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  • Arabic speakers, please help translate!?

    What does this mean? I'm assuming there's some cuss words in there

    "Ayreh feek wbheck as7ab amin, baddy neek ekhto la ebn lsharmoutah hayda

    Ma 3endo e5et.... Haha roo2 eshway khayi. Bess Facebook."

    3 AnswersLanguages7 years ago
  • The Meaning of Life........?

    I think the key to finding enlightenment is very simple. The meaning of life? Why are we here? Those questions are undoubtedly objective, but the tone that they are asked in is always  subjective. Why not just say "What is the meaning of MY  life?" or "Why am I here?". 

    No one asks it that way because there is no answer for the personal nature of those questions. The answer is one that you find for yourself.

    But objectively, universally, across the board.......The meaning of life? Why are WE here? Finding the answer is incredibly simple: Put yourself in someone else's shoes. Put someone else ahead you.

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • She needs space, she texted me?

    My ex and I were fighting quite a bit and she asked for time and space. We fought about it, but I decided we both need it. She told me she is "over everything right now" and implied that she was single, she also implied she doesn't have feelings for me anymore. Right before we split we talked about going to church and that she was afraid I wouldn't (she's trying to get closer to God). We went together right before we split, and it was definitely not like a couple should be like. She has also been pretty stressed out about other things during this time.

    I haven't had any contact in two days. Tonight she texted my the church schedule for tomorrow. A couple hours later I texted her that I was busy but would like to go again later and to let me know when she's available. She said "I was just letting you know so you can go".

    Thing is, I've never gone to her church before, and she knows I haven't gone to church in a while because I have no one to go with.

    Anyone have any ideas about what's going on with this?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Giving her space...NEED HELP!!!?

    Hello everyone,

    Here's the deal: I met this girl a few months ago and we started out slow and extremely casual. We made an agreement: we're not in a relationship but we won't mess with anyone else around each other. Then she does just that. I got pissed, told her off, and within a week she was calling me and wanting to see me. We got very close, but when she admitted she wanted to be with me, I pulled away. I eventually agreed to go day by day, and then she pulls away. Her children then went out of town to see their father for 3 weeks. In those three weeks, we became incredibly close, and we both admitted we were falling for each other. She then dropped a bombshell on me and said she was going on a date. I dumped her immediately, and then she called me. We agreed to take it day by day, but I regretted the decision. She called me the next day and said she couldn't do it (felt her divorce would be real now, and could tell I was having second thoughts). She told me she wasn't going on her date. I found out, completely told her off, and she went crazy. I gave in, took her back and we've been fighting ever since. She destroyed my trust but I'm working on it. Recently, I became too possessive, and she said she needed some space. I gave it to her, for about a day, got pissed and dumped her again. She then came back and we patched it up. However, it hasn't been the same. I feel her pulling away and it made me crazy. Ive been desperate the past two days, but I agreed to give her space. She says she know if she doesnt know if she has feelings for me anymore because of the fighting, my trust issues, and the one-time possessiveness, but she says she loves me and cares about me.

    So, what do I do? What to expect? Thing is, she's told me that she's never felt this way about a person before, not even her husband of five years, and that she wished she could look at her kids the way she looks at me.

    Sad, I was starting to fall for her.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Relationship problems?

    Hello everyone,

    I've been seeing this woman for a few months now and we've recently became exclusive. We've had a lot of problems but we've always worked through them and talked about it. She's told me that no one has ever made her feel the way I do, and she said very sadly, that she wishes she could look at her kids the way she looks at me.

    Recently at the bar, she said some hurtful things to me so I left. She blew up my phone, and I told her off. I later found out she got trashed drunk, went home and had a breakdown. We made up, hung out, went out, etc. A few days ago she told me about problems she's having in her life, family problems, etc. She told me these are guarded secrets and she hasn't told anyone. We went out 2 days after I left her at the bar (she lives literally a block a way), and the next day she was incredibly distant. She barely responded to my texts and then was silent the rest of the night. I figured she needed space.

    Today, I basically told her she needs to tell me what's going on with us. She has said many times she doesn't talk about her problems with anyone, and believe me I found that out the hard way awhile ago. I asked her if she still had feelings for me, and a long time later she said she cares about me, but doesn't know because of what happened at the bar. We talked for awhile, and she basically said that it's not all about me, and that she is retreating in herself and shutting off the outside world.

    I'm not gonna pry for answers about what her problems are, but I'd like to know what's going on with us. I can't push her any further. Anyone have any advice?

    Mucho appreciations!!!!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • 2011 Income Tax Refund Help! Very Low?

    Hello everyone,

    I'm using Tax Act to file my federal return. I have 2 jobs, and I entered my info from my first w-2 (wages, tips, other: 15,076). My refund was at $960. I then entered my second w-2 (wages, tips, other: 6,590) My medicare withholding for the second w-2 is at 7,025. Weird.

    Once I input the info from the second w-2, my refund dropped to $340. What the heck is going on?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    5 AnswersUnited States9 years ago
  • Spiritual People...If hostility stopped between religions, could it bring society to a more spiritual environm?

    Environment? (limit cut me off)

    I'm hoping to get answers from anyone who doesn't consider themself a "strong" atheist.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Atheists, Old Testament, God?

    Why do atheists bash Christians for verses in the Old Testament which talk about God killing and massacring, but never mention Jews? 99.9% of the time these verse are directed at Christians, but these verses come from the Old Testament, which is the Hebrew Bible.

    Fear of being labeled an anti-Semite?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Criminal origins of legitimate orgs.?

    Does anyone know of any organizations, companies, societies, etc., that had criminal origins?

    For example, NASCAR started from Stock Car racing, which in turn was created from racing cars that were used to by bootleggers. The bootleggers modified their engines and other parts of the car to outrun the police when carrying a load.

    Anyone know of any others?

    1 AnswerOther - Social Science10 years ago
  • Atheists, have you ever read the book of Psalms and/or Proverbs?

    If so, what did you think? Besides the belief that God doesn't exist....

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Red Wings vs Sharks game 7 question?

    I'm working that night, does anyone know if it's possible to watch the game on the iPhone? An app, website, anything at all? I will be eternally grateful!

    1 AnswerHockey1 decade ago
  • Claimed one, filing...Help Please!?

    I'm E-Filing, and I claimed one with my employer, and I cannot find the place on the 1040 to put that I claimed myself. My federal return is looking large, much larger than usual. About double, actually. I am making considerably less money this year than previously, but I'm worried that I have a bigger refund this year because the E-file doesn't know I claimed one.

    Can anyone help me? Answers are very appreciated!

    2 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Holy Spirit is a separate entity?

    What are the Biblical verses that say or imply that the Holy Spirit is a separate entity. I prefer verses from the Gospels, as I take them to have the up most authority in the Bible.


    I believe the Holy Spirit is God's Spirit on Earth. For those that may have misunderstood that, I believe that the Father is God. I do not believe Jesus is God Himself, but rather God's (the Father's) Divine Son.

    Why are my beliefs wrong? I based them on the Gospels, and the words that Jesus Himself spoke. Can anyone give me a Bible verse where Jesus claims He is God Himself? Jesus certainly claims Divinity and I believe He is divine, but what verses are there where Jesus says that He is God?

    I have yet to find any verses where Jesus says Himself that He is God.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Average Genesis believer, evolution?

    Most people I know who believe in Biblical creation aren't as outspoken as the ones I find on here. I see them as normal and average people, Christian, and generally college educated. When the conversation comes up, they don't rant about evolution is false and their reasons why, nor do they employ circular reasoning for their beliefs in Genesis.

    They simply have faith. They have faith that Genesis is true and don't really care one way or the other about the arguments on each side.

    By all standards they are your average person: Went to college, go to work, raise a family, etc.

    My question is, for these types of people (which like I said are the ones I usually run into) what does acceptance of evolution do for them? These people aren't out at city hall picketing for creation to be taught in school, nor are they on the street corner warning of eternal damnation. I've been to their Church services (Assemblies of God) and I have not one time heard the pastor mention evolution vs, creation, or creation being favored over evolution.

    What does acceptance of evolution do for them? How will their life be better? How will they become better people? What are the positive effects of accepting evolution?

    Were not talking about science as a whole here, just biological evolution.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Hockey; Tired legs.....?

    I've been playing hockey for almost 20 , with almost no hockey between the ages of 14-20. Lately my legs have been getting real tired after only playing for about 15 minutes. It isn't that I'm getting older or out of shape, as I exercise regularly and I am in my mid-20's.

    Once they get tired, it feels like I have to use all my strength to get them to do what I want them to do. Anyone else have this problem? Anyone know how to fix it? More stretching, food, water?

    Does this happen to anyone else

    3 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • Help with French..............?

    I have a friend whom I work with that is going to become a French teacher. She gave me a homework lesson of sorts - to say something to her in French the next time I see her. I want to say "You're going to be a great French teacher". What I have is this "Usted va a ser un profesor francés geat"

    Is that correct, and how do you pronounce it? That's the important part, the pronunciation. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    7 AnswersParis1 decade ago
  • Intelligent Design.............?

    It now seems to me that there is somewhat of a consensus among people that Intelligent Design (ID)is just Creationism in a mask. When I first learned about ID, my cursory reading of it lead me to think that ID can be summed up in the following point: Life on Earth needed Divine intervention to form.

    It just seemed to me that all ID was is a philosophy on the same level as theistic evolution.

    Now I'm seeing people talking about how ID is no different from Creationism, and they point to how ID crowds are pushing it in schools similar to Creationist crowds.

    OTOH, I've understood Creationism as God creating the world in 6 literal days, the Earth only being 6,000 years old, etc. Even Old-Earth Creationists follow a similar pattern, excepting the age of the Earth and 6-days.

    I guess I've always thought ID doesn't disregard evolution, and simply states that evolution was the tool God used to create life.

    So can anyone explain to me the difference between ID and Creation, and the similarities between them? Forget the pushing of ID in schools. I'm trying to figure out what about them are similar and different. Am I under the wrong assumption that ID isn't fundamentally different from theistic evolution?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Jesus' existence; Apostles...?

    I've heard arguments for and against.

    I was reading something about the Gospel of Matthew, that said Ignatius had knowledge of it (because he mentioned it in one of his writings), between 90 and 100 AD (or earlier). I then read about Ignatius.

    Turns out, this guy who I had limited knowledge of, was a student of John the Apostle, similar to Polycarp.

    Now anyone can point out that anything Ignatius said about John's experiences are heresy. Technically, they are. Ignatius wasn't there, but John says that he was. Ignatius is re-telling things that John has taught to him. That's heresay, but it doesn't make them false.

    The question I ask myself is this: Heresay doesn't mean it's false. How do I determine if Ignatius changed what John had said and/or how do I determine if John didn't make this stuff up.

    Put his beliefs aside, IE: Divinity, resurrection, etc. The content is what is important, IE: Jesus' existence, ministry, events, etc.

    So I ask, why would John spend his life teaching students about something he made up? Why would Ignatius spend his life and works about things he made up or purposely changed?

    Again, beliefs are not the question. I'm not talking about Jesus as the Divine Messiah. I'm talking about Jesus as a historical figure, who had a ministry, who preached, who had apostles, and people believed He was the Messiah.

    That by itself is pretty mundane. Other ancient religions don't really talk about actual humans and their importance of the divine. For example, Egyptian mythology speaks about Horus, Osiris, Isis, Ra, etc. as being gods of the unknown spirit world. Greek mythology follows the same, as does Roman.

    What do you think about John and Ignatius?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago