a good idea if angle teamed with bryan for a while

    what do you guys think

    2 AnswersWrestling7 years ago
  • is kurt angle really in such bad shape that he wouldnt wrestle if he returned to wwe?

    every body says that he is pretty banged up and i know thats true . but is he in such bad shape that he wouldnt be able to even heal up to preform at a normal level? i think its a waste if that was true not even daniel bryan can wrestle as good as angle... well not yet anyway. and i dont know if angle can stil wrestle such great matches as he used to but still a waste cause even half his wrestling ability would be better than 90% of todays roaster. just my opinion.. what do you guys think?

    4 AnswersWrestling7 years ago
  • can jeff jarret's new promotion change the game?

    lets say they are able to get a good tv deal. what if punk never returnes to wwe and aj styles never goes back to tna and debuts with them as the top guys. what if he puts somebody who knows the game in charge like heyman or mantell or maybe even jr. maybe he gets the good wrestlers that got rejected by wwe and tna like chris hero. do you think he can change the wrestling game?

    9 AnswersWrestling7 years ago
  • sooo.. is the candy crush wheel rigged or what?

    i almost always get the jelly fish. next to that i often get the jelly hand. sometimes i get the lollipop or color bomb. and very rarely the striped and wrapped candy. i never ever got the jackpot, surprise candy or coconut wheel. whats the deal with that?

    and why do extra moves and lives seem to expire if you save them up?

    1 AnswerFacebook7 years ago
  • why cant heels be strong like triple h and kurt angle?

    even as heels, those guys where always badass. no cheating(well not always) and no running scared all the time. the heels these days get booked so poorly. why is that?

    6 AnswersWrestling7 years ago
  • do you think wwe has been using randy orton to hiss full potential?

    relax before you start talking about daniel bryan and cm punk, let me explain. when randy first came in he was looking like the next guy to fill the rock's spot. so i pretty much hated this guy from the start. i never liked the top baby faces that much. then the legacy thing happened, rated rko and legacy. then he became the viper and i started to like his psycho aggressive gimmick and he was great in the ring and he punted every one into indefinite injury hiatus. and i noticed a lot of people where cheering this bad guy i was like wow this guy is pretty cool. then they turned him babyface sent him to smackdown made him beat christian and it was downhill from there. personally i like orton to be the aggressive tweener he automatically becomes a face when he is like this. just make him do badass things and see how the crowd responds. the same with cm punk. i think it ruins them when they turn face and become chummy with other faces such as john cena and when they turn heel they become week sissy cowards. so what are your toughts??

    4 AnswersWrestling7 years ago
  • so im trying to burn off fat and tone my muscles, will my method be effective?

    i eat only raw fruit an vegetables and drink lots of water, train full body monday to saturday, do cardio every morning and evening, i drink leptin green koffee 800 in the morning and dried plum after dinner and i drink green tea 3 times a day. i wanted to try lipo 6 or hydroxy cut in the mix but i have a non alcoholic fatty liver so im scared to go full chemicals.

    so talk to me guys will this work fast for me? im 130kg 25 years old and 5 foot 9 inches and i do have a fatty liver.. so im doing this to look good again and become healthy. i always used to do al sorts of sports but ever since i have become a pro video producer, work had consumed all of my time resulting in me stoping all other activity and becoming fat..

    so any advice guys?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • how can i upgrade my nokia lumia to wp8 black without a carrier?

    i have a nokia lumia with the standard wp8 on it. when i check for updates, it says my phone is up to date. but i know that wp8 amber and black are already out. my service provider is not aware about the nokia software update that needs to be approved by them. so i wil probably not be able to get the updates in the traditional way. is there any other way i can get these updates?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans7 years ago
  • how come people dont like to watch supernatural mystery tv shows?

    shows like: the event, the 4400, heroes, alphas, awake, the river, surface, etc. they all keep getting cancelled. whats the deal?

    2 AnswersSoap Operas7 years ago
  • why is it that in movies you can barely hear the actors speak?

    but when there is action the sound and music get so loud even the neighbors can hear it.

    2 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • anybody know any good mystery horror adventure thriller inspirational movies?

    it feels like i've seen them all. some of my favorites are: the collector, paranormal activity 1, knowing, the number 23, insidious 1, dark skies, grave encounters, the secret life of walter mitty, life of pie, slumdog millionaire, the adjustmen bureau, etc.

    4 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • was kurt angle the first to do a moonsault off the top of the cage?

    i remember it being done after that but not before

    7 AnswersWrestling8 years ago
  • will randy orton ever become champion again?

    i know people have been hating on him because he briefly had a push similar to cena when he first went to smackdown and feuded with christian. but sinds then he has put over a lot of guys(mark henry, kane etc) clean long before his wellness violation. its true that he has also been winning lots of matches but he has not been in any major storyline or feud for a long time. he has also hasnt been in the title picture for quite some time. does this mean the end of orton as a top tear guy? is he already in the fase where he is only putting guys over like jericho?

    7 AnswersWrestling8 years ago
  • when does the new season of tv shows start?

    all my favorite shows ended like 2 weeks ago and usually after one or 2 weeks they start airing the new season of shows but its been 2 weeks and a couple of days and so far only Thursdays have been airing some of the shows expected in this season of the year. are the other ones being moved?

    4 AnswersDrama8 years ago
  • if the brand extension is dead shouldn't they unify the titles?

    wwe with the world heavy weight title

    us with the intercontinental title

    tag titles are already unified

    i dont know where the womens championship disappeared to so the divas title will have to do

    and they should bring back the lightweight title

    also the king of the ring tournament should be brought back and the winner should get a titleshot at summerslam.

    i think these changes would really improve the quality of the show

    but i would prefere them enforcing the brand extension again

    6 AnswersWrestling8 years ago