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One of my all-time favorite things is the bicycle scene in Muppets Take Manhattan. Other favorite things: Springsteen The Outsiders Princes of Ireland Gangs of New York Jaws The Iron Giant This is my name list, if you want to vote!
Firefox- instead of writing "" how can i make it go while only writing "example" in address bar?
i was using Firefox then as well.
Its possible i was using an add-on, but I don't think I had any... I'll check out the add-ons, thanks!
1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade agoLooking for interesting C girl names!?
I am looking for suggestions of girls names that begin with the letter C.
Classic and/or unusual, but not silly.
Along the lines of Chloe or Celia.
24 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoSirius XM Radio in a Prius?
I have Sirius Radio in my Jeep, but I'm looking to trade in my car for a Toyota Prius.
One option on the Prius is to include XM capabilities, but I'm just wondering if I can use my Sirius account in the Prius.
Does anyone have any knowledge regarding this?
I'd really rather not cancel my Sirius in favor of an XM acct...
1 AnswerToyota1 decade agoWhich version of this name do you prefer?
I love both Margaret and Marguerite. But, I don't think I could use both of them for my kids...
Both are family names.
Margaret Bernadette is a favorite combination for me - a beloved Great Aunt's name.
Rosanna Marguerite is another favorite - both of my grandmothers' names.
Which version of this name do you prefer?
What would you combine with either name?
This is my current namelist, though, it changes.
I currently have Delia Marguerite, and have had Saoirse Marguerite, Margaret Helen, and Beatrice Marguerite. I guess I haven't tried Marguerite in front too much.
Anyway, just looking for some further opinion... thanks!!
8 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agowill you vote/comment on the changes i've made to my namelist?
I've just been experimenting with some new names on my namelist. A lot of the names are the same, but I've been trying some new combinations.
Let me know what you think:
Which of each gender are your favorite and least favorite?
Can you comment on or rank them?
Thanks! I appreciate the input.
Also, I'll gladly vote on yours if you just leave a link!
3 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoI have a black and white image in PHOTOSHOP - can I print it in brown instead of black?
I don't know much about Photoshop, but I made a simple image in black, but I want it to print in brown. Is there anyway to do this? Thanks!
4 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoLooking for more insight - Vote on my namelist?
Hi all,
Looking for some more opinions...
Please vote on my namelist!
If you have any thoughts to offer, I'd love to hear them.
If you post a link to yours, I'd be glad to vote on it as well!
Thanks in advance:
14 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoWhat do you think of this girl's name?
I've been thinking a lot about the name Delia lately. And, I was looking to hear your opinions on her.
First, a few questions:
What does the name Delia make you think of?
Do you like it, why or why not?
What do you think Delia's three sisters and three brother's would be named?
Do you prefer her in the first or middle name slot?
What would you pair with her?
Some info:
I have many (manymanymany) Bridget's in my family tree. One pioneering Bridget went almost exclusively by Delia. But, I also have an Aunt Bridget who went by Bridie. I'm not sure which nickname I'd embrace if I were to name my daughter Bridget.
I do think Delia is different enough to be used on her own, but I'm not sure that I'd want to have sisters name Delia and Bridie - too much Bridget! We'll see. I'm looking forward to hearing your opinions.
This is my namelist, which has gone under some recent renovations:
If you want to post yours, I'll be glad to vote on it.
8 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoMore changes: Vote on my namelist?
Hi all,
I'm feeling mercurial. I've changed my namelist again. Shifted some names, kept others; deleted some names, added others. I took into account the comments I received on my last update.
If you wouldn't mind, I'd appreciate your vote. Also, if you have a list of your own, you can post the link and I'd be glad to vote on it.
Please, rate and comment if you can. I really enjoy your input.
One note: If I ever do use Francis for my son, there's a 99% chance his middle name will be Xavier - but, still, I like to play around with the names. I'm trying to find their perfect fits!
7 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoHow do you feel about the girls name Regina?
I recently added Regina to my namelist, and she has gotten a surprising amount of negative feedback.
Firstly, I was wondering what your general feelings about Regina were. Why do you or don't you like her?
Further, I currently have her as a middle name for Niamh, which has garnered the least amount of votes for the girls on my list. But, on my previous list, I had Niamh with Magdalene, which had the highest rating of any name on my list! This is so confusing to me.
So, what would you pair with Regina other than Niamh? I only like Regina as a middle name - mainly because I don't like the nickname Gina. Do you prefer her as a first or a middle?
On a scale of 1-10, what would you rate Regina?
Also, the following is a list of comparable names. Will you please organize them by how much you personally like each? This should be very interesting to me!
Lastly, this is my namelist, if it helps you at all:
Thanks so much!
14 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoWhat do you think of this boys name?
I like the name Gerard very much. It's a bit of a family name, but even without that, I think it has a great, strong sound.
I'm wondering what others think about it, though. On my namelist, I used to have the combination Art Thomas, which was fairly well-liked, compared to the other names, and spent most of its time in the middle of the votes. I altered it to be Art Gerard, and it's spent the entire time as the least liked name on my list!
I'm not sure if it's because of Art or Gerard. But, I'd like to know how you feel about Gerard.
What does it make you think of?
Will you please rate it on a scale of 1-10?
Do you prefer Gerard or Gerald (or some other similar name, perhaps: Gearóid, Gerhardt, Garrett, etc)?
Who do you think Gerard's siblings are?
What about a few middle names for him?
Or, do you think he's better as a middle name himself - what would you make his first name?
This is my namelist, if it helps you at all:
Thanks for answering!
8 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoWill you please vote on my namelist?
I've updated my namelist and was hoping I could get a little input.
I have many of the same names, and some in different combinations, but also some new names that haven't considered too seriously before.
Let me know if you voted. Post a link to yours, and I'll gladly return the favor.
If you can, could you rate the names and comment on any/all? I really appreciate feedback!
13 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoWhich girl's name do you prefer?
I like all of these. I want to use one eventually when I do have children. But I'm not sure I know which form I like best...
Will you please rate and comment on these names? Also, do any strike you as more of a middle name than a first name?
What first/middle names would you put with each? What siblings do you see (2 boys 2 girls) for your favorite forms?
Can you think of any other forms of the name? [Excluding, of course, simple misspellings!]
Madeline (MAD-uh-lynn)
Madeline (MAD-eh-line)
Magdalene (MAG-duh-lynn)
Magdalene (MAG-duh-leen)
Madeleine (mad-eh-LANE)
Lately, I've been thinking about the name combination Niamh Magdalene. But, I think I might not prefer that form... I'm undecided! I'm excited, though, to get some other opinions!
14 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoWhat do you think of these Russian baby boy names?
I think male Russian names are super sexy. They're dominant and interesting. Kind of intuitive, but certainly different. I'd love to
Will you please rate these on a scale of 1-10, and comment on each one?
Would you choose any of them for your boys? Which do you like the best, and the least? Do any of these names have significance to you personally?
Thank you!
20 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoWhat do you think of these Jewish baby names?
If I were Jewish, or if anyone in my family were Jewish, I would love to name my girls one of these names - I think they're beautiful. Although, I do like some more than others.
Will you please rate them on a scale of 1-10, and comment on each one?
Would you choose any of them for your girls? Which do you like the best, and the least? Do any of these names have significance to you personally?
11 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoWhat do you think of these Greek names of Mythology?
If I were Greek, I'd definitely choose one of these for my girls. But, I would feel funny using them since I'm no where near Greek.
If you could rate on a scale of 1-10 the names below, and then comment on them each. Would you choose any of them for your girls? Which do you like the best, and the least? Do any of these names have significance to you personally?
17 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoName Game: life stories?
1) You're 14. Your mother finds out she's expecting - surprise! What name do you suggest for the new baby girl?
Does your mom take your 14 year old advice? Go to 2.
Does your mom name her something else? Go to 3.
2) Your mom finds your name choices particularly sophisticated for a teen. Well done. Three years go by, you're now 17. You meet the 20 year old love of your life at a Bruce Springsteen concert. You're pregnant at 18. A baby boy comes. What do you name him?
You name him after your love: go to 4.
You name him after Bruce Springsteen or a Springsteen song: go to 5.
3) Your mother doesn't think you've quite got the right idea yet. Maybe when you're older. Three years go by, and you've been accepted to college in Vermont. You meet a hippie and have a fling. Around graduation time, you get pregnant, and a baby boy comes. What do you name him?
Do you move in together? Go to 4.
Do you go your separate ways? Go to 5.
4) You've moved in with your love and your bouncing boy. You're intensely happy. Five years go by. Your partner takes a job overseas.
Do you uproot your family and go to Eastern Europe (go to 6).
Or, do you stay behind with your son (go to 5)?
5) So, it didn't work out with baby's other parent. That's ok. You and your son can handle it. You find a job away from home in the Southern United States. You meet someone else, fall hopelessly in love, and get married. Two baby girls come. Your Southern mate wants to name her after his grandmother and sister. What are their double-barrelled names? Tragedy Strikes when an Elderly neighbor, the sole caretaker of a 3 year old boy passes away. You adopt the boy. What is his Southern name?
Go to 8.
6) When you reach Prague, you find out you're pregnant again. Twins come. Both girls. You want them to have names that reflect their new Czech surroundings their middle names can be whatever you want. What do you name them?
Go to 7.
7) The kids get along famously in the Czech Republic, and the girls are beginning to speak a Czech-English mix! Your partner is given the opportunity to transfer back to America. Tragedy strikes when your elderly neighbor passes away, and was the sole caretaker to a 3 year old boy. You adopt him. What is his name?
Do you bring him back to America? Go to 8.
Do you decide stay with him in Prague? Go to 9.
8) You move your whole family to North Carolina. You live in a beautiful house with a wraparound porch. You can see the ocean from your bedroom window.
Is this your dream life is there nothing you would change? Go to 11.
Are you still open to more children, and changes? Go to 12.
9) The six of you are very happy. You have a dog, a historic home, a bilingual family, and it's your 10 year anniversary. Your love takes you to see Springsteen in Munich! 9 months later, you have another girl! Is she named for an E Street song (go to 10)?
Or, does she get a German name (go to 11)?
10) Your family has grown so much, and you're still under 30!
Are you done having children? Go to 11.
Or are you not ruling it out yet? Go to 12.
11) You have had the time of your life. You decide to settle down, and get another dog. You live in a beautiful old home with lots of land, and wonderful neighbors. Congratulations, enjoy it!
12) Just when you thought it couldn't get any better, you find out you're pregnant with twins. These will be your last children. You're 32, and you want to name them your ideal names. One is a boy and one is a girl. What do you name them?
Thanks for playing!
Oh my god. That took way too long to make!
4 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade agoAre you named after someone in your family?
Part 1:
How many of you are named for someone in your family?
Are you a Jr. or a IV? Or maybe named after your great great grandmother?
Or maybe only your middle name is from your family tree - in which case, how far from other family names is your first name?
Part 2:
Do you think you will (or have you already) continue that sort of tradition with your own children?
Or will you go a different route all together?
If you are not named for family, do you think you might name your kids for family? Why or why not?
This sort of thing interests me a great deal. I personally love ancestry and family trees, and particularly the names I find on them. I love the idea of honoring members of a family with the new generations names, and I love having my grandmother's name in my name.
But, I'd like to see what the general consensus is and if anyone can give me any other opinions on the matter!
Note: please answer thoughtfully, not just a list of yes and no's!
23 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoPlease vote on my names?
I've updated my name list. I wonder if you wouldn't mind voting.
What are your favorites from each gender, and least favorites? What would you change?
Thanks for your time! I'm glad to vote on any other namelist, as well, if you provide a link!
16 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoWhat do you think of these names?
This is a beautiful name. Unfortunately I think it's very dated sounding. I wouldn't use it, but I really like it. Florence hit her peak in the 1890s, and hasn't been in the top 100 since the 30s.
I think this is a pretty cool name. But, personally, I think it sounds better for a dog. It means "red-haired." He hit his peak in the 1880s at 110. He never made it into the top 100.
I love this name! It's so cute - and I used to love the Ramona Quimby books (I also had a stuffed reindeer named Ramona, when I was a kid)! Ramona has also never been in the top 100, but she peaked in the 30s at 186. She is a feminine form of Raymond, which means "advice, protector."
This name is cute, too, I think. But suffers from its use on Seasame Street (even though I love SuperGrover). He reached his peak at 86 in the 1880s and hasn't been over 100 since.
So, the questions:
1. How do you feel about each of these names? What do they make you think of? Also, can you rate them on a scale of 1-5, 5 being best?
2. If you were going to use any of these names, what middle names would you give them? And, nicknames?
3. What other style names do you think match these four? Consider sibling sets. At least two of each gender, please.
12 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago