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  • questions about the confederate flag?

    Hi I am just wondering some things and anyones opinion is welcome (as long as it is not a prejudice one). With all this horrible stuff happening, I want to know your guys opinions on the confederate flag. I would first like to know how the flag makes any black person truly feel. And second I would like to know why anyone who supports the flag thinks it should stay. Please don't be rude, I would just like to see everyone's perspective. As a white woman that has never understood this southern pride, I will never understand how both sides truly feel. Thank you

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture6 years ago
  • Help with world of warcraft subscription?

    So, my boyfriend plays world of Warcraft, and I wanted to get him a subscription for our anniversary. The problem is I do not know his account information to do this. I would ask him, but I wanted it to be a surprise. He would know because I do not play this game, and I have absolutely no interest in it. I tried to live chat with some blizzard people, but it said the chat ended before they even said anything. Please help, I know seriously nothing at all about this game. Is there a way to gift him this stuff without having his information?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games6 years ago
  • What to get for a friends baby shower?

    So, my best friend is having a baby boy pretty soon, and she is having a baby shower in a month. She has a registry online, and I have already gotten her something from that. I am not a baby person. I don't want children, and I don't want your opinion on that subject. I haven't even held a baby since I was 6 (I'm 23). So, I don't know much about what babies and parents need. It's just that she is my best friend, and she also happens to be my cousin. So I am going to be in this baby's life, and I want to get everyone things that they actually need. What are some things that you guys, as parents, really needed for a newborn that you didn't have much of? Please don't say diapers, I get that you always need diapers. Also, I feel like baby showers shouldn't just focus on this baby. My cousin and her husband are bringing a child into this world with no idea what to do. What are some things I can get them? She is the greatest person I have met, and I want to get her anything she needs because I love her. So any suggestions would be great. Thank you.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby6 years ago
  • Question about itunes on my iphone?

    So, this might seem like a dumb question, but I have never used itunes on my phone before. Is the itunes store app where I listen to my music? I must have disabled itunes because I didn't have it on my phone for the longest time. I haven't used itunes in like 10 years. I recently allowed it on my phone and I just thought the itunes store app would be different from an app where you listened to music. Sorry, I'm not really a tech savvy person. Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersSoftware6 years ago
  • Need help with a movie title?

    I am thinking about a movie that I saw when I was a kid so I saw it maybe 5 to 10 years ago. I know that the movie is about the devil or someone like him. I cant remember any of the actors, but I do remember one scene. I think I am remembering the scene correctly. I think what happens is near the end of the movie, the main character(which I know is a man) is trying to kill the devil or something, and there is a gas leak in the parking lot. I'm pretty sure the devil starts peeing into the gas stream, and the main character either drops a cigarette/lighter/match, and the devil goes up in flames. Can anyone help me with what movie this is? Thank you.

    1 AnswerMovies7 years ago
  • good fantasy book series to recommend?

    I don't want Sci-Fi, I want fantasy. I don't like romance, or anything with vampires (not because of twilight, I just really hate vampire stories.) I don't mind if there is a little romance, as long as it is not the main focus. My favorites series is and forever will be Harry Potter. After that comes A Song of Ice and Fire. I liked the Percy Jackson books, and The Eragon series was not that bad. The Beautiful Creatures series was ok, but too much romance for me. Another favorite of mine was The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series. I know that's not fantasy, but I just loved it and Lisbeth so much. I really hated The Hobbit, but I love The Fellowship of the Ring, and the other two were good books. I absolutely hated the King Killer Chronicles. I can't think of any others I have read currently.

    So here are things NOT to recommend: Mortal Instruments, The Hunger Games, and anything about vampires.

    Also, every time I ask this question I get some random ya book recommended that has nothing to do with what I asked, so please don't tell me to read any of John Green's books.


    7 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • Bissell Proheat Pet is making grinding noise when turned on?

    We got it probably a month or two ago. I save receipts for things like this, but I just can't seem to find this one. I don't know what the problem is, but when I turn it on it make a terribly loud grinding noise. I called bissell's contact center to see if they could give me an idea as to what is wrong with it. All they did was tell me to send it in to figure out the problem. I do not want to send it in. Does anyone know what could be causing this loud grinding noise? Thank you.

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • Will my prescribed Xanax help with my mood?

    I don't know what is wrong with me today. I can't stop feeling sad and crying. I guess it's just my lack of sleep and probably period hormones really screwing with me. I was feeling really happy and peppy this morning but now I just feel so sad, like everything is upsetting me. I've never really had mood swings with my period though, so I don't know if that's it. I am not depressed. I have generalized anxiety disorder, and I already take lexapro for that. But I am prescribed Xanax for when I'm feeling a great deal of anxiety that I can't control. I have never taken the Xanax (because I don't want to become an addict), so I don't know what it will do, and if it help with this. So could anyone tell me if this would help? I know trying it one time won't make me addicted I just don't want it to become a crutch. Anyways I only get 10 every 3 months and I told my doctor not to prescribe anymore than that. So any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

    3 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Ideas for ged party cake?

    Ok so my boyfriend just passed his test to get his high school diploma. In his state they do not offer Geds anymore. So he had to take the tasc test and now he's going to have a high diploma. I only said ged in the question because if I said high school diploma everyone would think he is a sensitive teen when he's 24. He had a crappy childhood, and he dropped out in 11th grade and has been out of school for 7-8 years. I don't care if you think this is a dumb party, I am so very proud of him. I wanna make him a funny cake, but I don't know what to put on it. We have a dark and mean sense of humor, so insults are ok lol. Cuss words are ok with me, just as long as "I don't take the lords name in vain" lol I don't care about it, but it would upset my dad. So any ideas for what I should put on this cake? I don't want it to be generic or cheesy. I prefer it to of insult him. Thanks

    2 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)7 years ago
  • Good mystery drama movie about killers recommendations?

    I am trying to find a good Mystery/Drama movie to watch, like the ones where people are searching for a serial killer. Here are some I have seen and enjoyed.

    The Silence of the Lambs, Kiss the Girls, Se7en, Frozen Ground, Along Came a Spider, The Bone Collector, I can't really think of any other ones. Also I do not want to watch older movies, so if it's made before the 90's, don't tell me about it. I do not want to watch Unusual Suspects, someone already ruined it for me. I would prefer this movie to be about a search for a killer/serial killer, not about drugs or dumb mobsters. Any help would be appreciated, Thank you.

    1 AnswerMovies7 years ago
  • When it's winter in Asoiaf/game of thrones where does it affect?

    I have read the books and seen all episodes of the show, but I just can't remember if anything is said about where winter hits. I know they say kings die, so that must mean kings landing gets hit by winter pretty bad, and obviously I know the north gets the worst of it. But does it hit Dorne and high garden? And is it only in Westeros? I don't see it hitting Dorne because from the description of Dorne it sounds like a desert, and I would think they would all die in Dorne, not being used to such awful cold. Can anyone help with this, thank you.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • How to use Velcro rollers?

    I have curly hair, it is always frizzy no matter what I use. I don't straighten it often, I don't blow dry it ever, I have fancy salon shampoo/conditioner, I use heat protectant when I do use heat, I wash my hair every other day or every 2 days, I use a cotton shirt to dry it, I use leave in conditioner sometimes, I never brush my hair, and I have special anti frizz and smoothing products. But nothing ever works! I got rollers because sometimes I would like my curls to look different. I had the heat one but they did nothing at all, so I just got the Velcro ones. So I don't know how to use the Velcro ones properly. When I pull the out, they make that spot frizzy. On top of that they curl parts but I still have bit by the roots of my hair that have my natural curl in it so it looks really funky. I wanted to use the huge rollers cause I like that almost straight with volume look but my hair just looks awful when i try it. So how does one with naturally curly frizzy hair use Velcro rollers properly?

    2 AnswersHair7 years ago
  • Why do my arms breakout every spring/summer?

    I'm 22 now and for the past few years everytime it starts to get warm out, my arms breakout. I don't mean tiny bumps, I mean actual acne. Each year it gets a tiny bit worse. In the fall and winter I don't have any problems, I may get like one pimple the whole 2 seasons. I don't know what causes it. I'm not really an outdoor person. I mean I go outside with my dog, and swim but other than that I'm mostly inside. I don't sweat very much because I'm only 110lbs and most of the time I am cold. I've been using the same soap for like 2 years now, so I know it's not that. I shower and use some stridex pads on my arms everyday. I'm not a dirty person. I don't know if it's stress causing it. I have an anxiety disorder, so I take lexapro for that, just started a month ago so I don't know if the lexapro is making it worse. I just know that it's quite embarrassing and I don't know why it happens. Does anybody know any way to treat this? Thanks

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions7 years ago
  • What to do for my dads birthday gift?

    Ok so it want absolutely no hate on this post. If you post anything rude I will just report you and delete the answer. So if you are against gay marriage go ahead and see yourself out.

    Now back to the question. Last year for my dads birthday my 3 siblings and I decided to recreate a picture from our childhood. We got a frame for the two pictures and gave it to my dad as a birthday gift because we thought it was hilarious. Well he thought it was really touching and cried. So this year I wanted to do something that showed how proud of him we are. He is gay, and he feels my little brother is ashamed of him. My little brother is still in high school so he is not comfortable telling high school students his dad is gay because they can be jerks in this hick town. So my dad gets upset and I wanted to make him some kind of picture to show him we are not ashamed and are quite proud of him. But I don't know what to do in the picture. I don't wanna just wear rainbow stuff, that's boring. So I'm asking you guys what you think would be cool to do. Any ideas? Thank you.

  • How has lexapro worked for you guys?

    Hi I have been taking lexapro for about 3 weeks now, and it has not done anything for me. My doctor prescribed it for anxiety. I went back to the doctor and he increased the dose, I'm not sure how big the dose is I am taking though. I still feel ridiculous anxiety. I just wanted to know how it makes you guys feel. Did it work for you guys? If so were there any side affects? Also I only want people who suffer anxiety disorders to answer because I want to know how it will affect me since I am not suffering with any other problems. I do not want anything about religion helping me either. And nothing about counseling. I just simply want to know about others with anxiety who take lexapro. Thank you

    1 AnswerMental Health7 years ago
  • Who were the three judges in Tyrions trial?

    Ok so I read all of A Song of Ice and Fire last year, and I currently watch a Game of Thrones on HBO. Yesterday's episode, Tywin asked Oberyn to be a judge with him and Margaery Tyrell's father, Mace, at Tyrion's trial. I can't remember who the judges were in A Storm of Swords, and my uncle has my books, so I can't check them. I know that Oberyn fights for Tyrion in the trial by combat, but I don't remember him being a judge. Actually I don't remember anyone being a judge except Mace Tyrell. So who were the judges in the books? I know the show changes some things and I don't know if this is one of them. Thank you

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • How to create a butterfly garden for my yard?

    So I live in WV, and I want to create a butterfly garden on the side of my house. I live in a townhouse, so I don't have a ton of room for a large garden. I do live at the end of a row of townhouses, so I do have a little more room than others. I want to know how to build a garden that will invite butterflies. I can not have any plants that will harm cats because there is a lot of stray cats in my area, and I will feel so terrible if I harm a poor kitty. Also we have a disgusting over abundance of earwigs/pincher bugs. There are sooooooo many and I hate them. The only thing that gets rid of them is some type of raid that comes with a hose and spray nozzle. I have tried organic bug killer, but it does not get rid of them. I don't want them to destroy the plants because I know they eat vegetation. I have tried a variety of traps, but that only gets rid of a few. I leave the spiders be so they will eat them, but there aren't many spiders around my house. So, with all this said, what kind of plants should I get? And any other suggestions or directions needed for building a butterfly garden.Thanks.

    1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden7 years ago
  • What's the point of a gaming keyboard or mouse?

    My boyfriend and my 5 year anniversary is coming up and I want to get him something for his computer because he loves PC games. I have run out of options to get him stuff for his PC because he just got a new computer, put a new video graphics card, and power supply in it. He has a new headset and monitor. He's really picky when it comes to video games and he rarely ever buys new ones. Like he has been playing this same game for years, called Dark Ages of Camelot. And he just got elder scrolls, so I'm not getting him a gift card or games. I don't know much about computers so I don't really know what to get him. He had a mouse called the razer naga but he couldn't stop hitting the buttons on the side, so he took it back, but I was looking at ones with out the side buttons for PC gaming. He has a crappy mouse and keyboard right now, so I was thinking I could get him ones designed for gaming but I don't know the point of getting the keyboard. He doesn't need a keyboard to light up, so I don't know any other purpose it serves, so could you guys tell me the point of them? Also any other gift ideas for a PC gamer would be appreciated. Thanks

    5 AnswersAdd-ons7 years ago
  • Gift for someone who plays games on a PC?

    Ok so in a month it is my boyfriend and my 5 year anniversary. I wanted to get him something nice for his computer for our anniversary. The only problem is, I know basically nothing about computer components to even get him anything. I'm not getting him any video games because he is pretty picky when it comes to those, and he would buy it himself if he really wanted it. I'm looking for people who game on computers to tell me what they would want. He just got a new computer, and together we replaced the video or graphics card. After that we put a new power supply in it, I think lol. I know it is a big box that slides inside the computer and has cables you have to plug in, in multiple parts of the computer. He had a nice mouse I think it was called a razer naga, but he didn't like it so I'm not getting him one of them. And he has a nice headset that I got him. I don't know anything else that would make gaming better for him because i really don't understand much about computers. Is there anything inside or outside of the computer I could get him so he can have better gaming experience on his PC. Anything preferably $150 or less. Thanks

    2 AnswersPC7 years ago
  • Any tips for having a dog with diabetes?

    I took my dog to the vet yesterday and today they called to say she has diabetes. She is a 4 year old dachshund. I have never had anyone in my close family or any pets with diabetes, so I don't know much about it. I'm going to research it more though. She has a consultation with the vet next week, so they are gonna tell me a lot more, but I just want some tips about how to take care of her, and what to expect. Also my doggie has never had any problems getting shots, she acts like it doesn't even bother her, but I don't know how she will be everyday. Another thing is where would you guys suggest getting her insulin and test strips from at a reasonable price? Also I would like to know if you guys think it would be weird if I brought a notebook with me to her consultation so I can write what they are telling me. I want to do the best I can for her cause she's my best friend, and I want her to be happy and live a long time so any pointers would be great. Thank you.

    7 AnswersDogs7 years ago