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Favorite Answers24%
  • Are Gas injectors available in the UK for Diabetes?

    Hey, Does anyone know if Gas injectors are available in the Uk for diabetes.

    I've been diabetic for 10 years now and they have finally admitted that the tablets are not working and are going to put me on insulin. problem is that i'm needle phobic!

    i know of the new ultra thin injectors that use needles, just wondering about the gas ones.


    2 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • Do you think people take y/a and their 360 profiles too seriously?

    i mean there are trolls on here who go all out for people with no rhyme or reason, people getting suspended left right and centre, people who are abusive via their 360 page with comments like "its my page and if you dont like it f**k off" amongst others, nit pickers moaning about peoples spelling instead of answering the questions and people being generally abusive!

    whats the point, its supposed to be a bit of fun isnt it?

    it seems as though there are a lot of people on here who's lives revolve around y/a and their 360 page for some reason and think they can be abusive and nasty to others

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Xbox 360 Dreaded red ring of death?

    Has anyone sent their Xbox off for repair for this problem?

    if so how long did it take and was the repair successful?

    I'm considering ditching the 360 and getting a PS3 if its a lot of hassle to get it repaired and it doesn't work.

    please only answer if you have experience with this as "opinions" or nasty comments will be ignored and not any use to me.

    And for all the smart a$$es out there who want to swing the "you should have bought a PS3 in the first place" axe, i bought the 360 in july 2006, over a year before the PS3 came out, so please don't bother wasting your time.

    many thanks and have a nice day :)

    12 AnswersXbox1 decade ago
  • Do you thing we need to do something about reporter officers grandma?

    she is reporting nearly every question she answers!!!!!!!!!! also with some abusive comments like "retarded"

    12 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • whats the strangest thing you woke up with in your bed?

    i once woke up with a iron gate in my bed, apparently i pinched it whilst walking home from the pub, very, very drunk and was running down th road with it shouting let me out, let me out as if i was in prison behind bars.

    i returned it the next day when my mates told me where i nicked it from, the bloke was a bit grumpy but said thank you

    16 AnswersOther - Social Science1 decade ago
  • do you think people have become more beautiful over the years or has our perception of beauty changed?

    when i was at school, 20 years or so ago i though most girls were ugly but now i see beauty in all women, and i'm not just talking about the face, its everything that a woman is (or a guy if you are female or gay)

    what do you think?

    19 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • has anyone lese received an e-mail from the abbey national about an account they dont have?

    i got an e-mail today telling me somone has made numerous breaches of my account and can i log in and verify who i am, the only thing is that i dont have an account with them!

    anoyne else had this e-mail? is it a mistake or is someone fishing for my personal details?

    16 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Bill and be are in the bath.........?

    bill says scrobblelobblelob

    ben says scribbledabbledib

    bill says bubblelubbleblub

    bens says what the did you just say?

    bill says nothing, i just farted!

    11 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • has anyone ever been on a ghosthunt and did you see anything?

    we did one in woodchester mansion, well creepy, pitch black and the medium went into trance and was posessed by a spirit.

    i saw a ghost in a window called the grey lady, so did a couple of others before the medium even told us she was there!

    the medium proved to a non beleiver he could see our aura by parting two people in pitch blackness and touching the guy on the chest, he nearly died!

    anyone else done one or seen anything?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • the worlds most stupid man?

    There was a flood in a village.

    One man said to everyone, "I'll stay! God will save me!"

    The flood got higher and a boat came and the man in it said "Come on mate, get in!"

    "No" replied the man. God will save me!

    The flood got very high now and the man had to stand on the roof of his house.

    A helicopter soon came and the man offered him help."

    No, God will save me!" he said

    Eventually he died by drowning.

    He got by the gates of heaven and he said to God "Why didn't you save me?"

    God replied, "For goodness sake! I sent a boat and a helicopter. What more do you want!"

    25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago