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  • HSV-2 info from those who know please?

    My best Friend has just been diagnosed with HSV-2. She had a legion on her arm that her Doctor initially thought was shingles. But after a swab test of the fluid, she has been told it is HSV-2. She is 9 weeks pregnant and has caught HSV-2 in the last few weeks, as she was negative in her 6-7 week pregnancy blood test.

    Her doctor said it’s rare to get the legion on her upper arm and have no symptoms on her genital area. He also said it is contagious through the fluid in side the legions and can be contracted in hot, sweaty, moist situations so he believes she got it playing squash, from one of the women there who touched themselves and then touched her arm.

    She is having a really hard time as the pain in her arm is server (and she cant take anything as she is pregnant) as well as having all the other major symptoms like headaches back ach leg aches etc. Her husband has had to take time off work to look after their children as she is in so much pain and is also terrified she will pass it on to them and wont even change her baby.

    Neither of them have been unfaithful, he is negative and she has just contracted it within weeks and has not had sex with anyone but her husband and she has no symptoms on her genital area. I’m a little confused as everything I have read indicates that this is a sexually transmitted disease???

    She is scared of everything, she scrubs her shower after she uses it, she has her own towels and like I said she wont touch her child, I’d really like some facts as what I have read doesn’t match what she is telling me that her doctor has told her. Thanks so much, I just want know what I can about it to support her and to try to ease some of her pain, as she is so scared for her family, children and also for her unborn baby.

    4 AnswersSTDs1 decade ago
  • Help name my new little male kitten please??

    Hi all, I am totally stumped and I can’t find a name I like for my new kitten. He is a seal mitted Ragdoll. I love the name Raja but a friend just named her new kitten that. I want a strong name or a cool cat name, not something cute. If you can think of any names that you like, I would really love to hear them, like I said I’m just stumped. Thanks so much :)

    12 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • How can I tell if cats are playing or fighting?

    My Mother has just moved in and has a cat about the same age as my cat (about 8 to 9 months old) and as we have never owned more then one cat each in the past, we don’t know how they should act together.

    My cat is a Ragdoll and pretty placid but mums has been on her farm and is more of an outdoor cat (and a little wild, although lovely) Mums cat has just been spaded and had the stitches out on Saturday. Now that she has had her stitches out she is getting around the house much more and she keeps stalking my cat.

    They have been chasing each other around the house, but its been getting really rough. The Ragdoll just hisses and drops and doesn’t fight back as much as the outdoor cat who just pounces and pins the Ragdoll to the ground. The outdoor cat tries to flip her and then they make the awful cat screaming noises at each other and I either pick up my Ragdoll and put her on my lap or they run away from each other, but then go back for more.

    To me it looks like the Ragdoll wants to play and she does keep going back for more, but the outdoor cat fights better, is stronger, and I’m not sure if she is playing or fighting. How can I tell? I don’t know enough about their territorial natures and interaction and have no idea how they look when they play to know.

    Also the Ragdoll uses indoor kitty litter and the outdoor cat goes outside but has started using the indoor kitty litter also. So if you think it is fighting any advice on what to do would be great, and if its play then should I be separating them when it gets to rough or just let them go? I’m a terrible softie and love my Ragdoll so much I don’t like seeing her get pinned on the floor and scratched, I worry lol. Oh and they are both females.

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Can you get sick from your cat when your cat is sick??

    I am just wondering if things can be passed from cat to human? My new kitten is sick :( she has diarrhea and is on drops to settle her tummy from the vet, and on a chicken and rice diet for the next 5 days as he said this is easy on her tummy. It is so awful seeing her sick, I just got her on the weekend :( I have been cleaning up after her, I have been very careful and washing my hands every time but it wouldn’t be hard to catch something as I have been around it for 2 days now. Anyway today I have been feeling upset in the tummy and had some diarrhea myself, is it possible that I have caught something? I will ask the vet when I go back tomorrow but just wanted to know if it can happen? Is this sympathy sickness, coincidence, or is it possible? I have been up for 2 nights and am exhausted, upset and stressed over my poor little baby so that might be why I am run down.

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Some advice on my new kitten please?

    The 10 week wait is over and I finally got my gorgeous little ball of fluff on Sunday. She is just adorable, and very clever using her kitty litter straight away (thanks to everyone for advice on kitty litter a few weeks ago) I also asked for some names for her and for those of you who answered I have named her Isis, pronounced Ice ess. My little boy calls her icy, which I think is very cute to! Anyway I’m so excited I’m rambling so I’ll get to the question. I was concerned about how my little dog would act with a new kitten, but my dog is being wonderful with her, it’s the kitten that is terrified of the dog. She is aching her back, hissing and scratching my dog when she comes to close. And they keep having these staring standoffs, the kitten is fine until the dog moves. What should I do? I know its only day 2, so should I just be supervising and letting them sort it out themselves? Do you think kitty will get used to the dog and stop her hissing and scratching? I’m just worried that our dog will lose an eye the way they are going, but the dog is so good with her she just wants to say hello but is scared of the kitten and backs off lol. Anything I should be doing or some advice would be great!!!! Thanks so much :)

    12 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Kitten urinating in indoor garden, ideas to stop this?

    I am asking this question for my mother. Our family cat of 16 years had to be put to sleep a few months ago and in her old age she started not wanting to brave the cold outside to toilet and instead was using the indoor garden. Now 3 or 4 months later mum has got a new kitten for the family but she is trying to use the same spot inside as our old cat. I read that cats do this because the smell of previous animals is really strong to them even though it has been cleaned. So Mum wants to stop this behavior ASAP. The kitten is really good and goes outside, she has a cat door and is really good about using it and gets lots and lots of praise when she goes outside, but she still tries to use the indoor garden as well. It is full of alive plants and is a big stone planter box so it can’t be removed. Any ideas on how to stop this or anything we can spray around live plants that will deter kitty? Oh one more thing, mum has tried one thing that you sprinkle around, not sure of the name of it I think its some sort of orange crystals but its not helping, and she has tried putting pebbles on top of the dirt but kitty still just tries to dig the pebbles out of the way to get to the dirt.

    10 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Bladder stones removed now is on special diet but won’t eat it, need alternate diet ideas? PLEASE HELP!!!?

    My mum has an adult Maltese/ Shih Tzu that has just had 3 large stones removed from her bladder and has now been put on an extremely strict special diet. She is ONLY allowed to have the Hills Canine C/D antioxidant formula, which is a prescription diet. It is low in phosphorus magnesium and low in Sodium. The trouble is that she is a very very fussy eater and has been fed people food (left over’s from dinner) with her dog food all her life and she will not touch this prescription food. Its getting really bad, my mum has asked her Vet but they are not interested in helping provide an alternate diet they just say feed her the hills. So I was wondering if any dog lovers on here have had a dog with bladder stones removed and/or have had to give there dogs a low phosphorus magnesium low sodium diet and if so is there any foods that she could cook up as she is willing to make any special meals she can that our dog will eat. Or if anyone knows any good websites etc, any advice will be much appreciated. Thanks :)

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • UPDATE!!! to Undeveloped pregnancy, Miscarriage question?

    here is the link to the last post

    Thank you everyone for your prayers for my friend!!! I have an update. She got her blood test back and she had high hormone levels 40 000 so the doctor said this indicates 7 - 8 wks pregnant. The doctor thinks maybe it was too early to see baby last ultrasound and she has another booked for 2 wks if they don’t find bub in the next ultrasound the doctor says she has to go to the hospital for D and C because then it definantly hasn't developed. Still more waiting. She doesn’t want to get her hopes up incase she gets them broken again.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Undeveloped pregnancy, Miscarriage question?

    My friend is 8 weeks pregnant. She had an ultrasound and the uterus has grown but a heart beat couldent be found. They said her body is holding on to the pregnacy even though her baby may not be growing and so today she had a blood test to see if her HCG levels are at the right level for 8 weeks, if not then they will usume the baby isnt growing (she has to wait for the test to come back) Then she will need a D & C. She will have the option to wait and see untill 12 weeks to see if there is a heat beat then but they advise not to as she may get an infection. They also said maybe she isnt 8 weeks yet and the baby is to small to be seen on scan yet so wouldent this mean her HGC levels would be lower, so how can they tell? She has been trying for a baby for over a year now so she is just deverstated, this being her 1st baby :( Has anyone had this happen? I want to know if there is any chance the ultrasound just didn’t find or see the heartbeat? Do you think she should wait till 12 weeks and risk the infection? I personally think she should wait, I mean there is NO bleeding, her body isnt dispeling the baby so maybe they are wrong? Anyone been though this?

    15 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • My friend needs help, can she get her milk back?

    My friend is on her 3rd baby and really wanted to breast feed this time round, as she didn’t do it for long with her 1st 2. Unfortunately her baby had seizures when she was under a week old and they were in hospital for over a week. She could have fed her baby in hospital but at the time was really scared to as baby was hooked up to monitors and also she was scared her little girl would have another seizure in her arms. She did try pumping (I gave her my pump) but I think being so tired and worried it didn’t happen :( now her little girl is home and healthy, she is 5 weeks old and my friend has no milk. She feels like she has failed and asked me the other day if there was anyway to get her milk back so I think she is ready to do it. But I’m not sure she can. I told her to talk to her doctor and to try to pump, or put baby on her breast and see, as its supply and demand, but nothing at all is coming out. Does anyone know any ideas, or is it to late? I feel really bad for her, I know this was something she really wanted to do, and now she feels like she has failed.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How do I clean out a kitty litter?

    I have always had cats that go outside so I’ve never had to use a kitty litter before, but I am about to get an inside cat. Everything I read on cleaning them says that you scoop them a few times a day and then clean and disinfect them once a week. This is fine, the scooping out the poops is obvious but I don’t understand the cleaning out once a week. Does this mean that you only empty and change the litter once a week? Or do you empty the litter once a day and only disinfect it once a week? If you only empty the litter out once a week then what about the whole weeks worth of wee, wouldn’t this get smelly? Sorry if this sounds like a silly question but what I have read hasn’t been very clear, all they say is clean regularly, scoop a few times a day and clean out once a week. And I need to know how often to change the litter? Thanks heaps :)

    13 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Cute girly name for my Ragdoll kitten?

    I have just put a deposit down on a beautiful Ragdoll kitten. She is a seal point so will be light in the body with the dark tips and blue eyes. I’m so excited!!!! I have to choose a name so the breeder can start calling her by name. I really want a cute, very girly name for her, any ideas? Also I have bought a litter tray and litter, food and food bowls, bed, scratching post, collar, brush and a few toys, is there anything else that I will need that I cant think of? Thanks heaps!!! :)

    17 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Is the Ragdoll the largest domestic cat?

    Hello, I have been reading up on Ragdoll cats and lots of people say they are the largest domestic cats. Then I have also read that the Maine Coon is the largest. Could anyone clear this up for me and tell me what the largest domestic cat is????

    8 AnswersCats1 decade ago