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Thanks for stopping by! Please email me at in case you would like to talk about anything. Things I write may sound wrong to you; I am behind all of my claims and there are enough signs for a sincere person to know God's revelation to all of us is real, you don't need to believe.

  • How many hours in total have you thought about the (possible) truth (in case such thing exists) in your whole life?

    Just 2 examples, you'll understand the picture...

    1)In case you were raised religious, the time you spent reading about your religion doesn't count. However, if you were ever brave enough to question "what if your religion may not be the absolute truth about our reality", then those minutes of honest thinking count. If against such idea you tried to find real reasons that support your faith, those would also do..

    2)For someone closer to atheism side, reading a book about atheism doesn't count, but reading a book, or watching a video related to theistic philosophy stuff with an open mind counts... Or trying to see there is no need for an intelligence (?) in the things that exist by learning more science stuff trying to confirm your ideas also do..

    Thank you for answering (and please be honest with your estimations) :)

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 years ago
  • If you were an omnipotent being, say a god, would you create humans?

    You would probably want to create planets and life, maybe plants and animals (or other things we don't know) that would exist in a nice harmony, like as a human now you may watch TV or paint or play video games for fun. But would you create a living being like human, fully conscious and with a complete freewill, which would also give the power to cause disorder and shed blood?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality3 years ago
  • On a Scale from 1 to 10 How Important is Knowing the Reality about the Reason and Source of Your Existence?

    If you are a rational atheist satisfied by the idea that you are the reason of evolutionary processes, how much did you actually study and understand the details of life to become sure for real about your thoughts? Other than following the mainstream ideas of scientists, I mean.

    If you are a Christian, how much did you actually study the other religions and claims about who Jesus is, and ponder about the possibility that your parents' belief might be not the true one and you might be in a blasphemy?

    If you are a Muslim, how much does it matter for you that Quran is really the words of God or not? Did you compare it with other scriptures? For example Christians believe you will go to hell; what makes you sure they are wrong?

    And other religious or non religious beliefs and world views, let's share our ideas. Thank you all!

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys3 years ago
  • Are Atheists Open-Minded?

    While atheists fairly blame Christians for believing in all the stories of the Bible blindly, don't they make the same mistake by believing that EVERY single thing about life came into existence through evolution naturally, whatever the system is, how incredibly complex it ever is?

    I mean, an ordinary Christian doesn't know everything about his religion and trusts the clergy about the details, right? Details which actually prove the Bible to be the words of man, rather than an All-Powerful entity. On the other hand, while there are many evidences for evolution, are you aware of the details that -might- necessitate the existence of "something else", or do you just follow the world-views of the scientists as your clergy, without criticizing the case seriously for your own sake?

    I've just graduated from university after a 4 year education in Biology and the main reason I chose this field was my curiosity about the real source of life; and now, my textbooks are filled with question marks, especially in Biochemistry, Histology, Physiology, Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics. Actually you may find some honest professors who admit their doubts like I do, but it is always surpassed by those famous "so-sure-atheists".

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Anyone Who Studied Everything About Life For Real And Still Thinks Random Mutations Created It All?

    (Together with natural selection and in enough time?)

    I mean from Molecular Genetics to Histology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Human Anatomy ... to Plant Physiology, everything!

    Well I am a Senior Biology student at College and I've studied various stuff that can never be explained with any unconscious mechanism... Anyway IMO the reason the scientists still "believe" the opposite is that it is the only natural explanation...

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Isn't Believing in a Religion Like Believing that You Will Win the Lottery One Day?

    I am not an atheist with the best respects, but people who blindly accept the blind beliefs of their parents who had just believed their parents blindly before too lame? It's all for a free ticket to paradise let's be honest, how many Christians have wondered the truth for real and thought about the possibility that what they believe in (Bible) is not the words of God? Peace anyway.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Did Any Christian Know These 2 Important Verses From The Bible About Jesus Christ the Messiah?

    Jesus answered,

    "The greatest is,Hear,Israel,

    the Lord our God,the Lord is one"

    **Mark 12:29**

    Going a little farther,

    Jesus fell with his face to the ground and prayed...

    **Matthew 26:39**

    *So, he said that our God is one, his God and your God is the same.

    And also he prayed to God, even falling on his face.

    How do you explain this fact to yourself while ''praying to Jesus''?

    Wouldn't praying to your and Jesus' God be more logical?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Atheists, What if Christianity is Just another Man Made False Religion At All?

    I have no words for pure atheists who have some strong philosophy against any kind of supernature (however they are having such thing i dunno)

    But those who "stop believing in god" or choose to be an atheist from the beginning after realizing illogical stuff in the Bible or the irrational stuff the Christians do or believe in blindly. You know the old story? When ancient Greek people climbed up the Mount Olympus and couldn't see the Twelve Olympian gods that should have been there, they became atheists angrily. You know what i mean i hope...

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Atheists, How Do You Explain Intelligence, Consciousness and Information?

    Put aside every nonsense and crazy stuff you have seen and heard about any religion, anyone who blindly believes in illogical stuff and just explain what you really think about the things mentioned in the title that we observe in life and in Universe and remember that everything is all about blind, dumb, deaf, brainless and totally unconscious atoms according to your world view.

    *I would like to reply to any answer respectfully with making additions so you may check this back if you want...* --And please don't answer with questions criticizing some weak theism.-- THANK YOU

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Atheism vs Christianity Summarized?

    Christianity is wrong bcs of numberless errors and contradictions in a so called words of god book and Atheism is wrong bcs of numberless natural stuff that necessitates the existence of a supernatural being, simple, isn't it?

    actually you two sides are just finding each other's nonsense stuff and throwing them at each other, that's all you do, none of you wonder about the truth! yep you don't!

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • This Goes To Anyone! Have You EVER Wanted The Truth For Real?

    I am not asking this question to promote any religion here. I just wonder how many people wonder the truth only and think, search, study, or pray to find it, ready to accept and follow whatever it is. You know, there are tens of different religious claims as the ultimate truth, so anyone born into any of these has about max 10% luck of following the "real" truth.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago