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  • How long (time wise) is 16 bars of music in the song "Turn it Off"?

    How long (time wise) is 16 bars of music in the song "Turn it Off"?

    I know it can't be exact without the sheet music. But I don't have that and was hoping someone could give me an estimate.

    3 AnswersTheater & Acting9 years ago
  • I need an intense(sad) monologue?

    I need a monologue no longer than 1 minute, something intense preferably. I do best with dramatic pieces. Maybe something about insanity? (I am a teenage girl)

    4 AnswersTheater & Acting9 years ago
  • Songs about life being too short?

    I'm making a short film for school. Its about a girl not living life to the fullest, she goes through life trying to reach the point of happiness and never enjoys the little things. The songs I can find about living life to the fullest are upbeat, but I need a slower song. Any suggestions?

    5 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • What are your favorite Nirvana songs?

    Mine are come as you are,heart shaped box and smells like teen spirit.

    15 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Dyeing my hair a crazy color?

    I am going to the hair salon tomorrow.Because I want a wacky,wild and colorful hairstyle.Currently I have long(mid-back)length reddish hair.I have grey eyes that are yellow in the middle(but they change colors) and light skin.

    I was thinking about getting it cut about shoulder length and getting lime green and dark blue stripes in it.Would that look good on me?If not what wild hair color/style would?

    Do you have any other suggestions?

    4 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Is it wrong to dislike someone for no reason?

    Okay,so last year around Christmas I was in a play at a community theater and this one girl I auditioned against was kinda snobby(I did not really get to know her).Well she ended up as a extra and I got the lead(so she did not like me).There is a tunnel behind the stage so you can get from stage left to stage right without having to go on stage.And one time her and her boyfriend were kissing back there and almost made one of the other actors miss there cue(because the could not get passed them).So I have never been a big fan of hers so auditions are coming up for another play and she sent me this email thing saying 'hope to see you there".And the first thing that popped into my mind was yeah I am going to show up and blow you out of the water like I did last year.

    So now I feel like I am conceded and I feel guilty for disliking her.I don't want to come across as cocky in my audition.

    Is it wrong to dislike someone for no reason?Do you think I am conceded?

    10 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Where can I get a dress like this one?

    I really like this dress.But there out of stock and have been for a really long time.So where can I get a dress like this?

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • New youth theater having issues with musical copyrights.What to do?

    So I am part of a new up and coming youth theater program and we are having a couple issues.The first play we are doing is a original by one of the members(this is easier because of playwrights and such).We have filed the forms to legally be able to fund raise and all that stuff.But in the play there is a talent show and some of the people dance.What are we supposed to do about song copyrights?They cant dance without music.

    What should we do?

    3 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • What size cello should I get?

    I am considering buying a cello but I need to know what size.I have read between 11-15 you need a 3/4 and I have read if you are above 5 feet you need a 4/4.Well I am 13 and 5'2.What size should I get?

    3 AnswersClassical1 decade ago
  • Can you make frosting without corn syrup?

    I am making cupcakes so they need a frosting.I want to make this frosting but I don't have any corn syrup.Is there anything I can substitute corn syrup for?Do you have any other frosting recipes(that don't have powered sugar in the them)?

    Basic French Butter cream

    1 cup sugar

    3 tablespoons corn syrup

    1/2 cup water

    3 eggs

    1 pinch salt

    1 pound butter

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Should I call the police on my cousin?

    Please read in full.

    My cousin is married with 3 children(age 6,5,2).He has been arrested before for everything from robbery to drug charges.This was all before 2004 and my mom(a lawyer)has always gotten him probation.He finally married the mother of his children last year.He just got off of probation in February.He has always been a jerk but every thing seemed fine in till his wife called the police about domestic abuse a few months ago.Well he promised she was lying and for some reason we all believed him(even the cops believed him).A couple weeks ago my little brother was spending the night with him his wife there kids and my aunt(my cousins mom).

    While he was there my cousin got drunk slapped his wife across the face 3 times and my brother witnessed it.When his son(age 6)tried to stop him he picked him up and throw him on the sofa.My aunt is pretending that nothing happened and that he can do no wrong and that it was a one time thing and other stuff like that.His wife is scared that if she calls the police no one will believe her and he will go to jail and she will have no way of supporting there children.She wont leave him for the same reason.

    I can not deal with this jerk anymore.I want to call the police on him and my little brother(age 9) could be a witness.My dad said we will talk to my mom about calling the police when she gets home from a business trip.Sorry its so long I just need advice.My mom said if we call the police my aunt will never forgive us and I love my aunt and I adore spending time with her shes wonderful and I don't want her to hate me.But that is a risk I am willing to take.

    So after reading this(sorry its so long).What would you do?

    10 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Crooked teeth but I have a big acting auction coming up.What should I do?

    Ok I am 13 and I am in the process of getting invisaline(dont know how to spell that).But I have a major acting audition coming up and I have a big gap and crooked yellow teeth.What should I do?I have bought imako shell teeth but I looked like a horse.I have about a week and a half in till the audition.Is there anything I can do?Teeth whiteners?A flipper?Anything?

    My teeth make me very self conscious.I am very confident about my acting,hair,personality and overall my looks it is just my teeth.All the stars have straight pretty teeth I love acting I want to get the part so bad I can taste it.What should I do?

    3 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • 2 really cool camps which should I go to?

    Ok I have the option of attending a 20 or so day adventure camp with rock climbing camping mountain hiking and white river water rafting for roughly 2,600 dollars.Or attend a 2 week scuba diving camp in Hawaii for roughly 2,000 dollars.I love water and I love nature and I love the beach.

    What camp should I go to?What would you do?Oh yeah I am a 13 year old girl if it makes a difference.

    4 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Scuba diving summer camp or white water riving rafting camp?

    Im looking for a scuba diving summer camp/sea camp.But a affordable one preferably 3,000 or under. Or maybe a white water river rafting camp I love water activities.But I would prefer a sea camp.For this summer so I need info fast.I'm 13 and a awesome swimmer but I am not scuba certificated.

    3 AnswersSwimming & Diving1 decade ago
  • Talent show?What is this feeling?

    Ok me and my sister are entering a talent show.We want to sing what is this feel.But we found out in previous years everyone who got into the finals did southern christian acts.Were christian but we want to do what is this feeling.Dance sing and act to it.What should we do?What spectacular things can we do to make us stand out?Is there anyway to Incorporate God into are act?

    1 AnswerTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • I feel guilty..............I do not like my Christmas presents.?

    Ok so my mom and dad got me 2 video games(i dont play video games).A nutcracker(I collect them but it is not something I want as a present).A bag of grapefruit(one year when I was younger I asked for a bag of grapefruit and thought it would be funny to get me one this year) and a weird card game.I did get one present I like(a makeup kit).I feel really selfish and guilty because a lot of kids don't get anything.But I am really upset they can tell and keep asking me whats wrong but I just don't know what to say.I feel like a selfish spoiled brat.What should I do?

    PS This is the second year I have not liked my gifts.

    6 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • I feel like im weird or something?

    I was reading online that age 11 most girl start having some pubic hair and budding breasts.By age 11 I had my period I was a b-cup had pubic hair and had been shaving under my arms for like a year or two.Am I weird?Or is this normal?

    10 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Severe pain down there need quick fix?

    Ok I was at the store with my dad when all the sudden down there started to itch.Then I got a severe pain that goes away when I don't move my legs.Its not cramps because it is literally down there.I'm going on a church overnight camp tomorrow and need a quick fix.I'm 13 obliviously a girl and I'm a virgin if it makes a difference.I have had other issues down there that you can read about in one of my other questions.;_ylt=ArPQv...

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • This is really embarrassing advice needed(preferably from a mature female).?

    Ok this is kinda embarrassing........But I think I may have BV.I have had a odor and discharge for I while.I'm a virgin can you get BV without ever having sex?I don't want to tell my mom.I don't wanna go to the doctor because I'm 13 and don't wanna have to go that type of examine.What should I do?Any home remedies?I'm worried I need advice(preferably from a mature female).

    5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • What would you do in this situation?

    Ok me and family went to a baby shower earlier today.My little brother did not want to come because he was going trunker-treating with a friend. We told the friend that we would be back around 10 or 11 she said that was fine and that her dad would watch my brother in till we got back.My brothers 8.

    When we got home at 11.We went by his friends house all the lights where off we live a couple blocks away so we went home.We had a message from are neighbor saying he was with her.We went to her house.We found out what had happened.After we dropped him off they found out they did not have enough room for him in the car so he had to walk to the church again he is 8.At 8:00 they dropped him off at are house they did not wait to see if he got in they just left him.The doors were locked so he went to the neighbors.

    He was at are neighbors for 3 hours.This people multiple times have left there children with us to baby sit for FREE.His friend told us they would take care of him in till we got back.I guess it was dumb of us to think that when you leave a child in some ones care that they should watch them in till we get back.

    But they did not.Im so mad right now I could scream.My mom had to explain the situation to are neighbor about why my brother was left with her for 3 HOURS.What would you do?Is it are fault for believing that since they said they watch him they would acutally watch him? What should we do to make it up to the neighbor?Send her a fruit basket?Money?A card?A box of candy?

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago