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Geographical - Orange County, Southern California; Professionally - Communications Technician; Spiritually - (Very) Eclectic Wiccan; Familial - Married with 3 Kids; Socially - That would imply having time for social life, yeah right

  • Christians: Is the Moon a Planet or a Star?

    Technically the Moon is a satellite of the Earth, but it comes closer to being a planet than almost any other moon in the system (excepting the Pluto-Charon pair).

    However let us review this Biblically:

    Genesis 1:16

    God fashioned two great lights—the larger light to shine during the day and the smaller light to shine during the night—as well as stars.

    Per the Bible the Sun and the Moon are the same with the only difference a matter of degree. So if you believe the Bible is Truth, The Moon must be a star, just as the Sun is.

    However, if you understand that the Bible shows a primitive level of understanding, using myth and supposition to fill in the gaps of what was unknown, then how can you accept it as Truth of an All-Knowing God?

    This is not about whether you believe in a deity or not, it is about the reference material that some of your ilk continue to thump or bash people over the head with.

    If it has errors it can not be the Word of a Perfect God, and if it is not then it can not be used to guide behavior in His name.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
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    Does this picture and supposition basically sum up the Power of Prayer/God?

    After that Nurse who got cured of Ebola praised God and the Power of Prayer in her press conference, social media has been abuzz with thoughts for and against the idea. People coming out with personal stories about how the power of prayer saved either them or someone dear to them, while at the same time ignoring that the same power failed to save hundreds if not thousands of others afflicted with the same condition.

    Example, my grandfather (who is not the most spiritual of men) went into remission for his cancer. Meanwhile in the last 5 years nearly a dozen people at a friend's church have died of various forms of cancer despite their families and the whole congregation praying for them.

    The nurse (who should know better) was cured in a country with advanced medicine and highly trained professionals, had she really believed in prayer she should have just stayed in her home and waited to be cured. I am offended on behalf of all those that spent so much time to help her and she came out and basically said thanks for being spectators to this miracle.

    The great thing about the whole scam is that it can't fail - if the person gets better, then God and the Power of Prayer saved them. If they die, then God had a different plan for them and we must accept it.

    The strangest thing is that people fail, or outright ignore, the biggest flaw in the whole mess - the disconnect between cause and effect. Like the dog in the picture below.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Could 2000 years of Christianity be wrong?

    We have seen it posted several times on here that Christianity must be right because it has existed for about 2000 years without failing ... I'm not saying that but others are.

    However Judaism has been around for over 4500 years ... doesn't that make it the better religion if you are looking at staying power?

    In fact since the Christians still haven't managed to convince the Jewish people that Jesus Christ was their Messiah after 2000 years of trying, doesn't that argue against Christianity?

    More over don't they realize that every argument they use against the Mormons who say the second coming has already happened and a reprieve granted are the same arguments the Jewish have used to say the Christians are full of it?

    I don't subscribe to any of those faiths, but what are they going to do when their own arguments are used against them? Will they ignore them like they have proven they are very good at doing? Admit their own faults (unlikely) but come up with excuses why things have changed (not unusual)? Turn in to a bunch of report monkeys to get rid of uncomfortable questions (They've done it before)?

    What will they do?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
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    Do You Know the Real Reason that Man was Banished from Eden?

    Christians will tell you Adam and Eve were banished for Disobeying God, Original Sin, Eating the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, several have done so on Y!A, because that is what they have been taught their whole lives ... but they would be wrong and the Truth of it is in the Bible they hold so dear.

    After Adam and Eve ate the Fruit, God punished them and the Serpent, cursed them with pain and misfortune (remember this is also supposedly the God of Love). But what God did next had nothing to do with eating the Fruit.

    Genesis 3:22-24

    And the Lord God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the Tree of Life and eat, and live forever.”

    So the Lord God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken.

    After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the Tree of Life.

    Do you see why they were banished, it spells it out right there: to Prevent them from also Eating of the Tree of Life and become Immortal - They already had God's Knowledge, if they also became Immortal they would have been as Gods themselves. The self admitted Jealous God did not want peers, He wanted followers.

    If they are wrong on this very basic principle of their Faith - What else could they be mistaken about?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
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    Why are there so many religions?

    R&S Humor - take it as such.

    All respect to this talented artist.

    8 AnswersJokes & Riddles7 years ago
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    Pronunciation of Hunter X Hunter?

    OK, so I am watching Hunter X Hunter on Netflix, and I got to wondering because I prefer to refer to things properly.

    So does one pronounce the "X" in the title, is it silent or is it a symbol like & for "and" or v for "versus"?

    Which is the proper way to say the anime/manga title?

    1) Hunter X Hunter (X pronounced)

    2) Hunter Hunter (X silent)

    3) Hunter and Hunter

    4) Hunter versus Hunter (since it seems focused on battle between them)

    5) Something else (please specify)


    3 AnswersComics & Animation7 years ago
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    Christians, what is your opinion of Evangelist Rick Wiles.?

    Time and again, I see Christians trying to equate all atheists to the worst of the nutball crowd, like The Angry Atheist, now it is your time in the cages.

    I present to you this fine representation (sarcasm) of your religion, End Times Evangelist Rick Wiles.

    In two consecutive days Mr. Wiles has had opinions on the recent Ebola stories in the news.

    First he stated that President Obama may intentionally spread Ebola using mandatory but ineffective if not purposefully harmful vaccines.

    The next day he turned around and seems to be in favor of such an action:

    “This Ebola epidemic could become a global pandemic and that’s another name for plague,” said broadcaster Rick Wiles on his “Trunews” program. “It may be the great attitude adjustment that I believe is coming,” Wiles continued. “Ebola could solve America’s problems with atheism, homosexuality, sexual promiscuity, pornography, and abortion.”

    Now I know that this particular humanoid waste of space doesn't actually represent the majority of Christians anymore than Harold Camping or any other of their ilk. But I did want your opinions on them, as well as to make a few realize, that before you try and show off the skeletons in the closets of others, you should listen for the bones rattling in yours first.

    1 AnswerMental Health7 years ago
  • If "Heaven Is Real" is Proof of the Christian God?

    Then the NDE of Durga Jatav is proof of the Hindu Gods.

    He reported that when he thought he died in the late 1940's, he had been taken to another place by 10 people. He tried to escape, but they cut off his legs at the knees to prevent his escape. He was taken to a place where there were tables and chairs and 40 or 50 people sitting. He recognized no one. They looked at his "papers," saw that his name was not on their list, and said, "Why have you brought him here? Take him back." To this Durga had replied, "How can I go back? I don't have feet." He was then shown several pairs of legs, he recognized his own, and they were somehow reattached. He was then sent back with the instructions not to bend his knees so that they could mend. Durga's older sister, corroborated his account of his apparent death and revival.

    A few days after Durga revived, his sister and a neighbor noticed marks on Durga's knees which had not been there before. These folds - or deep fissures - which appeared on his skin in front of his knees were still visible in 1979. There was no bleeding or pain in his knees other than the discomfort engendered by Durga following the "instructions" to keep his knees in a fixed position. X-ray photographs we took in 1981 showed no abnormality below the surface of the skin.

    In detailed studies of over 700 NDEs amongst Hindus, there is very little similarity to Christian NDEs but much more relevance to Hindu imagery. If NDEs are proof, then God has competition.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • What should be the Abbreviation for the Star Trek remakes?

    All the variations of Star Trek have their agreed upon abbreviations:

    ST:TOS = The Original Series

    ST:TNG = The Next Generation

    ST:DS9 = Deep Space Nine

    ST:VOY = Voyager

    ST:ENT = Enterprise

    Since they are already producing the 3rd of the New Star Trek remakes with rumors of taking it to TV, we are going to need one for them. What do you think it should be?

    ST:??? =

    ATL = Alternate Time Lines

    TNM = The New Movies

    REM = Remakes

    WIU = Women in Underwear (3 so far in two movies, I sense a trend)

    or what would be your alternative?

    1 AnswerMovies7 years ago
  • Christian, Here is a chance to show off your Ink For God!?

    I've seen many people with either crosses or doves or scriptures tattooed in various places.

    Tattoos really are an art form and can be quite beautiful when done well.

    Either tell us about or show us your favorite, here is your chance to be proud of your dedication.

    So let's hear from you.

    (Lev 19:28)

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Christians, what do you think of this quote by St. Augustine?

    "What is the difference whether it is in a wife or a mother, it is still Eve the temptress that we must beware of in any woman...

    I fail to see what use woman can be to man, if one excludes the function of bearing children."

    - Saint Augustine (the prominent pioneer of Western theology)

    Considering the obvious gender bias in the Bible, the depiction of women as chattel and property to be bartered. The allowance of men to have several wives, but women must be devoted to only one man.

    Even in modern times, many congregations and sects don't believe in or allow women to be religious leaders. Do you feel that this a good religion to bring up your wives and daughters in?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Christians, Are You Sure About Proof Of God(s)? Either all gods have met the burden of proof or none have. Your call.?

    We have seen it time and again in various questions and responses. Christians state there is proof of their God in the infrequent prayers He answers and the blessings He provides. And when person F gets the job they want, while a hundred other devout followers die of cancer, that is neither coincidence, personal effort or intervention by other Earthly agency but supreme proof of a Divine Hand in their lives.

    So now we have established by your own "logic" what you consider Proof of God. Now let us consider other religions. Muslims pray to their version of the Abrahamic God, Hindus pray to their Gods, Buddhists (Mahayana) pray to theirs, Wiccans pray to the God and Goddess, etc. And they also feel that their prayers have been answered and they have received blessings. In my personal experience I believe the Goddess has shown me the paths I need to walk to get what I seek.

    Therefore they have met the level of proof you have set for their gods to be real as well.

    But before you can voice the protests I already hear forming on the foaming mouths of the rabid ones, let me see if I can guess the response. "All other religions are actually praying to Satan in disguise." Did I get it right?

    They do not pray to Satan anymore than you do, less so considering Satan is a creation of your faith, not theirs. So who said it was Satan? The self admitted jealous God (Ex 34:14) who sounds like the brat child. "These are my followers, if you take them, I'll say you are made up by an evil guy."

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
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    Let's see if the Christian will take their religion seriously.?

    Will you do what you God has commanded you regardless of the consequences?

    I stand before you, A Wiccan and a reader of Tarot. By every Biblical definition I am a Sorcerer, Spiritulalist, Pagan and Fortune Teller.

    The Bible is quite clear on what you must do.

    Exodus 22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

    and it is backed up by Deut 18:10, Lev 19:31, and others.

    Well suppose I brought a bag of stones and stand in the public square waiting for you with a news crew so that your faith may be validated before all.

    But wait you say, Jesus said let he who is without sin cast the first stone, I get that.

    But wait, did not Jesus die to clean your sins in the sacrifice of His blood. So you are good to go.

    Back to the square. Now you know that if you follow through on the directives by God, you will appear as a hero to some and a monster to others. There is even a likely chance you will be arrested and imprisoned, but if it was good enough for the Apostles, it should be good enough if your faith is just as strong.

    There is the bag, and there I am, my faith says I will not harm you, so you should have no fear of reprisal or attack from me.

    Will you do what you are required to do? If not, why?

    Would you do it to a homosexual who is also condemned to death by your God? (Lev 20:13)

    How strong is your faith? How deep are your convinctions?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Christians, Do you deny evidence for other gods in your own Bible?

    There are a few references scattered throughout, but let's take one of the most obvious and easiest to understand.

    Exodus 7:10-12, In order to perform a miracle for Pharaoh, Moses had Aaron throw down his staff which became a snake. Pharaoh called forth Egyptian priests who performed the same "miracle." Now Aaron's snake ate the others, but that glosses over the point.

    Worshipers and Priests of the Egyptian Gods were given the same abilities as Moses and Aaron. in fact several times they were able to demonstrate the same abilities, even though their results were weaker.

    So if the Hebrew God gave the power to Moses and Aaron, then who gave the power to the Egyptians? The Egyptian Gods of course. Just because they were weaker does not prove they were non-existent, if anything, that they were able to act at all shows they exist, and the Hebrews (and later the Christians) prove it in their own Holy Writ.

    Now, some of the softer translations change Priests to Sorcerers, but any historian can tell you that sorcerers of Egypt drew their power from their patron Gods.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Theists have asked for proof of evolution, will they listen?

    This is not a slam, but a serious question. Will theists listen to evidence or once again try to make the question disappear?

    There is a current, visible and trackable evolution of some groups of both the Prarie and Pacific Rattlesnakes. Groups of rattlesnakes are actually losing their rattles. No while babies don't have rattles yet, and adults can break or lose their rattles due to accident, this goes beyond that.

    Rattlesnakes with normal rattles are getting killed off as humans expand into their habitat. The rattle warns the humans that a snake is there, and usually it is killed shortly thereafter. Doesn't seem like a big deal right, but it sets up what follows. Snakes with deformed or atrophied rattles do not make noise, are not found and survive to breed, passing on the "silent rattle".

    So in areas close to human habitation they are finding more and more of the snake population that do not rattle. This is a classic example of evolution, an unusual trait found to aid survival being passed on to the greater population. Eventually it is possible that our many times great grandchildren will wonder why they are called "rattle" snakes.

    So here is the question. Will you accept this ongoing and observable proof of the theory as valid, or are you going to try and find some "out" to deny evidence right before your eyes?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Do you think that changing names or accounts fools anybody?

    I have watched one particular "lady" (since I can not actually verify female) change her name 4 times this morning, nor is it the first time I have observed this behavior from her. She is one of the Theist trolls who constantly asks the same inane and intellectually insulting questions over and over again, never listening to the answers.

    I have to assume she is trying this behavior in an effort not to look like the same person asking the same questions, but she does not grasp that the links when you answer someone's question previously show the new "identity" when it gets changed.

    Others are a little smarter about it, and have clones set up. Agreeing with themselves from duplicate accounts, or making new account when too many people block them or they get banned. The really smart ones let the clones get blocked/banned while the main account stays clear of the issue. Of course they don't realize that after a few posts, especially the repetitive ones, it starts to become obvious who is who.

    Do these people think every one is that gullible that they will fall for such pathetic tricks. Might as well call the Nigerian Prince, he is more believable.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Theists; Do you not realize the traps of circular logic?

    We have all seen it here, or some variation on it, and mayhap some who see this question have used it.

    A- - -B

    -|- -- -|-

    D- - -C

    A) The World Exists

    B) Therefore there must be a Creator

    C) The Creator Exists

    D) To Prove the Creator exists look at the World He Created

    That is called circular logic and proves nothing, but let's take a minor step out of reality and assume for a moment it does. What the people that use this argument fail to realize is the two BIG traps it opens up.

    Trap #1:

    If such logic actually did prove the existence of a Creator, rather than the result of a chain of natural events, it in NO WAY dertermines which Creator may have done the deed.

    You may cite the Bible and say it must be the Christian God, but I could cite Hellanic Texts, or Egyptian heiroglyphs, or Chinese Scrolls and make an equally valid case for Chronus and the Titans, Atum and Kheprie or Nu Wa.

    Heck, one could say Cthulu hocked a giant snot ball and thus was the Universe was born and still meet the criteria of the circular logic argument.

    Trap #2

    By proving that the Creator is a thing that exists, you subject it to the same method of circular logic.

    The Creator Exists - Therefore He must have been Created - The Creator's Creator Exists - For Proof look at the existence of the Creator.

    Congratulations, you have just proved the existence of God's Boss with the same logic you used to prove God.

    So now to the question - is this really the type of logic and arguments you want to use in future debates? You don't really have to answer, although I know some smart alecks will, just think about it, really think about it and do yourself a favor next time the subject comes up.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago