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Favorite Answers21%
  • How to fix my cell phone?

    My cell phone was working fine yesterday morning and last wk. But when I tried to use it this morning (after it was charging last night) it won't turn on all it says is Android. But no visuals come on, how can I fix my cell phone? Any advice? Thanks!

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans5 years ago
  • Why Doesn't my digital camera works?

    I recently bought a digital carmera at Wal-Mart some time ago. But when I tried to take pictures with it I couldn't get the battery chamber closed (I put the batteries in according to the Direction arrows) and it wouldn't turn on. Any advice? Thanks!

    1 AnswerCameras5 years ago
  • How can I get my older brothers to like my boyfriend in the first meeting?

    I'm the youngest in my family with 8 older brothers. We get along great, 3 yrs ago I met a great guy and we really love each other. I met my friends (not mutual) and they really liked him. And I met his friends and younger brother and they all liked me, now its getting to the point in the relationship where he meets my family and I a little worried that they might hate him (our father had passed away 2 yrs ago) and they think they got to be like how dad was when we did the "bring the guy home." half of which left before I got out of my room. 2 put it mildly they are extremelly overprotective of me now. Any advice? Thanks!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Possible scam artists?

    I'm currently trying to rent out 2 bedrooms in my townhouse and I got 2 checks from the 2 girls that want to rent from me. But 2 friends of mine think that it's from 2 scam artists and wants me to alert authorities about it. Now I'm trying to figure it all out, what should I do? Any advice? Thank you!

    11 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • how to tell prior abuse with a cat?

    I just got a cat about 4 wks ago and for the first couple of days things were fine then over the past couple of wks I noticed some noticeable signs of possible abuse (I had one cat that came from an abusive home) she would shy a way when I try to pet her with my right hand and she'll let me pet her with my left for a few seconds then will try to scratch and bite me soon after her previous owners before I got her. Got her from the pound up in Rhode island so her past history is unkown. My mom was here yesterday and she stayed underneath my queen bed in one of my guest rooms the whole time she came out once then when she saw my mom she ran back underneath. Any advice? Thanks!

    2 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • how to handle a tempermental cat?

    I just got a cat who is about 4 years old her previous owners got her from the pound in rhoad island ( sorry about missed spelled words using my phone for this) anyway when I first got her (she's spayed) she seems nice it wasn't until a week ago is when she has started to miss behave she would shy a way when I try to pet her with my right hand and she also starts to growl and hiss and try to scratch and bite me when I try to pet her. Any advice? Thanks!

    1 AnswerOther - Pets7 years ago
  • how to get two female cats to get along?

    I had this one cat for about 3 weeks (so I guess I can call her my reigning queen) I had just got another one 2 days ago and when I let her out of the carrier there was noscratching or hissing going on but the trouble didn't start until Fri. Afternoon though my queen cat stayed upstairs all day. I then put the new cat into one of my bedrooms I have tried the sock idea but so far when I try to introduce them to each other. My queen cat stares and the other one started to hiss and runs back into her safety room. Any ideas? Thank you!

    3 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • How to block accounts on yahoo?

    I'm currently being harassed by certain groups of people on yahoo and I want to block their names from my account all together but I'm not sure how to do that. Any advice? Thanks!

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products7 years ago
  • How to remove an unwanted person from my house with no lease being signed?

    I took in a woman (who was closed to sleeping in her car) I met her through a former friend of mine, it wasn't until a few months ago that her true colors started coming out (and if I knew then what I know now I would never agreed to her staying with me) I have a slight learning disability (Asperger's Syndrome) and I know now that she's taking advantage of me. My step dad and me own the place and his name and mine are on a lease and are the only names recognized by the Home Owner's Association. She never signed a lease with either one of us.

    She has locked me out of my own house (the first time was when she and her boyfriend were in my house doing God only knows what in my house and she claims that she didn't know she locked the old deadbolt "before we changed it" she claims she thought that she locked the bottom lock. The second time was on October 15 she locked the storm door "I want to point out that the door can only be locked on the inside") She has yelled at me on more than one occasion she treats my family like crap.

    She has runs up my water bill and my electric bill (she hasn't once paid the bills nor take me to the store) I can't even sit on my couch and watch my TV in my living room.

    She is the argumentative person I have ever met. She keeps saying that we have to go through the eviction process.

    But we already checked with 6 people (3 police officers 1 being my elder brother, 2 Henrico county police officers, my cousin who's an FBI agent, and 2 lawyers 1 who's a friend of mine and my cousin) all said that she never signed a lease with us we can kick her out at any given time. Any advice? Thank You!

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police7 years ago
  • How to get unlawful person out of my house?

    I took in a woman who was one step closer to sleeping in her car so I've been allowing her to sleep on my couch. Then about 3 months ago (I met her through a former friend of mine) her attitude and his changed I have been locked out (the first time was when they were in my house doing God only knows what) the second time was yesterday (I came home about 4:29 about to take a shower because and I found my storm door which can only be locked from the inside locked) she claims both times that she didn't know that the doors were locked. She has allowed (my former friend) on my property 6 times after I told him 6 different times now "I don't want you to come over without calling me, I don't want you to come over without me being here, I don't want you to ever step foot on my property ever again." The only names that are on the lease are my step dad's and mine and that's it also the only names that are with the Home owner's group as well. Each time I have wanted her out of my house she gets really angry and keeps going on and on about 30 days notice but we already checked with the Police in my area and they told us that since she never signed a lease with us that we can kick her out at any point that we want.

    Now I want her out of my house but I don't know how to go about it. Any advice? Thank You!

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • Kick out an illegal roommate?

    I took in a woman about 2 months ago (I met her through a friend "my former friend" and her current boyfriend in Virginia about 2 months ago she came to me with no other place to live and was close to sleeping in her car so I gave her a roof over her head and my couch there are only 2 names that are on the lease and with the Home owner's Group and that is my Step Dad's and mine there is no written agreement with her whatsoever.

    Anyway it wasn't until 2 months later was when both his and her true colors started to come out, and they have turned my house into their own personal whorehouse, I have been locked out of my house (the first time was when she locked a lock that I didn't have a key for at the time while they were inside having sex or God only knows what and I was locked out for 2 hrs. the second time was when she thought I was home when I wasn't) she has an attitude problem where she picks fights when there isn't something to fight over her temper is so high that she gets mad when there's nothing to get mad over, this past Sun. She got mad at me because I was using MY stove to cook some chicken noodle soup (I have a small cold that I'm now getting over) and she started yelling at me.

    Her boyfriend (who I'm going on record stating that he's married) comes over when I tell him that he was never to step foot on my property at all I tried the polite thing and asking him to call me first, and he wasn't to come over if I wasn't there but he kept on coming over finally I told him if he ever stepped foot on my property (he's on some kind of drug like Angel Dust or something) I would have him arrested for trespassing but he keeps on coming over even when I'm not there. She is the one who keeps going on and on saying we have to get an eviction notice, but yesterday we looked into this and I had everyone from one of my neighbor, to a friend of mine, to the police themselves tell us that I can already kick her out in 10 days notice. Any advice? Thank You!

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • Do I need to evict an unlawful person from my house?

    I met my current roommate through a friend of mine (my ex friend and her current boyfriend) he only told me good things about her saying things like "Oh she can carry her own way etc." The only names that are on the lease and with the Home owner's group are My step dad and mine there is no legal documentation stating that she has any legal rights to live there whatsoever. Anyway it wasn't until 2 months ago was when their true colors started to come out she and him have turned my house into their own personal whorehouse, I have been locked out more than once, her attitude goes from polite to down right hostile.

    When I ended my friendship with him I told him on more than once that I didn't want him on my property but he keeps coming on anyway has tried to break in back in April of this year.

    I have done gentle offers to get her out of my house before but she won't go.

    Any advice? Thank You!

    P.S only helpful advice only please nothing that could get me in trouble.

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • Do I need to evict an unlawful person from my house?

    I met my current roommate through a friend of mine (my ex friend and her current boyfriend) he only told me good things about her saying things like "Oh she can carry her own way etc." The only names that are on the lease and with the Home owner's group are My step dad and mine. Anyway it wasn't until 2 months ago was when their true colors started to come out she and him have turned my house into their own personal whorehouse, I have been locked out more than once, her attitude goes from polite to down right hostile.

    When I ended my friendship with him I told him on more than once that I didn't want him on my property but he keeps coming on anyway has tried to break in back in April of this year.

    I have done gentle offers to get her out of my house before but she won't go.

    Any advice? Thank You!

    P.S only helpful advice only please nothing that could get me in trouble.

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • How to get a long screw out of a door?

    I'm currently changing the locks to my house right now (due to abusive step dad and a negligant mother) anyway I in stalled the bottom lock no problem when I was putting in the dead bolt I accidently put in the wrong screws now I can't get them out. I need to probably need to cut them out. Any advice? Thank you!

    3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)8 years ago
  • How to deal with an abusive parent and step parent?

    My older brother (he's 21/2 yrs older than me) and I both grew up in a abusive house hold (we were both adopted at the ages of 8 and 6 both of our birth parents died when we were kids our mother in a car accident and our father who was a soldier was killed in Somalia) so we were adopted into the family what we grew up in.

    He and I both are getting an inheritance money from our mother and father, Jason recently bought me a Townhouse for I started college recently so I can keep going to class.

    I have a slight learning disability (Asperger's Syndrome and ADD) so I get some money from Social Security Income) our adopted mom got a divorce from our foster dad back in 2006 and we thought that it was over than she met a guy in 2007 and it got 2000 times worse and what they do is:

    1. They are both have been verbally abuse (more him than her) he has called me names like: "*****, whore, slut." When I talk to Jason on the phone or when he and Jason and I are at a store and Jason and I are talking he says things like: "Shut up, *****!"

    2. She and him both are keeping my money from me (Jason paid to break my old apartment lease and he had them sign a contract stating that he was going to buy a place for me without them paying rent or whatever the contract stated that they were going to turn over my Social Security checks over to me at the end of December of last yr. and that hasn't happened at all.) Jason recently found out that they are trying to get my inheritance money.

    3. They both have been physically abusive to me. Jason has seen that first hand and each time it happens he stands up for me.

    4. Lately he has started to touch me sexually. And I tell him not to but he keeps doing it.

    What can Jason and I do to make things better for not just for me but for him as well? Any advice? Thank You!

    5 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • What to do about abusive parent and step-parent?

    My older brother (he's 21/2 yrs older than me) and me grew up in an abusive and he and I thought that back in 2006 when our mom left our dad that it was all over but then back in 2007 she met a guy who is 20 times worse than he ever was. I'm in my third yr in college right now and Jason is happily married with 2 kids of his own. He recently bought me a townhouse close to my college so I can still go to class but he also did it with a understanding that her and our step-dad was going to turn over my Social Security checks over to me (I have a slight learning disability Asperger's Syndrome and ADD) but that hasn't happened at all and to make matters worse is that a number of things are going on and they are:

    1. They have both been verbally abusive towards me (more him than her) but still he has called me things like "*****, whore, slut, asshole, etc."

    2. They both have hit me in the past (Jason has seen this for himself and each time it happens he stands up for me.)

    3. They only give me enough food for only 2 weeks and 2 weeks only and when I run out I have to eat what's left over.

    4. They are keeping my SSI checks from me (Jason made them sign a contract that said that they were post to turn over my checks over to me by the end of December. Jason and me both were adopted by her and her first husband when we were little kids are real parents died yrs ago when Jason was 10 and when I was 8 our mother first she died in a car accident and our dad who was a soldier died in Somalia) both of our parents left us trust funds that now that we are adults are starting to get right now and Jason who is the trustee for me found out that our mother and step dad our trying to get a hold of my trust money that our parents left me.

    What can He and I do to change things for the better not just for me but for him too. Any advice? Thank You!

    1 AnswerParenting8 years ago
  • How to deal with abusive parent and step parent?

    I am slightly autistic with Asperger's Syndrome and I get Social Security Income and I am in my 3rd yr in college and I'm about to turn 29 this fri. My older brother (of 21/2 yrs older than me) just bought me a townhouse and he has seen the abuse for himself and the abuse is:

    1. They are keeping my Social Security money from me the only time I see it is 40 or 20 dollars every three months Jason made out a contract stating that by the end of last yr I was post to get the checks into a checking account in my name and my name only but she and him both have turned their backs on the contract itself.

    2. They have been verbally abusive to me telling me things like "*****, whore, stupid, dumb"

    3. He has touched me in a sexual way more than 20 times in the past 2 yrs.

    4. She and him both have hit me this past Sat. the step parent slapped me over the month. Jason has seen that for himself and each time it happened he stood up for me.

    Jason and me both grew up in abusive household and we thought we got out of it than she thrust him and me into another abusive household again. Any advice? Thank you!

    5 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Grandmother setting up a checking account?

    My grandmother wants to set up a checking account for me. But she lives in TN and I live in VA so she is trying to set it up for me and she wants to know if she can do that in another state while I live in another state. Can she do that? Any advice? Thank you!

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance8 years ago