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  • How any dishes should I serve at Christmas: 8 adults, 2 kids.?

    It's my first time hosting a Christmas dinner with this many people. Our main course is a Pork Roast (I know i have enough of that)...

    Do i make Two starches, Two Veggies, Rolls and Dessert? Or should i be with One Starch and/or One Veggie (and of course, rolls and dessert)?

    10 AnswersCooking & Recipes5 years ago
  • What kind of gift does a woman present when she proposes?

    So, When a man proposes to a woman - there is a ring. Later said ring is worn With the marriage ring. I don't think I would want to do two rings. I was thinking of other gift ideas that communicate the same idea, but aren't a ring.

    He doesn't wear a watch. I gave him a Posey bracelet for Christmas (Look it up), so another bracelet is out. Maybe an engraved Beer Stein? A key chain? ummm.... I really have no idea!

    YES, I know there is a lot of social no-no rules about women proposing... but I don't care. My situation is mine, nay-sayers do not know the details of my situation to say whether he will reject me, if he's ready or not, or if he will feel emasculated. If ANY of this were even a remote possibility, I'm old enough, wise enough, and intelligent enough to not invest my time and money into an engagement. I appreciate your concern... but... alas... I Got This!

    So... Gift Ideas! .... Do you have any?

    7 AnswersWeddings8 years ago
  • Kmart 2012 Christmas Commerical: Who sings that song?

    Theres a version of Carol of the Bells in the 2012 Kmart Commerical. It sounds like a fairly unknown artist named Katy B (sings Movin' with the Lights on)... i can't find the answer ANYWHERE! And i'm going crazy! Help Please!

    7 AnswersLyrics8 years ago
  • how much food to order? Pizza / Wings?

    Ok - Two seperate parties.. but need to know how much food to order:

    #1 - Kids party, 15 4-5year olds, about 6 adults - Ordering Pizza after a Gym party... how many Pizzas?

    #2 - After party, 30ish adults, 10 kids - Ordering Wings to be served at pre-vening. Being served as a main "course" with veggies, crab dip, fruit, chips & dip... How many wings to order??

    Yeah, there are plenty of drinks, and cake at both events... just dont know how much pizza for the kids, or Wings for the adults.

    1 AnswerEntertaining9 years ago
  • What is a good alternative for a Stroller?

    I have a 3yo who enjoys going to craft shows, fairs, and to the mall with us. Problem is, she's getting a bit tall for her stroller. She absolutely hates umbrella strollers, plus they dont have any storage. The wagon seems so bulky in some of the tighter events we go to. I'm really trying to find something that she can be comfortable in. Suggestions??

    (Yes, i know the 3yo can walk - but when we are spending several hours at these events, it's easier for everyone if she rides, plus she seems content longer)

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • Other Eclectic Musicans - like Amy Winehouse, Duffy, and the such?

    What is an artist with a similar idea behind their music as Amy Winehouse (ie - eclectic cross over styles without the drugs, alcohol, and abuse of hairspray)? If you cant think of Eclectic - maybe a diverse artist. Someone who sings multiple genres of music (For some reason, i'm thinkin Queen Latifa (sp) switching from Rap to Soul)...

    I'm trying to find examples for a paper i'm writing, and can not think of many examples.

    1 AnswerSinging1 decade ago
  • Can i use a coupon with a store logo at a different store...?

    I have several coupons that have Kroger store logos on them, but it says "manufacturer's coupon" at the top. Shouldnt i be able to use them at Walmart or Target, because it doesnt say "Store coupon"? Anyone tried this?

    7 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Motor Oil out of clothes, and off of washing machine?

    My boyfriend works for an oil change company, and is constantly covered in Motor oil. When i wash his clothes in the washing machine (with regular detergent and an oxy booster), his uniform leaves a ring of oil on the inside of the washing machine. I have to go in after the fact with, MORE oxy and a magic eraser and a buttload of elbow grease, to wash the ring out - because it does transfer to the next load washed.

    Any Suggestions on how to A) Get the oil out of his uniforms? and B) Eliminate the ring around the washer and/or C)more easily remove the ring around said washer?

    5 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Birthday Party Time-fillers for a 2year old?

    Ok - i was never good with small children, so when i had one - i feared this day would come!

    My daughter will be 2 shortly. I have NO idea what to do for her birthday party. We were going to do mostly family, a few sportive neighbors and friends - and her two playmates from daycare. There should be a total of 6 toddlers. What the dickens do we do with them? She's scared of pinatas (or anything getting beat). She's too young for a moonbounce. I dont know how she'd respond to an "entertainer". Her birthday is in September, pools will be closed, and last year it rained!

    Please help me.

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Tick-away spray for toddlers?

    So my daughter is 20months old. I just pulled a baby tick off of her neck (it was the size of a pinhead, literally), and i pulled one off of her side last week (much bigger, size of a pencil eraser i guess). I know ticks come from outside (pretty much if i have grass and trees, im exposed to the possiblity of ticks). She goes to daycare and spends much of her time outside... is there something i can do for her, to her, to the enviornment to lessen the chances of these lil buggers from snackin on my kid??

    We've dipped and checked the indoor cat, he's our only pet - and he's clean.

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Is there a way to find a prisoner at a military brig?

    Ok - got a very cryptic message from a friend in the Army (Ft Hood) saying he wouldn't be able to communicate for a few days. We suspect he's in the brig. Is there anyway i can find out if he is? Like a Ft Hood Brig prisoner list?

    2 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Low Pay Retail, or High Pay Temp?

    Two job perspectives on the table. A) is a Retail position, Part time, almost minimum wage, guarenteed possibility for advancement... eventually. B) is a Receptionist position, Full Time, EXCELLENT pay, 3month Temp position. Both have the posibility of being helpful in the long run, A within the company, B in references and Resume filler (which i need!). A is what im good at, but in the long run the benefits package isnt as good as the jobs that B could bring up would provide.

    i dont know what to do! Suggestions?

    5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • What the devil do i serve?!?

    Ok - it's a "Thank you Party" for about 50 people, about 10 of them children (ages 1 to 8). We are on a limited budget (yay recession!). So far on the menu is a Crab Dip, Chicken wings with 3 dipping sauces, veggie tray, fruit tray (maybe)... and that's as far as i've gotten! Probably Chips and salsa...

    What else??! I got brain freeze here!

    7 AnswersEntertaining1 decade ago
  • Need Help Wording an Invitation, please?

    So my daughters 1st birthday is approaching. We'd like to have a party, but more of a "Thanks for helping us get through this year" kinda party than a birthday party. Problem is.. i have NO idea how to word this idea. I want her name to be First (of course) and than the sentiment and party details to follow. Ideas?

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Bumble Bee Party Food Ideas, please?

    We are throwing my daughter a party with a Bumble bee theme. i already have a lot of ideas for decorations, music, and stuff. I'd really like to carry the theme over to the food as well. We already have the behive cake - what else? I was thinking Honey baked ham biscuits (boring, but it works). Need more ideas!

    The party is at the end of the summer (sept 12), and as much as the party is For my daughter, most of the attendants will be adults. Thank you, in advance.

    5 AnswersEntertaining1 decade ago
  • How do i cool off the backseat for my daughter?

    My daughter is 9months old, and is in a rear facing Car seat. Problem is, my cars only rear airvents are under the seats. No matter how hard i blast them, she always comes out the car sweaty and wet. Its not even summer hot yet, its only in the 80s.

    It doesnt help that she has a FULL head of hair. I also try and only dress her in a onesie to cut down on excess layers (Cant have my baby in public naked, every place else is air conditioned)

    Is there a product, or any ideas on what i can do to keep my child from melting like the frosty the snowman?

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Do i wait or just do it?

    My ex-fiance is military (i will not disgrace the branch by saying which one). He was seperated from his wife when we met. When we moved to a new command post, he always refered to me as his wife even though i wasnt. I got pregnant and gave birth before his divorce was finalized.

    i recently found him cheating on me (adultry, sorta), and left him. Except for the $500 a month in "child support", he abandoned his daughter and myself. I went from all expenses paid to living with my mother with no income in 20 days.

    i want to contact his CO to inform them of his lies and fraud againt the us government (hes still collecting dependant pay, even though hes divorced and hasnt registered his daughter yet). Problem is, i have a court ordered visitation to take his daughter to see him on July 4th weekend.

    I want to get the ball rolling on the fraud charges, do i wait until after July? Im not just a bitter woman who got dumped, im the 3rd woman he's left in finacial ruin because he couldn't keep it in his pants. I struggle every moment of everyday - and hes not paying for his daughter because hes wining and dining his new girlfriend.

    Please dont be mean, really tough situation as it is. Suggestions please?

    9 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Do i call at all? If so, when!?

    Situation: Went out last night to a club last night for the first time in a LONG time. Met a guy - friend of an acquaintance). Gave him my number to hang out. He text me like, 10minutes later - asking me to hang out that night (yeah, i know - sounds like a booty call. Looking past that...) Made a couple of back and forth flirty texts... and than - Nothing.

    About 45 minutes later - his friend calls me (my acquaintance). Says they dropped him off, guy was using acquaintances phone - so acquaintance gave me guys home number (Who has home numbers anymore?!?)

    Do i call him? Should i be offended he didn't think to drop a "TTFN" on me? Am i over analyzing this situation? IF i call him, and use the 2 day rule - how do i get around Easter?

    Im SO out of practice on this kinda thing. Oy!!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Rebirth and Renewals...?

    Ok - so i know i'm thinking of something - i thought it was a phoenix, but i'm reading and i'm not sure there might be another creature that symbolizes either rebirth and/or renewals... starting over after being burned...

    Whatcha got? Any ideas?

    2 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Only want to travel 1st class part of the way...?

    Ok. In 5 weeks, i'm flying from Virginia to San Diego with my 6mo old daughter. We are booking via an internet travel site (hotwire), and we know we have to have a layover in Atlanta. I have no problem traveling coach with her for the 2 hour flight to Atlanta, but the 5 hour flight from Atlanta to SanDiego - i'd really prefer to be in 1st class.

    How do you book an online flight with only part of your trip being 1st class? How do i find out what the pricing will be? If i change my reservation at the airport on the day of travel - how much is the upgrade going to be (if not sold out)?

    Any ideas?!

    5 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago