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Emmy's mummy
How can i get my netbook (running windows 7) to access the dvd drive on a mac?
I need to install some software from a DVD onto my netbook (which has no dvd drive). I share a wireless network with my husband who has a mac (running mac os x 10.6.8) and need to access the dvd drive on it. I can find info on the internet as to how to do this between two macs, or between two PC's, but not between a mac and a PC. Anyone know how to do this?
1 AnswerComputer Networking10 years agoWhat could have bitten me on holiday in Thailand?
Husband using wifes account.
On honeymoon I was bitten by something during the night. I awoke in excruciating pain, it felt like I'd ripped my leg muscle and I was in absolute agony with cramp.
My toe was very bruised (dark blue) the next day and there seemed to be two entrance points or 'bite marks' next to each other.
I then develped a rash up my leg following the bite which was unbearably itchy and consisted of pustules all over my leg.
We were in a hut on a remote island by the beach if this helps with identification.
6 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade agoNursing while pregnant- how many weeks were you when you went into labour?
I am still nursing my 21 month old before bed every night, and am 37 weeks pregnant. I carried my little girl to 42 weeks (1st pregnancy), and was wondering if I'm likely to bake my new little one for as long, or whether I might deliver earlier due to the breastfeeding. Has anyone gone overdue with their second while still nursing the first?
2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoHusband is not entitled to paternity leave (UK), what are his options?
My husband has not been at his job long enough to qualify for paternity leave and SPP. He wants to take either 1 or 2 weeks off when our baby is born. Assuming he'll have to take annual leave, how is he supposed to go about this when we have no idea what the baby will be born (last baby went 2 weeks overdue)? Is there any other time of "no notice needed" leave he can take?
3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoEpidural long term side effects? heat perception?
I had my daughter 19 months ago, and had an epidural as I was induced and couldn't handle the contractions coming on so fast and so strong. Anyway, ever since, whenever i get into a hot bath, I cant really feel the heat from it on my legs. Only from the waist up. My legs can't tell if its hot or not. Its hard to explain. I have no loss of pain perception in them, it just seems to be a heat perception issue. I havent bothered mentioning it to anyone, because i suppose it doesnt really matter. I just wanted to post it here as I just read another question on epidural side-effect and I thought i'd see if anyone out there has experienced the same thing??
4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoHow do I remove the black pigment left by wax crayon from my fabric sofa?
My daughter scribbled on my fabric sofa with a black wax crayon. I have used an iron over a bit of brown paper to try to pick up the wax. I'm not sure if it shifted any of the wax (I couldn't see anything), but the black scribbles are still there. So far I have scrubbed it with Vanish upholstery cleaner and it has made no difference. Any ideas?
2 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade agoNeed to replace toilet siphon. Anyone recognise this?
I can't fit any other type of siphon into my cistern. I don't know what this is called or who makes it, and need to find a replacement for it, or some new washers for it at least. Can anybody tell me if they recognise it?
I'm in the UK
3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade agoNewborn in a Maclaren?
I will need to put my newborn (due in february) into a fully reclining maclaren stroller, but i'm wondering how i'm meant to strap him/her in. Isn't a 5 point harness a bit bulky for a newborn?
1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade agoMaclaren stroller, any way to strap in a soft carrycot?
I have aquired a twin maclaren traveller stroller which lies flat for my newborn, due in february. I'd ideally like to use some kind of soft carrycot with it for getting the baby in and out, but I know there isn't one out there that's been designed for it. Has anybody used a fully reclining stroller and managed to strap a soft carrycot into it safely?
I know there are other strollers out there with fitted carrycots etc, but i will be using the maclaren with or without a carrycot, just wondering if theres a way...
2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoMaclaren twin triumph stroller for a newborn?
I have been given a Maclaren twin triumph stroller. I am due in february when my daughter will be 21 months old. I'm wondering if it will be suitable for my newborn? I know it does fully recline and is meant to take a newborn safely, but on the practical side, how is the newborn strapped in? Is there any kind of carrycot that fits into it? Would it be comfortable?
3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoAnyone have a problem getting their child to transition from sleeping bags to regular blankets?
My daughter is only 16 months, so i'm not worried yet.. just forseeing a problem. She has always slept in a baby sleeping bag at night, and in recent months, she has started sleeping every which way. I put her to bed with her head near the wall, check on her when I go to bed and she's the other way up in the bed. When i get her in the morning, she's usually horizontal at one end or the other of the cot. She seems to love to move and reposition herself in her sleep. How on earth will it work when i tuck her in under blankets when she's too big for the bags?
5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoCan a toddler knock over a moses basket on a stand?
Just thinking ahead here.. If I put my newborn in a moses basket on a wooden stand in the living room, could my then 21 month old knock it over? Or is having the basket directly on the floor a better idea?
1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago15 month old kicking and screaming every time I change her nappy, how do I stop her?
My little girl is 15 months old, and i'm sure she's hitting the terrible two's already. Every single time I change her nappy she flails about screaming and kicks and smacks at me. She's kicked me in the stomach so many times which I don't appreciate as i'm 3 months pregnant. I have tried telling her "no", looking her in the eye and telling her she's being naughty, and ive ended up shouting at her more times than I can count. Any ideas? Also distracting her with a toy or a song only works for about 5 seconds.
7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoTandem nursing: How is it the milk is suitable for both the newborn and the older child?
I can't find any info on this on the internet. Milk composition apparently changes over time to meet the needs of the baby as it gets older. If you have another child and tandem nurse, how is the milk composition affected? Is it the correct milk for the newborn but not so much for the toddler? Any insights?
4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoQuick baby talk question?
My 12 month old has been saying "that" and "thats" very clearly for 3 months now (her only words), and as of the last few days, she's started saying "da beee" over and over and over. Its the only other time she ever said anything so clearly and she says it all the time, no matter what she's doing.
So quick silly question, anyone have any idea what she's trying to say?
8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoAnyone have trouble getting pregnant again while still nursing the first child?
I plan to nurse my little girl until she's ready to stop, but i'm wondering if thats going to mess up my chances of conceiving our second baby. In an ideal situation, i'd want to get pregnant again around the time of my daughters second birthday. Can anybody tell me their own experiences of trying for the second baby while nursing a toddler? What were your cycles like then?
5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago11 month old suddenly wants to nurse every 2 hours.. is this a growth spurt?
Has anyone else found that their baby has wanted to nurse alot more than usual at around 11 months? I haven't read that there's a typical growth spurt at this age. She usually only wants to nurse 3 or 4 times a day, for the past few days it's been 6-8 times. I don't mind at all i'm just wondering why.
1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade agoNursing mums, how often does your 1 year old nurse?
Mine has 3 solid meals a day, and is demand fed also. She asks for milk when she wakes, before naps (provided she doesn't fall asleep in the buggy), and before bed. So thats 3-4 feeds a day. She loves solid food so I have let her eat as much as she wants (which is never an enormous amount) at each mealtime. She's a finger feeder and has been since 7 months, will not let me spoonfeed so its really under her control. I have been told by my health visitors that she should be on 1 or max 2 breastfeeds a day. I know thats too little so have ignored them. Just wondering what your little ones are doing..
8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoMy 11 month old learnt to say a word, now she can't sleep?
Has this happened to anyone else? Four days ago My 11 month old daughter started to point to things and say "thats" and wait for a response. We have been walking her around the house, and telling her the names for things when she asks, which is about a million times an hour. Since she started, I have been putting her down to bed as normal and she has been screaming the most horrific scream till i pick her back up. For the past four nights i've been rocking her to sleep, and its taken over an hour. She's also started waking up again screaming in the middle of the night, and again wont let me put her back down. She franticaly points to things in the dark and asks "thats? thats?" Does anyone have any suggestions for me? How long will this go on for?
3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoDoes wearing a sleep bra every night while breastfeeding make any difference to the shape of your breasts?
I've been wearing a sleep bra to bed every night in the hope that my breasts might not lose so much elasticity while i'm breastfeeding. Should I bother?
6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago