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Favorite Answers26%
  • Change in the color of my dogs skin?

    My 2 year old golden retriever has always had light pink skin but over the last few months I have noticed that the skin on her "armpits" and the sides of her belly have turned very dark under her fur. At first I just though she was dirty since we had been doing a lot of hiking (and she had been doing a lot of exploring rivers and mud and holes) But a bath and a good brushing later and it's the same and now I see there are even a few white speckles on the sides of her belly. There is no odor and it is not irritated at all. Is it normal for a dogs skin to change color?

    2 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Help identifying a possible mushroom?

    I think I have found a mushroom in my carpet and I would like some help identifying it before I call the landlord. Mostly I want to make sure it is a mushroom. It is very small, which makes it hard for me to be sure what I am looking at. It is very hard and seems to have a very thick stalk the top has multi-colored rings that are bluish in the center and pinkish on the edges. it is stuck fast to my carpet and the carpet immediately around it has turned pink. I have never heard of a hard mushroom before so I am a little thrown off. I figure it must have appeared in the last day or so, though I am not sure when I last paid attention to that particular corner. If anyone knows anything about this or can help me identify it I would really really appreciate it.

    3 AnswersBotany10 years ago
  • Job Scam? What do you think?

    SO, in a fit of jobless desperation, I responded to a job post on craigslist. Below is the reply I received. What do you guys think? Scam or not?? Thanks!

    The Email:

    Hello, i am so sorry for responding back to you, i am a very busy Man, that is why i need a Personal Assisant. My name is Fred Daniel, 51yrs old,married with 2 kids,Am a property management maintaining and managing apartment units, single family residential homes, condos and commercial properties.

    I need someone to work with me from his or her home as personal assistant to monitor and keep me up to date with my activities.

    Duties and Requirements:

    Process all owner distribution batches – print checks, statements and mail on a timely


    Assisting with management of employee's

    checking store supplies and placing orders

    Process rental applications in Resident Data.

    Type various letters ,Prepare 3 Day Notices.

    Retrieve and process faxes

    Send unpaid rent notifications to tenants.

    Deposit and monitor payments of all owner contributions.

    Available during regular business hours

    Organized and able to take instructions well

    Dependable, Reliable, Trustworthy a must

    Excellent English language skills (both spoken and written)

    Must have good attention to detail

    Must be a problem solver and not a problem maker

    Have great work ethic and attitude, as well as people skills

    pay-attention to detail, capable of multi-tasking, and works well under stress at times.


    - Yearly performance bonus

    - Paid vacation/sick/personal days

    - Medical benefits

    Working hours:Mon-Friday

    Total Hours (Per Week):25hours

    Salary:$500 weekly($2,000 monthly)

    This position is home-based and flexible part time job,you can be in any location you will be working from your home doing all the activities.

    Am out of state for business trip i will be back in next weekend before that i want you to start working for me and I do have a number of things you could help me with this week if you will be available to start.This can act as a stable foundation to our working relationship.

    I have first task waiting for you to know if you are ready to work.

    I want to know if you own any of this office equipments list you need to start this position:


    Personal Laptop/Desktop:

    Internet Access:


    Fax machine:


    Paper Cutter:


    If you have any of this office equipments let me know also fill the application form



    First Name :

    Last Name:

    Full Street Address(not po box) :

    City, State, Zip Code:

    Cell Phone Number:

    Home Phone Number:





    Yahoo Messenger ID:

    Note:If you do not have yahoo ID set-up one to chat with me online.



    Current Job:__________________________


    Are you eligible to work in the United States?Yes____ No_____

    If you are under age 18, do you have an employment/age certificate?Yes___ No___


    Position Applied For_________________

    How often do you check your email:______________

    Specify the hours that you will be available if my schedule doesn't work with the hours i


    Days/Hours Available:








    Hours Available: from_______ to______

    What date are you available to start work?________________



    Thanks so much,till i read from you

    Mr Fred Daniel

    8 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment10 years ago
  • How to tell my parents about my depression and failure?

    I am a college student and in the past year I have suffered from undiagnosed/ untreated depression. This has severely impacted my grades and now I no longer qualify for financial aid. In a few weeks I am supposed to go back to school but I have not yet told my parents that I have no idea how I am going to pay for it. I also have never told them about my depression or thoughts of suicide. Obviously, I have to tell them. But I am terrified. My parents can be quite harsh and up until now I have always been the "successful" child. I am not looking forward to this. Does anyone have any tips on talking to them without passing out or being sick or blubbering the whole time or fighting? Thanks for any advice.

    2 AnswersMental Health10 years ago
  • Missed my brothers wedding.?

    My little brother lives in Georgia while my parents and I live in California. My brother got married this morning. it was a last minute thing, They just decided a few days ago to do it at the courthouse but when my brother told some of our extended family there about it they put together a really sweet, simple little ceremony for him. My dad happened to be in town taking care of some business and was able to perform the ceremony, but my mom and I were not able to go. We looked at plane tickets as soon as we found out but even the cheapest one we could find was way more than we could afford.

    I am extremely upset about missing the wedding (even though I don't like my new sister in law that much) and I know my mom is probably even more upset about it. I feel like I should do something. Does anyone have any ideas for a way I could send them something or put something together so that A. My brother and his bride know we miss them and were thinking of them and B. My mom can maybe feel like she was part of the wedding in some way? I know the wedding is over...but surely there is something?

    3 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Know of a way to get rid of Ticks?

    Went for a hike today and afterwards found a loose tick on my clothes. I *destroyed* it but now I am paranoid that there is one somewhere on me that I can't find. I don't have anyone around to help me look. Does anyone know of a way to dislodge or kill ticks that you can't find? Like a super hot shower or eating something?

    5 AnswersOther - Outdoor Recreation1 decade ago
  • What to do about low coolant?

    This morning I noticed a small puddle of antifreeze under my car, when I checked under the hood, the coolant level was low, I happened to have some on hand and filled it up to the line, then I had to drive about fifty miles to get home, the whole time my temperature gauge stayed in the normal range. I have been home a few hours and just went out to check. I cant see any coolant under the car but the level is low again. I am flat broke and can't go and get any more coolant or get the radiator looked at until I get my next paycheck. Can I still drive to work and home tomorrow? Its about 35 miles. What about putting water in it?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • What is Shaw wearing in the Costume Party in "The Manchurian Candidate"?

    In the original "The Manchurian Candidate" what was Lt. Shaw's' costume? a cowboy?

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • One night in Las Vegas--need a hotel?

    I am making a cross-country road trip and thought it would be fun to stay in Las Vegas for a night since it is on the route and I have never been there and I need some advice on a fairly inexpensive hotel to stay in. I would prefer to stay on the strip or very close since thats supposed to be part of the Vegas experience right? But I also don't want to find myself in a bad situation or very much regretting the choice. The reviews on every hotel I have looked at are very ambivalent. Any advice from people who have been to Vegas would be fantastic. Thanks!

    5 AnswersLas Vegas1 decade ago
  • Should I skip Blu Ray?

    I am purchasing a new laptop and I am wondering if it is worth it to upgrade to a blu ray player when it might just be replaced in a few years by a new device or downloadable media. What are your thoughts?

    2 AnswersHome Theater1 decade ago
  • What kind of laptop should I get?

    I am replacing my old laptop and am a little overwhelmed by all the options. So, I am hoping someone can give me some good recommendations. I am a university student looking for something for less than $1000. I am not a gamer, and I do not want a mac. I would like something speedy and moderately portable. My old laptop weighs almost 12 pounds so anything lighter will seem amazing to me. I would prefer 4GB RAM, at least 2.3 G Hz processor,320 GB hard disk drive and a webcam is essential. Basically, I want something that is a good value and hopefully will survive through grad school. any advice on brands or series's is very much appreciated.

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • summer reading suggestions?

    So, I have a lot of spare time on my hands this summer and am looking for some good reading. Fiction and non-fiction are both welcome, but I would prefer things that I am likely to find at one of the local libraries (but I will purchase a book if it promises to be particularly worthwhile). Just to give you an idea of what I like...some of my favorite books/ authors are CS Lewis, Charlotte Bronte, Robin Mckinley, Harry Potter, and The Omnivores Dilemma. I am very interested in Anthropology, Christian Apologetics and anything that makes me think or I can just get lost in. Your suggestions are very much appreciated :)

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Dog shampoo for my cat?

    I have Hartz dog shampoo and I am just wondering if it is safe to use on my cat. The active ingredients are Pyrethrins, Piperonyl butoxide, and N-octyl bicycloheptene dicarboximide.


    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • What did Tony (Heath Ledger) do that was so bad in Dr. Parnassus?

    I know it something to do with kids...

    2 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • What is the origin of the homecoming mum?

    Where I grew in Texas, the tradition of the homecoming mum was a big deal, how did this tradition begin and why is it only found in a few states?

    1 AnswerOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • What is the old movie in Wall-E?

    What is the movie that Wall-E enjoys watching? It looks like Meet Me in St. Louis, but I'm not sure. Thanks!

    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • I'm trying to find a book I read a long time ago. Please help me!?

    I'm trying to find the book, but I can't remember the title nor the author. I'm pretty sure there is something about 'fire' or a relation in the title... like: The Fire starter's Daughter or The Firemaker's Daughter. But I'm not really sure. She had to grow up in a society where they had to mine coal. I am 100% sure about that! And she was oppressed by the higher society. And she had like a quota of buckets to fill with coal everyday. I do remember that there were a lot of love interests in the book and you weren't quite sure who she was gonna end up with. Apparently she had magical qualities or really good skills that her town had to send her to the king. She lived in a tent. Um... she was an orphan. I think. She might have lived with her dad. I don't know! Please help me. I know this isn't a lot of information.

    Thanks. A LOT.

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago