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Lv 44,947 points


Favorite Answers27%

Attorney in San Jose, CA.

  • Eraser feature on Adobe Acrobat Professional 7.0?

    Adobe Acrobat 7.0. I have a PDF file. Need to erase something on the pdf file. It is a stamp on a documents. Need help-Now.

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • Audio recording to podcast?

    How can I convert an audio file to a podcast for free? i have a radio show and would like the audio file to be available for listening on my business website.

    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • U visa. Can a U visa holder go to home country and return?

    U visa has been approved here. The person entered on H4 but was victim of serious and grave violence. So, change of status from H4 to U visa was approved here.

    1 AnswerImmigration1 decade ago
  • People who don't vote- let us take their right to vote away for next election.?

    What do you think? Right to vote is important right.

    People who don't vote- let us take their right to vote away.

    If they don't care about the country and contributing to make the vote count, why should they have the right?

    And I wonder if someone knows why people don't vote.

    Every election, I vote. I go through election guide and then vote on the issues and candidate behind it. How about you?

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Are you Voting Early? ?

    I voted early to avoid last minute rush. Are you? Looking at some of the long lines on TV for some states, I wonder how would it be like to vote on election days.

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Roe v. Wade. Why is it against Christian principles?

    I have read some post regarding people supporting McCain because it is against Christian principles to kill. Obama says he respects Roe vs. Wade.

    Roe vs. Wade was decided in 1973 by Supreme Court Justices. It has not been overturned.

    Roe v. Wade , 410 U.S. 113 (1973) is a United States Supreme Court case that resulted in a landmark decision regarding abortion.[1] According to the Roe decision, most laws against abortion in the United States violated a constitutional right to privacy under the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The decision overturned all state and federal laws outlawing or restricting abortion that were inconsistent with its holdings. Roe v. Wade is one of the most controversial and politically significant cases in U.S. Supreme Court history. Its lesser-known companion case, Doe v. Bolton, was decided at the same time.[2]

    Roe v. Wade centrally held that a mother may abort her pregnancy for any reason, up until the "point at which the fetus becomes ‘viable.’" The Court defined viable as being potentially able to live outside the mother's womb, albeit with artificial aid. Viability usually occurs at about seven months (28 weeks) but may occur earlier, even at 24 weeks."[1] The Court also held that abortion after viability must be available when needed to protect a woman's health, which the Court defined broadly in the companion case of Doe v. Bolton. These rulings affected laws in 46 states.[3]

    The Roe v. Wade decision prompted national debate that continues today. Debated subjects include whether and to what extent abortion should be legal, who should decide the legality of abortion, what methods the Supreme Court should use in constitutional adjudication, and what the role should be of religious and moral views in the political sphere. Roe v. Wade reshaped national politics, dividing much of the nation into pro-Roe (mostly pro-choice) and anti-Roe (mostly pro-life) camps, and inspiring grassroots activism on both sides.

    Question: Why is it an election issue? What would expect President to do? How would it affect your decision. I would suppose that women and independents would support such theory respecting right to privacy and law has strict guidelines.

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What if the candidates lives were reversed?

    What if John McCain were a former president of the Harvard Law Review?

    What if Barack Obama finished fifth from the bottom of his graduating class?

    What if McCain were still married to the first woman he said "I do" to?

    What if Obama were the candidate who left his crippled first wife after she no longer measured up to his standards?

    What if Michelle Obama were a wife who not only became addicted to pain killers, but acquired them illegally through her charitable organization?

    What if Cindy McCain graduated from Harvard?

    What if Obama were a member of the Keating-5?

    What if McCain were a charismatic, eloquent speaker?

    If the above questions reflected reality, do you really believe the election numbers would be as close as they are?

    This is what racism does. It covers up,

    rationalizes and minimizes positive qualities

    in one candidate and emphasizes negative qualities

    in another when there is a color difference.

    You are The Boss.. which team would you hire?

    With America facing historic debt, 2 wars,

    stumbling health care, a weakened dollar, all-time

    high prison population, mortgage crises, bank


    Educational Background:

    Obama: Columbia University - B.A. Political

    Science with a Specialization in International Relations.

    Harvard - Juris Doctor (J.D.) Magna *** Laude

    Biden: University of Delaware - B.A in

    History and B.A. in Political Science.

    Syracuse University College of Law -

    Juris Doctor (J.D.)


    McCain: United States Naval Academy - Class rank: 894 of 899

    Palin: Hawaii Pacific University - 1 semester

    North Idaho College - 2 semesters - general study

    University of Idaho - 2 semesters - journalism

    Matanuska-Susitna College - 1 semester

    University of Idaho - 3 semesters -B.A. in Journalism

    Now, which team are you going to hire?

    PS: What if Barack Obama had an unwed, pregnant teenage daughter...?

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Calling Independent voters- does Palin have proof? She is just trying to win election by hook or crook?

    I am referring to her statement: "Our opponent ... is someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect, imperfect enough, that he's palling around with terrorists who would target their own country," Palin told a group of donors in Englewood, Colo. A deliberate attempt to smear Obama, McCain's ticket-mate echoed the line at three separate events Saturday.

    "This is not a man who sees America like you and I see America," she said. "We see America as a force of good in this world. We see an America of exceptionalism."

    Read here:

    This is outrageous...

    2 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • British commander says war in Afghanistan cannot be won -did you read this?

    Britain's commander in Afghanistan has said the war against the Taliban cannot be won, the Sunday Times reported.


    click here

    It quoted Brigadier Mark Carleton-Smith as saying in an interview that if the Taliban were willing to talk, then that might be "precisely the sort of progress" needed to end the insurgency.

    Isn't Barrack saying the same thing? That we should engage in negotiations.

    Read the full story here:

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • McCain conceded Michigan. Party is unhappy!?

    McCain conceded Michigan. Sarah is talking against it. Is that how she is going to react against things she does not like.

    MI Republican are pissed off.

    Is that how McCain going to run the country? If he does not talk to his own VP nominee or party leaders on important issues, how will he make other decisions.

    Your comments. I am concerned.

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Did you read story about both candidates misleading us on several factis?

    Please read the story-

    And know the truth...........that is all I ask.

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • $700b bail out- I oppose it. How about this plan?

    Economists please chime in. Review and provide comments.

    1. We refinance all the mortgage loans -especially delinquent loans -perhaps leaving out 30 year loans or just including adjustable/5 year or 7 year loans-at today's house values. And fix the interest rate at lowest possible rate for 10 years. This will give people confidence, decrease or fix their mortgage commitment and decrease the foreclosure. All lender is doing is taking property back and selling to mostly an investor or opportunist buyer. Lender is taking a loss anyway. Why not give consumer a break and increase his or her confidence. Nobody wants to lose a house or have bad credit.

    2. Take the credit card amount for a consumer, Calculate the original borrowing and then adding a low interest rate-let us say- 8-10% and then fixing a monthly amount for 5 year. So, let us I borrow $10,000 and later borrow another $5000. Original amount would be $1,5000. Add 10% interest (as opposed to 12-18%) and let us for 2 years it comes out to $3,000. Total amount would be $18,000. This will be opposed to current situation where there is revolving recurring charges of interest rate and payment keeps fluctuating. Again, this will give consumer confidence and fix their liability.

    This will put responsibility back to where it belongs- to opportunist lenders/banks as well as consumers-both meeting their responsibility but banker and lender writing off some of the debt to move things forward.

    I am not an economist and I have not done the math but somehow feel this should solve some of the problems.

    What do you think? Math wizards/economists please chime in.

    Most importantly write to your Senator. We need everyone to be heard.

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Obama's dialogue ! What do you think?

    OBAMA The problem is we can’t appear angry. Bush called us the angry left. Did you see anyone in Denver who was angry?

    BARTLET Well ... let me think. ...We went to war against the wrong country, Osama bin Laden just celebrated his seventh anniversary of not being caught either dead or alive, my family’s less safe than it was eight years ago, we’ve lost trillions of dollars, millions of jobs, thousands of lives and we lost an entire city due to bad weather. So, you know ... I’m a little angry.

    OBAMA What would you do?

    BARTLET GET ANGRIER! Call them liars, because that’s what they are. Sarah Palin didn’t say “thanks but no thanks” to the Bridge to Nowhere. She just said “Thanks.” You were raised by a single mother on food stamps — where does a guy with eight houses who was legacied into Annapolis get off calling you an elitist? And by the way, if you do nothing else, take that word back. Elite is a good word, it means well above average. I’d ask them what their problem is with excellence. While you’re at it, I want the word “patriot” back. McCain can say that the transcendent issue of our time is the spread of Islamic fanaticism or he can choose a running mate who doesn’t know the Bush doctrine from the Monroe Doctrine, but he can’t do both at the same time and call it patriotic. They have to lie — the truth isn’t their friend right now. Get angry. Mock them mercilessly; they’ve earned it. McCain decried agents of intolerance, then chose a running mate who had to ask if she was allowed to ban books from a public library. It’s not bad enough she thinks the planet Earth was created in six days 6,000 years ago complete with a man, a woman and a talking snake, she wants schools to teach the rest of our kids to deny geology, anthropology, archaeology and common sense too? It’s not bad enough she’s forcing her own daughter into a loveless marriage to a teenage hood, she wants the rest of us to guide our daughters in that direction too? It’s not enough that a woman shouldn’t have the right to choose, it should be the law of the land that she has to carry and deliver her rapist’s baby too? I don’t know whether or not Governor Palin has the tenacity of a pit bull, but I know for sure she’s got the qualifications of one. And you’re worried about seeming angry? You could eat their lunch, make them cry and tell their mamas about it and God himself would call it restrained. There are times when you are simply required to be impolite. There are times when condescension is called for!

    OBAMA Good to get that off your chest?

    BARTLET Am I keeping you from something?

    Reply With Quote

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Any free online education website for 3rd grader and 6th grader?

    Both of my children are in private school. I wanted to have them get ready for school by having them study at home on their own. Are there any good free online websites available for their use? Thank you.

    3 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • US green card holder- with no passport- needs to travel to Canada...?

    I figured out that US green card holder does not need a visa to travel to Canada. However, the green card holder does not have a govt. issued passport (from home country). Can he use just the green card and driver's license issued by State of California to enter Canada? If you answer this question please cite govt. regulation or please point to some authoritative source....Thank you.

    4 AnswersOther - Canada1 decade ago
  • M. Kaif- auction price for him?

    How much was he auctioned for?

    3 AnswersCricket1 decade ago
  • Obama's speech tonight! What is your Opinion?

    I am moved by Senator Obama’s speech tonight. I voted for Clinton in absentee ballot. I should have waited. The more I listen to him, more hopeful I get. His speech tonight has excellent points: he clearly touted his electability based on following comparison between himeself, Clinton and McCain: record on war, health care issues and money from lobbyists. War record and lobbyist money issue clearly tilts things in his favor for me. I like to see someone in White House without favors to pull. From Rumsfield to Chief of US CIS, George Bush owed lots to lot of people. It will be refreshing to have someone with no favors to return. Further, I believe 25% of the Republicans won’t wait for McCain either. And Obama offers fresh choice and starting over. His speech was clever and full or reason- he reached out to teens, single mothers, foreigners. His reference to Jackson and other founding fathers was befitting. He is also planting seeds of hope - a major change from Bush era.

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What are the top reasons someone would hire Immigration Lawyer?

    I see lot of posts indicating that process is simple and one can handle paperwork without a lawyer. Please respond with your personal experiences (if you have done the paperwork yourself) and the outcome or if you have hired a lawyer and your experiences. I agree that to certain extent the process can be simple.

    My impression is that people hire lawyer because (1) they don't have time and energy to do the research. (2) for most people process is not easy to understand. (3) Most people don't want to risk making a mistake with such an important process. (4) People are afraid to face negative legal consequences as a result of a mistake in immigration paperwork (becoming out of status, etc.).

    Thank you.

    5 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago