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Favorite Answers10%
  • To vaccinate your children or not to vaccinate your children?

    I ask this because my sister decided that she is not going to vaccinate her baby when he is born because of the risk of Autism and cancers. Vaccinations have made most childhood diseases virtually disappear. And they cannot scientifically prove that vaccines cause autism. I strongly feel that the benefits of vaccines by far out weigh the risks of vaccines. I personally do not ever want to see any of those diseases come back! How about you?

    14 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Ideas about honeymoon in DC?

    My fiance and I are getting married soon and are planning a trip to Washington DC for our honeymoon. If anyone has any ideas for us on what we can do while we are there please share. Also, if anyone knows of any good hotels that aren't too pricey (130.00/night or less) please share also. Thanks! Also, we will have 2 full days there.

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Ideas about honeymoon in DC?

    My fiance and I are getting married soon and are planning a trip to Washington DC for our honeymoon. If anyone has any ideas for us on what we can do while we are there please share. Also, if anyone knows of any good hotels that aren't too pricey (130.00/night or less) please share also. Thanks! Also, we will have 2 full days there.

    3 AnswersWashington, D.C.1 decade ago
  • Which do you prefer to drink?

    If you walk to your fridge and you have Coke and Cherry Coke, which are you going to grab?

    49 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Why do they.......................?

    keep playing that stupid commercial with that stupid song and that stupid mop or broom?????

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago

    I Live in the United States. Last year they changed the ending of daylight savings time to the first sunday in November which is next weekend. Why in the h**l would someone turn me on for letting everyone know that????? Some people need to be a little more careful about who they turn in!

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What should we name our tropical fish?

    We just bought two tropical fish. One is a dalmation molly, which, as you can guess,is black and white spotted. The other is a real small fish that has two stripes on it going vertically. I am not sure of the name if that one. Can all of you give us an idea on what to name these two fishies? Best answer gets 10 points!!!!!!!!!!

    6 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Velocardiofacial Syndrome,or DiGeorge Syndrome?

    My daughter was at the genetic Doctor today and I was told that she very likely has this syndrome. If anyone knows anyone that has this or any good, reliable web sites on this condition it would be very helpful! It is also characterized by the chromosome 22q deletion. Thank you!

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Hotmail problems?

    I have been trying all day to get on to my hotmail account and have been unsuccessful. Is anyone else having this problem?

    5 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • A question about OSHA temperature standards?

    My fiance works outside in a truckyard. Last night, the temperatire was 1 degree with wind chills of -17+. He went to work last night and his truck would not start so he called the necessary people and came home. Today his boss was asking him why he did not stay and wait for the mechanics. They got there at 2:30am. He called at around 12am. How was he supposed to stay warm for 2 1/2 hours??? Does anyone know if there are standards for working temps through OSHA? I have searched on the internet but could not find much. There is nowhere for him to go either, as far as to stay warm. His truck is the only place he has to be warm when he is at work.

    I was not sure where to place this question!

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Dextromethorphan and orgasm difficulties???

    Everytime my fiance or me take any type of medication with Dextromethorphan in it, for a few days after, we have difficulties having an orgasm. I was just wondering if anyone else has had this problem. This medication works very well for your cough, but I am hesitant to take it because of this negative effect! I have researched it online, but I did not find very much info on this. This is the "DM" in certain cold medications.

    4 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Does anyone agree.....?

    that there needs to be a singles and dating section for adults and a section for teens? I am not against anyone asking a question, but I want to make sure I am not giving advice to someone too young! I am not saying like an uncensored adults section or anything. It would follow the same guidlines as the rest of yahoo answers. Who agrees?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Easy Bake Oven Recipes?

    Does anyone know of any websites I can go to for recipes for the Easy Bake Oven? There has to another way besides paying 5.00 for the mixes! Anything would be helpful. Thank you!

    7 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • How do I explain death to my daughter?

    My grandmother has cancer and is on her way out. They said yesterday she only had hours but as of right now she is still hanging on. My question is, my daughter is 8, but has a maturity level of probably a 5 year old (learning disabilities,etc.). How do I explain death to her? I have never faced this until now. She is not super-close to my grandmother, but I feel I need to take her to the funeral. My daughter does not understand anything on more then a very simple level. She does not grasp things real easily. Does anyone think it is a good idea to even take her? and if I do take her, what do I say before we go? how do I explain it? Thank you in advance!

    28 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Anyone know of a good media player?

    Windows media player stops working everytime I plug in my Mp3 player. I was wondering if anyone knows of any other media players that are good and work with their Mp3 player?

    4 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Soap burning my daughter's "butt?"?

    It seems that no matter what soap we use it burns my daughter's butt and vaginal area. I know she has no infections or anything, and I have even tried dove unscented. I was not sure about going back to baby soaps as I was not sure it would clean as well for an older child. Anyone have any advice or having the same problem?

    9 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • My 8 year old gave her gameboy away AGAIN?

    I need some advice on how to discipline my 8 year old daughter. Last school year, she took her gameboy to school and let one of the girls in her class borrow her gameboy. She also took a couple other things also. We got the gameboy back,thank goodness, but never got the other stuff. I was ROARING mad! She got grounded for it and I thought she would have learned her lesson. Well today I find out that she did it AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! This time it is a girl on her bus. She knew how mad I was the first time and I thought she would have learned her lesson! How should I go about disciplining her to make sure this does not happen AGAIN? My usual form of punishment is grounding by taking her TV and playing away from her. I have been making sure she does not take anything to school since that happened last year. I really don't know how she snuck that in her book bag! Please HELP!!!!!!!!

    12 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • Question for all the wives out there!?

    My hubby and I like to watch "movies" together (ya know). Now this is something we only do once in a while, but we feel it kinda "spices" things up a little bit. I was just wondering if any of you ladies out there enjoy doing the same thing, and if so, why do you enjoy doing it? What do you like about it? This is meant to be a fun, light-hearted question. I thought maybe some of you ladies would like to share your thoughts! Thank you!

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I am going on Clomid. Please share your stories and give me some advice!?

    The doc is putting me on Clomid because of irregular/lack of ovulation. He did an ultrasound and said everything else reproductively looks good, but I am just not ovulating normally. I would love to hear from other people that have or are going through the same thing. Thank you!

    7 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago