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  • Reading Glasses v Distance Glasses?

    I got my eye glass prescription just 2 days ago. I wanted to order prescription lenses online (for reading) directly from the website that has the frames I wanted. I entered the exact prescription from the doctors note but left out the ADD because no one explained it to me. How will this affect my ability to read with them as the glasses have already shipped and I dont want to buy an updated prescription while this one is currently being delivered. 

    Optical4 months ago
  • Why hasn't my tattoo peeled?

    I got a touch up of a tattoo I had gotten in 2017 that significantly faded. My touch up was done on September 1st by a different artist. He was very informative and professional. He told me that my previous artist didn't do the necessary steps to ensure that my tattoo would last. The tattoo is black and grey with blue and I am dark skinned. When the touch up was done it looked great. I followed my artists instructions but I noticed after washing the first day the tattoo looked cloudy and as if the color wasn't there (the color portions looked like my skin). I went to the shop days later and my artist said it was completely normal. I'd been washing and moisturizing. The tattoo did scab quickly but it wasn't heavy it was light and those seemed to have gone away. It's now been 23 days and my tattoo hasn't peeled. I know that's normal for some people but I know that the tattoo cannot be healed if it still appears cloudy and the color hasn't returned. Am I freaking out over nothing?

    Tattoos2 years ago
  • Can I take my retainer off for a few hours?

    I just got my braces taken off January 19th after having them on for 2 1/2 years. My orthodontics told me to keep them on 24/7 until she deems it ok to just wear at night (presumably 6 months). I've been responsible with my retainer, only taking it off to eat and brush/floss everyday but in a couple months I'm going to be seeing BvS and that movie is nearly 3 hours so I want to know if it would be ok to leave the retainer off whilst I eat popcorn during the film. I would put it back on right after and drool isnt a concern to me because I rinse it with hot water before putting it in the case (its my mouth) and I clean it twice a day.

    2 AnswersDental5 years ago
  • Why do I have a tingly sensation on my back?

    It started when I was very young (I'm currently 17), the right side of my back tingles as if bugs are crawling on it. Typically when this bothers me most is when I'm trying to rest, so much so that I'm unable to lie on my left side for I'll be uncomfortable throughout the night. Most times it prevents me from sleeping and occasionally it disturbs me during the day when I'm sitting upright to where I'd have to place my hand on my back to sooth the nerves. Recently I had a message that consisted of these cups being placed on my back and although I wasnt lying on my back I was relieved for the rest of the evening. The feeling has then since come back and I'm looking for a long term solution. Any ideas as to what this could be or how to help it?

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management5 years ago
  • Why is a my breast hard?

    I've noticed recently after examining both my breasts that the left one(the bigger one) has a hard sort of lump around the top of the areola. Previously due to chest pain I got an extra done about last September and found out that I had cysts in both of my breasts(more so in the left) the doctor said that that typically happens to African females but at the time I didn't feel anything wrong. I was told that if my breasts start to look abnormally different to check back with him but that otherwise the cysts wouldn't affect me. The lump isn't noticeable and doesn't hurt it does feel weird when I touch it though. Is this something I should notify my doctor of or could this be cancer that I was told I still could get even though I have sickle cell.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years ago
  • What to address a step parent as?

    My dad has a fiance that I know little about because she spends all her time around him and I don't feel comfortable with her. When I am speaking about her with my dad I call her by her first name-Shelly-but my dad basically told me I HAVE to call her Ms. Shelly. I have already had a step mom previously to which I referred to as mom because she has been there since before I could talk. During my time with her I was aware that she wasn't my biological mom but I considered her as such. I haven't seen her for 3 years because her and my dad separated. He just recently got his divorce finalized. I have only spoken to her a few times the first 2 years but haven't since because she has seemingly moved on with her life and has a baby. I have accepted that those years of my life were in the past but I do not believe that I should I have to call my dads new fiance Ms because I'm not comfortable with it and its too formal seeing as that I am 15, I think I am well aware of the implications of blended families(she has 2 sons-one 14 and the other 9) and I feel that the only way I can be ok coming to her for anything is if I can call her by her name. What to you think I should do and should I tell my dad even though he seems to be only concerned with her comfort...

    4 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • looking for an anime show?

    Its about these teens with cool sidekicks that they battle with ( like pokemon) and I remember there being a toy having to do with the show they came in these small closed spheres and where magnets and when you put them on metal they'd open and it'd be like a dragon or whatever

    1 AnswerComics & Animation7 years ago