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The Sylvan Wizard

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  • DIABETICS How do you pack your Insulin Syringes when Flying?

    I have not flown since before 9/11/01. Even then I didn't have Diabetes then. I was wondering how and where you pack your needles/syringes? ALSO: can anyone tell me if I can take my Trac II Razor onboard in my carry on that has disposable cartridges? ALL answers appreciated.

    3 AnswersPacking & Preparation9 years ago
  • What Would YOU Do? Dealing with a Carpenter/Contractor?

    In the days before Oct. 8th, 2010, I sat down with a Carpenter and jack of many trades to see if he would be willing to do my Home Remodel. Well, his work has been excellent, and, I am satisfied with such. He set the wage per hour instead of by the job at $15.00 an hour (which is pretty good in Northern MI. where many carpenters are out of work) I even offered to pay him $20.00 an hour. I took out a $10K loan to get what I wanted done.

    Well, in a month's time, he has worked a total of 14 days, and, the other 17 he has taken off to go work at other jobs after he promised me he would see to and get my remodel done (before the weather got bad). Well, he works 3-4 days and is gone 3-4 days with giving me only last minute warning. He says: "I make more down there (215 miles away). Well, I think he is being unfair, and, I told him today I wasa frustrated that he has not worked a full week yet, and, I have things need finishing all the while I'm paying on my loan.

    WHat would YOU do? Should I find someone else? Or, stay with the guy? I'm about 70% done with my project where he is concerned, but, when I told him I was frustrated that every week he bails, he said, "well I'm used to starting at 8:00 am) which was not a problem with him starting at 9:30 a.m as I am a disabled vet and don't get moving too early. Jeesh! I'm fit to be tied!

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • What Would YOU Do? Dealing with a Carpenter/Contractor?

    In the days before Oct. 8th, 2010, I sat down with a Carpenter and jack of many trades to see if he would be willing to do my Home Remodel. Well, his work has been excellent, and, I am satisfied with such. He set the wage per hour instead of by the job at $15.00 an hour (which is pretty good in Northern MI. where many carpenters are out of work) I even offered to pay him $20.00 an hour. I took out a $10K loan to get what I wanted done.

    Well, in a month's time, he has worked a total of 14 days, and, the other 17 he has taken off to go work at other jobs after he promised me he would see to and get my remodel done (before the weather got bad). Well, he works 3-4 days and is gone 3-4 days with giving me only last minute warning. He says: "I make more down there (215 miles away). Well, I think he is being unfair, and, I told him today I wasa frustrated that he has not worked a full week yet, and, I have things need finishing all the while I'm paying on my loan.

    WHat would YOU do? Should I find someone else? Or, stay with the guy? I'm about 70% done with my project where he is concerned, but, when I told him I was frustrated that every week he bails, he said, "well I'm used to starting at 8:00 am) which was not a problem with him starting at 9:30 a.m as I am a disabled vet and don't get moving too early. Jeesh! I'm fit to be tied!

    4 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • At What age Would You Consider Your Dog a Senior & Feed Them & Act Accordingly?

    I have 3 dogs. Both my females, one a German Shepherd and the other a Rottweiler are both 8 y/o with Jinny (the GSD female) turning 9 in April while Sonya (the Rott) turns 9 next September. My male GSD is just 5 yrs. 9 mos. - But, I wonder at what age I should start feeding my dogs, especially the older ones; a Senior DIet and expect them to start to slow down. My question is mainly on their diet, but, I also wonder if I should keep them as active as possible also until I see signs of age such as maybe some Arthritis, and other age related symptoms.

    Seeking experienced dog owners or past owners that saw their dogs through to Old Age. I guess probably larger breed owners also. Thanks!

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What to Do? I have a Intact Male German Shepherd 5 y/o, and, I see Changes in his behavior What do I Look For?

    I have a Female 8 y/o German Shepherd Female (Spayed), and a Female 8 y/o Rottweiler Female (spayed), and, 1 (just turned) 5 y/o Male German Shepherd (Intact), that beginning a few months ago or so, is started to not listen to me, has begun to tear into the garbage about once evry 10 days, ...takes off out of my 5 acre country Yard in a Rural area, and, in fact right now, I can't find him and, have called ad called him.

    He has otherwise always been a very well mannered dog with good temperment and followed my Alpha lead. Just what types of behavior may I tend to see in him now and more, as time goes by, which I assume is because he needs to be Neutered?

    Please help if you know as I want to believe that his behavior has more to do with being intact and not anything otherwise wrong I am doing. I have raised each of my dogs from small puppies, and, they have been exceptional until now.

    I just want to get an idea of what kind of behavior they dealt with in their Dogs, especially larger breeds before and after they had them Neutered, and, any that had their dogs Neutered kind of late or in older age like mine, at 5 y/o or 3-9 y/o fr that matter.

    Could you please share your thoughts and experiences?

    Frustrated in Fife Lake!

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Would You levy a Penalty to this Manager in Fantasy Football as I Plan to?

    I am the Commissioner of a Fantasy PLUS League here at Yahoo! I have run my league now for this, my 9th year. It's a Prize Pool league, and, I run a very Fair, Fun, and Competitive venue. I have a dedicated number of Coaches, and most all return every year. It's a 14 TEAM league with IDPs. (individual defensive players). Hereis the situation:

    It is the start of the 2nd Round of the Playoffs. I have made the playoffs this year which is the 2nd time I've done so in all these years. I happen to be playing the winningest Coach in my league's history, whom is the #1 seed having won the Regular Season Championship with a 12-2 record and $75.00 prize. He happens to be the league Prima Dona and has become a real arrogant and insolent person. The other Match-Up includes a team that was last year's #1 seed and Regular Season Champion. He is playing a 5 year member whom is making his 1st Playoffs ever.

    Anyway; the Prima Dona had the audacity to post a message in the league 2 days ago advising last year's #1 seed about a player he just picked up had been demoted. He told him in so many words to pick up someone else, and, this is a Cardinal Sin in Fantasy Football. It is obvious that last year's #1 seed does NOT need help from this year's #1 seed and Reg. season Champ. Also; it seems the Prima Dona's motives is he'd rather play last year's #1 seed as he (Prima Dona) beat him in Week #10 by more than 139 pts. However; he only beat me by just over 1 pt in Week #2, and, only beat the new guy in the playoffs by just over 4 pts. in Week #12. It seems clear that the Prima Dona wants to help influence the outcome of the other game so he can play the #1 seed from last year that he beat by 139 pts. earlier in the season so he doesn't have to play the other guy whom is favored.

    I have a NO Tolerance set of Rules in place for Cheating, Collusion, Attempting to Influence the outcome of any game or any other Team or Coach along with the same for Insolence and Rude, Profane, and, Insulting behavior towards any other member of the league, or, towards myself as Commissioner. I levy a 50 pt. Penalty for such acts, and, I have levied such a penalty just 4 times in 9 years. I feel it is very sad and a violation of the league rules for a Winning Coach to give info and try to help another very capable Coach in the 2nd round of the Playoffs, let alone any other time during the season. My question is; Would you also Penalize such behavior? I plan on penalizing him 50 pts. this week for Un-Sportsmanlike Conduct as a Coach for attempting to help influence another Caoch and the outcome of a Playoff game. Would you do the same??

    5 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • She Says She Has A Headache.....?

    I have asked her.......Honey wanna mess around? She says....I have a headache! This happens a lot!

    I finally tell her,......"don't worry, I'm not gonna touch your head"! So, does she really have a valid excuse.

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Is Synthetic Oil better for my 5.4 Litre V-8 after 100k Miles?

    I have heard just rumors that a Synthetic Oil might be better to use in engines after 100K Miles instead of standard SAE Oils such as I use Valvoline 10W-30 now.

    Can anyone with mechanical knowledge or someone whom has used a synthetic Motor Oil if it's the best route to go?

    I have a 02' F-150 XLT w/ 5.4 8 Cylinder engine with 105,000 miles on it, and, want to keep my truck as long as possible before I have to get a new vehicle.

    I would appreciate well informed answers. Thanks!

    9 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Who would you start as QB this week? McNabb vs. NY Giants? Or, Pennington at Home vs. Seattle? ?

    I SCREWED UP! I had "Culpepper" on my head, and, meant to ask about McNabb.

    Anyway; sorry to you guys/gals that answered before. I meant McNabb not Culpepper and of course Pennigton as my other QB.

    Previous Q: info was as follows;

    I know Seattle has one of the worse Defenses and Pass Defenses at that. The Giants are pretty good against the Pass, yet, I know Culpepper is a better QB than Chad Pennington.

    Could use some seasoned opinions on this one. I'm playing the #1 Team of 16 teams in my league this week, and, I need the WIN as I'm 4-5 and he's 7-2. I'm just frustrated as to which QB to start.

    Thanks ahead of time.

    2 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • Who would you start as QB this week? Culpepper vs. NY Giants? Or, Pennington at Home vs. Seattle? ?

    I know Seattle has one of the worse Defenses and Pass Defenses at that. The Giants are pretty good against the Pass, yet, I know Culpepper is a better QB than Chad Pennington.

    Could use some seasoned opinions on this one. I'm playing the #1 Team of 16 teams in my league this week, and, I need the WIN as I'm 4-5 and he's 7-2. I'm just frustrated as to which QB to start.

    Thanks ahead of time.

    7 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • Okay, It's ALL-STAR Break! What do you see that your Team Needs to Improve on Make it to the Playoffs?

    I know some of you/us have teams playing under .500 and not currently in contention. However; realistically NO TEAM is out of it, and a lot can happen and a lot of Baseball remains in the MLB circuit. 65-68 games +/-.

    IMHO my team the CUBS need to do the following.

    1. Be more agressive on the bases. More 2B and even 3B Steals.

    2. Pitching has got to be better especially in control and location. The CUBS have walked way too many batters, especially have waled in way too many Runs.

    3. Same as #2, but, also definitely have to stop putting men on base in the 1st inning via Walks.

    4. The Cubs need to be more agressive at the plate. Especially 1st Pitches thrown. When Ramirez and Soriano went on their tear, they were agressive and did not wait in a pitch so much.

    5. Finally in Relief, the Cubs should leave the reliever they have brought in unless he gets in trouble. Nothing says the Closer has to always be Kerry Woods.

    What do you think your team needs to do after the A-S break?

    12 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Would This Outrage You If This Happened to Your Mother/Father or Grandparent? If so, Please Share your Views!?

    I am the middle child and only son of 5 middle aged children of my Mother's. We range in ages from oldest 53, 49, 48(me), 47, and my youngest sister is 41.

    My Mother is 79 years old, and, has had 2 Open Heart surgeries, and, is a Polio survivor and suffers from Post-Polio Syndrome, and it was recently discovered that my Mom has a inoperable Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm.

    My Mother had been living in a Seniors Housing Apartment since 2000, and had done pretty well with my older and younger sister living nearby her and often visited and did things with her and of course helped her and watched over her while she maintained her freedoms.

    However; after some bouts with Pneumonia and a few falls, we (us Kids) decided that it would be best if my Mother lived with one of us so she could get TLC and have someone around her more as she does not and we do not want her in a Nursing Home for obvious reasons.

    Well, my younger Sister and her Husband volunteered to take her in (CONT'D) ...........

    7 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • CUBS Fans and ALL Baseball Fans - Why do you think your Team has problems Winning on the Road?

    I know there are only 3 Teams with Winning Road Records (Angels, Cards, and Phillies), but, what is your opinion of why 27 of 30 Teams struggle on the road.

    Do you think the "Home Field Advantage" has been over-played in the Psyche of all Sports? Or, what do you think is the problem with YOUR Team as to why they do not play so well on the road,............especially Teams with strong winning records at home such as my CUBS?

    IMHO - I think it's a Psychological/Mental issue more than luck or even just coincidence.

    Looking for some good ideas on this.

    8 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Can Someone Please Help tell me What song this is?

    The Lyrics in it go like this:'ve got the music in you, gotta get what you give (or something like that).

    I think Carlos Santana plays the guitar in this song.

    I don't remember enough of the lyrics, but, I dig the song.

    It came out about 4 years or so ago. Maybe 3-4.

    3 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • CUBS Fans: Survey Questions About Road Trip?

    They are playing 3 @ San Diego and 4 @ Los Angeles before coming home for a 3 game Homestand against Atlanta.

    #1. Do you think they will play above or below .500 in these 7 Games?

    #2. What will their record be based on the above question during these 7 games?

    #3. Will Jim Edmonds come back to Chicago with a BA above .220 or below .220? If Higher choose a Batting average?

    #4. Will Kosuke Fukodome bat at least .300 on this road trip?

    #5. Will the Cubs come home still in 1st Place after these 7 games?

    #6. How many Runs per Game will the Cubs average?

    #7. Who will be your MVP for the 7 Game Road Trip? & Why?

    6 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Who are the "Oil Speculators" and/or What Companies make up or Affiliated with Oil Speculations?

    I'm just curious to whom exactly these wonderful people are that are related to the rising price of oil.

    Please spare me any answers about a weak dollar, or supply and demand. I'm not interested in any theories as to why oil is going up.

    I have asked a simple question, and, those that don't know, please just save your energy. (Pun intended).

    3 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago
  • HELP! Are there any Web-Sites that Help People with Loss of Their Pet or Pending Loss?

    I got the bad news that my 3 y/o Male German Shepherd Male has a serious illness that all of a sudden surfaced. He may not make it, and I want to prepare myself in case I lose him.

    Does anyone know of any sites that deals with the loss and/or grieving of losing a Pet?

    Please advise!


    4 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Has Your Dog Ever Experienced This? Lethargic, Malaise, Problems with B.M.s, "Not Himself", turns down Treats?

    My normally energetic "Zuma" (a 3 y/o Male German Shepherd) who is all the time very energetic and happy and NEVER turns down a treat and always is playful, jumps around, and, very vocal and vigilant, NOT himself.

    He is just laying around, has no energy, has a forlorn look on his face, moving kind of slow, and didn't even bark when a stranger came to my door an hour ago.

    He stays inside with my other female German Shepherd and Rottweiler most the time, and, only goes out for short "play/exercise" time, and to do his business.

    He tried to defecate, and, was straining, stool produced. I've never had a dog that was constipated.

    I am one that takes his dogs to the Vet regularly and when needed and will in this case tomorrow if he does not improve.

    Would his behavior and way he is acting be Constipation and discomfort from such?

    He never eats scraps, junk, or gets into trash or anything he shouldn't. I gave him mild Laxative.

    Any ideas here?

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • CUBS Trade "Rumor" - Felix Pie for Khalil Greene?

    Cubs Fans,....or any fans for that matter;.....would it be a good Trade? And whom would benefit most?

    Cubs deny this trade rumor, but, this is ALWAYS the case before such a trade.

    Anyway; might be worth doing, but, I would think it be better that the Cubs work to pick up another strong Starting Pitcher and use some of their depth as bargaining chips IMHO.

    What say you?

    4 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • What Would "YOU" Do? If you always visit your Friend(s), but, He/They never come Over to Your House.....Would?

    ........Would you feel offended?

    I have a neighbor and we have become good friends as well. However,.......I go to their house all the time, and, they (especially the man,........male-bonding deal) never comes to my house,.....should I feel offended?

    Quite honestly, I'm sick of going there because they don't make the same effort, not because I mind going there. However, I believe that friends should reciprocate and make mutual efforts. It doesn't have to be exactly 50/50,........but,.....quite honestly I feel that my home should be honored and it would be a good sign that they show the effort and appear to like me as I like them.

    I don't know if it's a matter of etiquette or what, but, quite frankly I don't want to feel like I need to demand that they stop by and show their feelings are mutual. I hope they would do it on their own.

    What would you feel or how would you deal with such a "Friend"?

    7 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago