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  • whats up with y&r people?

    i would love to smack sharon into another planet, im so glad that nick woke up and im so glad that phyllis and jack are back together, i had to laugh the other day wen the guy canes dad and the other Australian guy was sitting at glows and gloria ask them if they wanted a warm up of coffee and she went to pour out of the coffee pot and nothing came out ,and they both said thank-u! please that had me laughing, did anyone else catch that?and why is it that wen phyllis was @ a table on the other side of sharon and the lawyer talking they didn't see phyllis.s fat head hanging over to catch what there saying? is everyone on there that dumb and blind?wasn't that cool what phyllis did ! writing that story about sharon and adam, go phyllis! did u enjoy the Chocolate fight Between phyllis and sharon ? if u could write a couple of scenes parts are change something what would it be?

    3 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • i have a question about how to explain to my daughter about wen you die.?

    Shes 11 now and she has been asking me about what happens wen you die? I"m a born again Christan.I told her that wen you pass away your Spirit goes back to god and your a sleep in christ. she's having a hard time with the sleeping part, and she wants to know where does are body go,which i told her that are body's goes back to dust. we get a new one wen Christ comes here to gather the believers and that the dead in christ shall rise first,i told her that we live with christ for internally. can anyone give me some advise of where to go for chapter and verses in the bible to help her to understand it better ? thank-you for your answers.

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • what the heck is going on on the y&r?

    i use to like sharon !but now shes getting on my last nerve the tramp!.and whats with the happy hooker nikki? theses nasty *** people sleeping around. the only one that i ever seen faithful is jack with phyllis of course the other couples . but victor nikki sharon phyllis nick Victoria billy cant keep they pants on!.well i guess that's why its called a soap.any good spoilers out there?i see this weeks spoiler. what happen to wen they gave you on soap spoilers weeks in advance?

    8 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • whats going on with my arms?

    i don't even know wen this began, but i had this odd thing happen to me about a month ago for the fist time than it happened last night again. i woke up and both of my arms from the middle of my upper arms were so cold and painful.does anyone know what could cause this?

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • what other y&r fans are thinking?

    I'm so happy that Phyllis and jack are together again he really seems to love her.and Phyllis looks happy which she hasn't in a long time.i missed 3 days of it because of being out of town, and i watched all three episodes plus today'.s i loved the Oct feast thing, with Jana acting stupid to Kevin and Chloe move on Jana! and stay away from Noah hes to young for you,what do u think of the new noah?And the whole adam crap, accuse me[ can i have every-ones attention]my name is adam newman. and i have a check for the veterans Charity hes a joke.and that sky who did her hair? phyllis jack and summer look so cute together and sharon nick and that cute little baby faith, that crazy maggie and poor Murphy .don't get to bold maggie a few people are on to you! and what the heck is wrong with jack to start sh** in the hospital and victor started to respond by yelling back shame on them and drama girl abby, i wonder if her and Nikki will get a emmy award for there crying jags this week.and whats happening with cane ?i knew that cop that came to the cabin is in on something that's going on with canes drama.and kevin just don't learn that he cant play with the money and the irs hes going to get busted just u wait and see.hey did anyone else see delia billy and Chloe's daughter in daycare the other day? wasn't she looking about 3 years old. and 2 weeks ago billy was holding a baby in his arms jeez they grow fast! whats your thoughts on whats going on? its really hot right now...

    11 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • why does my boston terrier harry?

    i don't know why he throws up after he eats it seem like he gobbles the food down without chewing and than he will come in the living room amd jump on the couch and upchuck some, i know hes healthy he runs around and plays he loves his hugs and kisses. the big meat ball head.And another question i have his mother to and they say that boston terriers don't bark! well my do they bark at every sound.and the farts we wont go there. and yes they have been on the same dog food .

    1 AnswerBoston1 decade ago
  • on y&R what the heck i?

    . i haven't seen or hear that Chance was leaving. i didn't see that coming and what about these dirty cops?

    4 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • i have a question , does anyone esles out there have?

    pad its plaque in the insides of your artery's of your legs if u do have it what do u do for it , i just found out i have it last thursday, the dr said to walk a lot and lose weight.,charge my eating habits

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • on y&r were you surprise?

    to see Lilly with her real hair thank goodness that wig was nasty and i think that girl that's with Neal's brother has a big mouth always running it, i don't care for her, and i think chance is a jerk,and heather is a slut.

    5 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • i had some testing done on my legs witch is called peripheral arterial evaluation and a hhi echocardiographic,?

    OK this is not me on here I'm sexy mother I'm 49 years old, and i was having leg pain in both legs and i had this test done on my legs were they put these blood pressure cuffs on both legs and on my arms r arm 156 MNG l was 142MNG segetal pressures diminished high pressures, bilaterally raising concern 4 bilateral aortoiliac disease , pressure recovers to normal at the knee but decreases across the knee raising concern of sfa or popliteal obstructed the abi in the posteriors tibial artery is 0.90 on the r 0.77 on the l ,pulse volume recorded demonstrate widened wave forms toward monophasic amplitudes are mildly diminished on the right side significantly diminished in the l thigh, it recovers to normal below the knee remains normal at the ankle level ,i have to see the cvt surgeon, and they want to do a further evaluation with exercise testing /c angiography, my heart test showed a heart murmur,dr remarks is that technically this is a fair study. and i don't smoke, are do any street drugs ,i am very over weight about 60 pds im 5,6 and 240. and i am on meds for high blood pressure and cholesterol prozac and libimictal for bipolar, and ibs pill and one for acid sorry about these words ,there so long, and i hope u can understand them. and im panicking because my my mom god rest her soul had both legs amputated and open heart surgery, and uncontrollable diabetic, and im not diabetic. does anyone know what all this means and can i reverse this disease and if yes how, thank -u

    3 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade ago
  • i have apnea, and i cant stand the cpap machine it drives me nuts, so now,?

    i went to a dentist to see about a mouth Guard and my insurance wont paid for it and i cant afford 1,800, i tried the sleeping shirt it didn't work. so now i need to get mouth piece off the Internet i don't know where to turn, is there anyone out there that bought a mouth guard off the Internet and if so does it work, please let me know and thank-u for your answer.

    2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • So anyone out there use a mouth piece for sleep apnea?

    I tried the c_ pap machine with different mask styles nose pillows, full face mask ,i just cant use them i tried the sleep shir i would just sit up and sleep on my back, so now sleep dr said out piece and sent me to a dentist to get it , but no dentist will take my insurance and it costs 1,800 i cant afford that ,so en back to sleep dr and he said that i could order one off the internet for about 90 dollars, which i will do , my apnea the dr said is moderate its est/level 3 cpt99213,does anyone else buy there mouth piece and can handle it please let me know and thank you for your information,

    3 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • some of my thoughts and questions about y&r?

    what the heck is up with these hair dos on theses actors?nicks looked greasy and slicked back, Sharon's highlights are to white Ashely' looked like a old Lady's do today,please someone throw that wig off Lilly. and Sharon i could just grab her by her hair for kissing Adam! who thinks that she should go back to nick?and oodles to Phyllis I'm glad she woke up about nick and his family,and who else would like to give sky a piece of there mind, shes a snake in the grass, and this tucker, don't get me started on old eye patch or what ever he was called on a different soap.i could go on all night long with these people ,but im stopping here , so i can read your opinions! lol!

    4 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • please need some Information on mrsa.?

    My mom pasted away 4 years ago She was a very sick women, She was a diabetic 4 about 10 yrs and it really started to take a tow on her body. She had open heart surgery at 69 Than,she lost her one leg wen she was 70 and a year later she lost the other leg, She just started to really go down hill from there she had so many surgeries than her last one to put a pic into her chest did her in. She got mrsa, It started attacking her organs and shutting them down she got a 108 temp went into a coma and had so many back to back heart attacks we removed her off life support and let her go,, Now this past week i found out my brother in_ law found out that a small cut on his chin was mrsa, hes healthy and they used a antibiotic and it closed up the sore, N.ow my sister tells me you cant get it from him, that its a different form of mrsa than my mom had and that his system can fight it, i still say that u can get it wen its open.I and i told him to always have it covered wen it is and that he still has it but its not active and i also heard that people that work around a lot of close contact places get it and that it lives in there noses ,im s confused on this , please help me if u know anything,

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • i have netflix and i started watching this Series's of the pillars of the earth and?

    it has 4 episodes on it so i started watching it and i watch 4 hours of it and i really liked it, it was good at the end of 4 jack got chocked to death ,but he was still a live on the wagon. does anyone out there know where i can fine more episodes? please help! im addicted.

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • does the people that write b&b think that people,?

    accept the whole brook thing with brook having sex with Oliver, come on people know there other partners smell well maybe Oliver smelled like ridge i don't know ! i started watching it again a few weeks ago.i really don't understand how anyone can have sex with a young guy and mistake them for a old man like ridge and don't know the difference. like she wont know because the mask and jacket thing, and what really pisses me off is the nick and bridget thing, how could she cheat on him ,boy nothing like jack calling the kettle black, hes been with every women on the show ! well not old stephanie, that old crow!

    5 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • a couple of things that are really bugging me on y&r!?

    1, who else sees the jack and phyllis thing coming?And why did they put danial and abby together? what were they thinking! And sharon should have killed adam ,im glad that phyllis got a backbone,jack always treated phyllis with love and respect.

    6 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • I have a question about salt and high blood?

    I have high blood pressure and i try not to use salt on my foods, but at night i crave for it so so bad that i take the salt shaker at night where my family don't see me and put salt in my Palm of my hand and lick it off. whats wrong with me ? i tried low sodium salt and it didn't take that craving away, does anyone know of any other alternative

    8 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • a couple questions on y&r?

    i use to look on my dvr on saturdays and see what is going to happen on y&r thu out the week, but for the last few weeks and we don't get it ,is other people out there getting this it just said on the family in geno city? and anyone have any good y&r spoilers,

    5 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • can someone help me with y&r and b&b? soaps?

    i really need some good spoilers for young &restless, and bold&beautiful which i don't watch b&b usually but im really interested in the whole bridget and owen baby thing, that's getting good ,now that bridget told owen,and jackie knows,how do think nicks going to take it?Its not like he didn't do it to her with her mom her aunt her half sister, now hes going to see how it hurts to get screwed by someone he loves? im glad she told owen its his,

    2 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago