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Hello, I live in Colorado and have all my life. I have a 21 year old daughter who is in her junior year of college. I had my daughter at 17 and I am now 39, I am a certified nursing assistant, and my husband of 10 years has been a mechanic for 25 years or better. I have a wonderful family and I have a very secure and loving marriage. I like to answer questions and be as helpful as I can with what experience I do have,especially in family and relationships and my thoughts in Religion and Spirituality.

  • Question about baby sparrows?

    My husband rescued two baby sparrows today, we have no idea what they need, do we give them water through a dropper? we fed them a worm which they just loved, but how often do we feed them? they are very tiny, they seem very healthy very active, but we just need a few tips on how to care for them properly so we can set them free when they are old enough. Thank you so much.

    4 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Complicated situation can someone give me some good advice please?

    I have a friend who did the unthinkable, she slept with another good friends 17 year old son, she at the time was 27! I have never been ok with this ever and I know she knows it! but she insists on pushing this relationship on everyone like we should accept it because she says so, she is very bossy and insecure about herself this guy is very young and very cute and she has no troubles telling people how she got him, good head she says! it just makes me ill! anyway a little over a year ago they had a son, like we didn't see that coming right?! LOL she pretty much took over his whole entire family, his mother and younger sister, they all live together in this dinky apartment, John, Jane's bf is now in the Marines (thank GOD)! that was his plan since he graduated high school, well he asked my opinion and I talked it up to high heaven, I got him so pumped about it he had his bags packed two days before leaving! she was a little pissed at me for that but honestly I don't care! LOL I just think what she is doing to him is wrong, she stole that boys dreams, sure he loves his son but now I know she will use that baby as a weapon, not to mention she will make his life a miserable hell because she is so jealous of every woman in the world, she has no self esteem at all, I have to watch what I wear around her because if I wear shorts she talks about how she wishes she had legs like mine or a body like mine, LOL I am 40 people! I don't have time for jealous friends ruining young boys lives! I don't know how to tell her I don't want to be her friend anymore, I just don't want it in my life anymore! I feel bad in a way but not really I just can't watch her ruin this young man's life any longer and I really honestly hope he bails out before she talks him in to marriage! is that mean of me? am I wrong should I be more supportive? I just can't find it in my heart to be ok with it and I know it will hurt them all for me to just bail but my gut says bail and my heart says bail, what do you think? should I stay or should I bail? I really want to bail.....opinions please! I do have a habit of bailing on friendships when I feel to much pressure, especially when what is happening is just wrong on every level, why do I do that?

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Lara Croft Underworld question?

    OK I am in Thailand and I am stuck, I have already cleaned out the ruins and now I am suppose to go back and use the gems I found but I can't find my way out LOL, I assume she has to go back the way she came but I can't seem to figure out how, she climbed down a hole but I can't get her back up, am I missing something? I hope someone knows what I am talking about, it's driving me nuts! LOL

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Just how important is it to have security?

    Ok for some silly reason my husband seems to think security is a waste of money and we don't need it, I do! LOL this is our first computer it's about two years old and it is Vista, it's really too much for us beginners. I use it more than he does and notice that when it scans I have tons of cookies and other threats, neither of us know what the hell we are doing but he seems to think he knows it all even when he doesn't, LOL so just how important is it? I need you smart computer literate people to help me convince him we need it! he does do banking on here and he says as long as the bank site has security we don't need it, LOL I really don't know how true that is so I need your help please, Thank you. Please don't be ugly with your answers, we aren't all that dumb, just old. LOL

    3 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • What are these? could it be cancer or just tumors?

    My dog Bandit has had a tumor on his foot before but it was huge, these are smaller they are black spots one on his foot and one by his wee wee, LOL but the one by his wee wee is black and sort of purple with a little redish tint underneath it, it's not cauliflower looking but it still looks suspicious like maybe melanoma looking. I am taking him to the vet today but I was just wondering if someone can kind of give me a heads up about it before I go, my vet can never be straight up she talks to everyone like they are doctors and know what she is saying so can you tell me what it is and should I worry? he is a pit bull and has very fair skin, he is white with brown spots like a cow not sure that makes a difference but just thought I would throw that in. LOL

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Compartment Syndrome?

    Is there anyone out there that has been diagnosed with this? and if so what did you do? did you have the surgery? I am asking because I thought maybe my symptoms were shin splints. This actually started happening when I was in 5th grade, that was eons ago! I ran track but I had to quit because I couldn't stand the pain, never told my parents so I never dealt with it when I should have! when I walk my dogs I have this pain that is unreal in my shins, ankles and top of feet, my feet actually feel like they are cramping really bad. I take vicodin for lower back pain as is and it doesn't do a thing for this pain, not by a long shot. If anyone has any advice or has had a treatment that worked for them I would really appreciate it, I have dealt with this pain as long as I can handle it and at 40 I am less tolerant to the pain than I used be, I have researched both shin splints and compartment syndrome and my symptoms seem to be more along the lines of CS, I know the ultimate treatment is amputation if the limb goes dead, I really don't want that to happen. Thanks!

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • I want you all to answer me honestly why is it...............?

    that when Obama and wife asked their supporters to leave the kids out of it Madonna goes off at her concerts and bashes Bristol Palin? do you all feel she is right in doing so? and don't you think that could be bad considering there are still undecided voters out there? doesn't this go against her candidate instead of for him? My opinion, Obama should give back her donations and dethrown her, they are the ones who made the rules they should stand by them. I really am asking honestly, I am not being hateful but this is a 50 year old woman who has such a big fan base, I really think Madonna has gone to far and someone needs to put her back in her place.

    7 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • What is wrong with my dog? ?

    I have two pits, they are brother and sister about 6 years old, they were playing in the yard when I heard a yelping so I went outside to check on them and Bandit my male was dragging is butt across the yard. He wouldn't stand on his hind legs at first then he started dragging his left hind leg around like it was dead, I took him to the vet and they did blood work and x rays and didn't find anything wrong, it's like totally paralyzed, the vet said she had seen this before but never seen one with just one leg affected, she also said it could be neurological, so what is this called and will it go away? he isn't in any pain at all, his hips are perfect and his knee was fine, it's just dead. Is there a name for this condition?

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Anyone else celebrating their birthday tomorrow?

    I will be 40 tomorrow, LOL no jokes about my age! LOL, I have only met one other person in my whole life with my birthday.

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Where the heck is Taylor Hicks?

    LOL my husband and I voted for the guy LOL sorry people! but we were in Borders one day and saw his CD and it was going for $2.50 LOL I have never been more embarrassed! where is he? what is he doing?

    2 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • I am kind of worried, can someone help?

    We have a stray cat that adopted us a few years ago, his name is Tuna LOL, anyway Tuna doesn't look so good, you know the white thing in their eyes that looks kind of like an inside eyelid, it covers their eyes when they sleep, you can see it when they just wake up or going to sleep, I don't know what it's called but anyway, Tuna's stay covering his eyes while he is awake it looks like he might be sick but he eats well, he doesn't really act sick but he looks like it, that white cover just doesn't go back down, like his eyes might be irritated or something, I don't know does anyone know why his eyes are like this? he is an outdoor cat and it's been windy and snowing up here but I never seen his eyes do this before.

    9 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • We are having a hard time selling our mobile home.......?

    We live in Colorado and we have had our mobile home on the market about 8 months, we are not late on payments and we have good credit is there a way of getting out from under it without foreclosing? My husband just wants to walk away from it, is that possible?

    1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • I need some help here please........?

    I have two indoor cats that are fixed and declawed, a stray adopted us early this year his name is Tuna, anyway my male and female seem to not want to let him in the house and it's so cold outside these days that he whines at my door, I have a house out there for him and a nice bed but it's really cold, how can I get him in and him not freak out and hurt my other cats? my male is about 9 years old and the female is ify she is adopted but I imagine around the same age, but they have no claws to fight back is that not fair or what! How can I do this without putting Tuna into shock so he doesn't shred my other cats to pieces? I tried once and he bounced off the walls it was scary! or is it to late for Tuna to adapt and get along? he looks like he is only 2 years old at the most he is big though. Sorry if this is confusing everyone.

    10 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Question about altitude and sugar gliders........?

    We live in Colorado, pretty high up in altitude, my daughter is moving to Tucson to go back to college, she has two sugar gliders and she was told she needed a pressurized container to move them from up here to down there, is this true? and if so where can she get one? do they make a special one just for sugar gliders? Thanks so much.

    1 AnswerOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • I am worried about my lab results, can someone help me?

    I see an endocrinologist every year, for the past 8 years, I had my thyroid killed with radio active iodine, anyway my labs usually come back all normal, but this time my BUN/ Creatinine was high, the range is 6-22 and mine is 28.8, my doctor is awesome, but I think it's odd he didn't mention it to me, and it's highlighted on my lab report, how do I get it down to normal? or is this something I shouldn't worry about? I have been freaking out about it so anything would be comforting. Thank you so much.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • I have a creepy question?

    ok, we have some neons in a ten gallon tank, I have had this tank a long time it's been through a few other fish and some snails at one time, I cleaned my tank really good before I got the neons, but when we had the snails they just spawned like crazy, I mean millions it seemed like, anyway it's been a long time since the snails and I clean my tank faithfully but there are these little transparent parasite looking things in there and they are big enough to see with the naked eye, and their everywhere, I was wondering if anyone knows what they are and why they keep coming back, they seem to come back when I add water to the tank, COULD THIS BE IN MY TAP WATER! I am creeped out and I don't want them to hurt my fish. WHAT IS IT? Thank you

    7 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else have this problem?

    I am really not happy with any of the candidates for president.

    I am at the point I don't even want to vote! Tell me who you are voting for and why?

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago