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M to F crazy
I am a transgendered person slowly becoming a genetic female. I was born female but in the wrong body. I am now living 24/7 as a female. I have expierenced quite allot in my time so I feel that I am very nowledgeable on most subjects. If you let fear stand in your way. Where will you stand?- Josephine Pettinger. Smart people are considered crazy. Because they can comprehend what the narrow minded people cannot.- Josephine Pettinger. Let God be the judge of thy fellow man/woman.
How do I meet Chely Wright?
Ok for the second time. Chely Wright the country music singer. The very first openly gay country music singer. Whats the best way to meeting her?
2 AnswersCountry1 decade agoIs there a female dominated community anywhere?
I'm in search of a community that is pretty much run by females. Where men have little say. Is there such a place?
7 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agoIs there a city somewhere that the trans community is flurishing in the U.S.?
I hear how some major cities have trans comm. But is there any place in the U.S. where the trans comm. is more openly accepted? I get so tired of dealing with people who just don't get it no matter how well I explain things to them. And there are a few out there that my being trans just doesn't bother them one bit.
10 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agoIn answering a question in the religion section/Transgender?
My changing my body from that of a males to a females is nothing more then changing from one car to another. The body is just something my soul travels in while on earth.
What do you all think. I hope you answer this one Erica.
5 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agoTransgender question ?
You know how they say it is darkest before the dawn. Does that also hold true when transitioning?
I'm about a year away from my SRS. And everything seems to be falling apart. I'm on state aid. I may become homeless unless I can find a job. And the employment thing seems near impossible as I have to go back to living as a male just to find work. Everything seems to be going in reverse right now instead of forward.
And to all who feel the need to bash me and everyone else who is transgender. Please spare us your intelligence levels. As I have graduated the third grade many, many years ago.
4 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agoTransitioning ??? for M to F's?
OK I am into my 6th month on hormones. My estrogen has just been upped to 5mg and the Spiro to 100mg.
I have noticed that my nipples are more sensitive but only when I push on them. Will they become more sensitive as time goes by? Or is this the extent of them hurting?
I was also told that my penis too would hurt but I haven't felt any pain down there as of yet.
Rad Gal I hope you and the other women will help me out here with beneficial info. And I am sure there is going to be comments from the cheap seats.
2 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agoBrides maid advise. What should I do?
I am going to be a brides maid in a friends wedding. If I am required to dance with one of the best men. Should I do so or decline? And how should I conduct myself throughout the wedding and the reception?
Here is the deal. I am a male to female trans person. I have been living as a female now for a year and a half. And I would rather partner up with another female. I have no desire to be with a man at all.
And I am already nervous as heck over doing this. There will be plenty of friends at this wedding. So I doubt there will be anyone who discriminates against me. Any possitive answers would be greatly appreciated.
15 AnswersWeddings1 decade agoBachlorette party games?
The bachlorette party is three months away. But I need some really cool games to play. Any ideas?
5 AnswersWeddings1 decade agoAre you attracted to trans women?
Tell me what it is you like about male to female trans women. Do you like them super femme or just casual? Do you like them to be feminine out in public or just at home? Do you like them submissive? I'm curious to know who is attracted to us trans women.
19 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade ago? to the trans comm about testosterone?
Does the levels of testosterone drop or raise everytime you masterbate. Should I leave it alone or yank it off every chance I get to lower my testosterone levels?
3 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agoSociety and the trans. comm.?
Do you suppose that society that questions us trans folk. That they are loosing ground and that is why you hear them squacking all the time about us? Do you think we are gaining ground and they are giving it thier all to stop the inevitable that is coming?
2 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agoTo all trans people and their supporters.?
Do you see society changing to the point of accepting us trans as everyday people? If so how far off in the distance do you see this change?
I see allot of change. I see it more and more everyday in the news, papers, TV and in the movies.
When I go out I can see who does and doesn't care for me being female. I hear the word courage allot. It's mostly women that I hear the compliments from. And I am now starting to hear compliments from some men. One of my best male friends is a homophobic red neck. And he accepts me for who and what I am. So is this a sign of better times to come? Are people becoming educated and the ignorant are being forced to either accept us or to move on? I want to know what some of you have to say.
And if you have nothing kind to say. Do us all a favor and keep it to yourself please.
9 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agoHow can I find a surgeon to perform my SRS in the USA?
I have been living full time now as a female for a year and a half. My goal is to have my SRS by the time I am 45 years old.
Any help in how I go about finding a surgeon in my area would be greatly appreciated.
6 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agoBreast growth. What to expect.?
My breast growth is happening. But when should I expect my nipples and areols to start developing? I'm pushing on a B cup now. What can I expect if anything? I am currently in my 3rd month on hormones now.
5 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agotransitioning from m to f clothing ??
My butt is filling out more now. But I need new jeans. I'm 3 months in on hormones and should I wait to buy new jeans or go ahead and buy them? My hips have increased by 2 inches. And my butt has filled out very nicely.
8 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agoBreast growth. Foods that help?
I'm into my third month on hormones. My skin has changed along with other suttle changes. But is there any certain foods that help in the developement of breast tissue growth.
I am currently taking estrogen, progesterone. Spiro ( blocker), a womens multi vitamin and Saw Palmetto to help with hair loss.
I'd love to hear from others who have helpful tips for my future developments.
And to the religous sector please no harsh words. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
5 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agoWhat have you noticed while on hormones? M to f?
I'm in my first month on mones. I'm just wondering what others have noticed from month to month.
So far I have noticed a reduction in hair growth. And my skin becoming softer.
4 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agohormones or breast augmentation?
Should I do the hormone therapy first and develope my breast tissue. Then have the breast augmentation done. Or just go have breast augmentation done right away.
7 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoWhat are some way's of breaking the social norm.?
The world is full of diversity. But to many of us feel the need to tell others about how they must live there lives.
You hear foul mouth remarks about what someone might say to the GLBT comm. or about fat, thin, short, tall, dark skin, ethnics, etc and the list goes on. How could we as a whole embrace one another and not look at people for what they don't have. And to then embrace them for what they do have. How can we all make this world a better place to live???
I do nice things for people and when they want to pay me I tll them to pass it forward. Maybe if we all try to do something nice even just once. Then everyone will try to do it too.
2 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agoHow does the way I dress affect you?
I am a male to female trans person. I am usually wearing skirts and heels. All of my clothes are cordinating. My makeup and jewelry are also cordinating too. I assude a feminine appearance when ever I am out as Josie. I am a lady more so then most genetic women are.
So how does the way I dress going to affect your life? What is it that I am doing that is so wrong.
Don't come off with morals and thats the way it is comments. I'm looking for an honest answer here. If you can't come up with a really good answer then don't bother trying. Try to show your intelligence and not your intellectual inabilities. We all know that women hold the limits on intellegence. Thats why we use the really big words.
11 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago