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  • should I tell him, or keep it a secret?

    Ok so this past weekend my fiancé and I was at our normal hang out(bar)... we were there for a long time, he took a taxi home and I stayed... the DJ was flirting, and I may have flirted back a little... however as I was walking out to leave, he followed me... he called my name and I turned around and he grabbed me and kissed me.. ( I pulled away from him) and continued my walk. I have yet to tell my fiancé, and am feeling guilty.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • can i take over the house?

    My ex fiance and I own a house together, both of our names are on the title. We spilt up and I moved out a year ago. He has since moved out himself and allows his family members to live there rent free. He has no means of financial income. I would like to move back into it since it is close to my childrens school and would make the commute soo much easier. Do i have legal grounds to move back in?

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • is nine way too young to teach daughter to shave?

    My daughter will be nine next week. I have noticed some very long hairs under her arm pits. Should i teach her to shave? Some may think this is a no brainer and to not have her walk around with armpit hair, but it seems soo young.

    9 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Left side pain and headaches?

    Have headaches and pain on my upper left side for months now... been to the doctor 3 times now... 1st time he said UTI and gave me an antibotic... 2nd time he said UTI and said I needed a different antibotic. 3rd time he said bladder infection and gave me yet another antibotic and pain pills. Well its been a total of like 5 months, the pain has yet to go away. he said if it was anything serious then we would know it by now. However the pain in my left side has not gone away. It is constant.. Could this be a kidney issue? should I seek a second opinion?

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • What would you name a greyhound puppy ?

    I am getting my puppy tomorrow ... just want a few suggestion. on what to name her... she is mostly white... I'm thinking Sadie, Zoey , Lilly ??? Something girlie

    1 AnswerDogs9 years ago
  • Is it normal for your house lights to dim when other electical things turn on?

    Just purchased a home, had the inspection, and had an electrician come out, both say its ok, but its really annoying that when the ac unit kicks on the lights dim for a second, when you start the dryer the lights dim, it seems like it is happening more and more...

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • What is the best approach for this?

    My boyfriend went into business with a guy we have known (thought we knew). He put 5000 dollars in a business account and spent over 3000 dollars for equipment. We found out yesterday that 5 days after putting the money in the account the guy transferred most to his personal account and spent the rest on golf, gas, Sprint bills ect... He also refuses to give the equipment up. What should we do?

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Life is so full of choices, new guy or husband?

    I know this sounds horrible! I never thought in a million years this would be me. But it is and I am confused, and need advise. My husband and I have been married for almost 3 years, we have been separated 2 times in those 3 years, because he says he don't want to raise children that are not his. (as if he didn't know they existed). well this time, I met someone he is great, he treats me wonderful, and my children wonderful. In a few months he has done more then my husband ever has. My husband would never go and throw a football with my kids because he felt guilty about his own kids, and how they would feel knowing dad was throwing a football with another child. He refused to let my 6 yr. daughter hug him or anything in fear his 20 yr old daughter might find out. I have moved my children to different states 2 times. Just uprooted them away from friends and family to be with my husband. This time he swears he has changed and wants to be a good step dad. I am so confused. I love my husband I do, but I just don't know if I could do this to my kids again. Should I just move on?

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • Do you keep what happens when you are separated a secret?

    If you are married and then separate for a few months, do you keep it a secret what happened? like what happens in vegas stays in vegas kind of thing? If you decided to reconcile you marriage?

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • Are all employment offer emails gimmicks that ask for a background check?

    I am job searching and keep getting emails from potential employers asking me to complete a credit check. Most of these emails have attachments to go to a website and input my credit card number to view my credit report. I keep ignoring these, but nothing else is working out? Are they gimmicks?

    1 AnswerLaw & Legal10 years ago
  • Follow your heart or you head?

    My husband and I are separated once again. I moved my children 2 times out of state to be with him (these are not his kids). I do still love him dearly. The problem is we separated because he said he didn't want to help raise someone else's kids. He seemed to resent my children always being around. Now that I left he is promising to change and to accept them, and to give him another try. My heart wants to believe it and try to work my marriage out, on the other hand my head is telling me i would be a fool to do this. I don't want to hurt my children more than I already have by making them pick up the pieces and move again. I am not talking about a few miles away. This is a few states away. I cant really ask family members because they are well... not very supportive of me considering moving once again, which I cant blame the I guess...

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • Cant get a dr apt until the 21st have anxiety and depression... What should I do?

    Shaking, headaches, cant sleep cant eat, back pain... thoughts of suicide. Even wrote my kids a good-bye note, called to get a dr. apt told them i am having major depression and anxiety and they cant get me in until next week... Now what? Need help now....

    5 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Bad catalytic converter? Need to drive from NH to Florida...?

    I need to move from NH to Florida. I go my 2001 v6 escape from the mechanic 2 weeks ago, he replaced a few coils and small things, seems to run fine, but check engine came on. I took it to a auto part store, they couldnt tell me if my car has 1 or 2 catalytic converters but said that according to their little machine, it misfired and I probably need to replace it. It seems to run ok, my mechanic cant look at it until Friday and I need to leave ASAP...

    2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Would you be ok with your husbands female coworker being a friend on his facebook?

    He has not accepted her as of yet, I met her at the company party and by woman's Intuition she has the hots for him. She stood behind his chair with her hand on the back and to me it just seemed awkward. Then as we were doing a little dancing off to the side of the dance floor, she decided to stand there and announce that she is about to leave... and tried to start up a conversation with him, which should have seemed obvious to anyone that we were having a small moment to ourselves. What do you think?

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Husband going to happy hour with the Guys?

    I have no problem with happy hours with the guys, however happy hour seems to have quite a few female coworkers as well, I feel this is not out with the "GUYS" if females tag along... what is your opinion on this? My husband invited me along last week, and one of the female coworkers brought up a few conversations that I felt to be distasteful!

    26 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • should ex's leave your friends and family alone after divorce?

    My husbands ex wife (12 yrs divorced) seems to facebook all of his friends and family members. I think it is really weird to want to be in contact with all these people again, after you were not in contact with them for many years! She sees them on his friends list and friend request them... I think she is stuck on him... or am i being a paranoid wife?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • If you found husbands pictures what would you do?

    Found explicited pictures of husbands ex wife, what would you do? confront him, ignore them, or throw pictures away and pretend you never seen them?

    18 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • how do others view shared parenting... 1 year with mom, 1 year with dad...?

    My ex is wanting shared parenting, where he has the kids one school year and I have them the next school year.I am considering allowing this change. I am getting negative feed back from some family members saying I am giving my kids away. He does not pay his child support and I feel I should not have to be the only one that has to struggle to support my kids, and juggle work, and their school schedule and daycare expenses... I have been doing this for years on my own and just tired... I am not going to base my decision on your comments, but am just curious as to how others view it...

    4 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • Husband and I are separated and are trying to work things out?

    Well he is in California, I am in Florida, Our anniversary is Saturday, he is flying here for the weekend, and since his kids live here and parents to he wants to see all of us while he is here. Which is fine with me, I have no problem with that, but he says we will have to do the anniversary thing on Sunday, because his kids have plans on Sunday.... I think that is wrong, and we should enjoy our anniversary on the given day... Am I being petty? Should I not worry about it, and just go with the flow?

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Should I just cut my losses?

    My husband and I separated a few weeks ago, I came back to Florida, and he is still in California. I love and miss him so much, and he claims the same. The problem relies on children... his came to visit for the summer, drained our savings and bank account, and the day they left, when I got home from work, he expressed his feelings of not being sure if he wants to help raise my children... After hearing that, I packed up some of my things and my children's, and took a flight back to florida the next night... I am so confused at this point, we talk every night, and am not sure if it is just giving me false hopes... I feel like a high school kid, heartbroken for the first time... Any advice would be appreciated... Lost in Florida....

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago