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  • Did some Americans threaten to emigrate to Canada after the SCOTUS Gay Marriage decision, not realising it's been legal there since 2005?

    I know it's a stereotype that Americans are ignorant about other countries but come on, it's one of your closest neighbours!

  • Does the way the Republican Party select their Presidential Candidate torpedo their chances of actually getting them elected?

    In order to win the nomination, a candidate has to tack stupidly far to the right on social issues in order to appease the GOP's extremely conservative base. However espousing those sorts of policies means that democrats (even those with fiscally conservative leanings), moderates and even moderate republicans (those who are fiscally conservative but socially more liberal) as much as they are exasperated with the Democrats hold their noses and vote Democrat rather than see a extreme right winger in thrall to Religious Right and Tea Party get in?

    9 AnswersElections6 years ago
  • Arizona voters. Does bill 1602 allowing religious discrimination against LGBTetc people reflect your beliefs?

    For anyone living under a rock, if bill 1602 becomes law it will allow any business owner to legally discriminate against LGBTetc persons based on a "sincerely held religious belief"

    Arizona voters - is this bill an accurate reflection of your wishes?

    3 AnswersCivic Participation7 years ago
  • Can you define a political belief or system in six words?

    I'll start off with a couple.

    Communism - great in theory, lousy in practice

    Democracy - worst government, except for all others

    Can you come up with one?

    6 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Parents - where would you prefer your teenager to have sex?

    Scenario. You have a teenage son or daughter who's getting pretty serious with their girlfriend or boyfriend. You're pretty sure that sooner or later they are going to have sex. A lot of parents have the "not under my roof" rule - but wouldn't it be better for it to happen in a safe environment rather than somewhere like a party, or the back of a car, or a seedy motel?

    4 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • Why are Americans so against a system like the UK's NHS?

    The UK's National Health System is a system where 99% of healthcare is free at the point of use - it's paid out of general taxation.

    Wouldn't you prefer a system where you know you'll get treated regardless of your financial or insurance status? Why are Americans so wedded to their profit-motive led healthcare system?

    The USA spends more on healthcare as a percentage of it's GDP than any other country, but ranks 38 in WHO rankings. The UK ranks twenty places above the USA but is only 26th in the spending leagues.

    Why not change the game?

    7 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Why are politics so polarised in the USA?

    It seems ludicrous from a UK perspective. A lot of time it seems that Republicans & Conservatives seriously believe Democrats & Liberals are "commie traitors trying to destroy america and create a socialist state" and conversely Democrats & Liberals think Republicans & Conservatives are "ignorant racists trying to turn america into a evangelical christian theocracy"

    Is this really how the opposite sides of the political spectrum and their supporters actually percieve each other?

    7 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • When is the Republican Party going to realize they have to move on social issues to become electable?

    The Republican party has many policies that are attractive to the American public.

    Smaller government

    Lower taxation

    Less regulation & red tape

    Fiscal conservatism

    Free market economics

    Welfare reform

    etc. Regardless of your political leanings any intelligent person can see that this is the sort of thing that the Republicans can put to the American people and get a reasonable hearing - they are all reasonable policies that a lot of people would support.

    But there's a big elephant in the room - and it's not the one on their logo...

    The problem is that to get the former policies enacted, you have to support a party that also has the following policies

    Anti-LGBT (Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Trans) positions - opposing gay marriage & gay adoption. Opposing anti-discrimination legislation for LGBT people.

    Anti-abortion and contraception policies and interference with women's reproductive choices - trying to overturn Roe vs Wade. Forcing mandatory waiting periods and anti-abortion counseling on women seeking abortions. Advocating outright abortion bans, even in the case of incest or rape (which is especially horrific - pregnancy is not risk free - women DIE due to complications of pregnancy or childbirth every year even in the USA - "Well you got raped and got pregnant, now we're going to force you to carry the child to term and if you die in childbirth, tough ****" - how screwed up is THAT?)

    Anti-enviromentalism - most people agree that protecting the environment is important, especially for future generations but the Republicans want to drill/mine/rape everything in the name of economic prosperity - a lot of people consider this very short sighted.

    Anti-immigration - the extreme rhetoric and borderline racism that comes across from Republicans in this political area turns many people off, and as hispanics are the fastest growing voting demographic it's insanely counter-productive.

    I could go own but you get the point. When is the republican party going to understand that if they want the American people to embrace their policies and economic position, they are going to have to jettison their out of date social policies?

    8 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Why do so many Americans believe the age of consent is 18?

    It actually varies from State to State, from 16 to 18.

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Why shouldn't Catholic employers exclude contraception from their health plans? What could POSSIBLY go wrong?

    There's a big debate going on as to whether religious institutions should be obligated to cover contraception on their health plans as they currently are.

    However it's sheer folly to allow an employers religious exemptions to the items covered under a health plan they provide for employees as the cartoon below shows :-

    For those who can't access the file a paraphrased summary

    Panel One - We can't cover your contraception, your employer is Catholic

    Panel Two - We can't cover your blood transfusion, your employer is a Jehovah's Witness

    Panel Three - We can't cover your psychiatric drugs, your employers are Scientologists

    Panel Four - We can only pray for you, not give you any medical treatment as your employers are Christian Scientists.

    Even contraception is a very shaky example - a lot of contraceptive pill prescriptions are not primarily for contraception, they are to treat other problems.

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Isn't excluding contraception from USA employer provided Health Plans a horrible precedent? Slippery slope!?

    There's a big debate going on as to whether religious institutions should be obligated to cover contraception on their health plans as they currently are.

    However it's sheer folly to allow an employers religious exemptions to the items covered under a health plan they provide for employees as the cartoon below shows :-

    For those who can't access the file a paraphrased summary

    Panel One - We can't cover your contraception, your employer is Catholic

    Panel Two - We can't conver your blood transfusion, your employer is a Jehovah's Witness

    Panel Three - We can't cover your psychiatric drugs, your employers are Scientologists

    Panel Four - We can only pray for you, not give you any medical treatment as your employers are Christian Scientists.

    Food for thought?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Why are US citzens complaining about high gas prices?

    Your prices are some of the lowest in the Western world - for comparison the UK is around $8 a gallon over twice your price. You don't know when you've got it good!

    12 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation9 years ago
  • Why do people ask "What is the sound of one hand clapping?" when it's simple to check for themselves?

    I mean - open your hand and rapidly open and close it so your fingers strike your palm firmly. There you are - that's the sound. What's so special about that?

    3 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • Parents who had their babies circumcised - how do you justify mutilating a baby?

    I mean, chopping a babies foreskin off with no legitimate medical reason? How can you justify this, especially as sometimes things can go wrong leading to serious long term problems?

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago