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Weird / Scary dream of falling in my bed?
I was in bed sleeping in my dream when I woke up at 3am (in my dream) I then couldn t sleep and 15 minutes later I opened my eyes and said something to myself and then suddenly all the sound disappeared instantly and I felt like I was falling/being crushed. I then woke up in reality and I felt somewhat scared however I feel like I ve been through this before but I just can t remember it.
Has anyone else had this and what does it mean?
2 AnswersDream Interpretation4 years agoMy dad eats out of the frying pan?
I live with my dad. He cooks. Sometimes (It s been done a lot more lately) He eats out of the pan he uses. I see him do it and I think it s extremely disgusting and I lose my appetite so quickly. Also, adding the fact that the noises he makes with his mouth will make you feel like vomiting (Honestly, stick around for a day and you ll feel it) Everytime he opens his mouth a nasty loud sound is made. When he wants to say something a constant choking breath noise is made. His gums are black and his teeth is yellow. He produces a lot of saliva. When he eats it s hell. Now imagining this terror and with him eating out of the pan that makes the food I eat everyday I can t help but feel like I can t take it. I love him but I just can t have this. I ve brought it up twice before but then a massive argument breaks out everytime.
I know this might sound little but I can t handle this. There is food right next to me right now. The rice is wet. I can t help but think it s his saliva... I feel sick already. What do I do?
Other - General Health Care6 years agomy Facebook birthday won't show up?
I mean that notification that everyone gets that it is my birthday. My friend has the same bday as me and his one showed up already but mine hasn't. I looked on other yahoo answers and tried what they said but there is nothing to let people see my bday?
Thanks :)
1 AnswerFacebook6 years agodbz Xenoverse question?
Does the attribute ki blast supers affect ultimate ultimate attacks as well or just super attacks?
Thx :)
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games6 years agoWhy do people talk about funny moments in movies even though it's not funny unless you watch the movie?
For example "Do you remember when he did this and that?" then they start laughing.
Or, if I haven't even seen a movie (I haven't watched one for a very long time) they talk about what happened as if it's going to be funny to me? It surely isn't. I couldn't care less but apparently it would be hilarious to me. It's rather annoying having to do a fake laugh so that it doesn't become awkward.
I've hit the point where my fake laugh is commonly mistaken for my real laugh. I even use my fake laugh without be even thinking about it now.
Is that normal? To fake laugh without me even knowing I'm doing it anymore?
I understand it's a way to keep a conversation going. Does this mean I need to improve my conversational skills so that I don't have to deal with the super annoying movie quotes? I'm not a very social guy after all.
2 AnswersSociology7 years agoMy teeth are messed up and I can't get braces?
Right, I'm in the worst position. When I was born I had a problem of my bottom jaw coming out too much rather than the top. Since I was about what... 6 or something, I fell on concrete with my mouth (My teeth were baby teeth so it really got messed up) Now I'm 14. When I was about 7, my teeth was really messed up, but I thought it would change back to normal. Now because of my teeth being so... messed up, I was unable to brush my teeth properly for a long time. So, at this point, my teeth were yellow, all crooked and messed up and it REALLY killed my confidence. Still does today. Now since of the bottom jaw coming out too much apparently they can't give me braces till I've stopped growing... which means apparently I have to wait 4 years. So now, my teeth seem to permanently be stained yellow, all crooked and crap still and I can't get braces.
This is really getting to me. I want braces, I don't care about the pain etc. I just want my teeth to be considered... normal and not looking like golden doors. Both the top and bottom teeth are messed up... what can I do? I see other kids at my school with their braces and I just find this so unfair... I don't like smiling, I try to prevent it because of my teeth. My confidence would be great if I had normal, white teeth...
So, what can I do? at least white teeth could be a start..?
2 AnswersDental7 years agoNew built computer, what to do?
My dad says that you must use the computer for 2-3 months to see if it works. I'm only building the cheapest computer possible so that I can build a more expensive one since I'm not allowed yet. But to wait so long just seems like a pain in the ...
So do I have to use the computer for that long to actually see if it works?
He also does not have as much knowledge on computers but he insists this and I have no clue...
4 AnswersDesktops7 years ago14 year old building a computer?
I want to build a gaming pc, I know all the things I want and I also have a video tutorial guiding me through the whole process, as well as receiving a manual with the case telling me how to build it.
Only problem is, my dad isn't very happy with me getting all the components at such a high price (He's willing to pay, but since it's my first time building one he thinks I would mess up)
I plan to follow the video exactly (same specs) and also use the manual as well. I am pretty sure I know what I am doing as well.
So, should I spend £1000 on my first computer that I'm going to put together or just wait and buy a cheap one, build it and then build the £1000 one? I've seen how easy it is... just like plugging things together.
(I will have anti-static wrist straps as well)
4 AnswersDesktops7 years agoI messed up with this girl, badly?
Right, I've asked this before and didn't get much attention so I'll try make this as short as possible.
Let's give "her" the name: Bobette for example... lol. I'm only 14 as well so that should narrow down the options.
A while back, me and bobette were talking a lot to each other, we liked each other (we told each other) but at the time I was going through a lot of family problems and depression. Because of this I was lonely, I wasn't confident enough to go out with her and I was pretty much a vulnerable little kid.
Later on, I was unable to talk to bobette and I just felt really lonely. Another girl (lets just name her Bobble... the names I come up with is just...) started to like me and at the time, I was so lonely so I just went along with it.
I soon developed feelings for her and then she asked me out. At this point, bobette was clear out of my mind when she asked me and I said yes... like a dumbass.
So if you just skipped that whole bit of text, I pretty much played Bobette with Bobble. I'm so loyal, aren't I? Anyways, a month later I soon came to regret going out with Bobble but then she was my 2nd girlfriend and I just didn't want to let her go, as well as hurting her. During this time, Bobette lost feelings for me but secretly I didn't after coming out of my depression... Yeah at this point I realised "My god... I seriously just screwed up"
So now to the present time, I dumped Bobble and still like Bobette. I am so confused if she likes me back (some glances at me and she seems to be around when ever I go somewhere around the school. Also faces my direction often but not directly looking towards me) and we rarely talk now. It's awkward... I have tried talking to her but then later on in the convo she ignored me (over facebook, of course) We haven't talked about me and Bobble's relationship but everytime approaching her, I feel like she's thinking about it.
So, can someone tell me, how do I even talk to her and start getting her to like me again? the first time she liked me it was when I kind of 'opened' up and we started speaking. Because of this I guessed that confidence attracts her, so lately I've been building confidence. Also, did I mess up so badly that there is no chance or..?
Thanks in advance.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years agoFirst proper argument with my mother... Right choice?
I've been the 'innocent' child for the past few years with my mum, agreeing to everything that she wants (keep in mind, I do not want to do it but I feel as if if I don't then I'm a horrible person) I have just 'broke out my shell' and actually got really pissed off with her and told her how I felt. She also expects me to drop my plans just to talk on the cam for her. Yes, even my homework sometimes.
Did I make the right choice? Telling her how I felt about our relationship? I'm 13, I actually hate my mother for the things she has said to my dad and the way she has treated me before. I live with my dad and he has to always persuade me into talking to her. She lives in USA, I live in UK. Also she's married to some guy over in USA.
She threatens me that she's gonna come over and ruin my life... she said to my dad that he had cancer and she wants to kill him. Should I honestly even love my mum? because I sure don't...
1 AnswerFamily7 years agoCan't express emotions?
I read something on the internet before which was 'How to be like a robot' (No emotions etc not literally) I followed what it said (It's been taken down now, no point looking) and since then I have been pretty much a robot metaphorically. I am 13 years old and have a wide range of friends, but really struggle expressing myself. I could maintain a straight face for weeks if I wanted too. Main emotion I feel as if is not there is love. My ex gf I had was a tough relationship since I felt like I didn't really love her, I just was with her for the sake of it. 8 months this lasted.
My friend even said to me once "Wow you're so... dead in a way" to me. I also don't take offence to ANYTHING. You could curse at me all day I honestly will not care. I can watch the most gruesome and disgusting stuff and not feel anything except from a little curiosity as to what lead them to that? You know them videos... 2 girls 1 cup etc. I've watched pretty much all alternative versions of this and have even laughed at one when first seeing it.
Someone please tell me, the f*ck is wrong with me? Only things I can do normally is laugh and feel pity for someone. I honestly don't really care how I am as well, it's just my dad said I am weird. Also I'm smart and not attractive. Quite fit as well.
This has lasted 3 years for now. Oh, I also love to be disconnected from reality and at a much higher level than others at acknowledging body language and voice and the meaning behind them. Can even predict every move someone is going to do if they express their self a lot. I have taken an interest in mystery's, conspiracy theories and just figuring realistic stuff out for e.g. crime... It's quite ironic since I love to be disconnected from reality...
4 AnswersPhilosophy7 years agoWhere did the idea Women should stay in the kitchen come from?
I read earlier on youtube comments about someone against gays, black people being in USA and women should stay in the kitchen? He later on said it was a 'tradition' to have women stay in the kitchen. Where did this 'tradition' come from and why was it made?
Thanks :)
5 AnswersGender Studies7 years agoWhat to do if dad passes away?
I'm only 13, family live MILES away from me, mother lives in america (I live in UK) I don't trust my neighbor or anything, what would I have to do? He suffers from a disease or whatever it's called of some sort (Don't want to give away details) and I know he's trying his hardest to push on in his life but he wont be lasting much longer and anyways, he wouldn't be happy if he lived up to around 90+ since he'd be almost paralyzed. So what would I have to do to have a home? I also can't even cook only can simply make breakfast. He's also about 55 or around that. I also am not as connected as you would think with my family, I don't talk to them often except from dad and I also don't like quite a lot of them. Most of them suffer a type of problem with their body as well and a few have been close to death.
So who do I go to? or will the hospital help me out? Thank you for answers.
2 AnswersFamily7 years agoHow do I talk to her and get with her?
I wouldn't ask this since there are many questions on how to talk to a girl blah blah but mine is specific. Prepare for a long story. A while back we used to like each other but I was too shy to talk in real life as much as on the phone (text) and it would be extremely awkward. I used to be very depressed (sorted out now) so it was even harder to communicate since I couldn't stop worrying and being upset which could seem like I was always upset when she was around when I really wasn't, I just don't show these type of emotions as much. After a while of awkwardness and about a month goes by another girl interrupts the whole thing and since I felt extremely lonely and I was able to talk to the new girl without much hesitation, her asking me out made me say yes (regrets xD)
Now this relationship lasted about 8 months and I realised after 6 months I didn't actually love her or like her anymore. But I felt lonely afterwards which lead on to 2 extra months. The relationship was on and off a lot (at least 10 times... wow lol) In the end I broke it off. Now I no longer have ANY feelings for her, but the girl I first liked was still there and actually grew since I missed our conversations and lols, lol :P but she has moved on... I think. Here's where it gets confusing. I am still quite shy (No where near as much as before) and can talk to her for at least 2 minutes before losing words. The reason is because our sense of humor is very different, it's very awkward and you know the deal of seeming as if I played her :( I really did not mean to do so and since being so lonely just lead me onto playing her. Now, recently about a month ago she liked someone else and they started going out blah blah but about a week ago she's ended it. Another boy who is completely ADDICTED to her really likes her which slightly pisses me off since many of the girls who go to my school think he's hot. This makes it even harder to get her attention since he's constantly flirting. He even was flirting with her while she was going out with another boy -_- Anyways, I have noticed some looks towards me which are DEFINITELY intentional since nothing behind me is interesting just a window. Also not just the quick looks that everyone does to just see someones face, it definitely looked like she likes me. I am completely confused what to think... Does she like me or no? Oh btw, she knows I like her since some other girl had to go off telling her... grr! The first set of stares only lasted for about a day or 2, the next has just started after a quick joke about me smelling of perfume (FYI I don't put on perfume lol) I am deeply in love with her, no not just because appearance either. I'm not looking just for a girl to **** and call her my 'girlfriend' I just feel so connected to her.
So, after all of this, How on earth can I even talk to her or even approach her? I'm way too scared to approach her after these events. Please no answers like " dude just go and talk to her ffs don't be a *****!" I'm not exactly a guy with high self-esteem and confidence. I only become shy when I don't have anything to say, if I have something in the back of my head for a backup sentence I'm okay.
Sorry if this is confusing, I'm pretty sure it is lol but if you can please help out
Thanks for reading that long story :)
1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years agoDoes racism still exist all over the world?
From many encounters on Omegle, chatroulette just to have some fun (no not masturbating to other men masturbating hoping for a girl to show up) I have been called N****r and a Paki (I have a mix of asian and african cultures) and I was really shocked. This is just disgraceful... I was offended (Normally not offended by racist remarks) and quite hurt to see humanity has just ended up 'hiding' the fact that racism still exists. Is this happening to anyone else around the world?
6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years agoHow to win at and how to get money back?
I have lost so many bingo games, I mean each time I go into one I get my *** kicked and win nothing! Please help me foxybingo is my life I have been playing ever since it came out! Its like drugs and if I can't win 1 game I will slap the **** out of that fox. I LOST £1000 !!! do you know how frikin pissed of I am at this?! I've tried so hard! Spent 24/7 playing foxy bingo! AND I LOSE MY LIFE SAVINGS!!!!! IM OUTRAGED! I want my money back. Now.
I dont want any BS this is 100% true My life is foxy and if you take the piss I will come hunt your adress down and download virus. Bitche's please.
1 AnswerGambling9 years agoMe and my dad argue and I really feel depressed?
I'm a 13 year old boy, And I do exercise, do my work, get to school on time NO LATES or anything. But I do come home late sometimes, and even with a slight bit of mud my dad lashes out and gets pissed off. I sometimes lash out in a snap, sometimes I Stfu so he can calm down. Just earlier because I havn't eaten my food, He got pissed off and I literally got pissed off in a second, before everything was fine! Im tired of living with him, I would go to my mum, but she's worse. I feel like I want to commit suicide, I feel ugly, I feel like I can't please the people I care about. I would love to be friends for at least a week but no. He don't know me that well, He says Im on drugs ?? He admited he hates me but never physically hurts me which is a relief. My dad talks about how I always look depressed, And I've cried and told him everything once, he said it broke his heart, so that should be remembered right?! NO! He completely forgot about that and does things that hurt me emotionally, I even try to never show emotions except hapiness but you know what? He thinks Im always SAD and ANGRY and hell, the **** you are right ffs! I would love to run away or die, because he hates me and I am starting to hate him. Any advice on what I should do? And don't tell me to tell him how I feel! he ignores it!
2 AnswersFamily9 years agoThe girl I like flirts with her ex?
Well basically, I'm only 13 but still, Others say I am really mature for my age.
I was exiting my class and the girl I like was walking out, and her ex was holding the door (for everyone not just her) and I saw her touch him lightly and smoothly, as if touching someone right before a kiss, and he smiled, Also other times when she keeps talking about him, it pisses me off, also me and her are friends, but I feel like I don't wanna go any further with her, I feel like she's attracted to her ex not me, and plus she's very truthful, I would know if she and him were "going out"
I've been feeling like everything I was trying to do was a waste of time, I feel like I am ignored by her, also her friends keep saying I look moody when really, I just practiced to keep emotions deep inside... I do think she does like me, she stares at me, laughs at jokes which aren't funny and touches me rarely (Would be awkward if she touched me a lot)
So what I'm asking is, mostly from girls but if there is a boy who has experienced it and found out, that will be fine, is that is she trying to make me jealous? Does she not like/love me? I really love her so much, but I feel like she's stepped on all of that. Please tell me, is she sending a message or just attracted to him and does not like me? Please don't tell me to tell her how I feel, I'm a really shy person as well... Please help :(
1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years agoWhy when i go in habbo it says i dont have abode flash player when i do?
I dont get it, I installed abode flash driver and it says i dont have it? Someone please!! just someone please help me i have vip on it and i dont wanna waste it!
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago