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A mosaic of many roles: HR specialist, graduate student in I/O psychology, mother, former career counselor, athlete, and aspiring intellectual with at least a peripheral interest in anything and everything. "The aim of science is not to open the door to everlasting wisdom, but to set a limit to everlasting error" Bertolt Brecht, Life of Galileo

  • Term for beginner athletes buying best (expert level) equipment?

    as a former competitive athlete, I know first hand the expense of technical equipment to give you the best performance. However I seem to see a lot more (in almost every sport) "newbies" that have a lot of disposable income sporting the top grade equipment, from GPS watches and other technical equipment. Does this seem more prevalent? Is there a term for this?

    1 AnswerOther - Sports7 years ago
  • Tips for preparing young children for long parental absence?

    I am preparing to go away on a 9 month deployment overseas. I leave behind 2 children (3 yo daughter and 7 yo son with their father). My older boy has been through a deployment when his father went away for 6 months a few years ago with no ill effects, and moreover, he is a lot closer to his father. My daughter, on the other hand, is VERY close to me and does not understand that I will be away for a long time. I have been away on business before, but the max time has been around 5 days. It breaks my heart that I will be away from them, but if I can do anything to make the time go by in an easier fashion, or at least hear about what to expect, I can prepare myself. Thanks in advance!

    3 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • Best option for 9.5 month old nursing baby?

    I am going back to work after a long holiday, with hubby taking over the parental until she is a year old. Previously with my baby, I pumped milked (2 bottles a day) while at work so she could have them the next day, while on weekends, she would nurse on demand. Lately however, I have been unable to express enough in preparation for the first day, and our stockpile has been depleted. I have tried formula, and my girl will not take it. She eats solids fairly well, but again, I know that one is to nurse until a year old. I have considered cow's milk, but I am aware that many resources caution not to give this to your baby until a year old. So what is the best (out of all undesirable options):

    1. Insist on formula feeding until she "might" give in and take it for the remaining 2 months; or

    2. Start her on cow's milk.

    What are your experiences and/or advice? Thanks in advance!

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How do you decorate a Christmas tree?

    What order (lights, ornaments, ribbons, etc), and what colour scheme?

    4 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Active fetus leads to irritable baby?

    I have seen a similar question posted here before, but this one is a little more specific. There is research that suggests that a fetus that is very active in utero from 32 weeks and beyond tend to be more irritable and fussy as babies (and poorer sleeper). Did you find this was the case either way? What about colic? Finally, did you find this behaviour lasted beyond babyhood?

    Personally, my first was very active in-utero, and was an intense baby and poor sleeper (with colic). However, while still active, he has become easy going and sensitive to others. I am 22 weeks pregnant with potentially a little girl, and she is more active in there than her brother was! I am wondering if I am going to follow the same pattern!

    Just curious about your experiences from the parent community.... thanks in advance!

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Coping without exercise after C-section?

    I am pregnant with my second child, and have been informed due to my previous history, I will be having a scheduled C-section. My first child was a C-section (after 27 hours of labour), and I was in recovery for quite a while.

    I know conventional wisdom to wait to exercise is 6-8 weeks, and am already aware that I will be busy enough with a new baby. HOWEVER, having been a competitive athlete and fitness enthusiast, my life, my mood and any sense of well-being is tied to physical activity. Last time, there was concern I had PPD because of the inactivity (compounded with everything else.

    My questions: Are there minor activities one can do moderately increase heartrate or do strength training without compromising the weakened abdominal muscles?

    If not, what were your coping mechanisms during the period of recovery?

    Thanks in advance!

    (I have forwarded this question in the pregnancy section, but hope to obtained some informed answers from experts in this domain as well!)

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Coping without exercise after C-section?

    I am pregnant with my second child, and have been informed due to my previous history, I will be having a scheduled C-section. My first child was a C-section (after 27 hours of labour), and I was in recovery for quite a while.

    I know conventional wisdom to wait to exercise is 6-8 weeks, and am already aware that I will be busy enough with a new baby. HOWEVER, having been a competitive athlete and fitness enthusiast, my life, my mood and any sense of well-being is tied to physical activity. Last time, there was concern I had PPD because of the inactivity (compounded with everything else.

    My questions: Are there minor activities one can do moderately increase heartrate or do strength training without compromising the weakened abdominal muscles?

    If not, what were your coping mechanisms during the period of recovery?

    Thanks in advance!

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Most reliable site to purchase previous versions of SPSS?

    I live in Canada, and I am looking to purchase a valid (i.e. not pirated) and inexpensive copy of SPSS (Statistical Program for the Social Sciences) software. I know the latest is about version 16.0, but I find that SPSS 14 or 15 should suffice for me. Thank you in advance.

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Should Drive-Thru services be banned?

    With the rising price in fuel, an obesity epidemic, and increased concern for the environment, one more time.... should we do away with Drive Thru windows at fast food joints? Why or why not?

    14 AnswersGreen Living1 decade ago
  • How do you think men and women's sense of humour differs?

    Series of related questions:

    What do you think men and women find funny? Are they different? Is it gender-related? Finally, on average, do you think men are funnier than women (or vice versa)? Just curious about what others think.... thanks in advance.

    9 AnswersGender & Women's Studies1 decade ago
  • Minimum oven temperature for milk not to curdle?

    Also, what can I do/substitute to prevent milk-based sauces from curdling in the oven? For example, I made (and improvised a bit) with a scalloped potatoes recipe, but the milk curdled - what can I do to prevent this? Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Where can I purchase a waterproof mattress cover for a twin?

    My son leaks through his diaper at night, and I want to protect the mattress beneath. I have tried the Bay, Toys R Us, and Sears, but with no luck (I live in Halifax, Canada). I am hesitant to buy online unless it is fast and from a reputable source. Thanks in advance.

    18 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Preschooler regressing on potty training. Interventions?

    My son is almost 3.5 and has been potty trained (at least during the day) for almost a year. About 3 weeks ago, he started having accidents, both at home and at daycare, about once every couple of days. We reasoned that often he would be too preoccupied with something, and would wait too long until he could not hold it anymore. There has been no significant changes in routine or any apparent stressors that might impact him, and we have been very gentle with his potty training.

    However, the accidents have been increasing, and now include both varieties (was just pee before), and the past couple of days, he had 5 accidents! He feels bad when they happen, and we don't make a big deal of it in front of him, but I am starting to get concerned. His preschool teacher indicates it is normal, but the increased frequency is of concern. My next step is to go to the pediatrician, but before doing so, I wanted to raise this in a parent forum - is this normal? What did you do? Thanks.

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Realising your limitations when you became a parent?

    What limitations about your character and/or abilities did you find out/realise about yourself when you became a parent?

    3 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Are today's children overstimulated?

    There are so many activities nowadays (computer games, fancy indoor playgrounds, amusement parks) available now that never were before. How do you think children will be affected in the long term when all of this easy entertainment is so readily available to them?

    7 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Why is Ethics grouped together with Law on Y!A?

    I always considered ethics to be a branch in philosophy, and transcends that of the application of a legal system. We are faced with ethical dilemmas everyday, whether socially or in research. Reading the questions in the "Law & Ethics" section, the vast majority refer to legal questions and few are only peripherally related to Ethics. What are your thoughts?

    2 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Real meaning of "no gifts please" on an invitation?

    I have been at several parties for my son's (he is 3) friends, and many invites say "no gifts please". So the first 2 times I did not bring a gift. I was the only one that did not do so, and I felt wretchedly guilty. So now I bring gifts regardless. Recently, I hosted my son's birthday party and said "no gifts please (I really meant it), and everyone brought gifts! Am I missing something? Your thoughts and experiences?

    9 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • What is the PC term: "White" or "Caucasian"?

    I realise these terms roughly are synonyms, but I always thought Causasian was the more "politically correct" term to describe people that have the lightest skin of a population. However, I see even in academic journals when describing demographic populations, the use of the term "white" - isn't it slightly derogatory? Your thoughts? Serious and enlightened (no pun intended) answers only please.

    25 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Since becoming a parent, have become too sensitive to tragedies involving children. How to cope?!?

    Ever since I became a mom, I can barely read the news about pedophiles, child abuse, even fictional stories that involve child tragedies. I heard about a news archive of a story (happened 5 years ago) of a woman who killed her 15 month old and 3 month old by leaving them to starve while she vacations with her boyfriend, and I cried for days!! Have I become weaker as a result? Fellow parents, how do you deal with this?

    2 AnswersParenting1 decade ago