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Riley's Mommy - 09.04.09.

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  • My income tax was 3 times higher last year and now I am being affected by it this year. Is there anything I can do?

    My fiance was injured at work in 2012 & in 2013 recieved back pay from workers comp for 2012&2013 but we had to claim it all as income for 2013 even though the money was used to back pay bills and loans for prior years. We in no way came out ahead from recieving the back pay. Now he is still injured and recieved nothing but $200 per month from ODSP.

    I then was put off of work suddenly for preganancy complications in feb 2014 (13 weeks before I was due) and now we have no more savings and we are left with an incredibly low income of less than $2000 a month. This hardly covers our bills.

    I have called EI about getting the low income supplement to increase my mat leave from 55% to 80% but they said they base that on previous years oncome and i needed to talk to the CRA about having an income exemption. I called the CRA they seem to have no idea what I am talking about.

    If I go back to work i would need to put the baby in daycare since due to the injury my fiance has he cannot care for our 3 month old and in that circumstance i would not be able to afford the day care. If i wait until i do my 2014 taxes to put the baby in daycare i would be able to recieve some form of subsidy for the daycare. I know this because thats what i did with my now 5 year old in 2012 and 2013 the family doctor signed off that my fiance could not properly care for her and we required daycare assistance.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on what we can do. I feel overwhelmed and financially exhausted

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance7 years ago
  • When to go on maternity leave?

    I am due May 28th but I am having another c section due to complications and also I have had a previous c section. At my last visit I asked when we would actually book this so I know a date and I was told that the schedule changes to often so they won't tell me until close to the day but it will be done between 37-39 weeks. My work keeps asking me for a date but I just haven't figured out what to do. I want 2 weeks atleast at home before the baby comes. And they way our pay periods work is that we are paid the 1st and the 15th so I figured I would leave on April 30 at the end of a pay period but that is a Wednesday. Is it ok to say my last day is a Wednesday or leave the Friday prior. I don't want to stay after may 1st because of the pay periods.

    1 AnswerPregnancy7 years ago
  • Tiredness during early pregnancy?

    I am 7 weeks pregnant and since I was 4 weeks pregnant I have been extremely tired. I know its a normal pregnancy symptom but I am sleeping 10-11 hours at night - I get tired around 8pm and finally cave in around 9pm and if i am to wake up naturally its around 815am but on days i start work early I am up at 730am. Then when i have the chance (atleast 3 times a week) i nap for up to 3 hours. This cant be normal. And on top of that I always feel like a zombie!

    6 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • How long between children?

    I can't seem to get pregnant and I always wanted my children to be no more then 4 years apart but ideally 2 years apart. My daughter is just over three now so the two years apart is out of the question and at this point they would be 4 years apart. No signs of pregnancy and I have a referral to see the fertility specialist come the new year. I have no idea what the process will be at the specialist. But basically I want to know how long would be too long in between children. I am not even sure there is a point in wasting the time at the specialist if my children are not going to bond or have a relationship because there is such a age difference. What in your opinion would be too long in between.

    6 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Why would I not have any discharge?

    I have been trying to get pregnant for over a year and a half -- not sure if that has anything to do with this. So I have tried to pay attention to key ovulation quers like discharge but I really have had virtually no discharge. Why would this be? Also this last week I have had a lot of discharge -- this has not happened to me in a long time -- at least a year or more. Why is this happening? Why is it changing? Has anyone gone through this?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • How to build good credit?

    I am currently in the process of financing a car. I am being approved for very high interest rates due to my credit score. I was actual unaware that my credit was bad I figured it would be average. Currently my score is 493. I will explain to you what is on my credit report and hopefully someone can help me out and tell me the best possibly way to go about this.

    I have a rogers phone and cable bill that went to collections 1 year ago it is at $1000. They have told me before that they are willing to settle but this bill is made up of cable box rental charges and early cancellation over a bill that was actually only $200. This is extremely irritating to me since I gave them back all of there rental equipement. ARGHH. but anyways the collection agency said I can settle at $500 or $600 around there. I am not sure if this is a good option to take.

    Also I have my Capital One Card which is almost at its limit but has never missed a payment status so I guess it cant get much better then that - all I would have to do is pay down the principal I guess?

    and finally I have my student loan. I was unaware that my payments started back in March I didn't know it was time yet so as of right now it shows no payments made. I am now in the process of renegotiating my terms on the student loan to have it lowered from $200 to $100 and then these payments here on out will be made on time!

    Lastly this item is not yet showing on my credit report but this week I go pick up my new car which these payments will definitely be made!!

    I think I am on the right track not sure if I should go about it differently?

    Also how long do you think that it will take after I make all these changes for my score to go up?

    I have plans on buying a house in 2 - 3 years (hopefully two years) but I know that it is important to have good credit when getting a home loan. Not sure if I will have good credit by then?

    2 AnswersCredit9 years ago
  • Would this be a good weight loss diet?

    I have tried so many diets and none seem to work for me, I guess because of my lack of will power and my peer pressuring boyfriend conveincing me to eat fast food.

    I just got new hours at work and will be home A LOT less. I will only be home for dinner (like majority of the north america) I used to be at home 4 days a week and did not start work until 3pm. Anyways, it was not easy sitcking to a diet plan like that.

    Now that I have to start bringing a lunch to work and probably eating my breakfast there too I figured this is a great oportunity to only pack good food. Now at the same time that I want to eat healthy I also want to enjoy what I am eating and I don't want to have to complex of a meal plan. I am used to basically eating at resturants for all of my meals - very rarely do I eat at home.


    Breakfast (730/8am) - meal replacment (only because it is fast and the morning is ridiculous for me) I am open to any suggestions on other types of convienet breakfast food - I am not sure if cereal is good for you and I am willing to get up an extra 15 minutes early to eat here if it is something quick like cereal.

    Snack (10am)- Sunflower seeds and nuts and a piece of fruit probably an apple.

    Lunch(12pm) - Some sort of sandwich (but if I have cereal for breakfast or something like that I feel as though that would be too many carbs. I don't think that my body digests carbs well I always feel extremely full and stuffed if I have cereal or 1 piece of pizza, items with a lot of carbs.) Again I am open to any suggestions for a quick lunch on the go. Also I work at a dental office - front desk so I need something that I can eat while dealing with patients. There is no one there to cover me while I eat I am the only person at the front until 3pm.

    Not sure If I should have another snack this would be at 2pm/3pm

    Dinner(6pm) Baked boneless skinless chicken breast ontop of tossed salad (greek, cesar, whatever I am not limiting my flavors because they are "bad" I only use 2tblsp of cesar for a entire head of lettuce- that cant be that bad.)

    Anyways I am open to all suggestions as long as they are do able. I am not interested in making a gormet meal - I dont really like fish other than tuna and shrimp. Does anyone have any suggestions to either add to my diet or take away or ANYTHING! lol! I feel like this is my opportunity to eat well.

    Also, how do you feel about cheat days - like eat whatever you want (withing moderation obviously) one day a week not following your diet. Are you against or for the cheat day?

    19 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • What size of subwoofer should I get for my car?

    Right now I have Rockford Fosgate P1 15inch with JBL 6x9s JBL 6.5 with components and tweeters. I am running them off of a JBL amp and I have a deck with high pass filter. Anyways as of right now the amount of money I have put into this system I just feel like it should pound but it doesn't. Since I took this set up out of my old car and put them into my new car they just haven't been the same. When my boyfriend drives my car I listen when he drives away and you can't really even hear my sub. Theres so many cars that drive by my house that I can hear from a mile away. I don't get it!!

    I think I am going to get a new sub but I don't really know the difference between the 10's and the 12's and also I only have one sub now so I don't know if I should get another single sub or dual.

    I know I have a couple of amps. 2 channel or 4 channel and mono or something - I don't know really what they are but I have 3 amps in total. I have 4g wire and 0g wire and I bought a wiring kit that came with a hole bunch of stuff like a fuse to go on the battery and stuff. -- my boyfriend sets this stuff up so I really don't know what I am buying I just take his word for it. I also bought this little box thing that turns your speakers on and off or up and down its not an amp I forgot the name for it little metal box that you put all of your wiring into. Anyways that hasn't been set up yet.

    Anyone tell me how to make my system loud! I have so much stuff! It should be sooooo loud!?!? Shouldn't it?

    2 AnswersCar Audio9 years ago
  • What would cause a one day period?

    My cycle is always on time! Exactly 28days and always comes in the evening - that's how regular it was. The last two cycles have been a lot different. Last month my period was due December 19th but came on the 17th and lasted a couple days and was very light.

    This month my period was 5 days late. Saying that CD1 was December 17th it should of been due on January 14th. I took a pregnancy test on the 15th and then 2 days later on the 17th both were negative (They were cheapy ones from online). On the 19th my period came it was definitely blood but it only lasted a couple of hours and then turned into very light bleeding by the morning of the 20th it was gone only a little bit of brown (possibly discharge) when I wiped not enough to even show on a liner or in my underwear.

    I am just curious why my period would have lasted such a short amount of time.

    Also - I have been having some on and off dull cramps since the day I expected my period and I have been breaking out a lot more than usual and I have a loss of appetite - other than that everything else in my life has been completely normal - no extra stress and haven't been sick.

    4 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Why Would I Get Positive Ovulation Test 7 Days Past Ovulation?

    I apologize now if this ends up being long but hopefully someone will have gone through something similar!

    I have been ttc since about June-ish. I just recently started using an online fertility calender (BabyMed). I have very regular 28 day cycles. My last period was on November 21st. It says that I would have ovulated from the December 11 until December 15th. I had sex each of these days. My period should be due on December 19th.

    In the mean time I ordered LH Strips (Ovulation strips) and Pregnancy tests online. They just came today so I decided to try them out so I could learn how to use them. Anyways, I got a negative pregnancy test (actually there was a line there but you had to almost strain your eyes to see it) but I got a positive ovulation test.

    I went online to find out if anyone else had the same experience and people were saying that this could indicate pregnancy since the test strip can pick up on pregnancy as well as ovulation.

    So now I am a little confused, am I ovulating now even though I will be getting my period in less then a week. Or did the strip possibly pick up on pregnancy - if it can even do that? If it picked up on pregnancy why would the pregnancy test come back negative?

    Anyone else ever go through this? What do you think this all means because I am very confused. I will obviously test for pregnancy again when I am due for my period but now I am not sure if I should start having sex for the next 5 days. Please tell me your thoughts!

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • Does going on birth control for a couple months increase fertility?

    I have been trying to conceive since June and every month is a huge disappointment. I have not been on any form of birth control since July 2008 - So 3 years and 4 months. I got pregnant with my daughter December 2008 and had her September 2009. Since then all we have used is condoms and to be honest we have not been to careful with them. We have been saying if it happens, then it happens and we are both okay with it.

    Now since June I have actually been trying keeping track of my periods and trying to pin point when I ovulate to increase chances of getting pregnant. Anyways no luck.

    In the last couple of days there has been some people on Y!A that were saying that their doctor put them on birth control for a few months and then told them to try again for pregnancy at that point. Just wondering exactly what this is and maybe I am reading it wrong. Is it just normal birth control?

    Also I have had pain in my left side every time its around ovulation for 3 months now. It last for maybe 10 minutes but it is pretty painful. I always think it's probably just me ovulating but now I am unsure if this could actually have the exact opposite meaning and have something to do with infertility.

    Thanks for any answers.

    1 AnswerPregnancy10 years ago
  • How many of you got a positive pregnancy test before your missed period?

    I have been ttc since June and nothing so far. I have a feeling that I might be pregnant this month so I bought a pregnancy test today. My period is not due until Monday and I know I should just wait to test until Monday but I hate this anxious feeling. I want to test tomorrow morning and if it comes back negative I will wait until Tuesday morning to test again. I just want to know - my own personal poll of statistics - how many people got a positive test before their period was due?

    5 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • How does my TV know what is on cable, when there is not a cable wire hooked up?

    I just recently bought a Sony Bravia LED 3D TV I have never put cable to it and yet it tells me what is playing on each channel. It's hard to explain exactly but basically I do not have any sort of cable since I just moved into a new place just built no one has ever lived in it. And I just got this tv. When I turn the TV on it is automatically at the TV input and it shows fuzzy cable channel, when you flip through the channels it shows what is playing and what station it is. It also has like a guide that you can search through and it tells you what is on tv. How can it do this when there is no cable!!!?? Maybe this sounds stupid but I am just confused.

    1 AnswerTVs10 years ago
  • Why does my 22 month old still has loose stool?

    My daughter has never developed firm stool. It has always been the same consistancy since she was a newborn. A lot of family and friends have been pointing in out to me, I never thought there was any issue until now. I plan on mentioning it to the doctor when I take her in for an appointment. So I am wondering if anyone has gone through this and if it was anything serious or just nothing to worry about.

    Also she has a very balanced diet. She eats a little more grains then she should but other than that it is very balanced. Eating enough fruits and veg. Always having atleast 1 banana a day. Having 2 Meat servings a day and about 3 servings of dairy a day.

    I do not feel as though this problem is being caused by her diet but I do not know what it could be.

    Some have said an intenstinal parasite but this has been going on her entire life.

    Any suggestions!!?

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • What should I do about my puppy?

    Last night I brought home a 6 week old Rottweilier/Boxer puppy. This puppy has been sperated from his mom since he was 4 weeks old. When I brought him home last night he was running around scratching our walls, our doors, our furniature while he was crying - extremely loud! I would pick him up and hold him to calm him down and nothing worked even when I got him some what calmed down he seemed like he was hyperventilating with how fast he was breathing. He only stayed somewhat calmed down for maybe 10 minutes out of the 6 hours he was at my place. He would even continue to cry when I would play with him. I don't know what to do. What are some suggestions?

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How much money is Hydro and Heating?

    I am looking to move into a 2 bedroom townhouse. I believe it is around 1000 - 1200 sq feet. I have never paid utilities before and I am not sure what to expect and how affordable it would be.

    I believe it is natural gas heating.

    How much money per month would it be for Hydro and Heat?

    1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • My surgeon left behind a broken bone, what do I do about it?

    I had my wisdom teeth removed around less than a year ago. These last couple weeks I have been having a lot of pain in my gums where my one tooth had been removed. It feels like a tooth is trying to break through the skin. I went to a different dental office today to get it checked and they saw the there is a piece of broken bone that the surgeon would have broken off when he did my wisdom teeth extraction. Now I have this piece of bone that was left in my mouth trying to work itself out of my body and causing a lot of pain and I have to wait until it atleast pierces the skin until I can take it out.

    Is there anything I can do about this? Should I notify anyone about this?

    3 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • Should I Be Worried About My Daughters Speech, Yet?

    My daughter is now 18 months old and does not say any words. She makes some sounds like ba ba, da da, ma ma. When saying da da or ma ma she does not use them as if she is talking to her Dad or myself she just makes the sound.

    I plan on bringing her in to our family doctor soon I just can't right now due to transportation problems.

    I am getting more and more worried as the months pass. I have a nephew around the same age as well as friends with toddlers around the same age but they are all talking and mocking!

    People seem to be giving me hints especially my mother in law who tells me every time I see her to talk to my daughter and read to her. I don't think I can convience her enough that I do! I sit and talk to her and I try to show her simple things like "up", "no", "yes", etc.

    Anyways has anyone else gone through this? Has anyone found that their child was diagnosed with a learning disability? Should I be worried? Any suggestions other than - talk to her...

    5 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • What to expect after breast reduction surgery?

    I am going in for a breast reduction tomorrow morning. I don't know what to expect. I have a few questions for other woman that have had a breast reduction to share their experience.

    What is it like being put to sleep?

    How long do you stay swollen for?

    When is the first time you see your breast after the surgery?

    How long were you in pain for after the surgery?

    When did you start feeling yourself again?

    When did you start wearing a bra?

    When did you feel like you had recovered completely?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • When should I test for pregnancy?

    In your opinion when should I take a home pregnancy test?

    My last period was on December 19th 2010.

    My period was due on January 16th 2011.

    I took a pregnancy test on January 20th 2011. - negative.

    I am now 9 days late for my period.

    Should I either,

    Test when I am 14 days late for my period.

    Or because it was negative,

    act like my body skipped a period.

    Then my period would be due on,

    Feb 13th 2010 and wait until then to test.

    I am not usually late for my period.

    I also don't seem to be showing symptoms of pregnancy other then tender breast's.

    I am just driving myself crazy! It's the only thing on my mind!

    I have no one I can talk to about it. My boyfriend says he doesn't want to talk about it because he doesn't want to jinx it or get his hopes up.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago