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  • Does anyone know where you can get C7 Christmas lightbulbs that have an extended threaded cap (base)?

    We have a string of lights that have have bell shaped covers and when we tried to replace the c7 bulbs we noticed that the original bulbs have a longer threaded base (or cap) in order to reach the contact. Are bulbs like this available anywhere for purchase and what would we ask for? Thanks!

    1 AnswerChristmas1 decade ago
  • I need easy to prepare, inexpensive appetizers for a casual Halloween party. Any ideas?

    This is for 15 people, some of them kids, and does not need to be Halloween themed. Thanks!

    11 AnswersEntertaining1 decade ago
  • Appropriate action or over-reacting?

    My 7th grade girl (12 years old) is a basketball player for her school. At an away game she made friends with a girl from the other team and added her to her cell phone so she could text her. At the same game, some boy from the other school was apparently flirting with my daughter and she added him also to her phone. She is not allowed to date and she lied to me about adding the boy to her phone. I don't allow her to text boys that I have not met, and that don't even live in our town. What is the appropriate action here? I do not wish to permanently take away her phone because she needs to reach me about pick up times from practice,etc. I also do not wish to police her every action; but lying about this and handing out her phone number at the age of 12 to strangers is NOT OK with me. Anyone been in a similar situation? How did you handle it?

    (She plays sports, her grades are fine and she does not dress inappropriately, but LYING?)

    7 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Muslim outcry against protesters shouting Death to Christians?

    Let me start by saying that I ABSOLUTELY believe in religious tolerance. I never blamed ALL Muslims for 9/11, I have not opposed the building of what I think is a Muslim community center a few blocks from the site of the World Trade Center, and of COURSE I have opposed the burning of the Quar'an by a small community Christian preacher in Florida as un-American.

    What I don't understand is why this preacher with a congregation of 50 received so much media attention as well as personal calls from important leaders in our country to call off the burning plus many protests from a wide cross-section of Americans, and yet, I have heard NOTHING about peaceful Muslims protesting the burning of the American flag and shouting Death to Christians in Afghanistan.

    Now it is possible that many Muslim leaders worldwide actually HAVE protested these calls to violence against Christians, and I simply am not hearing it covered in the media. Maybe I am just listening to the wrong news sources, but I would like to hear from Muslims that they equally condemn the actions of other Muslims that call for violence against Christians. Muslims? Can you weigh in on this?

    And please, this is meant as a respectful question. I am not looking to bash other religions or start a fight, I would just be very happy and relieved to hear that Muslims are also looking for peaceful ways to live together.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • 12 year old argues about every single thing, what to do?

    My daughter, who just turned 12, is arguing about everything, all of the time. For example, in one day she will argue about getting dressed, brushing her teeth, brushing her hair, cleaning her room, having coffee ( I said no), going to softball, seeing friends, picking up after herself, her chores, being polite to her brother and her father and I, time on the computer, and going to bed. If you tell her "that's enough" she just keeps making sarcastic comments and not listening. If I ask her to get dressed and then walk away and do something else, she will still not be dressed 2 hours later. It feels like we have to stand over her and nag until she is taking care of her business. We are NOT overly strict parents and she has many opportunities to make choices for herself about what she would like to wear, do, eat, etc. We have tried grounding, earlier bedtime, taking away privileges and talking with her, and she sometimes responds positively for a brief period of time, BUT I still feel that a large part of every day is ruined by endless arguments with her. Any advice from parents that have overcome similar problems would be appreciated.

    p.s. -- in some ways she is still a good kid. her grades were good last year, she plays sports, she is kind to friends, she is SOMETIMES friendly and helpful in the house, but WOW, these battles are exhausting and are affecting the quality of life at our house on an everyday basis.

    8 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • What process did poor Europeans entering the country at Ellis Island have to follow to gain citizenship?

    Like most people I know some of my ancestors entered the country through Ellis Island in the early part of the 20th century. What process did they have to follow to gain legal entry into the country, and what process did they follow to gain citizenship? I would love to know what my great-grandmother had to do into order to come here (at the age of 15). Serious answers only please, no racist garbage.

    2 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Fraud Victim -- Anyone ever heard of this?

    Information from the credit card connected to our bank account was stolen. The person has the right name, address and a correct cell phone number (that I just realized was easily found with a name search on the internet). We have $200 in various charges against our bank account that are not ours -- BUT here is the weird part. The person that stole our information ordered all of these different things that they are sending to our house! Is this supposed to be some kind of unfunny joke? It is costing us time and money to straighten this out, but it doesn't seem like the criminal is getting anything out of it? Anyone ever heard of a situation like this?

    Also, we have only had this account for a few months (we moved in March) - it is not set up with online banking - and we have only made one online transaction with the card ever (ordered baseball tickets from a big name secondary source - rhymes with Tub Hub) I am totally bewildered how someone got our information and WHY they would do this just to harass us with no benefit to them.

    Any thoughts?

    5 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • What is the point of the new more difficult grading system in junior high?

    I do think classes should be challenging and that our expectations of them should be high, but what is with the grading scale change? When I was in school 90's were an A; 80's a B; 70's a C; 60's a D and anything below a 60 was failing.

    Now my daughter's junior high scale is as follows: 94-100 - A; 78-93 - B; 77-86 - C; 70-76 - D and 69 and below is failing. Why on earth is an 86% a C or a 93% only a B? How does this help the students?

    It also seems that this translates into very strange results, especially on shorter quizzes and tests, You either wind up with everything right and an A, one wrong and you drop to a C and two wrong and you are failing. Is this nationwide? Can someone seriously let me know how this helps kids achieve more?

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever been to a strip club with their husband/boyfriend? How did it go?

    I'm in a strong married relationship, our sex life is great. We have been thinking of going to a classier strip club together for fun, I am comfortable with nudity, I just don't want this to be weird. Has anyone ever tried this with your significant other? How did it go? (no, my husband does not go to strip clubs on his own, no judgment here of other people, he just isn't into it as a solo thing)

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Does the flash when you switch pages on an ereader annoy avid readers?

    I was thinking of getting an ereader (nook, kindle, etc.) because I read all of the time and I have no place to store all of my books. Please don't send me any advice about using the library because I do use it to some extent, but there are many books that I would like available all of the time in my house. I saw an ereader at a larger book store (the nook) and I noticed that the screen flashes somewhat when switching pages, it also seems to take a long second to switch. Does this annoy any fast readers out there that own one? Or do you get used to it? Is the reading experience still one of total submersion? Thanks for your opinions!

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Can you set up a fax machine on the same line as a home phone and have both work?

    We moved to a house and now have only one phone line. I would like to set up our fax/copier/printer so that I can send and receive faxes without having to move the plugs every time. I don't need to be on the phone at the same time. Is there a way to do this? What happens if someone tries to call you at the same time that you are receiving a fax? Do you need any special equipment? Thanks for your help!

    5 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • Our computer crashed and could not be saved, what about itunes?

    Our old Dell computer crashed and could not be saved. We did not have a back-up of any of our files. We bought a new laptop but our biggest concern is our =itunes library. Is it gone for good? We still have some of our songs on our ipods, but I am not sure what to do now. Any help is appreciated!

    4 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Can a toilet be moved if the new drain line will be perpendicular to the joists?

    I want to move a toilet in an upstairs bathroom to the opposite wall. However the drain line would run perpendicular to the joists; meaning I would have to cut into the joists, or through them. Is that possible?

    3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • How do I attach a folder of pictures to my email?

    I have saved the pictures in a Windows Library folder, but when I try to attach them to an email (from the compose email) I am not getting an "attach" option. If anyone knows what I am doing wrong, I would appreciate simple steps :) thanks. J

    3 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Credit Unions vs. Banks? Which is better?

    Can you give me some advantages and disadvantages to choosing a credit union over a traditional bank? We are moving and there is an established credit union in our new town so I was thinking of giving it a try (another bank has taken over my old bank and I don't like the new bank at all). Also, do credit unions offer small business checking accounts? Any advice is greatly appreciated!

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Do any animals cry tears when they are emotional?

    I know some animals can exhibit behavior that shows they are mourning the loss of a child or mate, and I know some animals play. Animals can react angrily to certain situations. Animals communicate within their communities, but do any animals actually cry?

    1 AnswerOther - Science1 decade ago
  • How do you get a cigarette smoke smell out of a home?

    We are buying a very nice turn of the century bungalow, unfortunately the last owner was a smoker and lived there for approximately 8 years. The house is clean, but the smoke smell is driving me crazy. We are removing all of the carpets, but does anyone have any other ideas to get that awful stale smell out of the house? Thanks!

    6 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever sold a lot of their stuff at an estate auction? How did it go?

    Was it worth all the trouble and expense of an auction service, did you make good money? Any advice for others? We are downsizing considerably and putting the things we don't want or need into an estate auction. Thanks.

    6 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • When do you need an external DVD drive?

    I bought one for an old computer that only had a CD drive so that my daughter could play Sims. But now we have a new computer with an internal DVD drive and I don't know if I should just sell this one or if there is some use for it that I haven't thought of yet? It's an LG External Supermulti DVD Rewriter. Thanks!

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago