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A Yahoo Answerer and Youtuber.

  • A Question for the Christians?

    Okay, according to the Bible, the only way to be saved and go to heaven instead of eternal hell is if you accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior. Now,even through Christianity is the world's largest religion today, it wasn't in the past and it has yet to reach/convince every corner of the earth. There have been people born into "false religions" like Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, and even the animistic traditions of the Amazonians and Australian Aborigines before Christianity reached those area. People like them have believed in what they were told from the day they were born until they died and they never heard of the "good news" that God had in store for them. Now the question is, will these same people still go to eternal hell just because they have accepted Jesus? Are they still held accountable even though many strongly believe in their own religion and never heard of the Judeo-Christian God? What about children who died at a young age and were never baptized or accepted salvation. Will they also burn in hell from ignorance that was not their own fault? Or will God be merciful and understanding to these people. Buddha lived a good life, but he never heard of Christ or heard of the Jewish religious traditions? Will he also burn in hell?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why did man create God/Religion?

    Yes, I know that religion helped keep people in line and explained things before science started to really advance, but why exactly would we create it? Specifically the Judeo-Christian God. According to the Bible he was against human nature. The elite did not just forced this on the lower classes. Even they adhered to the restricting laws most of the time. Do people really like to oppress themselves with things they made up? What does that say about mankind today? People are still being stupid and the cults that were established not too long ago historically like Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Scientology are still gaining converts. How is it possible for us to be both incredibly intelligent but also stupid?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why do people dislike kids these days?

    Abortion is used more often these days to kill off potential human beings that could have changed the world just because couples don't want kids. I know kids can be annoying but weren't we all kids? What if your mother decided to kill you before you were born because you would be a "burden" to her already productive sex life. Would you be okay with it?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Is Gordon Shumway a haitian?

    He likes eating cats, so could he be from Haiti?

    Here's a link

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Are you labeled as homophobic if you have nothing against gays and lesbians but ...?

    ..don't agree with their lifestyle? I don't mock anyone and I accept the homosexual community,but if I'm against the idea,the only way I can avoid being call that title is by supporting them?

  • Would the world be a better place if the fruits of the spirit were followed?

    You know,










    Although they may seem Christian in nature,and throughout history,adherents of the Christian faith have been hypocrites for not always following them,would life be better if every person was adopting them? They're better than war,and the other crap we have to deal with on a daily basis.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What should be close to my cousin's final height?

    He's 15 and a half and 5ft 8. His mom and dad are 5ft 5 and 6ft 1 respectively. I know boys are suppose to keep growing well after most girls are at their final height. My cousin is Haitian, eats a lot,and exercises every chance he has. He's growing a thin mustache and some side burns. Most likely,he'll be very close to 6 feet,but I just want to know if he will go above that and succeed his father. Listing different lifestyle methods that can add height would be nice too.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Can any of the Jewish people here spare a tip?

    If you don't get the joke,it's gonna get pretty awkward here.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why isn't prayer allowed in public?

    I don't see the problem with it. Unless there are some people in this world who can't stand people talking to their imaginary friends.

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • When was the last time The Lion King been shown on tv?

    I don't get it. The last I saw it was on ABC,and that was over ten years ago. Is Disney planning to show it next year since their movies usually premiere on television after releasing the special edition Bluray and DVD?

    1 AnswerComedy9 years ago
  • Biblical question for the usual(atheists)?

    A lot of you guys claim that the Bible,particularly the beginning of Genesis, is false,because stories like the flood can be found in any historic myth. But that doesn't really prove anything against the flood story. You have to understand that the flood affected the whole world,and the story may have been passed down from generation to generation by each of Noah's sons' descendants,spanning across the earth. And after the Pentateuch, the rest of the Bible's locations and events are real so the book cannot be easily deemed as a fairy tale.Israel had a kingdom. Nine feet giants like Goliath exist today.Babylon was a real world power in the Middle east and is Iraq today.Jerusalem is still a city today. Egypt did have hebrews as slaves at one point in history. And many more. The Bible may have things that make no sense,but why do you guys bash it automatically because of a few miracles?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Atheists,what you think about speaking in tongues?

    Please watch this video if you want to gain more info on this.

    I'm skeptical about it.How badly do you guys bash it?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • A important question for the Catholics?

    Why do you still believe Mary is still a virgin? Ever heard of Jude?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Here's my last set of questions for the Atheists?

    After this,I'll give you guys a break. So it has been said that it doesn't matter if God is at a different level in relation to humans. All he needs to do is reveal himself to the unbelievers and they will believe. Since,according to Atheism,Religion is a lie, would we truly have a society without religion or any myth ever coming into play at any period of mankind's history? And,also,do you believe mankind is the problem with the earth as oppose to religion,since man,in your sense,created religion? These questions are more secular than before,and I'm not forcing you to be a blind Jesus Freak,or Muslim Extremist. I just want answers.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Another set of questions for the Atheists?

    You people have said that you need evidence to believe God or any deity exists.You have shown well that "faith" is nothing but an illogical excuse. Do you consider humans to be on the same level as God(if he exists)? Some of you have said that God has shown himself to many in the Bible and should be able to do that same today if he is real. Now this is my second question. Do you believe that you deserve to see him for proof and why?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Here's another question for the Atheists?

    (P.S.,if you don't care for the question,word of advice: don't answer)Okay.Why do you need God to show himself for you to believe that he exists? Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of "faith"? I'm not saying you guys don't deserve to actually see him come to you,but if he comes to you, he wouldn't be a god or supreme being. He would be a slave to his own creation. Anyways, if the second coming is true, that would prove God's existence,but it would be too late for any doubters or deniers. I'm just saying. I don't really care where you are in life,but as a Christian,I want to help those who want to be in eternal paradise when all is said is done. This is the purpose of this section in Yahoo Answers,to help those spiritually and religiously(yes,that's a real word).

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • A question for the Atheists?

    What must be done to prove that God exists without him actually coming down to your face? I'm serious. Although you may think it's a joke,what if it's not? I'm not forcing anything down your throat. I'm just saying,if God exists,but you still don't believe,what do you want him to do other than show himself to you flat out to give you absolute assurance that he is real,whether you like him or not. If you want to troll, that's on you.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Where does the movie WALL-E take place?

    The city in particular in the beginning.Does anyone have a guess?

    5 AnswersMovies10 years ago
  • What do you think about Ouija boards?

    If you don't know what I'm talking about,read this

    And watch this and maybe read some of the comments

    Both religious and non-religion people,add your thoughts about this.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • A question for the Atheists?

    Does human life mean anything? We've discovered many things and called many of us before great,but in the face of the universe,our little actions are insignificant. Many of the great atheist authors and scientists have said that the human mind is just a chemical reaction and that we are just tools for genes that have no purpose at all. Just want you to think about it because I believe we are basically nothing animated.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago