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  • I had a dream I found out I was pregnant with a friends baby. What does that mean?

    I had this really vivid dream that a coworker/friend and I got blacked out drunk and slept together, and a few weeks later I found out I was pregnant. Somehow I knew it was his, and I told him and he seemed happy, but we never got a chance to talk about it one on one, but we were both telling people. I was still drinking and smoking in the dream and there were a lot of people from my past in the dream as well, like a good friend from my high school days and my grandmother. I just remember feeling very affectionate towards him but also anxious that maybe this was not what he wanted and was going to give him an out. My alarm woke me up at that point so I didn t get to see the outcome.

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation5 years ago
  • Will cultural and intellectual differences eventually tear us apart?

    I recently started dating this guy and at first It seemed like we had a lot in common, having long meaningful conversations lasting well into the night. Flash forward two months and There are a few things that concern me. He has very limited views on the world which is why I don t usually date Jamaicans, being Jamaican myself and seeing how the men in my family act and speak was something I wanted to get away from when I went to college. Not saying I m not proud of my culture but I don t feel like everything about me needs to be defined by being Jamaican. He is 29 and had not made any sort of career for himself, is broke and has "bad luck" as he likes to call it, but really is just irresponsible and doesn t manage what little money he makes well. I have a masters and education is very important to me. He barely graduated from hs and does not seem to want to go to school or learn a trade, and he said "a degree is just a piece of paper". That was so offensive to me on so many levels because I worked very hard to get two degrees by the age of 22, and it concerns me that he puts very little stock in education, as that is extremely important to me when raising children, which we have talked about because he wants kids and I don t necessarily see how he can even support a child on what he makes. I love that he wants to build a life with me one day but I m not in the business of changing someone and I dont intend to or want to change him but idk if he is husband material.

    2 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • Should I give this guy a chance?

    So I met this guy on an online dating app. He asked me out to dinner and I figured, hey, free food. But we ended up talking in his car until 7 am. I recently (about 2 months now) got out of a serious relationship where I was living with a guy I moved here for and we were together for about a year and a half. He really hurt me and was not ready for a serious relationship and made me feel that me trying to make things work and talk about our problems I was being "controlling", so right now it's hard for me to open up in a relationship because I don't trust that he means what he says that he wants something serious.

    Then again, my ex is 24 and never been in a serious relationship except with his mother and the new guy is 29, has been in several serious relationships including living with a woman for 2 years who had a child. A kinda big issue for me is that he's Jamaican with a heavy accent and my dad is Jamaican and was very abusive towards me growing up and into adulthood, so sometimes things he says rubs me the wrong way because that. I know it's not his fault. Also, I have my masters and want a thriving career. He got his GED and hasn't seemed to be able to stay in a job past 2 years or move up into management in his field at least. I

    don't want to make that the deal breaker because nobodies perfect and if he has everything else I want and treats me right and makes me happy does it really matter? So I'm kind of in a tough situation right now.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Should I marry my best friend?

    I've just recently started dating my best friend if 6 years. He was my first, and I got pregnant then had a miscarriage. Our lives were headed in different directions at the time (me college Him the military) and we decided to just be friends, but the feelings never web away. We have been there for each other through other relationships, and I was in an abusive relationship for almost two years that ended terribly a couple of months ago. We started dating a few months after that, even though he lives in California and I live in pa. I'm almost done with school and we agreed I would move there so we could be together. We've been speaking lately about getting married when I get out there but I'm scared. I'm 20 years old and still dealing with the damage my ex did to me. However, I trust my bf completely and we have a wonderful relationship. We can literally tell each other anything and we respect and want the best for each other. I know that my family and friends will say that I am too young to get married and that I don't really know him because we haven't seen each other in almost 2 years. Should I try to work things out Ina marriage or wait a few years?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • should I stay with my boyfriend who's in the army?

    I've been seeing this guy for a few months now, and when we first met he seemed like a really nice guy, until he decided to leave me for his ex girlfriend, which I understood because they were engaged, I would have done the same. But a few months later he came back saying he wanted another chance to be friends, but I put my foot down and said I wanted a relationship and he said ok and started working to gain my trust back. He came over everyday to hang out, which he NEVER does, and would text me during the day just to talk, also something he doesn't do. He's even brought his friends over to hang out and get to know me and they all know me as his girlfriend even though between us we're not "officially" dating because we have a lot to work out and get to know each other before we jump into a relationship and for valentine's day he bought me chocolates and a huge lollipop and walked across campus with huge balloons in his uniform to bring them to me because he knew I've never had a valentine and wanted to make that day really special for me. Now, it would seem like everythings fine and I should just trust him with no problem, but there are a few problems that bug me to the core: One, he's an alcoholic, two, he promised I would meet his mom weeks ago and that never happened Three, he promised to take me out to dinner, also never happened, but both was understandable because that week his car broke down and he had to use his entire paycheck to fix it so I understand that, but what REALLY bothers me is that I've asked him several times to add me on facebook, and ive even cried about it, and he said he would do it since he saw it meant so much to me, and he hasnt done it and its been weeks. I also suspect he's still not over his ex even though he says they will never get back together and I believe him I don't want to be competing for his attention with some girl that's not even in the picture anymore because then I'll always be second to her in his heart. Now he's a very sweet guy and he is trying very hard to change for me and we're both hoping that going to the army will change him greatly and make him grow up a little, but I don't want to wait for someone who doesn't do even the little things for me to show that he cares. I don't mean to sound selfish because he does do some things for me but the things that really really mean a lot to me like being friends with me on facebook, taking me out, and meeting his mom he makes no move to do them no matter whether i leave him alone about it or ***** and cry and scream about it and it makes me feel like I can't depend on him or trust him. I honestly don't know wat to do, this is the first guy I've let get this close in years and I don't want to lose him but I don't want to lose myself and my expectations in the process.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • is it worth it to date him?

    ok so my friend introduced me to this guy that she works with and we've been hanging out for about three weeks now. By nature i'm the type of person to freak out and second guess a guys feelings for me when i don't see him for a while, and we don't see each other everyday because he doesn't go to my school and we're both busy, but idk if im justified this time because when we hang out i feel like he likes me and things are going well, and he has asked me a few times where i want things to go, so im assuming that he likes me enough to date me, but the days we dont see each other he hardly talks to me, especially if i text him first, he'll stop replying after two texts or take forever to reply. But when we're together he's really into me and we have a lot of fun and afterwards he always texts me and ask when were going to hang out again, then he'll disappear for a few days.. I dont know if im just being insecure or overthinking it, and i also don't know if i would be able to handle the fact that he basically never talks to me unless we're going to hang out if we were to date. I'm not a clingy girlfriend but i believe a guy should talk to his gf at least once a day if not more, even if he's busy and can only say "hey i'm really busy but i miss you ttyl" am i expecting too much from him? and should i date him? and how do i know if he's really into me or he's just playing me?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • how should i ask him to prom?

    I need a date for prom and its in may but my friends and i want to deposit for the limo early. I was thinking of asking my friend who i haven't talked to in a while, and i was scared he would feel weird if i asked him out of the blue like that, but today he walked up behind me and gave me a hug and was like "hey it's been forever how you been?" and we kind of just picked up where we left off as friends, and he kept hugging me, so i said "i have a business proposition for you" and he put his arm around me and asked what it was and i told him i'd tell him later but now i'm scared he's not going to want to go with me and i'm going to look dumb because i'm a senior and he's a junior. what should i do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • what did whitney houston wear in the 80's?

    I'm in a show at my school which has 80's themed attire. I'm singing a song by whitney houston and am supposed to dress like her. I already have the wig, but i don't know what kind of dresses she wore, so if anyone can find pictures of things she wire back then, especially while singing "Greatest love of all", that would be great. Thanks!

    1 AnswerCelebrities1 decade ago
  • What should i do about college?

    i've been accepted to my top college and have received a package covering all costs including books and fees, but because my dad wants me to go to the college my mother works at and stay home so he can "watch me" he refuses to pay the deposit. He also thinks I shouldn't stay on campus because it is only 45 minutes away, but I haven't even started to drive yet and the snow gets really bad up here during the winter. I don't have access to my bank account and I don't turn 18 until the week before I start college so I can't just wait until I'm 18 then pay it. I've been thinking about just taking a year off and working and then try to apply to that college for second semester or even the next year, but I'm scared I won't go back and I also don't want to start late because I'm going to law school after college and that's more time i have to wait. I'm really upset by this whole situation because my parents are being selfish even though it's supposed to be my decision and my life. I honestly don't know what to do because they won't let me work. They're very strict and refuse to let me make decisions on my own or do what I need to do for me. Please help?

  • old hollywood glamour themed prom?

    I just found out that my theme for prom is old hollywood glamour. The one problem is that i am black and most of the pictures I have seen are of white people. i need a black person to model after or just a nice outfit (dress shoes jewelry) to fit the theme but that will look good on a black person. Any ideas? pictures would be nice

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • i get dark brown discharge after i masturbate?

    also i have had small itchy bumps lower on my vagina for weeks. could i have an infection or std?

    6 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • I get really hyper or upset all the time. I'm constantly high energy and yelling about something.?

    I kinda just realized that I'm very high energy. I'm either happy, hyper or angry and screaming all the time about SOMETHING. I don't really want to be like that because I know i look like a complete idiot and I don't like being angr all the time but most of the time i dont even realize im doing it. how to i spot when im getting out of control and how do i calm down?

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • How do I get him to like me?

    there's this guy on my bus that came at the end of th year and was new. i always had a little crush on him but I didn't want to bother because summer was coming up and I didn't think it was worth it. Now he came on the bus this morning and sat right behind me and my friend. They sarted talking and I got quiet because didn't know what to add to the conversation. Ever since he came whenever he saw me he would say hi or when I got on the bus he would look right at me but I always get too nervouse to talk to him and hide behind a book or start texting. I'm really scared of making a fool of myself and saying something dumb (which is something i usually do) and when i get nervous or excited i tend to come on strong to boys. I also wanthim to talk to me first because i don't like chasing guys.Any ideas?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How do I permanently remove hair?

    I have dark hair and dark skin, so I know laser won't work. Plus, what's the average cost and time it takes!

    9 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • How do I get rid of my hair?

    I'm extremely hairy for a woman and when I shave I not only get razor burn, but it grows back by the next day. I don't want to use a hair removal cream because I don't want to wait that long. How do I get rid of this hair in all places so I can look good in my bikini for my vacation next month?

    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago