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  • Would the Castle Doctrine law apply if the shooter is not the owner of the residence?

    For example, a son is vacationing in his father's summer home. The father is registered as the official owner of the home on the deed. Then, when an intruder trespasses into the home against the warning of the son, who then subsequently shoots the intruder as a result of the non-compliance, would the castle doctrine law protect the son even though he is not the actual owner of the home?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Is it taboo to ask a veteran if they killed someone while serving?

    Just wondering, because most ex-soldiers I ask try to evade the question. Is it really a different world while serving then it is while a civilian?

    7 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Example of Fighting Words Doctrine?

    Was wondering if the following scenario would fall under the fighting words doctrine for intending to apply injury to the listener by the speaker, and if any action could be taken to the courts for damages by said listener due to the words of the speaker ~

    At a party, two men (hereafter referred to as Man #1 and Man #2) are talking in a peaceful setting, until one of them, Man #1, brings up an old female friend that both of the men had strong romantic interest in. Man #1 goes on to gloat and joke that he managed to score with the girl, but that Man#2 did not, with strong emphasis on the last part. Really strong emphasis.

    Man #2 then counters that the way Man #1 did this was by getting the girl high on ecstasy, and that in no way/shape/form otherwise, would she have ever slept with him. Man #1 then becomes angry with this, and builds up an intimidating posture by forming fists, narrowing eyes, flexing muscles, and begins to call out Man #2 for a fight.

    I'm wondering if any part of this scenario could be applied to fighting words. Specifically, whether or not Man #1 baited Man #2 into a fight with the initial gloating, or whether Man #2 invited Man #1's ire with the rebuttal. Would there be an example of the doctrine in this scenario?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Can this qualify as defamation of character in a civil suit?

    If you tell a friend in confidence that you have a problem with alchoholism, and make it specifically clear that you are discreetly seeking professional help for the issue (with evidence that supports that fact) and that you want the matter to remain between the two of you. And then later on that friend insinuates the possibility that they could "out" you at any moment if they feel the desire to socially harm you, or in retaliation if they feel that you have hurt their feelings in a way that was unbeknownst to you?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Is it possible to use someone else's phone contract to send texts on your phone?

    I'm not talking about something like bluffmycall to mask your number and hide your identity. I am asking about literally using someone else's phone contract to send text messages for free. I noticed someone I know using a different phone number all the time whenever I wanted to contact him, and he would only ever communicate with me through texts. He had no job, so I often wondered how he could afford to pay a phone bill, in order to send the text messages.

    I just wanted to ask, is it possible to "tap" into another person's phone contract, and send text messages on their dime? The person I know claimed that when his contract was rescinded due to non-payment, he found he was still able to send texts after his number was assigned to someone else. Is this the way to do it, or was it a glitch? By the way, he has used this method more then once, so I am not sure if it is a glitch, some weird phone-phreaking method, or what.

    I ask because, I am worried that if he knows how to send texts and let other people foot the bill for it, could he do so with my number as well?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • Can anyone identify this arachnid?

    I saw this spider on the side of my house, and have never observed such yellow markings before as the ones found on this specimen. I was wondering if anyone could identify this species for me? Btw, I live in North Carolina near Wilmington if that helps any. Pictures of the spider are enclosed below ~

    3 AnswersZoology8 years ago
  • Advice on how to get rid of a psychopath?

    I'm sorry for asking about this here, but honestly I don't know where else to turn. I appreciate any and all help with this.

    I have a friend of mine, who is in a relationship with a psychotic girl. He keeps telling me about her bad behavior, and I'm not sure how to advise him anymore. She is a former-prostitute, and is seeing another man on the side while living in my friend's home. My friend told me that he doesn't want to be in a relationship with her anymore, that he had no idea she had problems of this magnitude when she asked to stay with him for a while. She can be very sweet and caring when she needs something, but when she doesn't need anything, she becomes a ***** who seems to relish in other people's suffering.

    She often threatens to call the cops on my friend, and tell them that he beat her up or is threatening to, and my friend doesn't know how to answer to this. Her guy on the side actually did beat her up last week, and now she keeps claiming that she'll blame the injuries on my friend if he doesn't do as she says. He tried to have her thrown out of the apartment, but her name is on the lease so it hasn't been easy. Also, she knows that if she screams loud enough, the landlord will become angry and evict my friend.

    For some reason my friend is always lured back to her when she becomes sweet or needs something, he thinks its caring but I think its stupid, since I know she can flip immediately if she has any sort of control over someone. I'm not sure how to legally "get rid of her" so that she doesn't bother my friend again in any way, shape, or form, any ideas? I think she has also been threatening his son too, claiming she'll hurt him in some non-physical way. I would really like to see her gone from his life.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Is it natural to feel uncomfortable looking at people with a thousand yard stare?

    I'm not sure why I feel that way, but seeing those stares seems to produce an uncanny valley feeling in me. Three of my friends have acquired this stare, now that they are home from Iraq, and I have found myself unable to re-bond with them after 2 years of not seeing them. Two of them seem like different people, not caring about anything, the third sometimes hangs out with me but seems to have new friends he hangs out with more now.

    Some other questions aside from the topic - Is this natural to lose connection with friends when they return home from active duty? Its really sad, I feel like I don't know the first 2 friends at all anymore, like they are different people.

    1 AnswerSociology8 years ago
  • Which is better to make games - Gamemaker or Construct 2?

    Also, which of the free editions is better - Gamemaker Lite or Construct 2 free edition?

    I was leaning towards Construct 2 because of positive word of mouth recommendations, but I notice that the free edition for it has limited events and layers available. I notice no such limits exist for Game Maker Lite, but on the other hand, I don't know if I want to spend time learning both programs if Construct 2 is the more powerful software when I want to buy a professional edition with all features unlocked. The single feature of Gamemaker that has my interest is the ability to incorporate 3D elements, can Construct 2 also do this? I would be using either Maya 2013 or 3DSMax 2013 to make the 3D meshes.

    I know this is a lone shot in the dark, but my eventual goal is to be able to produce a game that I can sell on the various media websites like iphone, xbox live, or playstation network. I don't know about submitting to the Wii Virtual Store, what would have to be done to submit there.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Can a worker sue another worker for damages?

    In this scenario, a worker is forced to resign from a company. The worker then wins a case against the company due to their forced resignation being handled improperly. As a result, the company is obligated to pay a large damage award to the worker.

    To help pay for this award, other workers are forcefully laid off. Can these workers then sue the company for damages (involuntary loss of a job without good reason), or in the event of the company having no money, can the workers sue the original worker for damages, as the original worker was the one who started the whole mess?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Can the websites with endless surveys be sued for fraud?

    You know the kind of websites I'm talking about, (the ones with endless surveys that promise things like free ipads, free game consoles, free airline tickets, etc etc) that never, ever provide what they promise in return for completion of surveys. Another survey is always waiting to be completed after the previous one. Also the viruses that often come bundled with the surveys suck.

    Is there anyway to sue these websites (or the webmasters) for faulty advertising? Since it is a business agreement between the user and the host, wherein due to the failure of the host to provide compensation to the user for the completion of surveys (or other services rendered) the user may take legal action for adequate compensation? The compensation being the agreed upon price that would influence the user to click the ads that lead to the surveys.

    That, and the ads often appear on reputable websites in the ad space sections, so the legitimacy of these offers may not be viewed as false or a scam to the average user.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • How long should I use an exercise bike per day?

    A friend recently gave me one of his mounted exercise bikes to work out with. I'm 260lbs, I should be 170lbs I think, and I'm 5'10. I think I also have a daily diet of around 2,000 calories and little to no exercise. I want to change that though, hopefully with this bike. How long should I ride it per day? Also how many days a week should I ride it?

    The friend also mentioned that weight lifting wouldn't help me as much as the bike would in regards to losing weight, so I think I will hold off on lifting for now.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Can evidence be withheld in court until an appropriate time?

    If the defense is CLEARLY lying due to the existence of concrete evidence that contradicts the defense, can that evidence be withheld until after the defense's statement, to purjure them as well and prove the case?

    Since, it is my understanding that if the existence of the evidence is known by the defense, they will do everything possible to have it either barred from the courtroom or discredited, hindering the prosecution's ability to rightly prove the guilt of the defense. Or if that is not possible, enter a plea for a reduced sentence, when they deserve the maximum?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • When the paparazzi takes a picture you don't want published?

    How do you prevent them from leaving with photos of you that you don't want seen? Are you allowed to grab the camera and extract the film? What else can be done to ensure the photos are not published?

    4 AnswersMedia & Journalism8 years ago
  • Are personality tests necessary in candidate selection? If so, how to succeed at them?

    On job applications, the personality test is touted as having "no right or wrong answer". Yet, hiring decisions seem to be based off this test, so in actuality, there IS a right or wrong answer. As shown below -

    Right answer = Get the job

    Wrong answer = Get told that "Unfortunately, it seems that you are not a fit with the job being offered".

    If companies are going to play subterfuge games like this, how can candidates "beat" the personality tests so that they stand a fair chance of being hired? Like what the companies are supposed to be offering when they say they are equal opportunity employers?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • Advice on affirmative action employers?

    If I am applying to an affirmative action employer and I am a white male, should I skip the voluntary self-identification portion of the application?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • Is it legal to sell people's social security cards?

    I've seen some social security cards for sale on Ebay, was wondering if this is legal to do? The cards have people's names and social security numbers on them.

    Btw, if it is legal then what other venues would be available to sell SS cards on, other then Ebay?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Is there an un-edited version of the bible?

    I have been told that the King James version of the bible was highly edited for content, so I am not sure if I should go by this bible. Is there an unedited version that I can read? I have been told the dead sea scrolls are an accurate representation, but again, not sure. I would really appreciate your help with this.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • If I can't shoot someone who is punching me and won't stop, what good is a gun?

    I'm aware of the castle doctrine and stand your ground laws, but also of the equal or lesser force regulation. As far as defense goes, what if someone starts a fist fight against you, won't stop, and escape is impossible for you? If you can't shoot him without legal backlash to make him stop, what good is carrying a gun for self-defense?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago