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Jack Vanit

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  • Attachment image

    Do I have an okay face?

    I'm just curious to know whether strangers think I'm handsome or not. Not sure how peers feel about the beard though, since I'm a senior in high school...

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • I got a guitar that I don't really want as an early present?

    There was a deal on Craigslist for a C1 Exotic Star a few weeks back, that came with a Line 6 amp. It was $750 or trade. My dad showed it to me, and I told him the guitar wasn't the greatest but the deal was really good. The next day he said the guitar was already sold and I should find something else. I got my heart set on a Prophecy EX, but tonight my dad surprised with the Schecter and a bad Fender amp. I feel really bad, and I don't know how to tell him I'd rather have the Prophecy EX, and an amp that works better. I don't want him to feel bad, what can I do?

    1 AnswerPerforming Arts8 years ago
  • Any good starter amps for $130 or less?

    I'm going to be getting a Les Paul Prophecy EX soon as a first electric guitar, and was wondering if there were any good amps for under $130 that can give me a Foo Fighters/Nirvana/Queens of the Stone Age sound. I'm okay with buying a used amp if I have too.

    1 AnswerRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Best semi-hollow guitar for less than $450?

    I'm looking at the Epiphone Dot Black Royal right now, but I'd like some other suggestions. And if the guitar happens to be blue, that'd be a huge bonus. Any ideas?

    1 AnswerRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Best Apple-style earbud?

    What is the best pair of earbuds that just rests in your ear, as opposed to in it, over it, or around it? I listen to rock music, so I don't necessarily want a lot of bass, either. Ideas?

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players8 years ago
  • Roland Micro Cube or Marshall MG30DFX?

    Need a first amp as a beginner guitar player. I'm thinking either a Roland Micro Cube or a used Marshall MG30DFX. Which is the better amp for a $120-$130 dollar budget?

    3 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Dot Studio or Artcore AS53 for first guitar?

    I am looking for a first guitar in the $300 dollar range, and it's down to the Epiphone Dot Studio or Ibanez Artcore AS53. Both have great reviews, and I'm looking to play Foo Fighters' style rock, so which guitar is best do you think?

    5 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Good starter amp for a Foo Fighters style?

    I plan on getting an Epiphone Dot soon as a first guitar, but I have no clue what kind of amp I can get for cheap that can give me a Foo Fighter sound. Any ideas?

    1 AnswerRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Find vertical striped pants for guys?

    I just decided I want a pair of vertically striped pants, buy I don't know where to find a pair. I'd like it if they were jeans, but not skinny jeans...I'm skinny enough. Where can I find some?

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • Are striped pants considered "gay"?

    I recently saw the All American Rejects at a concert, and the lead singer was wearing grey and black striped pants. My physique is similar to his, and I thought they looked cool, but I wasn't sure if I would have to take a ton of crap for them or not. I'm not talking pinstriped, but thicker. And not skinny jeans either. Opinions?

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • How do I join my friend's Minecraft server?

    I could play with my friend on Tekkit Minecraft at his house fine, but now I want to play with him at my house, but it just says "Can't reach server." How can I connect? Do I need to do something, or does he?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • What higher purpose does advanced mathematics serve in high school?

    I am contemplating the point of learning advanced math in high school. Beyond addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, what purpose does it serve? For example, I am currently learning systems of equations, which I am pretty sure is a slightly advanced form of algebra. Why must I be able to solve something so irrelevant and useless? I am a talented artist, and I can not conceive a reason for learning this type of math. It will be of no use to me, and it will not benefit any career I may choose to pursue. Why are we learning it, when I could be studying more important things?

  • Is this a sign my ex may want me back?

    My ex broke up with me on July 7 because she was going to be gone for the whole summer vacation, and didn't think it was fair to me. I made the mistake of asking her out a week before freshman year ended, so we weren't together hardly at all, even though we both didn't like dating but were extremely happy together. I haven't made contact with her since the 7th, after saying I respected her decision even if it hurt me.

    A couple days ago she posted a link about Nirvana on my Facebook timeline. She knew I already knew the information, because I'm a huge Nirvana fan. I commented that I already knew about it (in a joking way, not rude) and she liked the comment and commented herself. I then thanked her for the link over a message, saying that I appreciated it, even if I know everything about Nirvana. She replied with "Haha...yeah. I should have figured, I don't know, it was stupid. I just thought since you have a Nirvana obsession, I might as well share it with you." My phone glitched and cut off everything after the 'I' in "I just," ending it with 'I...' instead. I asked "I...?" then she asked ""I" what?"

    I explained that my phone glitched, and nevermind, and she responded with "...Alrightie then." I don't want to get too hopeful, but the relationship was good and her messages were kinda awkward in what seems like a good way. Opinions on what I should do?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Should I contact my ex? Please help...?

    I got with my ex a week before the end of freshman year of highschool. We were both extremely happy together, but she had to leave for the whole summer, so I wouldn't see her all but once. A few weeks later she broke up with me, and I respectfully accepted her decision but let her know I wasn't pleased with the outcome. I then initiated the "no contact" rule. Neither of us have contacted the other since July 7.

    Last night she posted a link on my Facebook timeline about Nirvana. She knows I'm a HUGE Nirvana fan, so should I break No Contact now? Could I maybe get back with her, considering our relationship was amazing and I didn't beg her not to end it when she did? Should I just wait the week until school starts up again?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Please help! I miss my ex-girlfriend, am I out of luck?

    We haven't been together that long, but I miss her so much. I'm in 10th grade, by the way, so I know that people think we can't be in serious relationships, but I just want help. She left for New York over the summer, and she broke up with me because of the distance, and because "she doesn't know when she'll see me again." She also felt like we were becoming distant, but I didn't want to bug her while she was on vacation. She said "I think we need to spend some time apart..." What can I do? We've both only dated one other person, and I know she is always extremely happy when she's around me. I think she just can't remember how it is to be around me...please answer, I may not know what true love is, but this hurts!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Girlfriend broke up because of temporary distance, what can I do? ?

    I'm in 10th grade, so I know people say that people my age can't have serious relationships, but I just want help. She left for the whole summer, and she claims it would be easier to break up rather than not see each other until school starts. We both suck at communicating over electronics, and she claimed she felt we were becoming distant. We always love the company of each other, so I don't know what to do...I really can't stand it. Is there any way for me to fix this?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Can thick hair grow long?

    Hi, I have VERY thick hair and was just wondering if I can grow it out to look like, say, Kurt Cobain's hair, or at least have a similar look to it. It's annoyingly thick, and I'm hoping that once it gets longer it will naturally fall flat, but I'm not sure. If it is possible, what should I do about upkeep until it's almost shoulder length (my desired length)? Thanks in advance!

    5 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • How to win over a girl when she likes you and another guy?

    First off, I'm in highschool, so please don't give me sexual responses...anyway, I've gotten to know this girl pretty well over the past couple of months. I originally started talking to her because I was into her friend, but I realized that I have way more of a connection with her, and have started to really like her. I went over to her house two weeks, and she acted like she liked me, too (she had some girlfriends over, so it wasn't a "date" or anything). But, while texting me, she called me stuff like "bro" and "bestie". So obviously I got mixed vibes...

    Now, on Monday my friend grabbed my iPod and basically spilled my guts to her on Facebook (on my account). She said that she really likes me a lot, but she had seen another guy over the weekend, and said we "we should just be friends...right now...". My friend later started texting her and she said that she would have gone out with me if I had asked sooner. I don't know what to do...she claims that she is confused, and isn't sure if picking the other guy is the right choice. What can I do to show that she should pick me? I know you can't make someone change their mind, but how can I convince her she would be happier with me?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How do I fix this (9th Grade)?

    Soo I like this girl. I have for a while now. I've only talked to her once, because she sorta knew I liked her, and it felt weird, but we did talk on Facebook a little, although she never really seemed to want to chat. At one point, though, she sent me a message asking "DYLM?" (do you like me). I sorta felt like I just had to own up, and eventually said yes (not bluntly or anything). After this, she started conversations with me, said that a pair of dorky sunglasses I wore one day were "awesome" (and when I told her they broke, she said "that sucks cause I wanted them), and even asked me to draw her (I'm an artist). But then I upset her friend a little bit over nothing (the girl knows that I didn't actually do anything bad to upset her friend) and started talking to the girl about her friend a lot, asking why she was so upset and stuff. After this, she starting conversations with me, and her messages are short and shallow once again. One day, her friends went over to her house, and both of them said that the girl told them that she thought of me as "strictly a friend." Wth? I literally have talked to her once, and once she knew I liked her, she started showing an interest...what can I do to change her view of me? I mean...she's only started to like to chat with me on Facebook after I said I like her...that was only three days ago. So even though I've talked to her ONCE in person and only have started having good conversations over FB for three days, how can I only be her friend and nothing more?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What should I do about this girl?

    So, for a while I liked this girl (I'll call her "X"), but she learned I liked her. She told her best friend ("Y") and "Y" added me on Facebook. We eventually started talking on FB (Y and I) and I actually started to like her. She then started saying stuff like "<3 you bro :)" and things like that. My original crush (X) even asked me randomly if I liked Y. I said no, because it felt awkward, but then, after a few conversations with Y, I really started to like her. She's okay sending me weird messages, even sending me a message that said "F* bra is too small", which made me feel kind of awkward. We were talking a lot, and she thinks I'm "awesome", but lately she hasn't been talking to me as much...and then I learned she got a boyfriend. I don't know what to do, because now I REALLY like her, and I kinda thought she liked me (5-hour conversations, all the "love you bro" messages, and once she even just sent "I love you", sent another message saying that she meant to send that to her best friend (X), but then said "what-evs", and the fact that her best friend randomly asked me if I liked Y), but I guess I don't know...what do I do? Sorry this is so long-winded, but please help!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago